Chapter 17: Snakes Part II

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Ethan's face dropped before I charged towards the witches. I had to stop them. I had to help.

I couldn't let all of this be for nothing.

We couldn't let her bring her father or Hagan out.

I prayed that our loved ones on the other side were helping–that my father was there, watching and helping.

My father.

I so badly wanted to tell him that I forgave him and my mother for doing what they did–for hiding me.

Ethan was behind me, yelling after me but I didn't listen, I dodged a stream of purple hazy smoke, then jumped up over the witches heads–twisting around to avoid magic being thrown at me.

It was like hitting a trampoline. I hit what looked like nothing, but it smacked my body hard and sent me flying back through the air. Dominic zipped forward and lunged up–catching me while Bernard used the distraction as an opportunity to break the witches line as a series of blue smoke that looked like waves of water running as horses charged towards them. It knocked them down like dominoes and encompassed them in a cloud, long enough for Bernard to crack his neck and walk forward.

Dominic landed and put me down then pulled me behind another boulder. "I warned Hadrian, I wasn't the best baby sitter."

"No, but I think you've done a good job Dom," I replied back with a sad smile before I hugged him. He quickly hugged me back then smiled down at me, his eyes holding a pain that he seemed to always carry with him. "He would be very proud of you."



Ethan pulled me to him right as Dominic zipped forward and sent his hand through a warriors neck, ripping out his vertebrae before he turned back at us. "We need to go."

"Where's Wynona?!"

Dominic pointed to a set of trees behind the rock. "She'll be safe, they don't know she's there. We need to go now, though!"

"Where's Andrea?!"

Dominic snarled and looked at another warrior, his eyes dialing while he tugged at his hair. "Everything I told you before, forget it. Get your men and get their asses here!"

The warrior stopped and shook his head, like he was waking up for he first time. Jaxon marched over and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Go. Now!"

Andrea dodged a stream of pink dust before she made it to us behind the boulder. She looked at me for a long moment before she gently hugged me, her skin slightly shaking. "You have a lot to tell me."

I sucked in a sharp breath and shook my head. "I didn't know."

"Alex will come for her," Jaxon said.

Dominic snarled. "Well, probably time my maker and I talked about it. He will not touch her."

"Her father–" Andrea murmured. "He–"

"Was my best friend," Dominic said.

I bent around the boulder right as two more cracks sounded. Caleb and Daphne had 'poofed' in. Caleb shook his head like he was getting over a dizziness before he marched forward, matching crackling around him while Bernard fought with a few more witches still protecting Aurelia, who had her hands to the sky while the stones glowed more.

"The rogues?!" Ethan yelled.

"I assume coming now! Where is Hayden?!" Jaxon yelled back over the commotion of magic crashing into magic.

"Jaxon and I will go to the border and hold the line! You three help Bernard and wait for Levi!" Andrea called out.

"Evan should be here soon with my men, I'll send them there!" Ethan replied as more sounds like fireworks boomed around us.

Dominic smiled deviously then looked around the boulder. "Want to find out how fun compelling people can be?"


He zipped out around from the boulder and walked straight to a witch, who passed out at his feet. He looked to another, snatched her fingers and staring at her before she turned around with her fiery orange hair and started to fire orange streams of smoke at her fellow witches.

Ethan looked at me for a long moment, opening his mouth and closing it again. "Ethan we can't let whoever she's calling out!"

He looked around the boulder at the mess of clouds of magic and the bright light that the bloodstones were now giving off. "Levi's close."

"Well, then let's make sure she doesn't my so-called uncle out," I barked out before I started to run towards Dominic.

Ethan chased after me as I jumped over a compelled warrior that was coming for me and twisted around magic as I got closer to where Dominic was snapping the head of another witch. Aurelia clapped her hands together, yelling out a series of words that caused the ground to shake.

The rock cracked.

It was like when a rock hits the windshield of a car and creates a crack that slow snakes its way across the entire thing.

