Random Roleplay

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Ok, so. I'm bored, and I wanted to do something... So I figured, why not make a roleplay? So, I'm bored, my ear is bleeding, perfect time to make a Random Roleplay right? Haha yeah I know. So here it is. I know that only like 2 or 3 people will actually do an rp but whatever. Let's get into it:

Name: Tadashi Sazuran

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Love: Single

Looks: The picture (duh)

Personality: Looks innocent, Is actually quite pervy, but nice all the same. Doesn't do anything his partner isn't comfortable with. He is nice when he isn't horny, or turned on. He gets angry sort of easily, so don't anger him. He is sarcastic and funny though, so he makes a lot of friends easily.

Likes: Hot babes. Going to the beach. Making new friends. Listening to music.

Dislikes: getting told what to do. Doing homework. Going to work. Not getting to socialize.

Turn ons: you'll see...

Turn offs: you'll see...

Role plays: Casual, Smut,

Name: Yume Haruka (that name came straight out of my brain don't judge me)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Love: Single, but ready to mingle

Looks: ^^

Personality: She is quiet and calm most of the time. She loves to play video games. She loves to cuddle and give hugs. She can be sarcastic most of the time but serious if needed.

Likes: Hugs, video games, videos, cool looking headphones, Her favorite Merchandise.

Dislikes: Mean people, people who don't like her (irl and in game) people who can't take a joke, and snakes.

Turn on's/off's: Find out~~

Roleplays: Casual, smut(maybe)

I might add another one but, for now, I have one boy and one girl, hopefully that is satisfying..... Hopefully...... Heh. But yeah tell me if you want me to add another person to rp with. You can make up your own scenario if you want to, but if you don't want to, I'll make some up right now for the both of them:

For Tadashi: You walk into his house because you were supposed to work on homework together, to find him sitting on the couch listening to music, you....

For Yume: You heard about the new girl at school (yes I know she is a little old for school but she can be in like, college or something idk) so you poked around and got her address. You went to her house, which was on your block, and snuck in her window. You catch her watching something very interesting on her laptop. You.....

Ok, Idk if I did that right but whatever.... Oh well. If you want to participate in this, you have to make a form like this (because I'm lazy, it's gonna be short)

Eye color:
Hair Color:

You can have a plan to have both characters fall in love or die I don't really care, it's all cool with me. I am fine with GirlxGirl and BoyxBoy, smut is aloud I guess, cursing is also aloud, but do not control any one else's characters except your own. I think that's it..... Yeah. I might make a list of people I would want to rp with me so yeah, why not. I'll do that.

Yeah I can't think of anyone else..... Oh well. Ye, let's do this! I hope it turns out good.... I hope.... Heh... Ye...


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