Chapter 1

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(8:39 pm)

Y/N was almost done with his shift and was able to fill out the rest of his paperwork from a couple of White Fang robberies. He grabbed his jacket and signed out for the night. Y/N got a quick bullhead back to his home in Patch. Once his quick ride was done he got to his car in a small parking area and halfway to his home he gotten a call from the Emergency operators back at the station.

Y/N: "Hello?"

Operator: "Hello, Detective L/N sorry to call you late tonight, but we got a call of a missing child in Patch. Since you live there we hoped you can drive around and search for a missing kid."

Y/N stopped the car and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

Y/N: "Alright I'll do this but if I find this kid I'll call you back. Be sure to send a bullhead my way on standby just in case. And send me when the child was last seen to my scroll."

They both said their goodbyes and he hung up. A few seconds later he felt his scroll buzz, and what shocked him is the 'last seen coordinates' were close to his home. Y/N got curious, he drove home and once he got there his wife Ellie came out and gave him a hug and a kiss. Everyone at work jokingly brashes his wife for being a wolf Faunus, but still love can come in many different forms. Once he entered his home he decided to ask his wife something.

Y/N: "Hey sweetie? I hate to ask this but can you assist me with something tonight?"

Ellie: "Yeah, what is it?"

Y/N: "Well I got something from one of the operators back in HQ, they sent me a missing child report and her last seen coordinates her around here in Patch. So you think you can help me tonight with your semblance and sense's?"

Ellie thought about it for a minute.

Ellie: "Alright honey I'll help you with this tonight. Just this once, and you owe me mister Hmhm."

Y/N: "Ah your an angel Ellie! Now, maybe for tonight we should grab our gear just in case."

Ellie: "Sounds like a good idea to me, better be safe than sorry."

The couple get up from the couch and went up to their bedroom and they each have they're own closet to hold the Ex huntsman and huntress uniforms. When both of them were in their prime the were terrifying single but together they made a scary two man team. The Blue and Red Ghosts.
(Y/N's Combat gear)

(Ellie's Combat Gear)
Just imagine blonde wolf ears sticking up from the hood.

Y/N: "Geez I haven't worn my gear in a few years. It feels a bit tighter."

Y/N adjusted his knee pads and his bullet proof vest. Ellie loaded up her M9 and did adjusting on her gear too.

Ellie: "Well maybe your just getting fat honey."

Ellie put her hand over her mouth silently giggling to herself while Y/N stopped and he tiled his head at her and his eyes squinting. Ellie gave a cheeky smile at Y/N.

Y/N: "oh hohoho now if I would've said that they're would have been a different reaction from you.

But Y/N was cut off guard when Elie kissed his cheek.

Elie: "Even if that happens I will still love you, you are who you are. And I married you for you. And I can actually agree with you, my vest tighter in my chest."

Y/N indeed was one extremely lucky man to have a tough and strong yet a loving and caring wife not to mention a tidbit funny, not to mention a great writer. Even though she writes short stories she loves it.
Y/N composes himself and clears his throat to get back on the topic at hand and looks at the clock.

Y/N: "As much as I love hearing you say that, but it's 12:49 right and we're loosing night time."

Ellie: "*smiling* Alright, let's do this."

Both Y/N and Ellie slipped the gas masks on and Ellie put her hood up, when they exited their home and their glowing gas masks there colors. Y/N was red and Ellie was Blue. Y/N checked his scroll and seen is a possible location a few miles from they're home. Both looked at each other and walked off and Elie had her wolf sense's on high alert searching for movements and noises so she took point in they're movement while Y/N did navigating. But the couple had there customized M9's with them and those pistols can kill a Beowolf with one round.
Now that they have reached one possible location Ellie took off her mask and activated her semblance. Her gold glowing eyes looked in all directions and she seen one ping, and it looked big enough to the size of a child.

Ellie: "Y/N I think I found something."

They both activated they're flashlights and turned off the night vision in they're masks.

Y/N: "Ok let's see if we got something here."

