Chapter 3: Our Night (Part I)

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Warning: Content is Adult and Mature.

Chapter 3:

The cold wind swept through my shivering body. I wrapped the blanket around me and placed my hands over the make-shift fire I had made. My eyes drifted towards the night sky to observe the beautiful moon peeking out from the storm clouds which slowly were disappearing.

It has been a week since I last saw Shivaay. A week since he has been engaged. And now three days away from being married to Tia.

Ever since our last encounter, when I told him to move on and let him know that we have no future together-I have not seen him. I see his shadow lurking in the background when I am intent and focused at work. I feel his presence linger behind the window from which he watches me sew clothing. I feel him despite him not once appearing in front of me. I know he is hurting. I am hurting too.

But what can I do with the knowledge that he and I can never be together. We are worlds apart and our families despise each other to death. Decades of enemity cannot be ended with Shivaay and my naivity. I looked far out to the fields across from eyes following the mansion before me...with hope I might see him.

A tear slipped down my cheek. I felt my heart tremble under the earthquake of knowing that I am soon to lose him forever. All these years, a part of me had hope that someday he will return to me, unite with me, and then be mine forever. A part of me still held remnants of his memories with a belief that eventually one day he will come back to me. Never did I think I will be this close to losing him forever.

"You okay beta?" I plastered a false smile and looked towards Ma who held a plate of food in her hand.

"What are you doing here on the terrace? You didn't even come down to have dinner." Ma looked at me worriedly as she took a seat next to me on the small foldable bed, manja, that I sat on.

"Nothing Ma...just warming my hands. It's gotten so cold recently."

"Yes it has, hasn't it not?" She sat next to me quietly and began to warm her hands as well. I could tell something was running in her mind from the worried look she held.

"Is something bothering you Ma?" I asked her gently. She sighed and closed her eyes before opening them to look at me.

"I have to tell you something...and I want you to promise that you will not be upset by it."

I looked at her in confusion wondering what Ma wanted to tell me. She held an troubled look indicating that it is something significant.

"Ma just tell me now, you are worrying me more."

"Anika...Ms. Neha Sandhu, the wife of Manjeet Sandhu came to our house today...and she asked for your hand in marriage for her son Aman."

My heart dropped instantly. I felt the ground beneath my feet crawl away. A sense of shock hit me as I got up and stared at her not able to believe what I had just heard.

"W-what?! Neha aunty wants me to marry that alcoholic son of hers! How can she even think of that possibility Ma?! Tell me you rejected the proposal Ma-you must have!" My voice echoing in the silent night. The sound of my father's scooter approaching heard in the background.

Ma lowered her gaze not uttering a word. Shock and anger crippled within me. I shook my head fiercely unable to believe what my mother had just confessed now only to fall in guilty silence.

"Look Anika...they are a stable family and best part is Amarjeet is your father's best friend. We have known the family for a long time-"

"Long enough to know how much of a drunkard her lazy-do nothing son is Ma! He is a tenth grade fail, sits at home or roams around all day on his motorcycle while teasing local girls! You want me to marry such a characterless man! Never!" My voice getting louder by the minute as I attempted to hold on to my anger with my fists clenched tightly shut.

"Well you will marry him! It has been decided!" Dad's voice echoing loudly behind me. I immediately turned around to see the furious large figured man tower towards me. I took a step back and began to shiver in fear, aware of my father's command.

"How dare you speak in such manner?!...Your manner and lack of grace has further convinced me I made the right decision to marry you off! You joining the workforce has clearly had an effect on your ego-so-called working woman-utter nonsense! This is why our family does not allow women to step out of the home and work!"

Anger drew itself within me. How dare he speak in such way about us women? Papa always has demeaned women in such manner and it is wrong for him to do such. Why are we women not allowed to work and step out of the home like these men? Why are we women not allowed to question decisions that others make which will impact out lives? Am I wrong to question the fact that my parents fixed my marriage with a man I have no desire to marry to?

"Look at the way you are looking at me! Never have you dared to look me in the eyes and question my authority until now!" Suddenly Papa raised his hand up in the air. And without a thought, I grabbed his wrist to stop him. Something powerful came up within me-allowing me to stop him before he dared to lay a finger on me.