It cracked, then it started to open.

I felt my blood turn cold while my eyes watched in horror. Bernard yelled something out and nailed Aurelia with a stream of gray magic that drew a sharp out of her lips. She held onto her side where she was hit and looked around, the rock still opening and ground still shaking, while Caleb and Daphne rushed to the table with the books and frantically flipped through the pages.

Aurelia screamed out of anger then clapped her hands back together, singing something to the moon before she opened them.

It was like a wave.

A rush of green came towards us.

It was like energy flowing towards us, an energetic wave that hit me with all the power of angry water. It pushed me, pulled me, and rolled me around while I frantically tried to grab onto to something to steady me. I felt a hand grasp mine and pulled me to them.


Clinging onto him while we flew through the air, landing now far from where Daphne was standing behind Caleb as his hand held out what looked like an invisible umbrella that protected them and the table from the green wave. Ethan grabbed me and pulled me with him as he crawled over through the thick strong green wave until we were out of it and within the shelter that Caleb's forcefield provided.

Daphne turned and ran to us, she helped me up while Ethan scrambled up as well. "She cannot open it! We don't know what will come out!"

"How do we stop it?!" Ethan yelled out as the wave rushed passed us.

"In the books, Caleb and I are looking but we need time!"

I could feel them coming. I could feel Levi and all his wrath marching forward. I felt relief sweep over me until my eyes landed in front of me.

In front where Aurelia sent what looked like a black whip at Bernard, cracking it and sending him flying back. Another witched poofed in front of her, Wynona's hair in her hands while she thrashed around.

Dominic paused and eyed the human in horror as Aurelia smiled. She smiled as the green settled to revel what she had done.

The other side.

It was a big arch of light with a wall over it that looked fluid and shiny–almost like a soapy water rippling from a drop of water falling into it.

"Oh my God," Daphne breathed out. "Oh, Caleb."

"We need to work faster!" he barked out. "Come on!"

Daphne ran back up to the table with Caleb while Ethan and I stared in horror. The other side of the moon was chaotic.

There were lines and lines of wolves and people at the front of the portal, like a barricade as fighting went on behind them–shadows versed wolves and man. Their skin was glowing, it was like everything glowed over there with moonlight.

"We have to stop her!" I yelled out as Aurelia started to chant again.

"You take left, I've got right!" he called out right as another explosion sounded. A horn went off, a horn of distress coming from towards the mountain.

The mountain with trees and bushes that were now catching on fire. A fire that seemed to lick its way down like rain. My heart stopped while Ethan's mouth dropped in horror. "Andrea...."

"Charlotte, we don't have time!"

I nodded then eyed the witch on the left protecting Aurelia. Looking back at Ethan with a soft smile, I started to dash towards her.

Dominic caught sight of me; he had his hand in the middle of some witches chest when he yelled out at me, but I didn't listen.

Ethan was hauling ass towards the other witch; dodging clouds of smoke, electricity, and watch looked like whips coming towards us. I jumped over a yellow cloud of smoke sent towards me then ducked what looked like a ball of lightening.

My beast pushed me harder; she was close. She wanted out but she understood why we had to stay in our skin for now; she understood and she swelled inside of me with love and her strength because she knew we would need all we have right now.

I jumped towards the witch, her green hair like leaves in the wind before she shot out a ball of what looked like green fire towards me. "Charlotte!" Ethan called out before something knocked him over from the side.

Flying through the air, I landed somewhere on my ass. My head was spinning and my stomach burned where the magic had gotten me. My vision was impaired, it was fuzzy. I tried to stand up but my limps were weak; too weak to get me up in time to see the witch coming for me while Aurelia kept chanting as magic flowed out of her hands like cool blue white streams; the bloodstones glowing brighter and feeding what looked like the portal itself with their energy.

The witch held her fingers up to me while I tried to scramble up, and snickered at me. "Tell your father hello King."

