Chapter 4: Our Night (Part II)

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Mature Content In This Chapter.

The darkness crept itself around me, embraced me tightly, and took hold of my thoughts-not allowing me to think of consequences, threats, or the chaos that may follow my actions. All I thought about was Shivaay...all I am thinking about is Shivaay.

Coldness approached me. The doors shut loudly behind me, enough to make me tremble. I turned towards Shivaay who stood in silence. All I could hear was our heavy breathing. The sound of rain falling continued to deafen the silence that danced between him and I.

We stared at each other for a good moment. It had been long since we had taken the time to admire each other's ugliness, flaws, and most of all perfections.

His trembling fingers took hold of the light switch. The room lit up immediately, only to downcast its admiration on Shivaay's features. I held my breaths for a second as I adored his handsome features. The perfectly set jawline, with a damp beard, cadescent blue eyes, and dapper set of light pink full lips. They were a reflection of his masculinity that would make any woman weak. His wet white shirt clung to his chest tightly to reveal light contours of his muscles underneath.

I found myself speechless by his beauty-not able to find the right description for it. All I can tell is, he is so handsome that he can hypnotize any woman with it unknowningly...he could ignite passion in any abandoned soul...he could light fires of desire in any barren heart.

He stared at me intently, not daring to look away. I stood still with my bare feet locked to the ground. He made his way towards me. I found myself shaking. Not from fear, but from excitation, temptation. Every moral I held burned away as he took each step towards me.

Before I could make sense of the situation. His hands were clasped against my moist cheeks. Before I could whisper a bitter word to push him away. His fingers took hold of my dry, shivering lips. Before I could tell him this might be wrong. His cold, shivering body was against mine.

I closed my eyes shut instantly. My hands took grasp of his weakening hips. His burning lips dove into my shoulder. I took a sudden unexpected sigh. A sigh of relief? A sigh of peace? A sigh of ecstasy? I do not know...My senses blurred. My thoughts shut down. Everything gone except the thought of Shivaay.

We held on to each other in innocence. We held each other with passion. We held on to each other like letting go would mean being separated forever.

Our bodies crashed into each other. It felt like we both were giving up on a war we had internally waged against each other for years-a war on behalf of our families-a spite that we held, but overcame for this unhinged attraction we hold for each other.

His fingers melting the scars on my arms from past abuse. His palms encircling against my arched back that held bruises. The ends of his fingers dabbing against my tears which swept an ocean of pain.

I raised my gaze and met his. Our eyes entwined into one. His lips an inch away from mine. We quivered against each other. Our grasp tightened as we attempted to churn heat between us.

"Who dared to hurt you?" He whispered in the most gentle voice. Anger quaked in his eyes. He clenched his jaw as he took in every bit of my tears.

"N-nobody..." I replied hesitantly not wanting to talk about what happened tonight with my father. Not ready to tell him everything. Not ready to reveal the pain my father has caused me for years.

Shivaay tightened his grip on my neck as he pulled me closer and forced me to look at him. I revealed my tearful eyes which reflected the deepest secret I have kept for long.

"Don't lie to me please...your father did this right?" He fingered the light scar behind my ear. I let a tear roll down my cheek.

He leaned closer towards me and without a thought, he pressed a delicate kiss against the scar. I instantly took hold of his shoulder and pulled him closer. It felt natural. It felt right. Even though it has been years since we have been this close, I felt comfortable in his hold...protected.

His mouth took a grasp of my skin further and explored my bounding pulse against his tongue. Heat rushed up against my cheeks and down to my neck. My toes crawled against the wooden floor. My heart began to increase its beats as I suddenly felt myself losing control.

I stood quietly not wanting to say anything. I do not want to justify my father and never will. He is a horrible man and he will never be forgiven. The only reason I am quiet is because I never have talked about this subject with anybody, no one, not even my own family who suffers at his hands as well. It is treated as a regular occurrence-something normal-something not morally questionable even though it is.

"Why does he hurt you like this? You do not deserve it Anika. You do not deserve to be treated in this manner. You deserve to be treasured."

I let my tears roll down my cheeks. I tightened my grasp around his back and pull him closer to an embrace. His words breaking my broken heart...making me realize in the moment how much I crave to be loved in such manner. How much I crave to be treated like this with respect. My heart wanted to crawl out and wrap its thread around Shivaay's...a desire to be with him took hold of me.

He bit his lip like he was holding back his own tears-as if he was able to feel my injuries. He sighed and rested his head gently against mine. He closed his eyes shut as if he was in deep contemplation and thought.

