Chapter 1: Crossing the Boundary

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Thank you for giving this story a chance and if you wish please do like and give me feedback :) I am open to both positive and negative feedback and positive feedback :) Thank you and please do let me know if I should continue writing this story :)


Chapter 1

The mud splashed against my feet as I held on to life and continued to run. The thunder roared as lightening flashed across the vast, lush green fields before me. My dupatta clinging tightly to the curves and edges of the rice crops as I gathered energy and made my way. My breaths skipping and begging to be given life and nourishment as I panted.

I heard the jeep roaring and growling as it increased its speed towards me. I swiftly turned around as my eyes widened realizing the jeep was getting closer and closer ready to take me. Looking ahead, I stretched my muscles to their core as I kept running.

My eyes following the shadows of trees that stood still waiting for chaos. Quickly making a sharp turn towards the cluster of trees, I found comfort in the darkness they offered. A thorn piercing my foot as I stumbled and held on to a tree trunk before looking back as I realized a tall figure emerging from the jeep.

Placing my hand on my mouth, I made a dash towards a tree towards my right as I held on to my dupatta tightly. Grabbing hold of the tall tree trunk, I slammed my body against it.

Thump.Thump.Thump. My heart beating loudly against my chest as my pulse invigorated against my ears. My breath whistled as I squeezed my hand against my mouth tightly. My eyes traced the shadow behind me as I attempted to not make a sound.

Not a sound Anika. Not a sound. I repeated the thought in my mind as I felt my senses heighten to detect the smallest amount of threat.

A sudden force grasped on to my waist tightly as I felt my feet lifting up the floor. My body slamming against a force behind me. The familiar scent increasing the beats of my heart as I felt his breath against the nape of my neck.

"Shhhh...."His breath whistled lightly against my shoulder.

A small shiver went down my spine as it turned inwards. His hands deepening their hold on my waist as their warmth seeped through the thin cloth of the anarkali I wore. It was not the touch of a lover's, but of the enemy's. He was hungry to ruin each and every essence that defined me.

"I caught you...Anika...The threads that hold you and your soul have entangled with mines'...You thought you can escape me...Escape the destruction your family has brought to my can never escape me Anika. Never," He hissed as sweat broke off from my forehead, trickling, and splattering on my lip.

"Shivaay...please...I beg you...Give me mercy..." My voice barely rolling out of me as throat tightened and barely managed to catch breaths.

He lightly chuckled as he squeezed his hand tightly against my waist, trailing it down toward my hand.

"Never Anika. Never will I give you mercy...I don't have the right to give mercy to anyone, but I do have a right. A right to destroy those who have committed sins and wrecked havoc in the lives of those who were innocent..." His world tangling with the wind that blew strongly against our bodies that stood close. We stood in silence as he held me closely against him. His touch tying my voice into knots as I attempted to speak.

"Don't punish me for someone else's sins...Shivaay...." I stopped as he grabbed my hand and began dragging me as I attempted to hold on to the tree trunk.

Pushing my feet back towards me, I used all the power I had to firmly attach my feet against the floor and save myself. Looking back, lightening flashed across his face as his blood shot eyes flashed across me. My heart skipping a beat as I noticed his thirst for hunger and revenge flashing across his face. I took a step back as he clenched his jaw tightly and with all his force threw my feet off the floor.

My feet running against the dirt as I tripped over the dark blue anarkali that clung tightly to me as it draped against the dirt merging with it. Using all my force, I placed my other hand against his wrist, pushing him away from me, but with no unveil as his hand tightened its grip on my hand with my pulse began throbbing against the palm of his hand.

Grabbing the jeep's door open, he pushed me inside as he grabbed a hold of my dupatta. My eyes widening at his audacity as his hand stopped. His eyes meeting mines' as I slowly looked up at him. His eyes showing contemplation as if he was running over reasons over whether he should hold me in his captivity or let me go. His eyes widening as his faced reddened. Without a second thought, he slid the dupatta off of my shoulder and began wrapping it around my hands. The fabric tightening my wrists as he began entangling me in his revenge...his thirst for destruction...shackling me to his motives that wished for destruction upon my family.

His hand suddenly letting go of my hands that stood shackled together. Slamming the door shut, he ran to the driver's side. I began slamming my shoulder against the window as I looked around confused not knowing what to do. Adrenaline rushing through my body as I felt it shake as my anxiety went into overdrive. My mind fogging and blanking as I did not know what to do. Grabbing open the jeep's door, he sat in as he turned on the ignition.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I began screaming loudly as he looked ahead. Not an ounce of emotion reflected across his face. He only knew one thing at the moment which was revenge.

"Anika...I will ruin you...ruin your family and that is a promise...You and your family destroyed my life and I will do the same...And don't tell me you love me...Don't you dare claim you love me Anika..."

My body reaching silence as he touched an unstrung tune that hadn't touched cords of emotions that resembled love and passion for the man in front of me. A tear slowly forming in the corner of my eye as I attempted to be brave and collect myself.

"Shivaay...for once just listen to me. Listen to the beats of our relationship...Our bond..." I whispered as he shook his head and slammed his fist loudly against the wooden table.

"There is no bond Anika. There will never be that bond that you expect."

His words slashing my heart into pieces. I sighed as I threw my head into my hands only to have my senses filled with the smell of fresh henna.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered as Shivaay looked up at me. His seemingly blue eyes darkening as thunder rumbled through the dark night.