"Get the hell away from my sister," a voice snarled out.

The witches eyes widened, but before she turned around, a hand glowing with moonlight like the rest of the wolves and people in the portal shot through her chest and pulled out her heart. She fell over with a sharp cry, leaving Lucas standing in her place with her heart.


"Come here," he rushed out before he helped me up. He quickly crushed me to him and pulled me behind a tree before he looked back at me. "I'm sorry, I–we didn't know. He still had our memories, mom just told me. I–"

"It's not your fault, it's ok. Where's Ethan!"

"Here!" Ethan said as he ran with Eli in tow towards us and our current tree of safety.

Eli high fived Lucas then looked back at me. "Well, Charlotte, how's it going?"

Ethan snarled at him before we looked around the tree. I looked at Lucas and shook my head. "How is this happening? How can you do this?"

"We've got other important things to worry about sis," Lucas quickly replied.

"She's trying to call her dad forward and call Hagan forward," Eli quickly explained. "Dad is leading our men with Leland, and Ezra. The other ancients I think are trying to stop Hagan deeper in the realms but he's really strong Ethan."

"What about her father?!" Ethan called back.

"Not sure–no one knows where he and Hadrian are," Eli called back, causing my breath to hitch. He looked at me with a sad smile. "I'm sorry."

"So dibs on ripping her throat out," Lucas said with a devious smile.

"Where's Levi?!" Eli called back.

Right on cue there was a roar so angry it made my skin crawl. Lucas' eyes widened before he looked back at Eli. "I think my dad's here now!"

"No shit!" Eli spat back. "Listen we need to either kill her or push her into the portal, dad said if we can do that and close it that she would be stuck!"

"Simple enough," I mused as Lucas nodded in approval.

"Shit!" Ethan hissed as his eyes caught what mine did.


The were starting to pour in like ants coming down the mound. Lucas and Eli both snarled before I looked over to see a witch still holding Wynona while Dominic fought with two of them. Eli sucked in a breath. "We need to move!"

"Come on Lucas!" I called out before I dashed around the tree.

Lucas growled out in approval and followed me. "Plan?!"

"I get Wynona you get Aurelia!"

"Deal sis," he said before he lunged at a rogue coming for us, tearing its heart out before he got up and kept running with me.

I slid and missed a bolt of magic as Ethan jumped over it. He tackled a witch down as I popped up like a baseball player sliding into base, and nailed the witch by surprise who was holding Wynona on the chin.

Bernard was back with Caleb and Daphne, they were moving books around and frantically writing things down like their lives depending on it–they did depend on it.

The witch held her finger out towards me but I snatched them then snapped them before I sliced my clawed hand out and pulled out her eye. She screamed out in horror, but I just grabbed her by her orange hair and rammed her head against my knee before I sent my clawed hand into her chest–ripping out her heart and tossing it to the side.

Another roar. Levi was closer.

"Go!" I yelled at Wynona. "Go to Levi, they're close!"

She nodded quickly then dashed forward while Dominic tossed another witch aside. 'Thank you' he mouthed to me before we looked over at Aurelia.

She snickered and laughed at us while what looked like more shadows started to come out and fight against the wolves in the portal. "You're too late–he's coming!"

I ran to her but I got hit in the side with another ball of magic, knocking me back a good ten feet. Lucas snarled then tackled them down, sending a fist into their mouth where he ripped out their tongue before he snapped their neck.

He quickly helped me up when another growl sounded. I snapped my head around to see Levi standing with Lander and Liam, staring wide-eyed at us. Lucas just waved, slightly bashful. "Hey dad!" he said before his eyes turned rageful. He ran forward and tackled a rogue down, quickly snapping its neck before he looked back at me with a smug grin. "I am so good at this ghosting shit."

"The fuck," Liam breathed out.

"Lucas!" a female yelled out. "Eli! Get your asses back here! You can't be out there!"