I can tell Shivaay is struggling. He seems to be at crossroads between his rationality and the feelings of the heart. This is why I pushed him away last week when he attempted to confess his feelings to me. I pushed him away because I know how hard it is for him to walk away from me. I can feel it. I know what he feels and I do not want any of it...I do not him to get hurt. My father who hates me and despises my presence can hurt me without any guilt, can do anything to Shivaay. I do not want anyone to harm Shivaay-I cannot bear the thought of it.

Suddenly, he let go of me. My hands slipped away from his. He took a step back. I did too. We were strangers once again. The thunder rumbled loudly. Lightening dashed towards us. Shivaay immediately turned around only to reveal his tearful reflection in the glass doors before him. My heart breaking instantly. I felt a sense of unknown tightness in my chest. We caught a glance of each other-both of us wanting to caress the tears that were rolling down our cheeks.

He took a firm grasp of the white curtain and pulled them against the glass to hide his reflection. It felt like he hated to see himself in such a weak manner. He appeared to see his tears as a form of poison, a weapon against him.

"I will be back in a moment..." Shivaay disappeared behind a set of wooden doors.

I stood still. Realization caught on to me as I took in my surroundings. My eyes widened. I think I am in Shivaay's bedroom.

A sense of awkwardness did encapture me. I felt uneasiness with the thought I am in Shivaay's room. This is wrong. It is not right in the middle of the night I am in a man's bedroom with whom I have no relationship with. I shouldn't have come here with Shivaay, but then why did I?

Is it only because I had no place to go or I also have been missing him and longing for his presence since last week when I told him off at the factor?

The pace of the storm increased. I pressed my face outside of the window and noticed Shivaay's balcony was almost flooding. The thunder and lightening grew stronger as winds caught hold of the large trees which surrounded his bedroom. The thought of leaving did come to me, but seeing the storm I know I have no other option but stay here until it leaves.

Curiosity caught me. I felt a need to inquire about the things in Shivaay's bedroom. I always wondered what his private life is like. He never really talked about his likes and dislikes when we were in college. He always wanted to know about me, but never about him. That is a story of another day-another chapter.

I slowly trailed my eyes against the creame white walls that barely held any pictures.

A large dark wooden bed in the center of the bedroom with layers and layers of creame pillows all being swallowed by a white comforter. Chills ran through my spine. The image of him sleeping in that bed took hold of me. The thought of him laying shirtless, with his beautiful muscles exposed for me to admire definitely ran through my mind. I blushed immediately and tried to push the thought out of my mind.

I made my way up a pair of steps that led into his home office. I ran my fingers against the layers of books which laid against the large set of bookshelves against the wall. A small faint smile appeared against my lips as I stared at a romance book that was kept well hidden behind books on business and scientific subjects.

So Shivaay does read romance? I let out a small laugh as I opened the book written by Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. My smile widened. My favorite book as well.

"We can put that away now." I heard a stern voice speak behind me. I immediately jumped back only to be caught in a pair of arms. Our noses brushed against each other. I looked at him and was mesmerized. My heart dropped instantly. He had changed into a loose black collared shirt and a pair of blue jeans. The moonlight cascaded against his features and ignited every inch of it. I have never seen someone so handsome.

Shivaay snatched the book out of my hand and shoved it on the bookshelf to hide it. I felt guilty for looking through his things without his permission.

"Sorry Shivaay, I did not mean to-"

He pressed his finger against my lip. I shuttered under his soft touch. He looked at me intently. His finger lingering against my lip as he eyed it before gulping nervously.

"Don't ever apologize to me. I hate that." He forced his finger off my lip and slapped it against the bookshelf like he was punishing himself for doing himself to keep away.

I gave him an awkward smile and nodded. Playing with my fingers nervously, I looked around his office. I stared at the small piano next to the glass window. The large portrait of his family that stood front and center of the room and formed a shadow over me. I stared at the walls and walls of bookshelves. My eyes ran over his large wooden desk that held different ornaments and figures. I looked everywhere except at Shivaay.

Shivaay caught on to the silent tension between us. He snaked his hand around mine and began to lead me through different parts of his study. And I obliged. I let my hand be caressed by his thumb. I let him pull me closer against his shoulder. I allowed him to hold me with a familiarity I have never let anyone else treat me with.

And I like it. I like the falsity of it. I like how Shivaay is pretending that we share this level of understanding and comfort. That we are a couple who has dated for ages, even though that is untrue.

