Character Sketch

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Cover Photo Credit: Pininterest

Hello everyone! :) Thank you so much for giving this story a chance and the first chapter will be posted soon :) This is just a character sketch and there is further depth to the characters that will develop overtime :)

P.S. I utilized all these images as they fit the characters. Moreover, some images I had to reuse from other story because I cannot find better ones on which I can avoid copyright lol :D Thank you for understanding :)


This story is about Anika and Shivaay's love for one another that is being tested by time and the enmity that their families hold. Their love is pure and innocent and due to such it has come under threat due to their families' sins.

Their love for one another began in college where Shivaay was Anika's senior. However, their love faltered due to their families, but soon came to life years after until that ominous night that brought destruction to their lives.

Bonded together in an unwanted marriage, both struggle to understand the meaning of marriage as Anika appears to be bonded by conservative values taught to her that tell her to always stick to marriage even a bad one. While Shivaay is adamant that he will never accept this marriage and this marriage is only a way to make Anika repent for the sins her family has committed. Will Anika ever revive her love in Shivaay's heart? Will Shivaay ever begin to fulfill his marriage? Will both choose their families or their love for one another?

Anika Shergill:

Kind, independent, and a girl who aims to spread her wins in limited barriers she faces. An innocent 23 year old who has decided to test her family's conservative values by stepping outside of the home and work at a local textile factory. She aspires to be a doctor, but her family's financial circumstances prevent her from pursuing this dream. Throughout her life, she has had a hidden attraction for Shivaay Singh Oberoi which she attempts to suppress by remembering the enmity their families hold. How will she fulfill a circumstantial marriage with her husband, Shivaay? Only time will tell.

Image Source: IndiaTV

Shivaay Singh Oberoi:

Dominant, aggressive, and influential. This thirty-year old is at the peak of his career as he has challenged his family's norms by expanding beyond farming into textile industries and dairy farms which he has mobilized throughout Punjab and is continuing to expand beyond. He is power and money hungry. Just as his family hates the Shergills, so does he, but somehow and somewhere his hatred appears to decrease and lessen whenever he encounters Anika and interacts with her. However, after the death of his father, his hatred for the Shergills has deepened and his top target is Anika. Will he fulfill his duties of being a husband to Anika or fulfill his duty of being an enemy?

Image Source: Pininterest


The female monarch of the Oberoi family who finds herself helpless in front of her sons and their hatred for the Shergill family. She has worked hard to eliminate such hate over the years, but it has been no use. Will Shivaay and Anika's marriage help her erase such hate or will she herself develop hatred for the Shergills and what they did to her son?

Image Source: TellyReviews

Shakti Singh Oberoi:

Shivaay's father who is defined by greed and selfishness. He has a long running enmity with the Shergills, especially Anika's father, Balraj Shergill. He is Shivaay's mentor and has guided him throughout his life by helping him form values and how to run business. Indeed, his untimely death has a drastic effect on Shivaay.

Image Source: Fuzion Productions

Pinky Oberoi:

Shivaay's mother who has spoiled him sick. She binds the entire Oberoi family together and somewhat holds an upper hand in the Oberoi family. She is kind, considerate, and compassionate which all changes after her husband's death. Will she take revenge for his death or will she forgive?

Image Source: India Today

Priyanka Oberoi:

Young and sweet, she find her dreams in helping others and improving society. She is Shivaay's younger sister who is a social worker and finds herself voicing her opinions against the family and their ways of making deals in business. Her father's death takes a severe toll on her mental health.

Image Source:

Tej Singh Oberoi:

The older Oberoi brother who is corrupt and is hungry for power. He has built wealth through corruption and has no shame about it. He guided Shivaay on misguided paths and is the driving force behind Shivaay's hatred for the Shergills. He is the monarch of the Oberoi family and carries prime decisions.

Image Source: India Forums

Jhanvi Oberoi: She is Tej's wife and in a power struggle with Pinky over who will rule the house. She is hungry for money and power who indulges herself in frequent alcohol and parties.

Image Source: Fuzion Productions

Omkara Singh Oberoi: Tej's only son and Shivaay's younger cousin who is following his footsteps into their family business. He is Shivaay's best friend and is his close confidant. Overtime, he may develop gray shades.

Image Source: Telly Dhamal

Gauri Oberoi:

She is compassionate, optimistic, and free of any greed. She is Omkara's wife who is a doctor and strikes an unusual friendship with Anika. She guides Anika through her troubles and encourages her to find strength in a troubled marriage.

Source: Times of India

Shergill Family (Anika's Family):

Sorry everyone, I did not really add images for the Shergill family because I did not want to paste pictures of random people, so these characters will be described purely from my imagination. Sorry again :(

Ajeet Shergill:

Anika's dadi who currently runs the Shergill family. She is strict, conservative, yet adores her granddaugther Anika. She is Shivaay's dadi's best friend and hope to end the family's enmity, but fails to do so.

Balraj Shergill:

Anika's father who is greedy for land and money. He is an alcoholic who shares a strained relationship with Anika. He is abusive to his wife and has solidified Anika's perspective that husbands only seek dominance in marriage and could care less about their wives. Will Shivaay change her perspective?

Gurleen Shergill: Anika's mother who is strong, independent, yet conservative. She has endured a lifetime of abuse from her husband all for her daughters. Indeed, how will she find her independence and will she ever be free from Balraj?

Noor Shergill: Anika's younger sister who is 11. She is innocent, fun loving, and caring. She alcks awareness of the deep rooted enmity between the both families.

Amar Shergill: Anika's younger brother who is 19. He is spoiled rotten and has failed to upheld his family's responsibilities. Indeed, he is following his father's footsteps.

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