"You will find out soon Anika. You will find out why, but for now...all I can say is that this story that you have formed in your mind of this fantasy-like romance we would have, then I supposed you are incorrect. Because fate has written a different story for both of us...This story is of my revenge Anika and you are part of it..."

Without saying another word he pressed the gas pedal as we entered the path of darkness. What does fate have in store? I am not supposed to be here. For years, I had suppressed my infatuation and attraction for Shivaay in the depths of my heart...I knew it was not possible. Love between him and I can never be possible. Long standing enmities and desire for each other's blood between our families could've never allowed us to be together. I had buried everything and decided to move on, but then why has fate brought me here? Why? If only I could change time then I would not have been here in the first place.

Two Weeks Ago

The wind lightly passed through my hair as I walked in silence in the green lush fields as my hands ran through them. My green dupatta merging with the sunlit fields as I felt a small smile appear on my face as I soaked my feet against the cold, damp dirt. Taking a fresh breath of air, I looked up at the rainbow appearing in the sky as I felt each piece of air touching the depths of my soul.

"Anika di!" I slowly turned around at the sound of my name as I looked at short figure in front of me. I smiled at the twelve year old as she ran up to me.

"Noor? What are you doing here?" I questioned as I dragged my feet through the dirt and looked at her.

"Anika di, Ma is calling for you! The sun is going to set soon and you know we cannot be out here."

I rolled my eyes as I placed my dupatta up against my shoulder. Grabbing Noor's hand I began walking back out of the fields.

"Anika di...what were you doing out here?" Noor questioned curiously as I sighed and ran my hand through the rice crops as I felt its richness touch the lines of fate on my hand.

"Feeling a bit of freedom,"I answered softly as Noor's head shot up towards me.

"What do you mean?"

I took deep breath as I reflected over my life...a life of shackles and barriers that consumed me and attempted to poison me. I sighed as I softly smiled at Noor.

"You're too young to understand Noor. When the right time comes, you will understand what I mean."

Placing my dupatta around my head, I held on to Noor's hand tightly as we got to the dirt road and began walking down it. I kept looking down avoiding any man's gaze as I held to Noor's hand. The road deserted as a result of the recent drought that had led many migrant workers to flee back home while farmers were left alone in their homes contemplating and dreading over the unknown of their future.

I sighed as I dragged my bare feet through the dirt road as I made my way towards the village.

"Oh Anika di! Look it's a puppy!" Noor squealed as she pointed across the dirt road towards a small black colored puppy that sat alone shivering out in the cold.

I slightly smiled as I looked at the innocence on the puppy's face as Noor suddenly let go of my hand and began running towards it. A sudden light flashing upon her body as I turned back realizing a black jeep was coming in full speed towards her.

My eyes widening as I looked back at Noor and began to run towards her. Adrenaline rushing through each and every blood vessel in my body as I felt my heart pounding against my chest. My hand reaching out for her as I heard the large horn.

Suddenly the tires squeeled and rusted against the dirt as I closed my eyes shut waiting for my end.

There was silence. Silence of a pindrop as I could only hear the howling of the wind. My breaths skipping beats as I placed my hand against my chest. I heard a loud sound against the dirt as footsteps soon approached me.

Slightly opening my eyes, I looked up at the figure in front. My eyes latching on to the blue eyes before me as they appeared to flash from the light of the car across his face. The eyes were the familiar set I had always encountered throughout my life. The eyes my family told me were of the enemy's...if only they knew that I never saw those eyes in such manner. Those eyes belonging to Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

"What are you doing out here?!" He exclaimed as I felt myself shake as I took a step away from him. My dupatta slipping off of my head as I attempted to pull it up on my head against the harsh wind blowing against our bodies.

"Um...I...I was going home with my sister Noor," I said hesitantly as he sighed as he looked at Noor and back towards me.

"You two were just about to get hit in front of my car! Do you even realize that or no?!" I felt myself tremble as I took a step away from him. Anger blatantly flashing across his face. It was never pretty when he was mad. He goes crazy when he's mad. I've seen him yell at the employees at the factory and then going crazy as he throws everything up in the air.

"S-sorry. Um...I apologize. Noor is very young and I was just trying to save her. I am sorry again," I mumbled as he sighed and threw his head up in the air.

"I don't know how many times I will hear you say that stupid word Anika. I feel like you do this on purpose. Probably because your family tells you to huh? I know how much they hate me," Shivaay hissed as I gulped nervously. The only way this moment will pass is if I remain quite and do not move a muscle in response to anything he says.

"Shivaay! Can we go now?!" I looked up to realize it was his fiancé Tia. She was always at the factory. Trying to rule the roost as she ordered everyone around. Something was always off about her and I couldn't pinpoint what.

"Next time watch where you are going alright? And for once come to work on time tomorrow alright?" He ordered as he pointed his finger at me. I shook my head lightly as he sighed and walked back to the jeep.

"Work? What does he mean? Do you work for him?" Noor questioned as I fixed my dupatta and looked back at her.

"Um...nothing Noor...We should get going now..." I mumbled as I heard Shivaay press the gas pedal and a dust of dirt blew up against my face as he drove off.