Shivaay's Point of View

Her cold hand perfectly entwined into my warm one. My heartbeats increased second by second. I nervously caressed her hand with a want for her to feel the same way I do. I want her to feel the way I do for her. I want to treat her well tonight. Treat her with respect and chivalry. Treat her the way she deserves to be treated. It is my final last try to win her.

" as you can tell I do read a lot. I have always had a fascination with learning about different things in this world. Always. So when I was a little boy, I dreamnt of having my own study where I could just escape from everything and everyone..."

I stopped midway as I caught her admiring the tall bookshelves.

I let out a breath that I seemed to be holding since I caught sight of her in the study. Every part of her lighting up under the chandlier's crystals that casted shadows on her tan, flawless skin. She still wore her orange Anarkali suit that clung tightly to her skin. Her hair still damp from the rain. Her brown innocent eyes took in each title as she whispered the names back to herself. It looked like she was taking in every book title and encasing memories of them in her mind.

My smile widened. I felt shy in the moment. It is hard for me to share parts of me to anyone. To tell others about myself. I always have been quiet and introverted. It is not in my inherent nature to share things about myself.

" read all of these?" She seemed awed by the books. Probably one of the first girls who seems to be attracted to nerdy men like me.

"Yeah I did..." I let out a chuckle. Out of all things that can impress her it had to be my ability to read.

Anika's smile widened as she peered closer at the titles before making her way down the books. I held on to her hand and she did not let go.

I felt confused in the moment. Not understanding what was happening. Why she felt comfortable with my touch and why we were talking like old couples, but I did not let the thought embroil.

"And this is my desk..." I spun the chair around before pushing Anika into it. Anika let out a set of childish giggles. Her feet kicked up in the air before she began to twirl in the chair. I let out a laugh and spun her once again.

That is what I like about Anika. No matter how much she is suffering, she always ends up changing the topic and smiling and laughing like nothing is wrong. She knows everything is wrong in our lives at the moment. She knows we are falling apart. We are distancing with each second. That finally after years of being apart, we meet each other, but only to be distanced.

I can tell she wants to pretend too. She wants to pretend no tensions exist. It seems like she is reliving our past right now...reliving the moments we shared in the past. The carefree nature. The fun. The flirtousness.

Anika stopped laughing as her eyes fell on me. She bit her lip in worry. She attempted to force a smile, but I could tell she was thinking the same as me.

Her eyes wandered to the family portrait above the fireplace. There stood me in the center as my parents and grandmother held their arms wrapped around me. Tej thaiyya and Jhanvi thaiyye in the background with Om and his wife Gauri. Always of us with false, plastered smiles on our faces to hide the secrets, the pains, and the deep friction that runs under the cracks of this home.

Anika tensed and attempted to clear her throat. I could tell the portrait was making her feel uneasy. Memories of our families' enmity coming back to the both of us.

Her family and mine have clashed for decades. Generation to generation, the hatred has been passed down. In fact, I hold that hatred too. I still hold it.

I clenched my fists tightly as I tried to release the tightness in my jaw. I felt the darkness of anger grapple on to my back and crawl into my heart, but I attempted to push it back.

I hate her family. I despise them. They have made my family's life miserable in the past decades over that piece of land. The amount of times they have spread rumors, ruined our deals with clients, and then attempted to defraud us has been uncountable. Anika's father is the worst man I have known on this planet-my enemy to be said.

But, Anika is an exception. Anika is the only exception.

"And this is...from college. I think you would remember this..." I grabbed a wooden box and slid it to her. Anika's eyes widened in surprise since she had not expected it to be there.

"W-what?...You still have it?" She looked up at me with tearful eyes. I knelt down next to her and watched her open the box. Her hands shaking as she opened a memory from the past.

The box opened to reveal pictures...our pictures. A picture of her and I slipped on to the ground. I stared at it in silence.

Both her and I sitting together in front of the bonfire during that annual camping college trip. She and I both sat closely together. Her shoulder leaning against mine. She held a wide smile while I smiled shyly next to her. My hand barely brushing against her knee. The trip where we dared to attempt to express our feelings, only for Anika to push me away before I could tell her.

I looked back at Anika who admired a picture of her and I dressed up in Halloween costumes. Her wearing a cute kitty headpiece while slipped into a sultry black saree-the blouse revealing her innocent curved breasts down to small of her curveous waist. My hand was wrapped around her bare waist. She appeared to be blushing as she held a laugh while I held a wide, confident smile. I was dressed in a dark black suit with vampire teeth stained in red. She looked at me lovingly...I could tell that was the moment when she likely developed feelings for me. And there I was holding her so close to me, unknown of my feelings for her.

