Chapter 2: He Loves Me

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Happy Reading! :) Thank you for the response for Chapter 1, let me know if you like me to continue this story and if it's interesting -like or comment if you have some time :).

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A bolt of lightening flashed across my trembling hands. I shivered under the cold wind that swept itself through the open window next to me. Wrapping my shawl around me tighly, I lined the fabric under the needle.

"Why are you working overtime tonight?" I looked up to see Anjali who looked at me with a pryful eye. I returned my focus to the machine and pressed the foot pedal.

"Because I need money." I replied in a soft, but cold voice in an attempt to shoo her away since she has no right to poke her nose in my business.

Anjali, my co-worker, has been on my case ever since I started working here at the factory. She always seems to have issues with me, whether it is from judging what clothing I am wearing, to complaining to the manager that I did not properly stitch the fabric, even though I did, to saying I am too slow minded, and now upset I am getting overtime. For some reason, she has some issue with me and I cannot figure out what it is.

"Well we all need money Anika, but why is it that your request for overtime is always accepted, but not ours? What is so special in you that Shivaay sir always accepts your request without any hesitation, but for us he stinches his nose up like we have committed an atrocity!" Anjali's dramaticism catching other employees' attention who raised they head up towards the both of us curious about our conversation.

I sighed and closed my eyes tightly to suppress my rising anger. Clearly, Anjali is implying that I am getting some sort of special treatment from Shivaay which is completely untrue. Shivaay and I have kept our distance at work. In fact, I rarely see him considering he is busy most of the time and if not he is always seen leaving the office with Tia, his soon-to-be fiancé.

Rumors already are swirling in the news media that Shivaay Singh Oberoi, the famous industrialist, is set to marry diamond merchant's only daughter, Tia Sharma. Clearly, Shivaay has his priorities set up straight which is good...I guess. I mean it's good Shivaay is getting engaged. Him and Tia have always been meant to be together-they are college sweethearts.

I cannot believe I was foolish at one time in college to think of that manner that I did when he was my tutor. He was in a relationship with Tia and I was such an idiot to even see Shivaay in that special...hate to admit it, romantic was wrong. He's someone else's. Always has been.

"Why aren't you even replying back to what I am saying huh? Did the cat bite your tongue?!" Anjali slammed her hand against my desk and disrupted me from my thoughts. I looked away and continued to sew the fabric not wanting to be distracted by Anjali's annoying tantrum.

The sound of someone clearing their voice appeared loudly. I looked up to see Shivaay standing at the front of the hallway. His hands placed in the pockets tightly as he held a grimace.

"Is there a problem?" His voice sounded like an edged sword that sliced the silence in the room. Anjali quickly jumped back to her desk and began to sew like a diligent worker, trying to play off her fake innocence the way she always does. I lifted my gaze up only to match his who appeared to bore his eyes at me. My heart skipped a beat and I looked away immediately feeling a bit shy.

"I actually have come here as I would like to announce that the factory has been turning profit since the last few months which is quite an accomplishment considering where we started off when I initially bought it."

The employees broke into an applause out of happiness that they would not be getting laid off this upcoming Diwali, but in fact, finding a reason to celebrate. Shivaay kept a stern look not once daring to smile despite the good news.

"So I would like to say that I will likely be turning over the reigns of the factory to the manager next month since I am intending to resume work at the company headquarters. I have other businesses to manage as well."

I felt my heart sink from hearing the news. Shivaay's eyes locked with mine. It appeared like he was announcing the news to was an attempt to tell me that he was going to be leaving soon. Oh foolish Anika, why do you feel sad about this news? He was never meant to stay here forever and you knew that too. Plus, isn't it good you will no longer see him? Seeing him only brings up feelings that are wrong of me to have in the first place.

"Anyhow goodwork and all of you will be getting a bonus end of this quarter. Also, you all are dismissed for today...unless working overtime."

I smiled softly from hearing the word bonus. I could likely use the bonus to pay for a new pair of shoes Noor needed for the school running team. Also, Dadi needs a new pair of glasses that could be purchased as well. I thanked God for the bonus and smiled pleasantly whilst sewing the shawl in my hand. The magenta purple shawl held a firm contrast to my dull ragged baby pink one I wore over my wornout midnight blue salwar kameez.

Employees slowly filed themselves out eventually leading to complete silence. I looked up to realize that it was only me working overtime today. Sighing, I stared at the unstitched phulkari I had yet to do embroidery one before leaving for the evening.