Silence befell us all. My father trembling in his fury. His eyes bloodshot red. I clenched my hands tightly to find my strength-knowing I was entering the devil's cave.

"No! You cannot hit me....not again. All these years, you have used abuse as a way to control my mother, my sister, and me, but...not anymore! You cannot use abuse as a way to force me into marrying a man that I disdain! You cannot!"

Papa's eyes widened in shock-he looked taken aback for a moment. Tears began to run down my cheeks from the memories that flooded open into my mind-reminding me of many times when Papa raised his hand upon us without any shame or remorse.

"Really? Now you? You will question me? You really think I will let you do that?! You cannot question me in such a manner! You have to marry Aman! This is for our benefit! They have the money and means that will help our family! We have invested so much money in the land dispute case with the Oberois-and they are willing to fund the case on grounds of getting part of some of the land-it's a great deal!"

"Deal?! You made a deal over your own daughter Papa? How could you even think of doing that?!" I stood shocked unable to believe what I had just heard. My father had struck a deal over me all for money and that piece of land? I cannot believe it. Papa you truly have outdone yourself.

"Enough! No one has dared to question me in such a manner until now! You need a lesson!"

Papa immediately grabbed my arm and began to drag me down the steps of the terrace. I grabbed a hold of his hand trying to free myself from his grasp. My body beginning to shake in fear wondering what he might do to teach me a lesson. Ma screamed behind us and tried to stop my father.

"Please stop! Anika is a child and naïve, that is all! I will convince her don't worry!" Ma pleaded to Papa, but without any avail.

Tears slowly streamed down my cheeks from the realization of how much my father despised me all these years despite the amount of love I gave to an ugly man like him. The fact he decided to make a deal on me for his financial gain shows that not once has he seen me as his daughter, but merely a burden and now a commodity.

My eyes wandered back to my brother who stood silently with my grandparents. They all watched me in silence. I noticed my brother, Amar, form a small smirk on his lips. I could tell he was amused by my humiliation. Both of us a year apart, but the split lines of a path that leads to darkness and light. He a reflection of my father. And a reflection of my submissive mother who all her life has not questioned authority. However, today I have dared to and I know the consequences of it as well.

"I cannot believe you have dared to not obey to me-your father! So now...I will teach you a lesson!" Papa's eyes were bloodshot red to reflect his raging ego. I formed a faint tearful smile as I looked him into his eyes.

"All my life...I have listened only to you despite knowing how wrong you were. Papa I have respected you despite how you have treated us all...the only reason why I have kept my silence is for mother and sister's sake. I am worried for them...worried what will happen if I leave...that is the only reason that I allow you to treat me this way..." I barely spilled out the heavy statement that ignited from my pounding heart which carried years of hatred from my father.

My father stood in silence. I could tell he was a bit taken aback from my boldness considering all my life I have never dared to raise my voice in front of him.

"I should not have kept you the day you were born. Everyone told me I should have given you away because my first born should be a boy not a girl. They were right and I wish I had listened. A girl is always a burden...nothing more." Papa's one line enough to break my last remaining bit of love for him. I held tears in my eyes as I closed them shut not wanting to hear more from him.

Without saying another word, he grabbed my arm and began to drag me outside of the home. My mother and grandparents yelled after him and attempted to grab a hold of him to stop him. I grabbed his hand and attempted to free myself. But he did not let go. Tears continued to stream out of my eyes as I grabbed a hold of my dupataa that trailed after me in sadness.

"Please stop! What are you doing?!" Ma tried to snatch me away from my father. But he did not stop. He grabbed the gate open and threw me out. I stumbled almost to the ground before I got a hold of myself. I looked back towards my father in anger unable to believe he would dare to abandon me out on the streets in middle of the night.

"Let her stay outside for the night and then she will realize what I favor I have done to kept her at my home all these years!" Papa spat in venomous hate. We looked at each other with no love, but animosity. He loathed me and I did the same.

I stood still. Not once daring to speak a word. I myself could not believe what just had happened. All these years I have not dared to speak in front of my father and now finally did only to be thrown out of my home like a piece of trash...because for once I gathered the courage to speak against him.