As they slowly proceeded to Ellie's find both of them seen an eight year old girl in ragged clothing with a ragged red cape. But she was beaten, cut and small gash can be seen on her head leaving blood on the left half of her face but on her right side there is a scar going down her right eye. But what stunned them the most was her little silver eyes. She slowly looked at them and she slowly tried to reach out to them with tears coming out of her eyes, even though her face was already stained with tears.

Girl: "H-h-help m-me please."

And she was out but Ellie cought her hand then Y/N checked her vitals.

Y/N: "Her pulse is low, let's get her to our home and I'll call it in."

Ellie: "Alright, and I think we can give her some meds and bandages that we have back at home."

Y/N picked up the little girl and they took her home, she can stay in the guest bedroom for now but once she wakes up Y/N will have to get her name first. The sunlight is coming through some trees signifying it's around five in the morning.

Y/N: "Dammit I will have to head out in a couple more ours for work."

Ellie: "How about you just stay home for the day, I'll call your LT."

Y/N: "*sigh* I'll do that, but still I'm worried for this one more then myself."

He looks down at the girl and noticed more bruising and burn marks. All this did nothing but angered Y/N. Once they made it inside he put her in a bed and covered her up. Y/N looked at her and still wondering.

Y/N: "What kind of animal would do this to a sweet little girl like her."

Ellie looked at him worried then the little girl and she kneeled down and cupped her cheek.

Ellie: "Who ever it is, I will personally end who ever did this. Because from what happened to her it wasn't Grimm that did this."

Y/N: "indeed, but for now I'll keep watch on her. You can head to bed for a bit."

Ellie stood back up and Y/N held her close. Both looking over the girl just hoping she'll be fine. Ellie took off her gear wrapped the girls head and arms with bandages and strolled to bed while Y/N took first watch for the girl. Y/N headed to the living room and called the operators back at the station and told them that they found a little girl but right now she is out and extremely beaten and bruised. But Y/N told her that he might not be back for a few days. He said he didn't know what the feeling was but he wanted to protect her and make sure she's safe. But the ladies their said they'll talk to the LT and get back to him later.
After a few hours of making sure the girl was fine and sleeping. He finally gotten a call from the LT but he went into the hallway to speak with him.

LT: "So I'm guessing you found that missing child last night, well done Detective L/N."

Y/N: "Thank you sir. But did the ladies also inform you that I'll be home for a bit to help watch her?"

LT: Yes they did and don't worry about it. Once she is fully awake take her to the hospital to get her checked out."

Y/N: "Will do sir."

LT: "Oh and I think I have info on that girl for you."

Y/N: "Oh, well what do you have sir?"

LT: Well I think we got a name for her, and let's see *shuffling papers in the background* oh here it is. Ruby Rose would be her name, and her portrait matched your description from what you told the ladies and the missing child report, it's spot on with out the cuts bruises ect."

Y/N: "Alright thanks for the info LT."

LT: "Now keep a good watch on that girl. That's an order."

Y/N: "An order I'm happily to fulfill sir."

Y/N hung up and he heard groaning and a quick hello from the guest bedroom. Y/N heard she was awake. But Y/N woke up his wife and told her the girl is awakening. Then they heard from behind the guest door.

Girl: "Hello, who's there? Anybody."

Ellie decided to be the one to introduce herself first but she is still she's in her sleepwear, which consists of black short shorts and white shirt, even though her hair wasn't in her usual bun she put it in a ponytail. Ellie opened the door slowly and peeked in and seen the girl in the corner of the wall on the bed while holding up a pillow as a small shield. Ellie was able to feel that the girl was extremely frightened and scared. But Elie slowly approached the bed and kneeled down next to it.

Ellie: "Hello."

The girl stayed silent.

Ellie: "Do you have a name sweetie?"

She shook her head yes.

Girl: "It's.... R-Ruby."

Ellie: "Hi Ruby, I'm Ellie. Ellie L/N

The girl did a little wave but was still unsure about her.

Ellie: "Hey Ruby, you don't have to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you."

Ruby adjusted herself still not moving from her corner spot.

Ellie: "How about I cook you some breakfast Ruby. Would you like that?"