Grabbing the needle, I carefully inserted a golden thread before placing it against the maroon shaded phulkari within my hand. I gently ran my fingers through the fabric and began to draw a daisy shaped flower on it. This was a special order placed by Shivaay earlier this week-he noted it was for a special occasion and I can only wonder what it is.

A phulkari for his lover. A phulkari to symbolize his love for Tia-his soulmate.

I felt a tear appear in my eye and my throat choke itself from the realization of this bitter truth. Of course, this phulkari is for her. They are likely getting engaged and he is having it made for their engagement ceremony. But why are you sad Anika? Why are you taking this news to the heart? You and him are not meant to be, so be happy for him-why are you so troubled?

I let the phulkari run through my hand and walked towards the open window. My mind in a daze, feeling lost. My heart continuing to lose its beats unable to bear the truth that awaited to be revealed before me.


Laughter trickled out of me as I let my soul merge with the storm that surrounded me. My hand running through my chiffon dupatta only to wave it against the wind which continued to run its waves against my Anarkali allowing it to spin endlessly. My feet stomped against the mud only to lift off the raindrops from the ground and splash it against me. I let my hands spin through the raindrops only to collapse against my waist. Forming a shy smile, I lifted my gaze and began to tap my feet against the ground to follow the beat of the music that played. Ms. Grewal, our dance teacher, stood in front of us with a stern look and continued to command our steps in the patio area of the main college hall, determined to let our reherasal go despite rain or shine considering the annual college day was approaching us soon.

I smiled and lifted my head back allowing the rain to soak every part of my being. I continued to spin letting myself drown in the sound of the music. Suddenly, I felt myself collide against an unfamiliar stranger. My feet slowly began to slide against the grass as I waved my hands out to grab hold of something. A pair of arms took a hold of my waist, soaking heat into my skin. A shiver went down my spine and halted me in my tracks. My gaze paused for a second as it locked with a pair of beautiful blue eyes. His shadow familiar, yet still unknown. I waved my head backwards, to create distance, only for me to let my wet, damp hair slide gently against his lips. He appeared to shudder as he felt my cool skin brush against his heated one. For a moment, I felt time stop upon realizing who stood before me...the familiar face I always saw from afar, but kept my distance knowing that was what was expected.

I took a step back to free myself from his grasp. He looked away immediately and broke the trance, having returned back to reality.

" I didn't mean to bump into you..." I muttered softly as I quickly bent down and grabbed my cardigan laying next to my damp bag which laid on the patio floor.

"It's fine. Um...I think the college tuition center forgot to remind you that we have a tutoring session I came looking for you..." He spoke in a trembling voice like he was caught off guard from the moment we shared.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion not understanding what he meant before my lightbulb went on.

"Oh yes I had requested a tutor to help me are my tutor?" My eyes widened realizing what just had happened. No this is not possible. If my family finds out they will be really upset.

"Yes, Shivaay...if you remember, I am sure you have seen me." He clearly reminding us of the infamous rivalry our families shared. My eyes widened unable to believe that I am stuck with him...him-the man whose family hates my mere  existence.

"No it cannot be...I and I both know this is not a good idea considering the-"

"Rivalry. Yeah well they are not students in this hostel and I highly doubt you would tell them anything?" He spoke in a convincing tone as he looked at me expecting my agreement.

"Yes, but what if they find out?" I spoke nervously as I looked back at Shreya ma'am who was glaring at the both of us considering her beloved dance practice was interrupted. Twisting my dupatta around my finger, I looked at Shivaay worriedly.

"Do you want to pass maths this year or not? If so then let's go or you can continue with whatever that is..." Shivaay pointed at the uncoordinated group of girls behind me. I sighed and nodded displeasurely.

"Then let's go. I have to an attend lecture after this session." Shivaay began to walk away quickly. Waving off at a glaring Shreya ma'am, I grabbed my bag and attempted to quickly match his steps.

Of course I want to pass maths. I have never repeated a year in school and this year will not be any different. I have to pass no matter what even if it means getting tutored by the enemy's son. And plus, what wrong has Shivaay done to me? We are just enemies by name, but he and I since childhood have never dared to cross each other's paths and cause harm to the other. I am pretty sure somewhere we both find this enmity between our families pitiful.

Flashback ends:

And indeed this pitiful enmity has formed an invisible wall between Shivaay and I, that neither of us can cross even if we try to.