"No please don't do this, I beg of you. She is young and does not understand..." Papa pushed my mother into the house. My father grabbed the gate and held it in his hand before looking at me. He held a proud grin on his face like he had finally fulfilled his duty as a father.

I clenched my fists tightly. Memories of the past rushed back to me. Memories of the years of abuse my mother, my sister, and I have faced at the hands of this devil. I stared him down not once looking away.

His grin disappeared. He did not like the courage I held. Without saying another word, he slammed the gate shut in anger. I trembled a bit, but did not dare to lose my ground. I could hear my grandparents and mother pleading to my father, but my father's voice was the loudest. He roared and railed to a point that it submerged everyone else's screams.

Silence swept me. I gathered the pieces of some pride I held and began to walk down into the darkness of the night. Tears rolled down my burning, red cheeks not once daring to stop. A set of raindrops began to fall down on to my sadness. I gently wrapped my dupataa around me to keep me warmth in the cold night. Shivers ran through my spine as I slowly walked on the empty road.

Our ancestral home is on the outskirts of our village, farther away from the other homes. My father does not like company, let alone neighbors. He says that strangers are a nuisance and their only purpose is to eavesdrop and perpetuate gossip—they like to light fires in other people's homes he says. So he has not once attempted to pack us up and bring us into the village...My idea is the truth being, he likes being out here all alone where he is able to better control his without others finding out...He is the lone dictator in the outskirts of town.

The only home that is on the outskirts with ours'...are the Oberois. They live across the acres of fields which separate us only to sit straight opposite of our home. Sometimes I sit on the terrace and stare out miles away to see their home...hoping I would see Shivaay even though I cannot considering how far away they live.

The Oberois and Shergills have hated each other for generations. Their hate stems from a piece of land that our great-grandfathers began to argue over. The truth being our great-grandfathers were great friends for ages before the argument over land came to place. In fact, our grandmothers were best friends till end of time before they were separated by the dispute. And ever since then, a court case has been filed which continues to gather dust, be repealed, repealed, repealed...with no end in sight.

I do not even know why I am thinking of this at the moment. Perhaps because somewhere I still have faith that a miracle might happen and the dispute will end within three days with our families finally reuniting and Shivaay being mine. How stupid of me to think that. The reality is that never will happen. Never.

Perhaps, I also think that in the dark silence of this night, Shivaay may randomly appear to save me. How foolish me as well.

I walked silently down the dirt path road not knowing where I am headed to. I cannot go into the main village at this time considering the drunkards that exist. Gossip also is not needed at this time.

I heard a motorcycle suddenly hum behind me. A bright yellow light flashed in front of my eyes. I clasped my hand against my eyes to see who it was. Fear entrenched me from the realization I am alone here in the night with no other soul to be seen. My heart began to beat in alarm as I took a step back, ready to run for my life, only for my bare feet to swallow into the mud beneath them. I noticed a large dark figure steadily approach me-his features barely able to be seen in the light of his motorcycle.

" that you?" The tender voice making me stop in my tracks instantly. I felt my heart clench itself in pain. Tears immediately swept through my eyes. I felt my lip tremble in sadness. I looked back and locked my gaze with those beautiful blue eyes.

In that moment, I felt a sudden need to breakdown. The familiarity of a caring voice enough to tug on the strings of my heart which carried years of damage and burns of a father's ill love. I stood still in the night not daring to move.

He slowly appeared under the moonlight that dared to peak from the dark rain clouds. He formed a faint tearful smile. His eyes swollen and dark...not carrying the light they always have. They appeared empty.

"Anika...are you okay? What are you doing here outside at midnight?"

I stared at Shivaay in silence. A lump formed in my throat with the lack of ability to describe the malevolent moment that happened minutes ago. The memory painful. My father's red devilish eyes. His screams. His demonic laughter.

I lowered my gaze in shame, not having the courage to tell him what had just happened.

The raindrops began to increase their rhythm. They began to fall down quickly upon the both of us. A sense of eagerness in the lightening and thunder that approached. The rain continuing to increase in eager as it had a sense of purpose.

We stood quietly without a word. Both of us absorbing each other's presence. It had been long since we had seen each other. A week, but enough to create a longing that was tearing our hearts apart day by day...night by night.