I breathed in the remnants of dust as it attempted to soil my life. Grabbing on to Noor's hand, I began to walk in silence without saying another word. My mind repeating his blue eyes, the angles and edges of his face, and the demeanor that somehow attempted to lure me. I sighed as I clenched my hand tightly to suppress the thoughts and unknown desires. I shouldn't be thinking about Shivaay. I shouldn't. The barriers that our lives hold would never allow for what I am thinking.

"You ok Anika di?" I shook my head as I faintly smiled at the innocent face. I sighed as I turned a corner and walked into the small dirt lane of the village where our house was. My eyes remaining lowered in order to avoid gazes of a group of men on the corner.

I am sure Ma will be very angry now considering I haven't come home yet. Wrapping the edge of my dupatta against my mouth, I quickened my pace to the large haveli we were approaching. The haveli was done and dusted as its brown color faded and merged with the color of the sunset. Walls damp and cold from the water leakage existing for years. The roof barely holding its place up as it was burdened by struggles and failures. The haveli a symbol of power that was long gone. Its only purpose now was to give shelter to a family from storms and ills of society.

"Now you're home? Huh?" I stopped in my tracks as I saw Ma walking out of the Haveli holding a large basket of cow dung. Shaking her head in disappointment as she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the courtyard of the home.

"How many times have I told you to come home on time Anika?!" Ma began to yell as she began ranting at me.

"Ma I am sorry. I didn't realize it was so late..."I mumbled as Ma slapped her hand against my shoulder as I winced and rubbed it lightly.

"Anika! This is not your city where you work ok? This is a village and you have to understand we have rules and norms that we have to abide by. I am tired of repeating the same things over and over to you!" I took a deep breath of frustration.

"I know Ma...but I genuinely come late from work due to issues with the buses. Today was my day off and I didn't realize time flew so fast in the fields. I was only helping with ..."

"So?! Keep track of time alright?!" I shook my head lightly as I decided it would be best to remain quiet. If I remain quiet and calm then the argument will end and Ma will again be in a good mood.

"Ok now go inside and help make dinner and Noor you to ok?" Ma ordered as I nodded and walked to the small well as I splashed water on my feet to clean them.

"What is this commotion?" The voice thundered as I quickly turned around to only realize it was Dadi, grandmother.

I quickly grabbed my dupatta and placed it on top of my head.

"Nothing Anika came later-"

"So?! It doesn't mean you yell at your daughter outside in the courtyard so the whole village can hear you?! You have been my daughter-in-law for years and yet you do understand such basic things!"

The wind whistled as Dadi slammed her cane against the cement before turning around and looking at me.

"And you Anika! Get inside of the house now!" Dadi ordered as I nervously shook my head and quickly made my way inside.

The Shergill family cannot exist without the presence of Dadi. The leader of the family to whom each and every member must obey to. After grandfather, she is the head of our family and not a pin can be moved without her permission. The only field where she is powerless is the decade old enmity that our family holds with the Oberois.

Walking into the kitchen, I quickly wrapped my dupatta across my shoulder as I walked to the cabinet.

"Sat Sri Akal Chachi," I said as she smiled and side hugged me. Chachi was the only innocent soul in the family felt through the sheer kindness she presented no matter how unkind the opposing party could be which meant Dadi and at times Ma.

"How is my Anika today? What was happening outside?" She questioned curiously.

"What do you think may be happening? I got only a little bit late and Ma decided to scold me." I shrugged my shoulders as I took out flour from the cabinet and placed a cup of it in a large bowl.

"It's ok Anika. She's very protective of you. I mean you are her first born aren't you?" Chachi noted as I shook my head reluctantly.

"Ok now how about we make dinner very quickly or your Dadi will get very upset," Chachi said as I quickly began kneeding the dough.

"How is your job going?" Chachi spoke softly as my finger for a moment stopped against the surface of the sticky dough. I felt the rough edges of my fingers begging to be softened by the dough. Days of labor at the garment factory were getting to me, however, I had to march forward.

"Umm...good. A little tiring from sewing clothes all day, but that is nothing compared to the fact that this job brings money which we need..." I noted as Chachi smiled.

"Anika you are the ideal daughter that I always wanted...In such hard times in which we are facing debt, you really are doing so much to help," Chachi said as I smiled and shook my head.

"I am part of this family chachi and it's my duty to help when times are rough...Anyways, let me start making the roti before dadi get's made..." I said as grabbed a piece of dough and slammed it again the counter.


I laid in silence as I stared at the stars above me. Noor slowly turning and hugging me tightly as she yawned. I smiled as I looked at her innocent face and hugged her.

My hand went swiftly against the wooden bed as I touched the cold bamboo and looked up as the stars dimmed and lit up. I felt a faint smile appear on my face as my eyes traced the edges of the stars as they attempted to envision his face...I know it's wrong to think of him...wrong to even place this attraction in the first place, but somehow I couldn't stop myself.

I felt a faint smile appear on my face as a pair of stars etched his blue eyes. Shivaay...It was not merely a physical attraction. I had an attraction for the demeanor he projected. The way he had no fear. The confidence. The drive to do something different. I don't what...but I had an attraction for him. It's wrong. Wrong on many levels including the fact that he is engaged. He is already someone's and not mines'...I don't have any right to build upon this attraction. It would be wrong of me to do so.

