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Yep, it hasn't even been 24 hours since I got back from my vacation at my aunts house for a week, and my dad has already succeeded in making me pissed off... Ugh. And you know what? It was about the dishes. The stupid dishes.  I wash the dishes in a specific way, but no, my dad has a more efficient way. *rolls eyes*
     You see, I like to do my dishes a specific way, I put all the silverware (forks and spoons and whatnot) in the sink first and wash those and then I wash the cups and then I wash the bigger silverware (spatulas, big plastic spoons and whatnot) and then I wash the bowls. But I wash the bowls 4 at a time so I don't crowd the sink. But, my "smart-yet-controlling-annoying-dad" has to come in the kitchen and say, "You're doing it wrong" then he proceeds to put every dish in the sink and crowd the sink to where I can't even move my hands. Then he goes on about how we use hot water to wash dishes not to just have hot water and all that shit.  And then I try to say "well, I do it a specific way" and then he gets all annoyed and says "my way is more efficient" and "I'm tired of having dirty dishes" UM! PARDON MY FRENCH BUT LAST TIME I FUCKING CHECKED, ALL THE WEEKS I HAVE BEEN HAND WASHING THE DISHES, YOU HAVEN'T SAID A SINGLE FUCKING WORD ABOUT HOW THE DISHES ARE DIRTY! IN FACT, NOBODY HAS SAID ANYTHING ABOUT HOW I AM DOING A BAD JOB AT CLEANING THE DISHES!  Ok, now that I got that out of the way, I feel a lot better. But yeah, over the period of time where I was hand washing the dishes, nobody had a problem with the way I washing the dishes, or had a problem with the dishes themselves.  Nobody said that they were dirty or they needed to be cleaned again, because I did a good job. I'm good at hand washing the dishes. So I don't know why my dad just decides today of all days (my baby brothers birthday party) to get me pissed. And you know the best part about my brothers party? It's at a park. So I can't isolate myself in my room and be antisocial. I was like 'well that sucks dick' (kinda like mah friend Janise if you know what I'm sayin' Holly) like, really? Who goes to parks anymore? That's a joke. I'm just lazy and don't like to go outside. But yeah, I'm kinda bummed about that. And, my best friend isn't coming because she has the bitch, called head lice, so I can't walk alone and talk to her the whole time either. What the fuck bro. My day started off terrible. That's always a bad sign. My parents are aggravated at each other, my big brother is loathing my dad because my dad is acting like a guy on his meriod (a man period) like most guys now that I think about it. Speaking of periods, my sister. OML, my sister is 7 years old, and she is acting like a hormonal teenager on her period. I'm not kidding. She is 7, acts like the world revolves around her, thinks she can get whatever she wants, isn't grateful for what she has, weighs literally (like no joke just listen Linda listen) fUckINg 90 PoUNds. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. THAT IS LITERALLY ONLY 10 POUNDS LESS THAN ME LIKE SHE IS A LITERAL PIG NO JOKE. SHE WEIGHS TEN POUNDS LESS THAN A 13 YEAR OLD TEENAGE GIRL. THAT IS FUCKING MESSED UP. Anyways, wow, this turned into a rant about my family.... Whoops.  But it helps a lot. To just write down everything  and then have the ability to delete it with a few taps on your phone screen. Yeah, I'm probably gonna delete this chapter in a couple of hours so.... Ye. Thanks for listening to my family rant... I guess I'll just go watch LeafyIsHere and all of his rants so Ye bye I guess... Ye

~Mads (literally this is more than 700 words......... Whoops)

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