The cold dark night embraced us tightly. Shivers from the cold ran between both of us. Shivaay took a step towards me and I took one step back. His gaze undisturbed...fixated upon me. I grabbed the small tree behind and held on to it tightly. His hand taking a grasp of it without shame.

I immediately looked up to meet his cold piercing gaze, that oddly held a loving look.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered softly like he did not want anyone to hear us. I stood quietly and let a tear roll down my cheek. I can tell he is taking in every bit of my feature to decode my silence. No one has ever spoken to me with such kindness before. No one has ever asked me how I one until Shivaay.

I snatched my hand out of his grasp and took a step back on to the road. His fingers gently ran against the side of my wrist, they tangled into the sound of my orange bangles. I felt myself weaken. I could tell he was holding to his last urge to embrace me, but could not. He always respected my boundaries and today was no different.

Shivaay took a step closer to me to close the chilling separation between us. I let out a small heave only to let the heat of my lips brush against his. We stood close to each other. The rain continuing to dampen our clothes that dared to stick against each other. He took a deep breath and tightened his grasp on to my bangles. I bit my lip softly that began to quiver.

A sudden rush of emotions exploded out of my heart that had locked so much of the agony I held for years. Raw pain from my father's hands. Sadness from losing Shivaay. Regret that I chose this family to be born in that only gave me pain and who hatred extended to Shivaay that I could not even dare to look at him with love...All of it came back.

" father....he-" Before I could complete my sentence I found myself falling victim to my tears. My hands took a hold of my cheeks as I attempted to wipe them away, but could not. I felt my eyes burn and sting in misery.

"" I could barely push out words from my lungs. I felt myself submerging under the weight of the heavy rain that continued to fall upon us.

I found myself weaken for a moment. All the pride and confidence I dared to display in front of my father tonight, shattering without a warning. Tears my soul enemy daring to make me feel like a victim. I sighed and placed my palms against my eyes not wanting to look at Shivaay. It's embarrassing to let anyone know how weak I have I am suffering. I do not want anyone to see me this way, but Shivaay has.

A pair of arms took me into an embrace. His heart merging into mine. Our bodies colliding and igniting the thunder that roared above us.

Shivaay's Point of View

I took a sudden hold of her. My hands clenching into her back as I held her firmly against my body not wanting to let go of her. My heart beating against the rhythm of the thunder and lightening that embroiled above us. Every bit of my patience breaking and every piece of my love erupting instantly from the gates of my heart and out into my soul.

Her cold shivering fingertips took a timid hold of my waist. Her body recoiled into mine with shyness. Fear still rumbled through part of her body. I tightened my grasp against her wanting to take away all her fears and worries...and make them mine. Wanting to do everything I could to erase the horrible memories she carries and turn them into love.

I slipped my face into the side of her trembling shoulder and pulled her in towards me. My eyes closing shut as I layered my lips barely against her beautiful lily scented skin. Her smell intoxicating my senses and reminding me of the past.

Without any regret, she pulled herself closer. I could tell she was breaking. All the patience, the distance, the coldness she has displayed to push me away...falling apart. In this moment, I can tell she wants me as much as I want her...and I want her so much...more than anything and everything.

It has been a week since I have been this close to her. Ever since she pushed me away and told me that we do not hold a future, I have found myself spiraling. I find myself to be a living corpse. Someone who is already dead and just wandering this earth for others' purpose.

My engagement with Tia, the wedding ceremonies, and all the congratulations and pity parties have been a blur to me. I find myself lifelessly roaming amongst wedding guests and my family without daring to break a smile. My thoughts all focused on Anika...the past...the memories....the possibilities...the future I always have dreamed...with Anika...

It has been years since I have seen her, but the moment she walked through my office door, all of the feelings came back. For many years, I have only thought of her...and only her. The day I saw her return and come back to my life, I formed a determination to make her mine...I found hope. For many years, I have felt lifeless and just a corpse who does work, earns money, and makes his family materistically happy. For the first time, when I saw her, I felt emotion I rarely feel ever.