"Eve?" Levi breathed out, clutching his chest a little.

Lucas turned to see his mother waving to him before he looked back at me. "We need to move faster, Eli and I aren't supposed to be out here!"

I turned back to Levi who was still staring with wide eyes at Eve, who seemed to catch sight of him. "Levi we need to move!"

"Levi Thorne!" Eve yelled out. "You close your damn mouth and don't you dare think about coming over here!"

It was then that chaos really broke out.

It was then that right as Caleb started to chant some spell, that Hayden snuck up behind him and ripped his spine out. Daphne screamed out in horror. She ran towards Hayden, her hands extended, but she was too late. Aurelia's hands shot out what looked like a snake made of black smoke towards her, biting her right in the chest before it dissipated.

Daphne's veins turned black and a black sticky liquid came out of her mouth before she looked back at me with a sad smile. "I'm sorry," she wheezed out before she fell.

Levi roared out and my feet were carrying me to Aurelia with Lucas on my heel while Ethan tackled down a witch with Eli. Lucas rammed a rogue out of our way before Aurelia hit him with a ball of magic.

She turned to me with wide eyes that looked almost conflicted. "I don't want to do this with you Charlotte! You're my blood!"

"Then close this damn thing, Aurelia! You don't understand what you're doing!"

"Do you know what they have done to us?!" she bit back while more shadows poured out on the other side. "They have chased us into hiding and killed us! Killed innocents! Babies! Your father had to lay his own life down because you would have died! Don't you see?!"

I shook my head as my heart clenched at the talk of my father. "Not like this Aurelia, there has to be another way! Please!"

She slowly shook her head. "There is no other way Charlotte. Join us–join your family!"

Ethan rammed into her right before she could lift her fingers up; he sent a fist to her face, seemingly knocking her out before he ran to me. He tossed her into the portal, where wolves seemed to pull her in then looked at me with a releived smile. "We need to get out of the way! Bernard's going to close it!"

I nodded and let him tug me away as Eve yelled out at Lucas again. "Lucas! Eli! You need to come now!"

Dominic zipped towards Ethan and I. "We have to go!"

"We know!" Ethan yelled back while Lander and Liam tore into a set of rogues.

"Levi!" I yelled out until I saw what I didn't want to see.

I turned to see the shadows on the other side growing, like something was leading them–like something was coming. The wolves on the other side started to tremble–shake, while it came closer.

Aurelia waved her fingers and blasted the wolves in the portal away from her, then she turned and lunged back out towards us, stumbling a little on her landing.  She scrambled up and smiled. "Dad! Over here!" she called out. My face fell until Bernard dropped a book on the ground and held his hands up. He held his hands up right as Hayden charged towards him. Dominic's eyes widened.

I was about to grab him when Ethan pushed me out of the way to handle a rogue. I scrambled up and lunged at the snarling feral beast that snapped at Ethan. Ethan kicked him backward and I jumped on top of him, ripping his throat out quickly before I heard what sounded liked an animalistic cry of pain.

Dominic had killed Hayden.

Hayden was on the ground while Bernard quickly stood back up, staring at Dominic with wide eyes while Dominic tossed Hayden's heart towards Aurelia who's magic crackled furiously.

I was running, I was running towards Dominic as Aurelia held up her hands. "Dominic no!" I cried out.

Something came out of her fingers but I wasn't paying attention. I pushed Dominic out of the way right as he closed his eyes to embrace the fate that Aurelia was going to give him; Something felt like it was biting me with sharp fangs that burned like a fire I never knew could feel so hot.

I screamed as my eyes caught sight of a blue cloud that looked like a snake that had latched onto me. It dissipated and I fell to the ground, leaving my side burning and my mouth crying out as something like needles felt like it was crawling up my skin.


Ethan roared out and skidded down next to me, his eyes wide with horror while I tried to breathe through the pain. "No, no, no, no. Charlotte!"