Ruby shook her head slowly nodded her head. Elie stood up and exited the room worried. She headed downstairs to start breakfast for her. But her husband was downstairs worried.

Y/N: "Hey, is she ok?"

Ellie: "She's scared, probably from all the beatings she got. She's probably terrified to speak and think she'll get hurt if she does."

Y/N: "Well, let's help her out of it. No one should be living in constant fear."

After a quick talk and Ellie got done cooking some eggs and sausages for breakfast, she made a plate for Ruby and brought it up to her with a glass of orange juice. When she slowly entered she seen Ruby was now where to be seen, she quietly called her name and see Rubies head perk up from underneath the bed and went back in, Ellie bent down and gave Ruby a smile.

Ellie: "Hey Ruby, I made some breakfast for you. Go ahead eat before it gets cold."

Ellie stood back up and exited the room and while she looked back she seen Ruby taking the plate under the bed with the juice. She heard Ruby say something from under the bed.

Ruby: "T-t-thank you."

Ellie felt happy from what Ruby said, plus it was progress. She decided to say something back to her but she whispers it.

Ellie: "Your welcome."

After Ellie closed the door she heard Ruby scarf down her food and juice then she heard the plate scrap against the floor. When she looked back in the plate was clean and nothing in the cup. Ellie kneeled down and looked at Ruby under the bed.

Ellie: "Hey Ruby? Why don't you come out, at least come out to the living room and watch some TV with me."

Ruby didn't say anything and was still scared.

Ellie: "Hey I'm not going to hurt you, that's a promise. Pinky promise."

Ellie put her arm under the bed and with her pinky out, Ruby was hesitant but she put her arm out and interlocked their pinky fingers.

Ellie: "Alright Ruby, you come to the Living room?"

Ruby grabbed Ellie's hand and came out from the bed. Once they made there way to the living room Ruby seen Y/N and went behind Ellie's legs.

Ellie: "Oh don't worry Ruby that's my husband. Y/N this is Ruby, you gonna say hi."

Ruby did a little wave with her arm, but she is still scared of him because he forgot to take off his gear so he looked a bit menacing to her. Y/N smiles and he kneels down to Rubies level.

Y/N: "Sorry if I look scary to you Ruby I forgot to take my gear off but I had to make a few calls and got sidetracked. So while I change into some normal clothes, you and Ellie can go ahead and watch some TV."

Y/N went and took a shower and changed into something normal. As he went into the living room he seen Ruby and Ellie watching an old Looney toons show, both Ellie and Ruby were laughing and Ruby sat close to Ellie. Y/N felt happy, and seeing Ruby smile just hit him. It hit him thinking, both him and Ellie wanted a family but he knows it might not happen.


Now it's the afternoon around 2:30 and Ruby decided to sleep for the rest of the day, she slept in Ellie's lap like a pillow and snoring away. As Y/N and Ellie are in the living room watching TV and still worried about what happened to Ruby. But both of them had a bit of a strange feeling, something that parents would have.

Ellie: "It's cute seeing her like this."

Ellie is looking down at Ruby rubbing her head as she sleeps with a little smile on her face.

Ellie: "Hey Y/N?"

Y/N nodded his head.

Ellie: It still lingers in my mind. Who did this to her, and why?"

Y/N: "I know, for Ruby I'm going to do some digging and find out who, or what did this."

Then Ellie's wolf ears perk up like she is scared and looking around.

Y/N: "Hey Ellie what's wrong?"

Ellie: "I don't know but I'm just feeling uneasy."

Ellie starts to feel Ruby shake a bit in her lap. But Ruby's eyes shoot open and she does a deep inhale of air and her eyes go into the back of her head and she starts convulsing and groaning in Ellie's arms. Y/N instantly came up from his seat and kneeling in front of Ellie holding Ruby while she's convulsing. They both know now that she's having a seizure, Y/N calls in that bullhead the LT lent him. As Ellie holds Ruby still shaking she starts to cry and Y/N is trying to stay strong but what he is seeing it's paining him to just watch and let it happen.
After two pain filled minutes of the couple unable to do anything but just watch Ruby finally stopped and woke up groggy but it was hard for her to move.

