Chapter 2

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As the two determined detectives reached the Vale Police Station they went to their desks and Y/N decided to do an application for Ruby to have witness protection from her family.

Koko: "Y/N, I don't mind helping Ruby with protection. Besides the picture that Qrow gave you she looks so cute."

Y/N: "I really appreciate it Koko."

Koko: "Hey that's what partners are for, plus you and your wife are basically my besties."

The two partners did a fist bump then they get back to doing some paperwork.

????: "Awww she is cute!"

Y/N|Koko: "AHHH!"

Both Y/N and Koko accidentally get spooked by one of their friends here at the station Emily Draken. She works in the 911 calling center.

Y/N: "Monty Oum! Emily don't scare us like that."

Emily kept repeatedly bowing and saying sorry to the two.

Koko: "Emily it's ok, just don't come out of know where and say something, especially yelling it."

Emily: "I'm sorry! It's I couldn't help but just look at that picture of that little girl. She is so adorable."

All three looked at the picture that Y/N was holding. But a few more of his co-workers came in ready for the day.
Miles Grover(Officer)

Eve Myers(SWAT)

Ashley Myers(Officer)
(Mile's Partner|Eve's little sister)

Jason Thatch(SWAT)
(Eve's Partner)

Jason came in wondering what Emily asked.

Jason: "Who's adorable now?!"

Ashley: "Ya who's adorable!"

Eve: "Woah! Ok you two adorkables I'm heading to my desk."

Miles came in a few seconds later confused on the situation.

Miles: "Ahh what's going on now?"

Jason: "Oh, we trying to see what's adorable."

Miles: "Oh I wanna see adorable."

Emily said 'Yoink' as she grabbed the picture of Ruby from Y/N's desk and brought it up to Miles.

Miles: "Oh my Oum she is adorable! Hey Eve, Ashley, Jason check this out!"

Y/N and Koko's faces deadpanned.

Y/N: "Welp...

Koko: " much for discreet. Wait why can't we invite them on this case. Nothing wrong with having extra heads in."

Y/N: " *sigh* Yeah it would be a good idea."

As everyone looked at the picture there's eyes had stars in them. Koko quickly grabbed the picture and she waved for them and her partner to come into the meeting room. As Emily, Jason, Ashley, and Eve went into the room Y/N opened up a binder and means they wanted to be discreet about this case, but nothing wrong with having extra hands in a case. Y/N took out Rubies X Ray's, medical reports and other information he has on Rubies family. Ashley did a quick skim through of a couple reports and her hands started to shake.

Ashley: "Y/N, w-what is t-this?"

Y/N: "I'm sorry but both me and Koko wanted to keep this special case only to us but since you guys seen that picture...."

Koko: "You five started drooling over her cuteness. But back on topic, her name is Ruby Rose. Y/N got a call from your department Emily that there was a missing persons for her, he and his wife found her miles away from there home back on patch because that was where she was last seen. But when they found her her she was abused, neglected, with multiple injuries outside and on the inside."

Y/N: When she told me who did all of that her she said it was her whole family, *squeezed fists* when we found her she too scared to speak. But somehow she was able to warm up to Ellie, but this morning something made her injuries worse."

Koko: "This morning she had a seizure, probably from some damage done to her skull along with some slight damage to her brain. But I'm praying that last one isn't real."

As everyone in the room fell silent Emily and Ashley started to tear up while Eve and Jason started to become angered, but angered is an understatement. Eve put her hand on her sisters shoulder to comfort her.

Eve: "Tell us.... why did they do this. To there own family no less."

Y/N: "From what Ruby told me, she said she looked too much like her mother. That woman in that picture you seen, that's Ruby's mother: Summer Rose."

Koko had a small laptop on the side and and went through the stations data base on her.

Koko: "Ok Summer Rose, wow barely anything we have on her, luckily that cinnamon bun hasn't done anything bad. But she died on mission several years ago."

Y/N: "Ironically Cinnamon bun is a good way to put it. When me and Koko were fresh out of the academy we met her on patrol once before when we bought lunch."

Koko: "And she was definitely a delight, so sweet and funny. Her and I talked allot from texting each other."

Y/N looks at his partner and smiles.

Y/N: "I know you and her basically became best friends. But after she died.......... you weren't the same after that."

Koko: "I'm sorry if I have to but in but should we get back to the case here, and your right. I changed a bit, bit I came to terms that she's gone."

Y/N: "Ok now *looks at the others* we want your help on this, I'll have to talk to the captain about this too. But I want you five on this with us, once we catch her abusers watch you'r ass's, these well trained Huntsmen we're talking about. Watch each other's six's."

The rest nodded and Y/N closed the laptop and grabbed it along with the folders.

Y/N: "Ok Everyone let's get this done, but first Emily, Miles I want you two to go to the hospital and keep an eye on Ruby. But don't worry my wife is their keeping an eye on her too. And all of you know what she's like when you piss her off."

Everyone in the room shuddered at the thought of Ellie being pissed off, especially if she see's Rubies abusers, they'd have hell to pay.

Emily|Miles|Jason|Eve|Ashley|Koko: "Why is you'r wife so scary?"

Y/N: "Indeed she is, but dam I love that woman with all my being. OOOF you should hear her growl when I scratch her ears when we....."

Koko: "Ok enough of the mushy and weird stuff, let's do our jobs. Me and Y/N will do some digging up some stuff on the abusers. Let's go Y/N, let's see how these scumbags operate."

Koko and Y/N walked passed everyone, Emily and Miles grabbed their VPD Jackets and drove over to the hospital to watch Ruby along with the oh so scary faunus police wife. What better security can a young Ruby have.

So sorry I haven't updated in literally forever. But still I hope you enjoyed this short chapter.

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