Chapter 1

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In the Training Area...

Shine leapt at Horror, her claws swinging. Horror jumped out of the way, but let Shine get at her tail. "Good job! You'll kill all the warriors now!" The black she-cat said, her eyes full of pride.

Flare yawned from the dumpster she was laying on. They said whoever lost would have to fight her...


"Oh, sorry Flare!" Horror said. "We got caught up in our fight! Shine, why don't you try with her? Or would you rather I do it?" Shine looked at Flare. "I'll do it."
Flare smirked. "Great! Finally!" Flare said as she jumped down from her dumpster and faced Shine in a battle stance.

Shine leapt at Flare, teeth baring.
Flare hissed and quickly dodged out of the way.
Flare snarled as she raised her claw and slashed across Shine's cheek. Shine hissed in pain as blood poured from her cheek then kicked Flare backwards.

Suddenly, they heard pawsteps from behind Flare, "Hey guys!" They turned around to a golden tabby tom with deep blue eyes and a deep blue collar.

"Hey Alder," Flare huffed. She knew Alder when she was a kit, once, he protected her from bullies but when he had become an apprentice, they didn't speak with each quite as often.
So NOW he has time for me? She thought.
Alder smiled back. "How's the fight going?"
Shine smiled. "Pretty well! Flare's a good fighter!"

Alder nodded. "Nice! You know, Scourge told me to tell the other Warriors to go on a hunting patrol."
"That sounds fun!" Shine said. Horror nodded. "We'll be there."

They left and met with the other warriors, Rose, Aster, Chara, and Ink.

Chara looked at everyone. "So when do we go?"
Flare rolled her eyes. Idiots.. She looked at them all. "Don't be dumb, think about it. We'll chase away any prey if the prey sees a huge group of cats coming towards them. We should do it in groups. Horror, you'll be with Rose, Alder, and Aster. I'll be with Shine, Ink, and Chara."

Horror nodded and then touched noses with Shine. "Good luck."

Flare flinched. Shine wasn't really Horror's daughter, they just seemed to have a mother-daughter relationship. But she didn't have any parents...

Flare tried to shake away that thought as she lead her group. Who cares? My parents abandoned me in this dump. And I'm fine with it!

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