Ellie: "Are you ok Ruby?!"

Ruby tried to move her leg but she winces in pain. The pain started to go all over her body just doing a tiny bit of movement.

Ruby: "E-everything hurts, it h-hurts."

Ruby starts to cry from the all over pain.

Y/N: "C'mon where the hell is that bullhead it should be to far.

Around fifteen minutes later the Bullhead finally arrived and Ellie was carrying Ruby since it caused her a large amount of pain from trying to walk. On the Bullhead to Vale Regional Hospital Ellie had Ruby I her lap and she was crying from the feeling of all over pain in her body. Even Ellie couldn't hold back her tears for Ruby from seeing her in pain, and Y/N was still freaking out and telling the pilot to hurry up to the hospital so she can get checked and helped with the seizure she just had.
As they landed near the ER entrance of the hospital Y/N went running in while Ellie stayed back a bit not to rock Ruby or it will cause her pain so she's doing a gentle jog toward the entrance.
Once they got Ruby admitted the doctor that seen her he did thorough examination of her and gave her some meds to help with her pain from her wounds and the seizure she had. When the doctor got done with Ruby he came up to the worried couple sitting on the couch in the waiting. When he called their names they bolted up and went to him worried.

Doctor: "Sorry Mr and Mrs L/N I have a bit of bad news for you."

Both Y/N and Ellie tensed up.l for what he's about to say.

Doctor: "Well, from my examination of her and I seen she had lots of fresh bruises and a few new cuts and she was malnourished and dehydrated. And I did an x-ray and I found, *pulls up x-ray sheet* she has a few healing broken bones and ribs, with a few fractures, but the one that worries me is the hairline fracture that is in her top left portion of her skull."

As both Y/N and Ellie look at her injuries and Y/N balled his fists from anger. As their talk continued with the doctor of explaining that she'll need to be there over night so they can watch her just in case if anything happens. Once they were done they entered Rubies room as she was watching TV while in bed with a oxygen mask on, and she was happy she was able to see them. But Ruby was confused because Y/N had his detective coat and she seen his badge around his neck and she tensed up a bit. Y/N noticed and Ellie was worried, they sat on each side of Rubies bed but Ruby herself was still tense from both the seizure and seeing Y/N. Ruby looked away from Y/N so Ellie decided to talk to her first.

Ellie: "Hey Ruby why are you scared? Is it my husband that's making you scared?"

She nodded but Y/N was still wondering so he decided to ask.

Y/N: "Ruby, why are you afraid of me is it because I'm an detective?"

Ruby was still looking away from him.

Ellie: "Hey Ruby your ok, my husband wants to help you. So please, answer him."

Ellie was worried for her but Ruby did what she asked, but what she says will make them both saddened and angry.

Ruby: "Please don't take me back."

Y/N: "*eyes widen* What?"

Ruby: "Please Don't take me back! I can't go back to them! I don't want them to hurt me again!"

Ruby tried to move but she winces from the extreme pain. The couple both slowly pushed her back down.

Ellie: "No Ruby you need to rest, let you body loosen itself."

Y/N: "Please Ruby I want to help you. Please tell me who hurt you."

Ruby started to shake with a bit of fear as more tears fell off her face.

Ruby: "It.... It.... It was my daddy."

Y/N: "Wait a minute it was.... your dad that did this to you?"

Ruby started to cry from the memories of her beatings coming back.

Ruby: "It wasn't just my daddy, it was my uncle, auntie, and m-my s-sister."

Both Y/N and Ellie were speechless and Ellie had tears forming from her eyes with a tint of anger.

Ellie: "Why would they do that to you."

Ruby: "I remember daddy saying I looked to much like my mom. And.... I was a disgrace."

Y/N balled up one of his fists and visibly twitching so he got up from his seat and gave a kiss on his wife's forehead.

Y/N: "I'm going back to the station and call my partner come to pick me up."