Dreams are not meant for me. Even dreaming of impossibilities can be deadly. Running my hands through my hair, I thought about the times an almost deadly fight broke out between his family and my family. The rivalry between the Shergills and Oberois was familiar with each and every neighboring village. Our rivalry can be traced to three generations ago over a land dispute between our great grandfathers. There is an apparent strip of farmland, high in property value, that borders between the farmlands the Shergills and Oberois own. We belong to neighboring villages and that land is between that ambiguous area that no one can determine whose it is. This land dispute traces its roots to the end of the British colonial rule after which land disputes became quite common. Indeed, this rivalry has continued as my grandfather and my father have remained committed to it now to a point that my family has been driven into debt over years of court dates that have led to hiring of expensive lawyers as my family filed a lawsuit against the Oberois over the land. Currently, the Oberois hold that piece of land and farm on it, but my family is determined to get it.

Often, there is some minor bloodshed between the Oberois and my family, the Shergills. Blood shed over fights over who owns the land. Now...if I keep this context in my mind, then I know I am committing a crime for fostering an unusual attraction for the "enemy".

I heard a loud scream. The scream was familiar as it was my mom's. Turning to Noor, I hugged her tightly to protect her from the evils that still walked on Earth.

Next Day

I watched the tea kettle simmer as steam blew out. My eyes slowly traced their path to my mom who stood next to me as she kneeded the dough. They stood still upon the purple spot that was dabbling into ivory black as it molded with her skin. A bruise laid by a brutal hand...of my father's.

Fathers are supposed to be kind, gentle, considerate. They are supposed to care for your mom, give her comfort, security, and most of all love. At least that is what fantasies and beliefs of society says, but does society follow such rules? Perhaps never. My father was an example of those men who failed to realize that love is the way to strengthen marriage. He failed to realize that abuse is not a display of power, but weakness. Indeed, perhaps, all men may be like him. Who knows? Maybe I am wrong or right...

"Anika beta, go and give your father tea ok?" Mom softly spoke as I broke out of my trance.

"Yes. I will go Ma...Umm...I am going to leave for work after I give him tea ok?" I said as I placed the pastel colored dupatta on my head.

"What about your breakfast?" Ma asked concerned as I weakly smiled and side hugged her.

"I had a slice of bread in the morning and packed vegetable rice for lunch, so don't worry. I will be fine ok?" I said as she patted my cheek.

"Beta...I am sorry for yelling at you yesterday, but you know how society is these days? This village and its panchayat (village council) is very strict and conservative on women. They council barely allowed you to work, so it's important that you still follow the rules ok? Please come home early alright?"

"Yes Ma...I will try my best ok?" I said smiling as she placed her hand on my head as I let her go and poured the tea into the tea cup.

I took a deep breath as I slowly made my way outside into the courtyard, ready to face him. He crossed his legs as he sat on a wooden chair. His hair half gone and whitened with age. His eyes droopy and red as he held his head. Indeed, his alcoholism had been his worst enemy that not only destroyed him, but our family.

"Sat Sri Akal, I have tea for you..." I spoke softly as I placed the cup of tea in front of him.

His eyes swiftly moved up as he looked at me. Pursing his lips together he grabbed the cup of tea and took a sip.

"Going to work?" He questioned as I shook my head in response.

One thing I learned was to never say a word before him. It would only lead to more questions leading to raising of the voice and then anger. I learned one lesson which was to never trigger his anger which led him to go into a complete state of violence. Indeed, I sipped the poison of his words and his presence.

"Come home at the right time ok? I wouldn't allow you to work, but our circumstances do not approve of such," He spoke with his voice deepening with a tinge of anger.

"Yes Papa," I replied as he shook his head and waved his hand up in the air.

"Don't you dare malign our name Anika. Do you understand?" He questioned as I shook my head quietly as I stared at the dirt ground...seeing myself in it.

" may go now..." He ordered as I muttered a goodbye and grabbed my purse from the table before walking out.

And I set out to my daily journey to the job that was helping to sustain the small bits of food that was set on our tables each day. Never had I thought that life would make such a sharp turn and lead me to a path that tried and tested my patience, my will, and my drive. Why is fate testing me so much? What does it have in store?

Placing my dupatta on my head, I wrapped it around me as I walked down the dirt path towards the bus stop. My eyes ran across the beautiful gurudwara as light shined upon the marble stones that made it. The presence of God emulating from it as I smiled and made a silent prayer before touching the path that led to it.

Please guide me to a path that would be good for me. I prayed as I smiled and hoped to come back in the evening and make a prayer as I muttered a small sorry to God before walking towards the bus stop.

A small red bus made its way towards me as I quickly boarded it and headed my way to the city. Sitting on a worn, torn leather seat, I looked outside as I looked at the lush green fields passing by. A faint smile appearing on my face as I took a last breath of fresh air and laminated on its beauty. My eyes talking in the large cluster of trees that made their way past me.

A faint smile appearing on my lips, I took in the sunshine laying down the beautiful fields. If only I can stay here all day. Taking in the fresh air, running through the lavish fields, and plowing them and nourishing them. Being connected to the place that I call home. I sighed as I fixed my dupatta and looked away. Except I couldn't. My circumstances could never allow me such freedom.


I stared at the rusty, gray building in front of me as suddenly a rickshaw drove swiftly past me. I took a step back as I took a picture of the busy city around me. I nervously placed the pastel pink dupatta against my mouth as I placed it on my head.