Both Anika and I developed a deep friendship in college. Tia was my "girlfriend" the unwanted girlfriend my family pushed me to have considering the generational wealthy background she comes. Dad always felt Tia was the right fit and I believed him. I believed him until I met Anika. Things changed when Anika entered my life...That is for a different chapter.

Anika slipped out another picture of graduation. The only picture from graduation I kept. Anika in a simple baby blue Anarkali suit with her hand wrapped around my arm. She looking straight at the camera while I in my graduation gown, only looking at her. She kept a tearful smile and so did I. She looked away so she would be able to let go of me easily. I looking at her with hope she might run after me and tell me she feels the same way I do.

"Why did you keep these? Where are the other pictures?" Her voice pulled me out of the memories and back to reality.

A tear slipped down my cheek when I looked back at her. My heart tearing itself into pieces not liking how she cannot see how much I feel for much she means to me.

No Anika, why do you think I kept it? Tell me. Tell why you think I threw out all the other pictures with our friend group and only kept yours'? Tell me why I kept this graduation present you gave me of our memories-only ours' while I burnt away the rest.

"I wanted only your memories. Only yours'."

We both hit a pause. The deafening, thundering silence took hold of us again. Her breaths stopped for a moment. Tears filled our eyes. We looked at each other with that moment we looked at each other with an intensity...a feeling...foreign to us, but one that has taken over our senses since we first met each other years ago.

Anika's Point of View

I wanted only your memories. Only yours'.

Shivaay's words sent currents down my heart and ignited a fire of love that I did not know existed. His words make me want to crawl into the cave of my heart and hide within it forever. His confession makes me want to take a hold of his heart, embrace it with passion, and make love to it.

I looked into the depths of his eyes and saw the reality. Saw the ugly truth....the ugly truth that will drive us into chaos...A chaos that will ruin us.

Suddenly, he snatched the wooden box out of my hand. His hunger. His craving. His desire took over him.

His hands immediately grasped my cheeks and I took a hold of his waist. Our lips crashing into each other instantly. His lips devouring mine with thirst. My lips weakening against his as I pressed them hard against his. He pushed open my mouth and swirled his wet tongue against my dry one forcing a moan out of me. I leaned myself out of the chair and pushed myself against him wanting all of him.

Passion erupted between the both of us. Our hearts increasing their beats, as they crawled out and lunged at each other, embracing each other with longing, wanting every piece of each other. Our minds running blanks. Our morals out the door.

Everything lost. Time stopped.

His hands wrapped into my wavy, damp hair. My legs ran up against his strong knees that pushed themselves off the floor where he was kneeling.

He crashed on top of me. I slammed the chair against the wall behind me as he ran his warm, shivering body against my cold, quaking one. Our breaths getting heavier by the minute. Both of us speechless as we let go of our lips to take a breath. But, he did not stop.

His began to run his lips down my neck and to the center of my heart. I leaned my head back against chair, allowing him to take control. I wanted him to control. I found myself losing it. Every ounce of patience and resistance I held for years, I let go. I wanted to let it go. I want him as much as he wants me.

His hands tumbled down my dupataa as he pulled it off of me. I ran my hands down his back that arched above me. He pressed his legs around me and against the chair. His hands ran all over me down to my waist, pinching it teasingly, before up to the sides of my arms and to my neck. I tensed and moaned as he wrapped his strong hand and brought me into a deep, hungry kiss. I responded to him and brought him into a loving kiss. My hands wrapped around the back of his neck as the other played with the buttons of his shirt.

He let go of my lips only to bring me back into another longing kiss. His taste intoxicating to me, driving my senses wild. My hands ran down his legs and up to his shoulders as I admired every bit of muscle on him.

He let go of me briefly only to lock eyes with me and look at me with the most captivating eyes I had ever see. My heart skipped beats as he entwined my hand with his and laid it against my chest.

"I want you...I want you...All of you...all the memories, from the past, to the present, to the future..." He whispered against my lips as I felt tears slip past me.

And I want that too. I want all of it with you too Shivaay. If I could, I would do anything to have you. If this was a different world, a different reality, a different time...I would have you.

Then reality struck me. My eyes were drawn to the small golden band on his ring finger. The engagement ring. A symbol that he is someone else's and not mine.

No this is wrong. I cannot do this to Tia. Shivaay has always been Tia's and not mine. I cannot ruin them.

"You are engaged Shivaay. This is wrong." I mustered my all courage to push him away once again.