So when last week she pushed me away and warned me that daring to even approach the thought of having a future will bring destruction to our families....I lost hope. I found myself returning back to my loneliness that I have had for years. I listened and followed. I got engaged. I disappeared. I watched her. I watched her as she worked, but not daring to approach her. I watched her cry on her terrace every night as she stared towards my home. I watched her be screamed at by her father...I have only watched not once saying a word because it will only hurt her. Every night, I come near at her home and look at her for a minute before going down the path to my house...wishing she could look at me and see the love I hold for her...wishing she could run and escape with me. But she has not.

Tonight, I was coming to see her as well, but before I could I found her on this empty road all alone. A metaphor for the suffering we both are going through.

But not much longer.

Anika's Point of View

We embraced each other under the thundering, angry rain that continued to warn us to keep away. But we did not. I let him run his fingers admiringly through my wet hair. I allowed myself to be held in his protection...his embrace giving me a feeling of peace that I have not had for long.

"Let's go...home." Shivaay's voice breaking the moment. I instantly returned to reality and loosened myself away from him, only for his hands to take a light hold of my wrists. He formed a faint, kind smile. I looked at him in confusion unable to understand.

"It's raining really hard Anika. A storm is approaching and I cannot just leave you here alone on the road. Let's go to my home..."

My mouth widened in horror unable to believe what he was just saying. How did he even gather the ability to think such a dangerous thought. I shook my head immediately not liking his idea one bit.

"Shivaay, how can you even say that? You know what your family thinks of me." I lowered my eyes ashamed from remembering the disgust with which his family see's me.

Ever since I have been little, they have despised me the most considering I am the oldest child of the Shergills and had most of my school classes with Shivaay's sister Priyanka. Always, they looked at me with hate at school functions and did their best to keep Priyanka and I apart. As college rolled by, they continued their hatred...which is valid I assume from the decades of enmity.

"They won't find out..." He spoke in a low voice for only me to hear. I sighed in hesitation not really liking his idea.

The lightening suddenly bolted at the both of us. I grabbed Shivaay's hand immediately and closed my eyes shut. I have always been scared of lightening-its unpredictability, its moodiness, its desire to hurt others.

"Do you trust me Anika?..." I opened my eyes to encounter his strong features that had softened for me. His usual scowled look nowhere in sight. All I can see are kindness, comfort, and protection in his eyes...enough to tell me I should trust him.

"I do...but I am scared if anyone finds out-"

"They won't...come." His voice more stringent and strong now. He held a concerned look from worry of what I would do here alone at night. I looked back at the empty road that was beginning to flood.

The lights of my house, that stood far away down the path, now completely dark. No one in sight. They truly did abandon me tonight. Not once did anyone step outside and even dare to see what I condition I am in. Not one person showing care or concern.

I buried my nails into the palm of my hand from anger. From sadness. From the feeling how I have always loved and loved...only to not be.

Without any resistance, I followed Shivaay to his motorcycle. He watched me as I carefully sat down at the end of the seat. He began to smile innocently. It has been long since I have seen him smile like that. I could tell he was happy to see me after a while wrong circumstances of course. Shivaay took a step closer to me. I stared at him quietly not once moving away.

His cold shivering hand took a hold of my dupataa. I felt my waist pull itself back as it felt his finger run against its hem. He gently grabbed it and wrapped it around me tightly. His hands slowly running down my shoulders up my neck as I shuttered instantly under his seductive, tempted touch that was urgently trying to keep away.

He looked at me for a second...wanting to take me in as I sat shivering in my orange, lantern colored dupataa that contrasted with my blushing red cheeks. My hair wet and sticking tightly to my damp clothes. Raindrops cascading down to my lips that were cold and craved heat. He was taking in everything...every part of me.

He pushed himself to look away as he took a seat in front of me and started the motorcycle. The motorcycle made a sudden jump and I instantly grabbed a hold of his waist.

"Hold on to me. I don't want you to fall..." And then we took off.

But I am falling Shivaay....falling....falling and falling...everyday for you. Only you.

I wrapped my hands tightly around his waist as he picked up speed. I lowered my face not wanting anyone to see us, though, no one was in sight. He continued to speed towards his home as if he was scared...worried...fearful that someone might see us...or he may miss this moment with me.