My hands shaking in nervousness as I clenched them tightly against the small portfolio I held in my hand. Be brave Anika. You have to be brave and fight for yourself and your family. You must get this job for the sake of your family.

I took a deep breath as a guard opened the large black gates as I made my way inside. My eyes followed the windowless building as I made my way towards it. Biting my lip lightly, I made my way towards the glass doors that made the entrance to the building.

I looked at the small reception area where an elderly receptionist sat staring mindlessly at the computer in front of her. I looked back and noticed a group of mainly women sitting at the small sofa across from the reception area. Are they all here for an interview? Wow, Anika, you might not even stand a chance in front of them. I thought as I gulped and tried to counteract the dry throat I had. Placing a lock of hair behind my ear, I nervously made my way towards the receptionist.

"Um...Hello, my name is Anika and I am here for an interview for the factory worker position," I spoke softly breaking down the train of thought the receptionist held.

Her eyes quickly shooting up through her eyeglasses. Her eyes slowly moving up and down across my face as if making a judgement from my appearance. Pursing her lips togethers resembling a tinge of annoyance as she pointed her finger towards the sofa.

"Wait over there with the others. The interviews are going on and you are a little late," She emphasized the last word. Well, I had attempted to come early from the village to the city, but the bus was off schedule and it was difficult getting a rickshaw. Indeed, if I get this job, I have to ensure I come on time.

I took a seat at a small chair next to the women as I began to shake my leg in nervousness. I am so bad at interviews. No wonder, so far I have failed to land a single job. To think a Bachelor in Science would land you a good job and somehow it didn't. Indeed, only those who can succeed in today's times are those who have contacts and connections with others. But it's ok Anika...God will help you.

The clocked ticked away as the women in front of me one by one made their way to the office inside. I played with the small watch around my wrist as I attempted to calm my nerves, but failed to do so. This interview means a lot to me. Most of our crops have died this year and we have incurred immense debt from borrowing cash for planting the crops and nourishing them and we cannot repay the debt since most of them have died. I need this job to pay off the debt and help bringing some food on the table for my family.

The last woman who was in front of me walked out of the office as I looked up at her and then the receptionist waiting patiently for her to call me. The receptionist picked her head up from the desk and looked at me.

"Your turn," She mumbled as she looked away. I weakly smiled as I got up with my legs lightly shaking.

My leg lightly stumbling against the chair as I fixed my anarkali suit and made my way towards the pair of large glass doors at the end of the hallway. I made a small prayer as I knocked lightly against the glass door.

"Come in!" The voice appeared familiar as I nervously grasped the door's handle and opened it.

My eyes widened as I looked at the figure in front of me. Shivaay...He leaned back against a sleek, long black chair as he placed his hand against his mouth. His eyes lowered towards a file he was holding as he was contemplating upon it.

My heart fluttering as the mere attraction appeared again. My eyes tracing the edges of his jawline that appeared seamlessly covered with the darkened beard. His hand running through his dark brown hair. The edges of his muscles tightening against his arms as his arm went up and down placing the file on the table.

"And you are...?" His voice coming to a sudden halt as his blue eyes fell upon me. His pupils dilating to a certain extent as he appeared to be taken aback from my presence.

My eyes lowered as I held the small portfolio I had tightly against my chest. I felt his eyes tracing the edges of my appearance as he appeared to be taken a back. His black chair making a small squeak as he got up. His footsteps tapping loudly against the wooden floor as I felt him make his way towards me. He appeared to stop at a distance from me.

"You? Anika...what are you doing here?" He softly spoke as he crossed his arms and eyed me with curiosity.

Indeed, I myself did not know he would be here and I would be applying to work for him. Never would I have thought we would meet again in such manner. Meet again...? When was it that we had that connection? Never. To one another we were just those who belonged to two families that were each other's dire enemies. If our families hated one another and were out for each other's blood then so too we were enemies. Except...during college things were different...They were different for a year when Shivaay was doing his masters and I was pursuing a Bachelors. Things were different for that one moment...well that is another story to be told later.

"Um...I...I need a job..." My voice barely making it through as my eyes were set down not once looking at him and capturing his gaze with mines'.

"A job? Last time I knew your family was pretty conservative. How did they just allow you to work?" He questioned curiously as I bit my lip nervously. My eyes slowly moving up meeting his for the first time.

He raised his eyebrow as he appeared to question my intentions. Somehow...somewhere...I knew he thought I was out to get him...that my family sent me to somehow take some sort of revenge or sabotage him.

"Circumstances have pushed me to come here. My family has allowed me to step outside of the home..." My voice barely broke out as my vision blurred with tears I was holding back.

My family had slowly been slipping into debt over the past few years due to the drought and sudden flash floods contributed to loss of crops. Indeed, we were almost about to lose our land due to the debt and as a daughter of my family, I had to plead to my parents and grandmother to allow me to step outside of the home and help them. Certainly, their vulnerability and bleak future that they could see where we could lose our land forced them to agree and break the gender norms they had brought me up with which encouraged girls to stay home and not step out of it.

Shivaay cleared his throat as he placed his hands in his pockets and looked at me attempting to read me and understand if what I was saying was the ultimate truth.

"You do know who I am and what family I belong too...Both of our families are each other's sworn enemies for three generations and certainly out for each other's blood and destruction. And yet you are here...Here at my doorstep asking for my help...How can I trust you Anika?"