Shivaay's hopeful face dropped immediately. He formed a scowl. I could tell I had upset him. He is not the type who takes rejections easily. Never did and never will. But what can I do. How can he even think we have a possibility to be together?

How could I think that? How could I allow him to kiss me? I am in the wrong here the most. He is getting married in two days and I indulged in this act.

I pushed him away gently and got up from the chair. Shivaay stood still behind me. He appeared shocked. I could tell he did not expect me to react in such manner. Maybe somewhere he thought he could win me tonight...however he cannot. It's wrong.

I slowly made my way out of the study and into his bedroom. Turning towards a window, I leaned against it and stared out towards the rain.

It is not the first time we have kissed...but a long time since we have kissed. Last time was unexpected and so was this one. Last time it was wrong. This time as well.

I heard his footsteps behind me. I flinched and pressed my hand harder against the window. I did not want any part of me to touch him. Because if I did...I would forget my sensibility.

"I have laid an extra pair of clothes on the bed. You should go change before you get sick. The bathroom is on the left." His raspy voice tugged on to my heart. He is crying. And so am I.

He sat down on his bed and threw his face into his hands. It broke me to see him like this. But I cannot do anything about it.

I picked up the clothes and looked back at him. He hid his tears into the palms of his hand not once looking away. I sighed and forced myself to walk towards the bathroom.

I slammed the door behind me. My hand clasped against my mouth as I slid down the door and broke down into immediate tears. Pressing my fingers against my lips, I stifled the sound of my pain.

"Shivaay...I do not want to hurt you. I am sorry. I want you the way you want me.'s difficult. Our families hate each other and you are engaged. We cannot hurt the people we love in order to love each other...We just cannot." I whispered as I wrapped my hands around my knees and pulled them up to my chest.

If only there was a way out of this. But there isn't. There never will be.

I silently ran my hands against the warm water and threw it on to my face. I lifted my arms into a large collared white shirt and into a pair of white pajamas. Shivaay's smell from the clothing filled my senses. I wrapped my hands around me like I was touching him. I wanted to feel his presence for the last time, knowing this will bet he last before I ever see him again.

It feels right, but wrong as well.

I opened the bathroom door to reveal a Shivaay who stood in front of me. I jumped back as I caught hold of his dead eyes that held no life. His eyes now swollen and red from the tears. He held a pink phulkari in his hand...the one I had made for Tia.

Why does he have it? Shouldn't she be the one with this? I made it for her.

I leaned against the door frame nervously. His aura felt dark and heavy. Did he hear me inside the bathroom? Oh my gosh...he heard me. I cannot believe I made that mistake.

He took a step towards me and I stepped back. He took another and so did I. We silently looked at each other and continued to follow each other's steps before I hit the bathroom sink behind me.

Shivaay formed a faint tearful smile. His hand ran admiringly through my hair. I lowered my gaze in fear having been familiar with his anger in the past. I was ready to hear him scream, yell, and break something.

But he did not.

I felt a soft piece of fabric wrap around me. My eyes widened as I stared at the pink phulkari cascade down my shoulders. The same phulkari I had made with my own hands for Tia's engagement.

Shivaay smiled and watched me with admiration. His hands took hold of the fabric and he pulled up on my head. He stood back and looked at me like he was capturing an image in his mind.

I felt angry. I clenched my fists and grabbed the phulkari ready to pull it off of me. Before he took a hold of my wrists and pulled me against his chest.

"Shivaay what is wrong with you?! This phulkari is Tia's! You should have given it to her for your engagement. It's meant to be worn on the wedding day. This is inauspicious. I cannot be wearing it!"

Shivaay caressed my cheek gently and pulled me closer.

"This phulkari is yours' Anika. How could I just give it away to someone undeserving of it? How can I give it to Tia knowing I am not going to marry her..."

My mouth gaped open unable to phantom what I had just heard. What is he saying? Has he gone mad?

I looked at the shades of obsession which rippled through his piercing eyes. He began to cry suddenly. He tightened his grip on my wrists and pulled me into an embrace. I sighed and attempted to hold back my own tears.

"Shivaay, this wrong. Please understand. Why are you making this so difficult?" I whispered consolingly. I rubbed his shoulder gently to comfort him.

He threw his head back in sudden anger. His soul crawled out of his body. In that moment, I knew he is not going to give up on his obsession. He is becoming adamant, becoming attached to this the point he will do anything to pursue it.

He grabbed a glass vase on the bathroom counter and before I could stop him, he threw it against the bathroom mirror. I screamed immediately and jumped back. Shivaay's hand now dripped in blood.