He lent his hand toward Ruby she thought she was going to be hit and prepped herself for pain. But it didn't come, Y/N cupped Ruby's face with a couple tears streaming down her face and on to his hand.

Y/N: "Don't worry, I'm not going to let them take you back. That's a promise, ok sweety."

Ruby kept crying but started to smile and she slowly lifted her hand and held his hand that cupped her face.

Ruby: "Thank... you."

Y/N let go of Ruby but he had to go back to the station.

Y/N: "Hey both of you be safe ok, I'll ask someone to watch you both while I'm out ok."

As Y/N waved them both off and he exited the room. But Y/N was furious at her family that hurt Ruby will pay and be set behind bars. And her sister will be put into Juvie.

Y/N: "I'll do everything in my power to make sure they'll pay."

He walked over to the nurses station.

Y/N: "Hey miss. *Flashes badge* Detective Y/N L/N VPD. Make sure no one enters Ruby Rose's room besides her doctor and nurses along with me and my wife. She's apart of an investigation I'm going to start."

All the nurses at the Nurses Station nodded. But as he was about to leave he got stopped by a man with black hair and a white shirt with a big sword strapped to the back of his waist.

Y/N: "My Oum this guy reaks of alcohol. But I'll ask him to do a breathalyzer test later."

Man: "Hey your an officer right?"

Y/N: "Yes I am, what's the problem sir."

Man: "Well I'm looking for my niece."

Y/N: "Alright, *Tak out notepad* Well what does she look like?"

Man: "Actually I have a picture if that's better."

Y/N: "Sure I'll take a look."

When the man reached in his back pocket Y/N had a gut feeling that something ain't good about him. When he looked at the picture and Y/N tensed up and seen it was a picture of Ruby and her mom.

Man: "Hey did you see something."

Y/N: "This must've been before the abuse started I'll have to be careful here. Hey what's your name sir?"

Qrow: "Qrow Branwen, why?"

Y/N: "Alright *hands out card* Just incase call me. I did remember seeing her somewhere so I'm going to go check it out."

Qrow: "Ok, please find her."

Y/N: "I will, now go home and wait I'll also ask my partner to help to."

Y/N walks away from Qrow while he does the same but once Y/N reaches outside and he punches a tree making a large crack in it nearly splitting it in half.

Y/N: "As much as I want to kick your ass, but that will have to wait."

Y/N calls his partner and asks her to come and get him from the hospital. After around fifteen minutes of waiting she finally came to pick him up in their squad car.
(Y/N's Partner: Koko Hekmatyar)

Koko pulled up and rolled the window down staring at him.

Koko: "Well how much beautiful?~"

Y/N: "*facepalms* Sorry Koko but please not now. I've been through enough today as is, so I'm not in the mood for jokes right now."

Koko: "Jeez what made your day sour."

Y/N gets in the car.

Y/N: "I don't think sour is the best thing to explain it."

Koko: "Well what happened today?"

Y/N: "I'll tell you, but you'll be incredibly pissed as much as I am."

Koko drove off toward town.

Koko: "Trust me I think we have time."

Y/N: "Ok but I'll have to warn you it won't be pretty."

Koko: "C'mon how bad can it be, we look at bloody crime scenes and stopped sociopathic and psychopathic serial killers and seen sick rituals."

Y/N: "Well...."

After a Long explanation of what happened to Ruby Koko instantly went from calm to flaming pissed. Once he told the part about him meeting her Uncle Koko instantly steps on the breaks making the tires squeel down the road and finally stopping.

Koko: "You Came acrossed one of her abusers and you didn't arrest him?!!!"

Y/N: "No I didn't, as much as I wanted to boot his face in I couldn't let him know I'm on to him and he'll cut and run. But I do have a plan, something to get them all at once in the same place and at the same time."

Koko put her hand on her chin and thought for a few seconds.

Koko: "*puts her fist up* Ooooo I like" your thinking partner."

Koko: "Oh and sometime, I'd actually like to meet this Ruby, so far she seems like a tough little cookie."

Y/N: "Well we can once I'm done at the station for a few things you can meet her. Plus I think she might like you."

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