A small teardrop slipped down my cheek as I looked up at him. That small ounce of strength shattering inside of me as my vulnerability slowly appearing. Wiping my tear away, I clasped my hands together nervously.

"I know your and my families don't get along, but...if you know me just an would know I am someone you can trust and I am not like the rest of my family..."I whispered as I noticed him pursing his lips together. His gaze stood still upon me as I noticed his eyes slightly glistening. He appeared to contemplate, but I could tell he was finding for reasons to trust me.

"You are more qualified than the job Anika," He noted as he leaned back against the edge of the glass desk and looked at me.

"True, but in this day and age, it's tough getting a job you are qualified for because you must have connections and of course...bribes," I spoke softly as he appeared a little dumbfounded by my comment realizing I was speaking the honest and clear truth.

I felt my dupatta slipping down from my head as I noticed him catching a sight of me as the dupatta had seemingly hid certain details of my face. I awkwardly stood still as I waited patiently for an answer.

"Do you have any experience sewing clothing?" His voice dry and cold as I knew he was trying hard to be professional, but couldn't considering the history we shared.

"I-I do. I learned how to sew clothes at a young age with my mom and have been sewing my own clothes ever since. I can sew clothing at a pretty quick speed as well, so I do believe I can catch with the speed the factory requires," I noted as he sighed and walked up to me.

" can start next week on Monday alright?" He said as a faint smile appeared on my face as I looked up at him.

Excitement quickly pumping through my veins as I realized I finally got the job that would help relieve certain burdens that my family held. Thank you God.

"Thank you so much. You do not know what you have done. Thank you," I said smiling as he shook his head and looked at me.

"The salary is just merely 20,000 rupees," Shivaay noted as I still smiled and shook my head.

"All I need is a job right now and any salary would work for me," I noted as he shook his head.

"Great, just come here next Monday and the receptionist will take you to the back of the factory ok?" He said as I shook my head.

"Thank you and I will see you," I said as I smiled and walked out leaving behind emotions of melancholy and reminensce in the man behind me.

Flashback Ends:

And that's how all it began. I have been working at the factory for five months and certainly the job does take a toll on your health, but what can I do? I need the job and I need it for my family. In fact, they do not know I am working for Shivaay and it is best they don't know because they would rather stay hungry and poor than live on the money of the Oberoi's. Putting that thought into my mind, I rubbed the fingers I had small cuts in and were thumbed from sewing all day as I got off the bus.

I looked around for a rickshaw as I felt the rain lightly drizzling upon me. I held up my dupatta over my head as I gestured for a rickshaw which failed to stop. I sighed as I looked at a cycle rickshaw making its way towards me. The rickshaw stopping as I smiled and told him my location as I grabbed a seat.

I attempted to cover my head from the rain that continued to drizzle upon me. My eyes taking in the line of busy cars that sped against one another in the early mornings of Jalandhar city. Loud honks molding and mixing with the sounds of the local temples that appeared in the rainy and foggy day. The smell of fresh samosas luring me as the smell of masala chai dampened and touched my senses. Indeed, here I was in the city away from the open skies and fields of the village, but still somewhat lured by it for no peculiar reasons.

My eyes followed a familiar tall figure as the rickshaw made its way towards it. I looked a bit closely realizing it was Shivaay hailing out rickshaw as he stood next to the familiar black Mercedes he typically drove. Why is he hailing for a rickshaw? I thought as I looked at him.

"Um...can you stop at that man?" I asked the driver politely as the cycle began to brake and halt in front of Shivaay.

The cycle shaking as I jolted away from my seat and held it as I looked back at Shivaay. A hint of frustration apparent on his face as he had the sleeves of his black collared shirt pulled up. His eyebrows slightly rising as he realized it was me.

" going to the factory?" He questioned awkwardly as he took a step towards me. I wanted to roll my eyes at his comment. Indeed, I am going to the factory. You're my boss and obviously you should know that I would be going to the factory to work for you.

"Yeah...I was on my way," I noted as I looked at him as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Can I get a ride on this rickshaw with you? As usual, my car broke down and I have a meeting..."

"Sure," I muttered as I moved to the side as Shivaay quickly grabbed his coat and laptop bag before locking the car and grabbing a seat next to me.

His shoulder lightly pressing against my arm as he tried to adjust in the small seat. I attempted to edge away and rid myself of the warmth of his arm, but failed to do as the rickshaw hit a small pothole.

"Sorry..." He mumbled as he looked back at me. The heat of his breath touching my face lightly as I looked away clasping my hands tightly together attempting to not be lured by his charm.

"It's fine," I replied as I placed a strand of hair behind my ear. I felt his eyes still laying still on my face as I stared at my hands avoiding eye contact. His gaze intending to unravel me and attempting to read the thoughts of my mind that I secretly held. His gaze having the intention of making me vulnerable to him.

"So, are you doing?" He questioned. I felt my eyebrows curl up at his comment. Shivaay asking me how I am doing? Why would he care? Last time I know, I was the one who was caring and seemingly charmed by him who did not care one bit. It was college when it happened...the moment I was vulnerable. I sighed as I avoided his gaze.

"Fine..." I replied not signaling continuation of the conversation as I looked straight ahead.