"Are you insane?! What are you doing?!" I began to yell at him in anger as I grabbed his hand and turned on the sink.

Shivaay snatched his hand away and grabbed my arm to pull me towards him. I struggled in grasp as I tried to take his hand and put it under the water.

"Yes I am crazy! I am insane! I am a maniac! I do not care what you think of me, but you have to know that I cannot risk losing you okay?! And you feel the damn same way for me the way I do for you! I heard you just say it in the bathroom! So fuck everything! Fuck our families! Fuck this wealth! Fuck everything! You are going to marry me okay?! We will get married and then no one can steal you away from me! Nobody!"

He was enraged. His voice got louder and louder by the minute. He was turning red in color and seeped of jealousy and agony. I continued to cry as I leaned against the bathroom sink not liking to see him in this manner. I could tell the demon of obsession had caught hold of him.

I have to stop him from raging. I have to break his heart. I have to do everything possible to dim his hope.

" father fixed my marriage with Aman!" I screamed out the bitter truth.

Silence befell us. Shivaay's screams stopped. Shock entered him. He stood still.

Shivaay's Point of View

My heart dived into silence. Every inch of my body crawled in disgust. Anger seeped into fury. I felt a shadow cast into me and take hold of me. I could heart my heartbeats slow down and crack from remembering what I just heard.

Aman Sandhu? That bastard. That characterless man will marry my Anika. Her father is giving her away to her own grave and she is silencing accepting it. No, I will not let her family ruin her.

"Shivaay...don't you get it?...We are not meant to be. We were never meant to be together."

I closed my eyes shut and leaned my hand underneath the running water. Her hand running gently against my wound. Her healing touch enough to soothen the anger that broiled within me.

" marrying him..." She appeared to gag from the thought. She herself looked disgusted from what she said. Who is Anika fooling? Does she really think I will believe she will marry a dishonorable man like him?

Somewhere I think she was thrown out of her home tonight for resisting this proposal. Her father is a greedy man who would do anything to get wealth, even if it means marrying her off to a bastard.

Anika ran her ran her fingers through my wound. She winced like she was feeling my pain. I admired the pink phulkari that perfectly fit her features. No once she had taken it off. She still had it wrapped around her-that is enough for me to know how much she values me.

No you will not marry Aman. I will not allow it.

She rummaged through the bathroom drawers while I stared at her silently. She fit perfectly into my bedroom. The way she explored my study and then now is looking through my things. The way she is wearing my clothes and fitting perfectly into them.

She fits into the missing puzzle piece in my life.

And I want to stop feeling this way knowing our past, but these feelings are stronger than the decades of enmity our families have generated against one another.

"I do not know what is wrong with you Shivaay. How could you hurt yourself in this manner?" She whispered with tears. She ran a piece of cotton across my wound and slowly began to wrap it. I hissed as I felt a sharp pain grow through my hand. Anika immediately looked up at me with apologetic eyes.

"And I do not understand how you are willing to marry Aman." I wanted to test her. I wanted to see her reaction. I know she does not want to marry him.

Anika silently wrapped my wound with the band aid. She was contemplating an answer. Trying to figure a way to explain to me why. She is the worst liar and she knows it.

"W-well...I-I am marrying him..."She spoke with barely any sense of determination.

I let out a laugh and snatched my hand out of hers before grabbing the ends of the phulkari around her. She looked dead straight into my eyes. She stood stone faced as she held back to her emotions.

I pulled her closer towards me and laid my lips against her ears. Her chest barely brushed mine as she looked away, but could not escape my grasp.

"And I won't let you marry him."

I felt confidence grow within me. Determination held to my core. Every part of me decided on the fact that she will be mine in the next few days. That Tia will not wear my sindoor, but Anika will be adorned with. Anika will wear my mangalsutra. She will be named with my name. She will only be mine. And always mine.

Anika's Point of View

Fear rattled through me. Fear of what was to happen. I looked into his eyes and I could tell he is determined. He is adamant. He is not going to give in so easily.

I sighed and snatched myself out of his grip. Why can he not understand that we cannot be together? Does he not see the chaos that may ensue if our families ever find out?

"So you are going to listen to that deadbeat father of yours' and marry that bastard?"

His words bitter and hurtful, but sadly the truth. However, hearing it from his mouth does make me realize how much hate he carries for my family.

I hung my head low in shame. Of course, I am not going to marry Aman. But, I also know my father is greedy and he will do everything to make me listen to him.