Dominic rolled over at looked at Ethan who was trying to cradle me with wide eyes and shook his head. "Why?! Damn you, Charlotte!"

There was another series of cracks and soon a curly haired pink haired witch was coming for us. Dominic zipped up and knocked a rogue out of her way right as Levi's vision caught a glimpse of me. He looked at me, my breath becoming more labored and my skin starting to sweat before he looked at Aurelia who was walking slowly towards us like a slow moving storm and roared at her.

"Levi no!" I yelled out.

Levi didn't listen. He ran towards Aurelia, flinging rogues and witches out of his way while Bernard kept chanting louder and louder, causing the bloodstones to glow some more. Dagny knelt down beside me while Dominic fought off rogues who were trying to come for us; Lucas looked over and yelled, he ran over to where Ethan was cradling me and started to help Dominic–pure panic in his eyes.

"Help her!" Lucas barked out.

Dagny lifted my sweatshirt up and hissed. "Oh my God," she hissed out. "Oh, Charlotte? Hey, I need you to look at me," she said before she turned to Ethan. "Hold Alice too," she said frantically.

Ethan's didn't say anything as she shoved the little bunny in his hands. Dagny kept trying to get my attention, but I couldn't hold her gaze. All I saw was Levi.

David ran in as more Tikanni warriors started to pour in. He yelled out orders as Jake marched in with our men that were like a cool fire cleansing the place of its impurities. Bernard was chanting louder and sweat was pouring off of his brow while a stream of light started to come out of his hands causing the stones glowed brighter.

But Levi was fighting.

He was dodging Aurelia's magic while Lander tore into a witch with Liam. Lucas turned as Aurelia sent Levi flying back a few feet and yelled out while Eli leaped back into the portal to stop a shadow from flying out. Eve was yelling at Lucas, but Lucas didn't listen.

Lucas ran towards where Aurelia held up her fingers and whispered something. He knocked Levi out of the way and dodged a tube of what looked like black tar before he looked back up at Aurelia. "I think it's time you came with me."

She shook her head with a smirk. "Well come on Thorne, by all means, take me with you."

I let out a sharp breath as the pain grew more. Ethan pushed some hair out of my face while Dagny held her hands over my wound, murmuring something that made me scream as it felt like something was digging through my veins.

Ethan looked up at her frantically. "You're making it worse!"

"I'm getting the poison out! You want her to die?!"

Ethan looked down at me, pure terror in his eyes while the clawing continued. "Baby just hold on, you're going to be fine, just hold on."

"Levi," I murmured as I looked back towards Lucas.

Lucas who was going blow for blow with Aurelia. Black smoke started to come out of her fingers, but Lucas didn't quit. Levi got up to run to him but two rogues blocked his path. He started to rip them away, but Aurelia was quick. The smoke was pouring out of her fingers and making little snakes that started to rise up from the ground.

They twisted together, hissing out at Lucas as he ripped out a chunk of her red hair. One snake moved to strike him and I felt my eyes widened in horror. "No! Lucas!" I cried out.


Liam tackled Lucas out of the way. The snake slithered towards him, but he grabbed its head then crushed it in his hand before he looked up at Aurelia. "Get back in the portal Lucas," Liam said lowly, his gaze never leaving Aurelia's furious eyes.

Liam lunged towards her. His claws catching her stomach and shoulder. She backhanded him hard before she pulled something out of her boot–a blade.

It was a blade that Liam didn't see.

He didn't see it disappear into his gut.

He was too late to stop her when she twisted it.

He tried to reach towards her, but she pulled the silver blade out and stabbed him once more before she twisted it hard again in between his ribs. "I think it's your turn to go to the other side."

Liam growled out furiously while a scream broke through my lips; he snatched her hand, breaking her wrist while his other hand, clawed, reached over and sank itself into her side, squeezing hard until his fingers were deep in her skin. "You first."