The wind lightly caressed itself against my skin. I closed my eyes shut and led my hand out the window to let the raindrops melt into palm. My tears slowly merged with the raindrops and submerged into the lines of my fate, cementing that this lifetime the only precious treasure I have is this sadness...this loneliness.

Treading my hand down the wooden frame of the window, I took hold of it to close it only to feel it reach a stop. A soft touch brush gently against the palm of my hand. The touch carefully tightened its hold around my wrist and took a firm hold of my bangles.  I let out a sudden fearful gasp only to collide against a shadowed figure.

Before I was able to let out a scream, he clasped his hand against my mouth and revealed himself under the moonlight. My breaths hitched for a moment as I encountered the mysterious set of blue eyes. His gaze held mine in a hypnotic trance not once allowing me to look away. The heat of skin wrapped itself around my cool one. I felt his body run itself against my spine only to send shivers down it. His hand lazily ran itself down my quivering lips. I felt a spark run its course through my heart. I stood still not knowing what to say, but not once looking away or daring to push him away. If he was a stranger, I would have never let him touch me...not even come close to me, but he is different.  Somewhere, I shamelessly carry this desire to be longed by him...perhaps it's the years of slow burn longing we both have carried for each other, but continue to deny it.

I noticed his eyes gradually fell down to my dry, cold lips that continue to quake under his heated touch. His fingers swiftly down my cheek only to linger against my neck before slipping away. He slowly shifted his body against mine as I lightly hit the window behind me. The sound of the rain encroached into the silence between us. Our chests continued to breathe heavily against each other as we appeared to be caught in a moment of our vulnerability.

"Sorry...I scared you," He muttered in a low whisper. I broke out of the trance and took a step away from him from realizing our closeness. He kept his gaze fixated on me as he reached for the small doors of the window and closed it shut. Suddenly, the small light bulb that had kept a dim light in the hall sparked and turned the room dark. I jumped for a second, caught off guard,  only to bump into Shivaay's arm. He flicked his hand lightly against my waist only for him to back off and let out a light chuckle.

"It's okay's just the light has gone off, nothing to worry about." I looked at him a bit ashamed, but surprised that he remembered my fear after all these years. He slipped his hand into his pocket to pull out a lighter. I kept quiet though noticing the pack of cigarettes in his coat pocket.

And he still smokes...despite how many times I used to tell him how smoking is bad for the health and how nauseous the smell of smoke makes me. I ran my hand through my desk drawer to pull out a pair of candles. Before I could grab a hold of them, I let them roll down on the ground. I knelt down to grab them only to grab the hand that reached before me. Our hands entwined into one as we met each other's eyes. His hand took a tighter grasp of mine as if not wanting to let go. Of course, I do not want him to let go, but it's better to not play with fire.

He had a similar realization and loosened his hold from my wrist. I grabbed the candle and raised it in front of him. He lit the candle only to illuminate the light between us. The amber light cascaded down his elegant, sharp features that slightly softened and held allure. 

I looked away to break the thought and quickly took a seat on my desk to resume my work. I attempted to tuck in my chair only to feel my shawl tug me back. I noticed it stuck under my chair's leg and before able to pull it out Shivaay grabbed it.

"Oh it's okay I can pull it out!" I exclaimed not liking how he was knelt next to my feet-he is my boss after all and it's not good he is sitting here.

"At least give me this right Anika..." I looked at him confused from realizing his words held a double meaning. He revealed a pair of tearful eyes.

My heart tugged onto itself from surprise. Why does he have tears in his eyes? I do not understand. Have I done something wrong or hurt him in any manner? He lowered his gaze to hide his tears and grabbed a hold of the edge of the shawl to pull it out gently from the leg. Taking a hold of the edge of the shawl, I let it slip from his hand. He sighed and got up to look at the phulkari laying in my lap. I continued to stare at him wanting to figure why he was emotional in this moment-what had truly gotten into him.

" have been doing great at your job. I wanted to let you know that." He ran his hands awkwardly through his hair before placing in his pockets appearing to contemplate. I could tell he wanted to talk about something else, but was hesitant.

"Thank you." I ran the golden thread swiftly through the phulkari to stitch a vine of flowers. He looked down at me and studied the motion of my hands which ran the threads at a quickened pace through the phulkari.

"You must be excited about the bonus right? You are working quite a bit of overtime." Shivaay took a seat next to me clearly sending the message he was not going to leave me alone soon. Why is he talking to me and attempting small talk? The last thing he should is talk to me considering our past.