Shivaay lifted my chin and made me look into his eyes. His anger now gone. Only what he held was sadness.

"Can you not leave your family? Do you really think they will ever come to value you the way I do?"

I gave his statement a thought. My family will never change I know. They will always have a streak for greed, ego, and...violence. My father will continue to be abusive. My younger brother will likely take after him. I will always be stuck in a chavunistic household where women are expected to be submissive.

No Shivaay they will never treat me with kindness the way you do. Never.

"Do you really think your family will accept me?" I spat the truth. Shivaay pursed his lips together, knowing well his family will never come to like me.

"They hate me because of the bloodline I am from. Never will I be accepted and that will further strain relations you have with them Shivaay...most of all it will create a strain on us."

Shivaay wrapped his hands around my neck. He an inch away from me. He shook his head in regret not liking what I had just said.

"I can leave them for you if you want that. I have enough money and stability that I do not need them anymore. Their wealth is meaningless to me now. I have enough for both of us and we can live away from our families. We don't have to see them again-"

"Shivaay! We should not even be having this conversation! You are marrying Tia soon! All your life you have been with Tia and now you are suddenly saying you have these so-called feelings for me. Stop giving up a decade old relationship for an attraction you have!"

I felt angry at Shivaay. I hate how he is daring to betray Tia for this attraction he has grown for me. It's wrong for both of us to do this to Tia. He should be sorry for his actions.

I cannot even believe he has thought out a way we could leave our families. He does not get it how dangerous they can be and how they can hurt us...even if we try to run away.

"Please! Tia was forced upon me by my family! I never felt for her the way did for you! More than that Tia has cheated on me so many times that I cannot keep count of. The only reason my marriage has been fixed with her is because our families forced this proposal that is all!"

I closed my eyes shut as I threw my head back, frustrated from the complexities of this horrible situation. I should not be feeling this way for Shivaay. He should not even be touching the subject of abandoning his wedding and running off with me. We both should be apart from each other. Why does he not get that he is being insane at the moment for even thinking about this idea.

"Shivaay...this is not possible and you have to understand. Don't make this difficult..." I sighed and leaned my head against the wall.

"As I said I have enough money for the both of us-"

"Shivaay it is not about the money! It is not! It is about how our families are! They will never bear to see us together and they will do everything they can to ruin us! Do you really thing our fathers will let us off the hook so easily?!"

I slammed my hand against the wall in frustration before I winced in pain. Shivaay grabbed my hand and immediately placed it in his mouth. My heart fluttered from the touch of his mouth against my skin.

Then he stopped. His eyes went up to me. I could see that intense attraction boiling up to the surface. My heartbeats began to increase their pace.

Without another thought, he grabbed the back of my neck and smashed his lips against mine. I took him in immediately. Temptation took the best of me. Our lips fervously took hold of each other, not once letting go. His tongue dipped into mine as he ran his hand down to my hips and before I knew it he lifted me up and on to the bathroom counter.

Nothing is making sense. None of it. One moment we are laughing. The next fighting. The next kissing. And for some reason I have no problem with the chaos of it.

Perhaps, it is the danger that excites us both. The fact that we are rebelling against our controlling families. Perhaps, that is why the attraction is not dying down, but only increasing every second and every moment.

His lips let go of mine before treading down to the side of my neck. I moaned in pleasure as I ran my hands into the curls of his wet hair. I arched my legs that immediately wrapped around his legs. He slammed his hands against the walls and trapped me within it. His lips took hold of each and every inch of my skin, lighting fire on to it. My skin reddened and burned under the heat of his mouth. His fingers teased the buttons of my shirt and soon I felt them being undone.

My body tensed for a second. His lips paused for a moment. We looked into each other's eyes wondering what we were doing was right or wrong.

"All these years, I have only longed for you...Anika." The words enough to shatter my barriers.

The words enough to make me realize how all my life I have wanted this sort of longing, but never got it.

I faintly smiled and found myself forgetting everything. I grabbed his jaw and pulled him into a kiss. Our lips slowly moved against each other. I took in every taste of him, wanting to keep it forever in my memory.

My hands ran down his black shirt. My fingers trembled as Shivaay grasped them and slowly began to help me undo them. Warmth fluttered below my waist and up to my heart that continued to beat rampantly against his chest.

He suddenly began to deepen the kiss. His pace increasing as he grabbed my waist and lifted me up in his arms. He began to take me out of the bathroom and out towards his bed. Shyness overcame me. My body heating up from the anticipation of what was to come next.