She pushed him away and pulled a knife out as she clutched her skin that was gushing out blood, looking back to the portal where the shadows started to retreat from the wolves on the other side;  Bernard yelled louder and the stones glowed more brightly. Aurelia looked at me, an emotion I couldn't place flickering across her eyes before she pulled something out of her pocket.

Ethan roared out as he watched Liam fall while sobs started to clog my throat. Dagny was chanting louder, trying to focus on me while little Alice trembled in Ethan's palm.

Dust. Aurelia threw it down and whispered something out then vanished into the air.

I started to choke. My throat was started to squeeze, causing Dagny to chant louder over me. Dominic zipped to us and looked me over with a brokenness on his face. Ethan was staring down at me, a brave smile tugging on his lips. "I'm so sorry, just hold on. You're going to be fine. It's going to be fine, just hold on baby."

"I love you, Ethan."

His eyes widened as another cry tore out of my lips. Bernard yelled something louder, causing something to shatter and the ground to shake. Ethan shook he head and pushed more hair out of my face. "Baby no, you have to hold on. You're going to be fine."

I was being pulled, I could feel it. So could my beast. We could feel it as the pain grew stronger. We didn't know if we could fight it–the feeling of hundreds of snakes biting at my veins.

"Charlotte goddamit no! You need to stay with me."

"It's ok Ethan. It's ok..."

Ethan growled out in horror, his chest vibrating and shaking me slightly. "Baby no," he choked out. "Sunshine no..."

The pain shot through me again as something pulled me harder. Bernard was yelling something, Levi was yelling something, and I think I heard Eve but I couldn't be sure.

Dagny hissed out in frustration and tried new spells. She tried to suck the poison out, but all she did was suck some of my blood out. Grinding her teeth, she put her hands back over me and chanted louder while Ethan tried to push back the anguish and encourage me.

It pulled again.

Something was pulling me and I was clawing out not to follow it. I was trying  hard to hold onto the gaze that was Ethan's eyes like it was a lifeboat.

Ethan dipped down and kissed my forehead. "Baby please don't leave me," he choked out again as his eyes started to fill with tears.

"I don't want to," I murmured back, my heart clenching while the bond twisted, but the darkness was starting to surround me. It felt like I was drowning, like water with an iron grip was pulling me down.

"I love you, I love you so much. Please hold on, please baby," he pleaded.

"Ethan I,"  I started to say before I cried out in pain, the darkness pulling me harder as Dagny pulled her hands away as if they were burned.

She looked at me in horror before she looked back at Ethan, her eyes filling with tears. "Ethan, I don't think I–"

Dominic snarled at her. "Witch, you better hope you can or I will kill you myself."

"Dominic no," I murmured out. "It's ok," I breathed out. "It's ok."

Dominic shook his head and looked at me. "Don't say that, you're going to be fine."

"It hurts Dominic, it's hurts bad," I whimpered out.

"No," he said before he swallowed hard. "I promised Hadrian. I promised I'd keep you safe."

"And you have," I breathed back. "You have."

He shook his head in disbelief as the darkness pulled me more. My lungs were trying hard to work, my heart felt so tired so weak. I looked back at Ethan with a soft smile and sucked in a sharp breath. "I love you."

"No, baby," Ethan rushed out. "Baby no!"

I blinked and it pulled me harder. It pulled me harder down and it felt liked I was in some kind of some quicksand as I drifted slowly away.

That is until I felt something. I felt something, an energy move over my skin. It made me break out in goosebumps and caused my eyes to flicker open.

"Move Dom," a voice ordered over the steady chanting of Bernard in the background mixed with the chaos of fighting.

Dominic's eyes widened. He shook his head as whatever it was walked closer. It walked closer and I felt like there was a blanket covering me. Ethan's mouth dropped slightly as he looked up and Dagny almost let out a whimper.

"What are you doing here?"