The rain began to fall a little bit harder as the raindrops made their way down towards me.

"Oh crap," He muttered.

The shade of the coat making its way above me as I looked up realizing he was holding his coat right above both of us. My eyes moving down towards him as his eyes latched on to mines. Seemingly, my eyes going over the tender layers of his face, admiring the creases and edges of it. Most of all admiring the edges of his heart whose emotions appeared in the clouds of his icy blue eyes. My heart seemingly fluttering and beating uncontrollably as I felt his gaze tempting to untangle the thread of boundaries I held around me. His eyes tempting to take in the small details of my face as they went over it. Don't do this Shivaay. Don't do this again. I forced myself to remove my gaze away from him as I reminded myself of what went down a few years ago in college

I still don't know what we have. Somehow, I feel we always had that attraction from one attraction that failed to become fulfilled because of the barriers we held with one another.

Indeed,I have an attraction for him. I would be lying to myself if I say I don't. The attraction has always been there since childhood. His grandmother and my grandmother have been each other's best friends. Despite the enmity both of our families held, the most awkward thing was that his and my grandmother had been friends since their childhood and indeed that meant I tended to frequently accompany my grandmother when she would visit his grandmother and those were the moments when the attraction was somewhat crackling and coming to life. The attraction coming forth the most in college...when he was my senior. God...for a moment when we were in college, I thought he felt the same way.

The rain made its way above us as Shivaay lowered his coat above us. The rickshaw hitting a small pothole as my hand went up holding his arm tightly. In an instant, I felt goosebumps slowly appearing on my arm and the back of my spine as I met his gaze. His mouth lightly breathing on to my face as I realized how close we sat. My hand still holding on to his arm as he held the black coat above us.

If time could stand still, then I would stop it in this moment with him. Stop it to be with him. My hand not willing to let go as the rain began to dampen our barriers and ignite fire to it. If it could only be him and I and not the barriers of enmity that stood between us.

I broke the trance as my hand let go of its grip and swiftly came down into my lap.

"Sorry..."I mumbled as I looked away. A sense of awkwardness filling up in the muggy air between us. Not saying another word, I looked ahead as he continued to hold the jacket above us to avoid the rain that began to pick up its speed.

"Umm...Anika..."He stopped as he tried to grasp on to words as the cold air blew against us. I looked up at him waiting to hear what he wanted to say. But, he didn't say another word. He could after all. There was nothing to say about something that didn't happen, but was going to until the barriers we placed between us appeared.


The large bonfire crackled and fumed as small sparks of fire popped and appeared in the air. The dark evening sky holding its head high above me. I smiled as I placed a strand of hair behind my ear as my hands scraped lightly against the sheet of paper I held in my lap. My hand digging into hues of red, orange, and white as I mixed it and layered as representations of the heart appeared on the paper.

I smiled as I mimicked the hues of the sky on to the paper I held as I painted the sky right in my lap. The wind seemingly picking up as it blew against my face teasing the locks of my hair as they flew against it. Resisting the element of wind, I focused my thoughts on the sky above me.

"What are you doing?" The rough voice appearing familiar as I quickly looked up realizing it was him. Shivaay... The man who somehow had teased the barriers I held to my heart and made his way in it unknowingly. If only he knew what I felt for him.

I slightly smiled as I grabbed a small paper towel and dug my hands into it to get rid of it. I quickly got up as I held the painting in my hand. He looked at the painting curiously as he crossed his arms looking at me.

"Everyone's on this class camping trip to celebrate end of the year and you are here painting? I mean there is a party going over there!" He questioned as he lightly chuckled as he pointed towards the large crowd in the distance that was partying and having the time of his life. He looked back with his eyes falling on to the painting I held in my hand. I rolled my eyes as I held it in my hand flipping it over to show him what I had done so far.

His eyes flashing down towards the painting seemingly marveling over it as he took in the beautiful scenery in front of him. The red and orange sky appearing as a shadow behind the beautiful mountains that surrounded us. A faint smile appearing across his face as he looked at it.

"You did this Anika..." He spoke softly somehow not knowing what to say as he looked at the painting. I looked at him a bit confused whether he liked the painting or not. I felt a little fearful as if this whole painting depended on his opinion rather than the fact I had made the painting out of pure joy and pleasure for myself.

"Umm...yes," I replied as he smiled and looked up at me. Meaning he likes it? I thought as I looked at his smile with curiosity.

"It's beautiful...a beautiful mind and heart created it..."He said as a faint smile slowly made its way onto my face as I felt the small beats of my heart suddenly rise and fall down.

"Um...thanks..." I said barely speaking out loud as I grabbed hold onto the red shawl around me that seemingly molded itself with the red anarkali I wore.

"I could ask you the same...that why aren't you at the party?" I said, trapping him in my words as he appeared tongue tied. Biting his lip lighly, he avoided my gaze as he walked towards the bonfire lightly putting his hands towards it as he attempted to find warmth and comfort in it.

"I...I don't know...I couldn't enjoy for some reason..." He said as if he wanted to say something more, but couldn't.

"Tia is there..." I noted as I heard a large sigh as he placed his hands in his pockets and continued to look at the fire.

"Doesn't mean I will find comfort in her presence..."He said as I took a step toward him standing right behind him. Somehow, I couldn't find myself taking another step right next to him as if that would treading deep waters.