Suddenly, we collapsed on to the bed. I whimpered under his weight as his lips collapsed on to my breast. His hand began to massage my waist. He opened his mouth and lightly suckled on the skin above my heart-breathing air into it to strengthen it with love. His kisses began to lengthen as he slowly drummed his lips down to my waist. His hands parting my legs open.

My hand clenched the pillow next to me as I bit into it. His kisses became longer and deeper. He began to intoxicate me with his touch and I found myself losing my senses. Soon the kisses got sloppier as he ran his hand down my hips and up my shoulders. He drew himself up to me and drew my mouth off the pillow and into his lips. My hands wrapped around him instantly as he pulled me into a passionate kiss.

Soon, his hand pushed down my pajamas and threw it on the ground. I gasped in pleasure as I felt his hand roughly take hold of my bare hips. I began to blush violently in embrassment, realizing he was seeing the depths of me the way no one else ever has.

We looked into each other's eyes. He encaptivated me by his beautiful blue eyes. We took a moment to catch our breaths. Before we caught on to our senses, he pulled me into another kiss.

He lifted himself above me and began to take his shirt off. My heartbeats increased in nervousness. I felt my mouth dry as I watched him reveal his perfectly etched abs. My eyes running over every contoured muscle he carried.

He smiled liking how I was oogling him shamelessly. Slowly kneeling down, he ran his hands down my legs making me heave in surprise. My eyes met his dark sinful ones. He smirked like he finally had won a prize. I grabbed the bedsheet beneath me as Shivaay ran the comforter over us.

The heat of his mouth barely brushed the skin beneath my waist which made me arch in desire. His lips teasing the skin against my thigh as they placed a gentle kiss against it. I drew my hands into hair and pulled him closer. Discomfort reached me realizing I was not ready for this moment. I tensed instantly and tightened my hold against him.

He stopped and before I knew it he drew himself over me and pulled me into a gentle kiss.

The feeling of his bare skin against mine felt perfect. It felt right to be this close to him.

He laid on top of me. His fingers entangled into my wet hair. My hands entwined into his bare back. We looked at each other with longing. Our hearts beating at the same rhythm, wanting to dance to the same muse.

Our heated bodies laid entangled with each other. The lightening bolted towards us, wanting to part us, but only to retrieve. Thunder rumbled against the bed beneath us. We held on to each other tightly. I raised myself against him as he shuttered and buried his mouth into my neck. Before I turned and grabbed his jaw to pull him back to look into his beautiful eyes. He watched me bite my lip as he ran the warmth of his thumb against my chin and continued to eye my mouth.

My lips parted in want...a craving to taste him and only him. I wrapped my hand around his neck and caressed it. He faintly smiled and ran his hand over my dry tears. Without any hesitation, I pulled him into a soft, feathered kiss. He let me open his mouth and slowly explore every part of him. He gently moved his body against mine in a rhythm and I followed it.

We embraced each other and moved against each other. Every part of him teasing me, but I tensed my thighs not ready to make this next move. We continued to steal kisses from each other. His lips cascaded down my jaw, to my ears, and down my neck right at my throat. We wrapped our each other into an embrace and continued to kiss longingly not once letting go. His hands caressing every part me with admiration, with appreciation-He appreciated me and loved me silently the way no one ever has. He kissed every bit of my dried tear, touched my heart, and loved me passionately.

He never said I love you, but I felt it in his every single touch and that was enough.

We lost ourselves in the moment and forgot every single moral we hold. We were wrong. All of it was wrong, but we continued to hold on to each other because our desires and craving for each other was powerful enough for us to forget everything.

And so I let him touch every part of me...hesitation wrapped around me. I knew somewhere it was not right...a sin. A sin for girls like me who come from poor families where the only thing we have is honor and pride. However, I am complex. I am complicated. At times I know I am doing something wrong, but I continue to do it because I let my heart take control and run its course.

Our families will continue to hate each other...will continue to harm each other. They will continue their enmity. But that does not mean I will hold this hatred to my core and hurt my love for it. No I will not....If it's even for one moment, I will let my heart act. I know after this I may never see him again...never touch Shivaay with such closeness. And so I let it be.

So as it continued to thunder and nature continued to cause harm. He loved me. He loved me the way I never have been before. We continued to kiss, he continued to touch, we arched breathlessly. We let the night run and wished it never ended...he had every part of me...I allowed him too, except my virgin rose.


Thank you for reading and yes I kept the ending of this chapter open-ended...nothing fully described with intention unlike previous writings I have done. 

If you have time spare a comment, but if not thank you for reading as always :). 

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