"I am. I really need the money at the moment." My thoughts lingering to the fact that our crops again had died this year, dimming the last hope we had in paying off the debt Papa has incurred over the years for getting new machinery and tools for farming.

Shivaay laid his hand carefully on the phulkari to catch my attention. I looked up to see he was holding the candle stick in his other hand to help me see the piece of fabric I had to stitch. My heart softened from his small gesture.

"If you ever need any help...just let me know. I am here for you." I sighed and closed my eyes. My heart pounding loudly not liking his sympathy because it only meant igniting the feelings I have hidden within me for so long.

"I am fine sir. I do not require extra assistance." I emphasized the word "sir" to remind him of our professional working relationship. Shivaay tightened his lips not liking the reminder one bit.

"I am only trying to help you Anika-"

"And I don't need it like I have said. Sure my family is going through a rough patch, but we still have our morals. We believe we should earn money through hard work and not sympathy." I snapped as I tore the thread from the phulkari and began to fold it quickly. Better to go home and finish off this work. I am not going to get anything done here with Shivaay lingering.

"Anika I never questioned your morals! You are taking it wrong!" His voice a tad bit loud. He appeared to be on edge of his patience, ready to blow off his steam any moment. I took a deep breath and held on to the phulkari tightly in my hands. Clearly, I had a slip of tongue out of my own frustration...from the fact that with each thread that sew in this phulkari, I was going away further from Shivaay...

"I know...I am sorry sir..." I mumbled softly and felt a tear slip down my cheek. Shivaay letting out a grumble before he snatched the phulkari out of my hand. His hand took a tight grasp of my arm and he pulled me into his chest.

Our bodies collided against each other. The heat of his mouth sending a thousand sparks throughout my shivering soul. We found ourselves locked into a brief moment of limitless desire. My hands laid gently against his chest which moved down quickly against them. Our breaths turning heavy from our hearts that began to skip beats against each other.

He began to inch his face closer to me. My breaths became heavier and I looked away. My eyes closing shut as I felt his body run against mine to kindle the undercurrents of love.

"Don't you see it?! Don't you see what is clearly visible, but you are pretending to be blind to it?! And sir? Why this formality?! Why?! We have broken these boundaries a long time back Anika....have you forgotten?" He laid his lips against my ear and hissed.

Tears began to slip down my cheeks. My hands softened against his chest as I let the phulkari unfold and slip between us. I attempted to catch my uneven breaths, but failing to do so. Each and every memory from the past rushed back to me...every single moment...the unspoken words...but the feelings that were clear as water between we both confessed in silence without saying a single word.

"S-stop it Shivaay...try to understand...please. Why are you pushing it? Why? Just stop it please..." I attempted to convince him, more so me because I felt I was losing grasp of my own conviction and determination to keep my distance from him.

He grabbed my hands and took a grasp of the phulkari in my hand. We both looked down to savor the the life of it...knowing how the maroon shade held bits and pieces of love-his love for his lover.

"Do you know who this is for?" He whispered as I let out my tears in silence knowing the answer to it. He tightened his grasp around the phulkari as if it was his most cherished treasure.

"It's for Tia..." I closed my eyes shut from hearing the truth from him. I felt bitterness sweep through every inch of my heart which stood in denial. I sighed and attempted to loosen my grasp from his hands wanting to run away and hide...not liking how Shivaay was becoming a witness to the feelings I had held back for so long.

"I know...I know Shivaay. You do not need to say it. I know you both are set to be..." I paused not ready to complete the sentence because I myself did not want it to be true.

"Say it...complete the sentence. If you are so willing to stitch this phulkari without any hesitation...then say it Anika. Say it. I am sure it doesn't matter to you right?" His eyes darkened with anger. I could tell he was about to lose it any moment. Shivaay has many shades. One moment he can be the sweetest man and the next he can be sin himself if he does not get what he wants.

I kept quiet and continued to shiver against him. My tears falling down on to the palm of his hands. He tightened his grasp around my wrists pulling me closer to him. I kept my silence because that was enough to tell him what I truly felt about him and Tia.

He broke into maddening laughter, clearly having lost the last straw of patience he held. "Marriage! Tia and I are getting married Anika! I am finally fulfilling your wish that you always held---see look at this phulkari! Tia is going to wear this on our engagement that is set for tomorrow! She is going to don it on our wedding day too! This beautiful phulkari that you are making it with your own hands!"