"What needs to be done," he answered.

I looked over to see eyes like mine. Stormy blue eyes like mine staring down at me. Blinking hard I saw a face I had seen before. A face that had the same jawline as me. A face with a scar running over a brow and onto a cheek.


"Hey sweet girl," he murmured as he knelt down next to me. Ethan's mouth dropped as Hadrian, my father, lifted up the sweatshirt and hissed. "You're going to be fine love."

"Hadrian what are you doing?" Dominic murmured out.

Hadrian sliced his palm with a clawed finger and let the blood pool a little. "Remember that time you were stabbed with a wooden stake laced with poison, twice–I had to save you twice?"

Dominic grimaced as he moved his palm towards me. "Yes, lovely time."

Hadrian smiled at me softly. "Levi may have claimed you, but you are still my daughter."

"What are you doing?" I murmured out.

His palm touched where the blue clouded snake had bit me, his blood starting to work its way in me like cool water that drew a whimpered breath out of me. It was like lightening–a cold storm that raged through my veins and shook something up that had been sleeping; the sleeping giant that started to stand up and ignite into a fire that had me seeing stars.

"My blood is your blood love," he breathed out. "You're my daughter Charlotte. It's time people knew that– no more running. "

The blood was sizzling in my veins almost painfully pulling something out that was hidden. Something that I could feel Levi's blood letting go of. It was hot yet cold all in the same notion; it was a winter storm running at ninety miles and hour into a hot summer day. It was every bit of love and pride mixed in with a furious fire that had me gasping out for air as my skin almost tickled while the fire felt like it was falling down like rain on me

"Will you stay?" I forced out on a shaky breath.

I could feel him. I could feel his blood buzzing through me and carrying his love for me with it. I could feel his strength and raw energy dig more of it out–more of my true nature out as my body sucked up the blood from his hand like it was water in the desert. King blood. It was like it was always there, just sleeping–like it had woken up, shook out its fur, and roared with a raw ferocity that drew another whimper from my mouth.

I could feel his blood–our blood. I could feel his claim. I could feel a bond. He may be dead but it was strong and it was still there.

I could feel my father's love pouring  into me as his blood continued to work its way through me. His eyes smiling down with pride at me while his skin glowed like beautiful moonlight.

"I've always been here Charlotte, but I have to go back. I can't exist in this realm, not anymore." He looked over at his palm, the blood still working its way into my body, then back at me. "You've been so brave baby girl."

"Dad help Liam, please," I whimpered out.

He looked over at Liam as Lander and other witches gathered around him. "He's been stabbed with silver baby girl, not even our blood can heal that."

"Is she going to be alright?" Ethan asked, his eyes not leaving where Hadrian's palm was while I felt my heart twist some more as my eyes found Liam's form lying on the ground.

He held Ethan's gaze in his own hard one. "Dominic, take him to the Dreamtaker, they need to know." He looked over at Dominic who nodded firmly at him before he turned back to Ethan. "Take care of her and love her or I will find a way to come back here and kill you myself. Believe me when I say that when I kill you, I will make sure that is in a way where your soul is permanently dead."

Ethan sucked in a sharp breath while Dominic nodded in approval. "Just like the old days."

Hadrian let out a breathy laugh. "Look after her Dom."

"I will," he breathed back.

"You have to come back it's closing!" Eve yelled out.

Hadrian removed his hand, but the rush that was his blood did not stop, then looked back down at me. He dipped down and kissed my forehead, the coolness of his blood still rushing through me–oxygen being poured into a fire that felt like it was a raging storm. "I love you my sweet one."

"Dad," I murmured again as my vision swirled.

"Come back!" Eve called out again.

Ethan looked down quickly at me as Hadrian stood back up. "Baby?!"

"You know what to do Dom," Hadrian said.

Dominic sighed then nodded slowly. He looked back to me with a soft smile, pupils dilating before he murmured, "Sleep," to me.

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