My hands tightened their hold on his white wet shirt. I buried myself into the strong smell of his perfume. I found myself admiring his broad shoulders that clenched and released itself as he controlled the motorcycle. His jawline appearing perfectly etched as he bit his full lips and drew them back. He looked beautiful. He always has been.

I notice him pass the front gates of his home. I looked back and eyed the large white colored mansion that laid dead still in the night. All the lights dark with no one to be seen. He took a turn towards the back following the long fence before he reached a small one.

He slowed down his motorcycle and shut it down before approaching a small gate. He stopped and slowly got off. His hand grabbing mine. I lowered myself against the fence as Shivaay tip toed quietly.

He peaked inside as I followed his gaze to see the guard sound asleep. Shivaay continued to look ahead and then began to make his way quietly through him. I slowly followed him not daring to make a noise. We made our way through the snoring guard and down the large green lawn. Shivaay quickened his pace and tightened his grasp of my hand.

I followed him quietly as fear approached me. My heart beating fast. I looked back to ensure no one was watching us. But not a soul to be except the sleeping guard in the small office.

We began walking to a pair of marble stairs that led up to a small balcony. Suddenly, we heard a noise behind us. I gasped in fear as Shivaay immediately pushed me up against the wall. I cowered down the wall behind the steps to hide my shadows. Shivaay leaned against the wall and kept a hold of my hand. We both exchanged looks of fear. He gave me an assuring smile though I could tell he was scared himself. He looked back and towards the figure that was approaching him.

"Shivaay you are finally home! Where were you?!" The voice a familiar sound. Is that Omkara, Shivaay's cousin? I remember him from school days. A good man indeed and one of the nicer members of the Oberoi family. Thank God it's him.

"Hey Om. Uhh...I was just...coming back from seeing a friend. He wasn't feeling well so I thought to give him a visit."

Shivaay rubbed my fingers gently to calm my nerves as I stood still behind the wall-not yet seen by Om. I was shaking violently-mostly scared from being seen. If anyone finds out I am here in the middle of night with Shivaay...chaos will break loose. Our families will take no time in becoming violent. Years of enmity has only worsened their spite for each other.

"Friend? Which one?" Omkara asked in a teasing voice. Shivaay sighed and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"No it wasn't Tia if you are interested to know! You should be the last person to tease me considering everything you know!" Shivaay's voice held anger and frustration. I could tell the mere mention of Tia can make him irate.

"And you know I know I won't tease you on Tia's name. Don't tell me you are still trying your chance with An-"

"Good night Om." Shivaay interrupted him with impatience. He held a scowling look as he glared to Om. Om sighed and pressed his fingers against his temples.

"Don't risk it...that is all I will say..." Om warned before he walked away down a step of stairs that led inside.

Shivaay stared quietly into the light, appearing to think of something for a moment. I slowly raised myself up from the ground and brought myself next to Shivaay. He gave me a comforting look before leading up the marble steps. We quietly made our way up to the steps. Shivaay continued to walk carefully and led me down the marble floored balcony that led to a pair of large French doors.

I held some hesitation. Awkwardness, shyness, and apprehension caught hold of me. I am not sure if I made the right decision to go with Shivaay, but then where would I go? There is nowhere to go...and Shivaay is someone I trust. I trust him more than anyone and I know his intentions. I know every bit of it.

He opened the French doors for me as he stared back at me. I lowered my gaze and wrapped my dupataa nervously around my finger before taking a step inside.

I slowly stepped inside into the darkness. I felt coldness approach me. The doors shut behind me loudly enough to make me shiver. I looked back towards Shivaay who stood in silence. All I could hear was our heavy breathing. 

Next Part II:

He laid on top of me. His fingers entangled into my wet hair. My hands entwined into his bare back. We looked at each other with longing. Our hearts beating at the same rhythm, wanting to dance to the same muse.

Our heated bodies laid entangled with each other. The lightening bolted towards us, wanting to part us, but only to retrieve. Thunder rumbled against the bed beneath us. We held on to each other tightly. I raised myself against him as he shuttered and buried his mouth into my neck. Before I turned and grabbed his jaw. He watched my bite my lip as he ran the warmth of his thumb against my chin and continued to eye my lips. 


Thank you for reading :). Spare a comment if you have time, but thank you for reading :). 

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