Chapter 14

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And that's what I did. I let my father keep following me everywhere. It's only day 2 into the agreement and I think I might explode. I swear he watches me sleep but I can't say anything about it. My only escape was the forest but even then I have trouble getting away. While Astrid was training with the others, I would sit with Toothless. Sometimes I just need to get away from everyone and just spend time with Toothless. We spent the morning chasing each other around until he picked me up and threw me into the lake. He knew that I would get him back big time. We chilled in the water for a while having water fights and Toothless won every time since he is so much bigger than me. We spent a few more hours playing around when I suddenly felt hungry. When I went searching for Toothless to tell him, I heard steady breathing a few metres from me meaning he was asleep. I chuckle to myself and made my way out of the forest.  

I arrive to the Great Hall for lunch and hear Astrid laughing with the others. I made my way towards their direction when I felt a shadow cast over me. I took a deep breath trying not to lose my temper. I let a small sigh. Why can't he leave me alone?
"Hi, dad. What's up?"I take another breath to keep myself calm.
"Son! Want me to walk you to your table? Wouldn't want you to trip on anything"
"No dad. I can manage myself. Thanks." I say making my way around him walking right up to the table and sitting down.
"So how was that conversation?" I heard Astrid say next me wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Torture. I don't know how much longer I can last" I simply say leaning my head onto her shoulder.
"Just a few more days." She says running kissing my head. I heard Astrid slide a plate closer to me.
"Eat something, then we can go on a walk" I smile and start eating thinking how are we going to get away from my father.

After eating Astrid grabs my hand and we start to walk out but was stopped but a loud voice. Silencing everyone's conversations, making the room still.
"Hiccup! Where are you going?" We stopped walking and I turned around so I was facing my father's direction. I waited until he was in front of me before talking.
"We're going to forest. Astrid hasn't spent time with Stormfly today so we thought that we would do it this afternoon." I tell him hoping he would let us go.
"Not alone you're not!" He sternly said. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him. Seriously?
"I'll be with Astrid." I say as calmly as I can. I want to survive the week but I'm really losing it right now.
"I don't care. I'll come with you. Just give me a second." He says turning around to walk away.
"Ok that's it! You're not coming with us. I spent YEARS by myself with no one but Toothless looking out for me. I spent weeks here with no one following me around but now you know who I am you can't leave me alone. I'm not a child anymore. I didn't need someone looking out for me then and I DEFINITELY don't need someone looking out for me now so please for the love of Thor just leave me be!" Sorry Astrid, it didn't last a week. I just couldn't do it anymore. I knew I wouldn't last but that was the last straw and she knew that. I feel her squeeze my hand letting me know she was still there.
"Hiccup, you're my son and I'm supposed to look out for you."
"Not if your son is an adult and hasn't needed you for 4 years. I don't need you to take care of me anymore and stop trying to make up for the time you lost with me. You're the one who wanted to kill the only friend I had and you're the one who wouldn't listen to me. That's why I left in the first and that's why I'm leaving again." I explained. I walk out of the Great Hall, leaving my father and village behind once again but this time I heard light footsteps following me. Astrid turns me around and pulls me into a tight hug.
"You want to show me your island now?" she says. I laugh and we walk to the woods to grab our dragons.

We walked in silence. Neither of us saying a word to each other. I listen to the wind blowing in the trees, making calm rustling noises. We arrived at the cove and all I can hear are playful roaring noises and water. Which can only mean one thing, Toothless and Stormfly are having a water fight. I love how quickly they got along and no matter what they are always there for each other like Astrid and I.
"Hey Bud guess what? We're going home" out of nowhere, I was tackled onto the ground getting covered in dragon saliva.
"Toothless get off me" I playfully said trying to push home off. I smiled at him and got on his back.
"Let's go" I say to Astrid and she gets onto Stormfly and we flew to my island. My home.

Ok! I'm sad to say that this book is coming to an end. Only 2-4 chapters to go after this one. I finally know how I am going to end it. Hopefully it will be done before Christmas so I can focus on my other book.

Also! You've probably noticed that I have a new about me published and I was hoping you guys could ask me questions you want know such as:
-coming out story
-face reveal
I'm opened to answering anything you guys want to know so please write or ask something :):)
Next update will be tomorrow or the day after since you guys wanted it in two parts

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