Shivaay grabbed my hands pushing it in front of me. I closed my eyes and let tears continue roll down not wanting to hear more. I felt my stomach tie into a knot as I felt the need to vomit from hearing the words coming out of his mouth. Not able to tolerate them.

"With your own hands you are carrying out your destruction Anika! With your own hands you are destroying us Anika! Why are you doing this to me Anika?! Why? Why have you always treated me this way?! Why are you denying it?! Tell me! Tell me that each and every moment we shared in college was a lie! Tell me Anika! Speak! Was it all part of your plan to get revenge on me....because of the enemity between our family-"

"No! Never! How could you even think that Shivaay? How can you even say that in your right mind?!...Stop it Shivaay...please stop it!" I pushed him with all my force. He stumbled back and hit the table. I broke into tears and grabbed my bag ready to make a run for it.

"Anika you cannot just leave like that without answering me! Anika!" He began to scream like a mad man. I threw my head back as I grabbed his shoulders and locked my gaze into his.

Lie to him Anika. Lie to him. That is the only way he will let go of you and move on. Him moving on is for the best. If he continues to hold on to will only cause trouble-our families already despise each other.

"Shivaay...please stop. We had nothing in college. Was there ever a moment when we ever confessed anything between us?...No right. Never. I never felt anything towards you okay? And you yourself have been in a committed relationship with Tia for so long. So I do not understand what has forced this unreasonable thought in your mind."

Tears fell out of Shivaay's eyes. He placed his hand against my cheek tenderly wanting me to understand the feelings he carried within him. At that moment, I felt my soul turn itself within me unable to bear his pain that it felt through his mere touch. I know you are hurting Shivaay...but please move on.

"Anika you don't are so different. And I always thought that Tia...was the girl I needed, but after I met you I realized no...that is not true. And...yes I moved on with Tia after graduating from college, but I could not stop thinking about you...and then when you came back...Anika don't you find yourself remembering the moments we shared in college---don't you remember those feelings at all? Please don't lie to me Anika---you and I both know that we—"

I placed my fingers against his mouth to stop him from speaking more. I shook my head in a "no" telling him to stop whatever he wanted to say in this instant...that it is not worth it anymore to divulge on something that is impossible.

"Stop...don't go down a path that has no direction and no light. We both know that path is impossible to embark on and complete and Tia are...m-made for each other. This is God's wish-"

"No it's not. My heart knows it that this is not God's wish. This greed Anika! Only greed my family has! That is why I am being forced into this engagement-I don't desire Tina anymore....I need-"

"It is God's wish Shivaay. If God wished something else...then our families would have never been enemies...things would have been easier..."

We looked into each other's tearful eyes as we swallowed the truth which awaited the both of us. In that moment, both of our hearts retrieved from each other, broke the last thread that tied them, only to collapse back into our lifeless bodies.

Shivaay lowered his gaze to stare at the phulkari which laid lifelessly in his hand. He looked up at me and gave me a soft smile of confidence...of belief.

"I trust my God Anika...I trust Him...and I know that if this phulkari is meant to be adorned by you, then it will reach you...and I know one day will come when I will place this phulkari on you.."

I sighed and tore my gaze from him. Turning my back away from him, I looked into the darkness of the room which represented my own emptiness. Keeping my silence, I began to walk letting my shawl drag it's lifeless course behind me.

"Shivaay...stop dreaming and stop your prayers for another lifetime..." I whispered as I placed my hand on my heart hoping that in another lifetime he will be mine.

And I soon left his realm. I felt his gaze on me as he watched me leave. I can only hope that he stops running after me and soon realizes this harsh reality.

How can I forget all the moments we have shared in college Shivaay? I have not forgotten any of it...and the moment I saw you after years I was reminded of it...but just like I never confessed back then in college, I cannot now. The rules of this world are harsh Shivaay...this world does not value love-it only values greed, money, sin...and as long as our families do not realize the true value of love-we will continue to be separate by this wall-which we can never cross.


I wrapped my hands gently around his waist. The rain seeped through both of our wet skins which embraced around each other tightly. I closed my eyes tightly and hit my face fearfully into his back. He continued to race the motorcycle down the road as he placed his hand comfortly around mine.


Thank you for reading :). Let me know if you would like me to continue the story-by a small comment or like if you have some time. Sorry this chapter was short, but I am writing short chapters from now on :). Happy Holidays! :)


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