"She's your girlfriend aren't I right?" I noted as I reminded myself of the strong relationship he and Tia had which I witnessed since I joined my first year of university here.

It was a peculiar year considering that I never thought I would end up being at the same university with the man I seemingly always had an attraction for all these years despite the fact that both of our families were blood thirsty enemies of one another. I remember how over a year, Shivaay and I seemingly had developed a friendship despite the age gap of seven years we held and he was my senior considering he was pursuing his last year of masters and I was just beginning to pursue my bachelor's degree. The journey to our friendship was a long one over this year, but you know I feel we still have a journey ahead of us...a journey that may begin from the innocent attraction for him.

I know I shouldn't have an attraction for the man who belongs to a family that my family had a deep rooted hatred for, but what can I do? I cannot just erase this attraction. For some reason no matter how hard I try to, the hatred just cannot be erased.

Shivaay slowly turned towards me and he appeared different. He appeared somewhat sad, disappointed, and frustrated. It was odd because it was an expression that I had never found on his face before.

"What's wrong Shivaay?" I asked in a lowered voice as I heard the fire popping and crackling behind me. My hand slowly reaching out for him as it stopped realizing we had boundaries and certain barriers that came with our friendship.

Clasping his hands against his mouth, he took a deep breath as he looked up at the sky above us that slowly was merging with the darkness of the night.

"Is it wrong of me to think that....Anika...why is it that I only find comfort in your presence? I don't know what's happening, but...ever since we met Anika...I...don't know. Over the year as this friendship has developed...I have come to crave for your presence Anika. Whenever I am with you...I find this undeniable comfort...this happiness that I have rarely experience in my life...Why is it Anika? Hm? I was supposed to hate you Anika. Hate your belong to a family that my family has had an inherent hatred for generations. My parents raised me to hate you...and your family...And I tried to hate you, but...I couldn't...Why is it Anika? Anika is it because...because I-" He made a sudden pause to the trail of emotions that were slowly slipping out from the barriers that surrounded his heart.

I stood still. My feet frozen against the ground as his words dared to touch my soul that had seemingly become awakened by the emotions and choice of words it had longed to hear. The wind blowing lightly against us as I stood still with my gaze moving up towards him. I waited...waited patiently to hear the last word, but couldn't. I teased him to look into my eyes, but he couldn't as he looked away towards the bonfire.

In that instant I realized he wouldn't say no more. He couldn't of course. The barriers and obstacles that were between us were too much that could never be crossed and broken. Back home, our families were fighting against one another. They were filing lawsuits against one another over a generational property dispute and spitting curses at each other. They were out for each other's lives. Indeed, we could never overcome the hatred that existed between our families. It was impossible. Even fate could never challenge this enmity.

A tear slipped down my cheek as I realized this was the one last time I would ever see him again since the school year ended and he was off to his professional career. Perhaps, this is the end of the unspoken love we both hold for each other. His silence was enough to tell me that he loved me and that was enough for me.

A faint smile appeared on my face as rolled up the painting in my hand and held it tightly in my grasp. The orange hues of the bonfire fell upon his face as he looked away trying to avoid my gaze.

"You shouldn't play with fire..." I noted as his eyes widened a bit taken aback from my comment with his face swiftly turning around towards me.

"What do you mean Anika?" He spoke as I shook my head and looked away.

"It's the unspoken that is between us Shivaay. I am talking about that...You already know what I mean. Don't play with fire..."I whispered the last sentence. Indeed, never play with fire Anika. It will only burn you and without a thought I walked away.

Flashback Ends

Don't play with fire Anika. Don't try to cross a boundary that will only burn you. I thought as the rickshaw stopped in its path with a sudden halt. I looked up realizing we had reached the factory. I quickly got off the rickshaw as I opened my purse and began to dig for cash.

"It's fine Anika...I will pay for it," Shivaay intervened as he took out his wallet.

"I should pay half of it..."I noted as he sighed and before I could give the driver the cash, Shivaay beat me and handed him the fare.

"I said I will pay for it ok?" Shivaay said as the rickshaw driver went off his way.

I looked away as I placed my dupatta on my head and quickly paced myself towards shelter.

"Anika!" He called my name as he quickly made his way towards me. I looked up at him waiting for him to say something as he stood in front.


"Um...I shouldn't have reacted in such anger towards you and Noor last night. I just kind of freaked out. You both came out of nowhere in front of my jeep and I was about...about to lose you..." He paused as he took a deep breath.

Lose me? Since when was I his that I could be lost? What does he mean? Could it be he still has feelings for me?...No Anika. Don't you dare think about that. He is engaged to Tia and in no manner should you dare to get involved. I shook the thought out of my mind as I ran my hand through my wet hair awkwardly as I looked at him.

"It's fine...I should get going," I muttered. Shivaay sighed as he appeared frustrated with the one-line statement I had given.

"Thanks for making the payment for the fare. Umm...I will see you later sir,"I emphasized the last word as he appeared to throw a glare at me. And without a second thought, I walked away on a separate path.

No matter what, I can never dare to cross the boundaries that exist between us and dare to dream about him and I. I know what he meant. Somewhere I do know the feelings we had for each other have rekindled, but in no way would I dare to cross the barriers that the enmity that exists between our families and most importantly he is already engaged. The best thing I could do is stay away from him and I believe fate also has destined us to have separate paths.

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