Be mine -Hyunin

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[Errors will be everywhere, but I hope you will like this]


Hwang Hyunjin is a 20 years old Alpha, that looks like everything but not an alpha, but anyways-
He is in a relationship with the Beta, Kim Seungmin, one year younger and in a different class respect to him.

When Seungmin is with Hyunjin he is...soft, nice and caring. His expression can make you feel butterflies in your stomach immediately, and his beauty is beyond the normal....
At least, that was what Hyunjin thought for the first year of the relation...

[Two years ago...]

One day Hyunjin went in Seungmin's class to give him a little visit during break time...

"Hey babe I-" Hyunjin stared with wide eyes at Seungmin who was pulling on another class mate's hair and looking at him with an evil smile "Min what are you doing!?" Hyunjin rushed in and pulled Seungmin away from the poor boy.

"Oh baby! He is annoying, and he stole my pen-"

"I stole nothing! Just leave me alone!"

"See!? He is even rude now! Please babe get my pen back~" Seungmin pouted and looked at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin sighed and looked at the poor boy, sitting at his desk shaking and crying "Listen, I will be nice, can you give me the pen back?" He squatted down and looked up at the boy who was drying his tears.

"B-But it has always been there..." The boy pointed at Seungmin's desk, and on it there was a black pen...the one he had lost...

Hyunjin looked at Seungmin angrily for all the mess he made, for what? For a pen!?
"Seungmin really you did that to him just to get a stupid pen back?! I thought you were different from this. Come with me" Hyunjin pulled up the boy that was sitting and brought him out of the class, leaving behind Seungmin who was more than pissed off by what happened.

"W-wait...i-it hurts..."

"Oh sorry, anyways we are here"

. . .

"I am Hyunjin by the way, and you?" Hyunjin looked for a bandage and some disinfectant.

"I-I'm Yang Jeongin...and...I'm the most hated person in this school..." Jeongin lowered his head and started crying again.

"Oh no, why do you think so? You look fine to me" Hyunjin lifted Jeongin's face and gently patted a piece of cotton with some disinfectant on it on the wound on Jeongin's cheek, and received a hiss of pain from the other.

"I-I am the only omega in the school..."

Hyunjin backed away a little after hearing that...'Shouldn't omega like him be in some specific schools?'


"No it's ok! I am fine with it, not that I can change it but I'm ok with it.
You don't look like an omega thought, you are tall and look pretty fit"

"I-Is that a compliment?...well thanks I guess..." Jeongin looked up at Hyunjin and smile.
With that, the two stared at each other's for a couple of seconds, and both felt a...weird spark between them...

Hyunjin passed his thumb on Jeongin's lips and lifted his chin "You.....look really pretty" Hyunjin slowly got closer and closer to the younger's face and smelled his scent "You smell like chamomile, cinnamon, peppermint and....bread?"

"I-I know...i-it doesn't fit with the other shades of my-my scent-"

"I find it really bread"

Hyunjin pulled his hand away and was about to walk away when he got yanked back and fell on the bed. He found himself pinned at the bed in the infirmary and with Jeongin on top of him.

"I-I want to smell your scent too!" Jeongin started to sniff the older and trying to get all the shades of his scent "You smell of vodka, dark chocolate, chilly pepper, and something I don't know..."

"Nobody ever told me that I smell like a chilly pepper" Hyunjin started to laugh.

" that really....your boyfriend...?" Jeongin asked getting up from Hyunjin's lap and looking down.

"Well yeah he is, but chill he is a nice person when you get to know him" Hyunjin ruffled Jeongin's hair and gave him a big bright heart shaped smile "He was just angry"

"I-If you say so..."

But a thing that he didn't know was that the bad actions of Seungmin towards Jeongin kept on going, till nowadays...

And another thing was...that Hyunjin was slowly realizing to have a crush on Jeongin...

Now it was an everyday thing for the two to need outside the school or around the corridors, and since Hyunjin failed one year, now they are in the same class.

One day Jeongin came in class looking all stunning, wearing a black tight long sleeved T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans...and Hyunjin couldn't take his eyes off of him.
Fortunately Seungmin wasnt at school that day!


Hyunjin went out of the class, worried because Jeongin wasnt coming back from the bathroom, and so he went to check.
"Innie are you in here"

There was no answer but only quite little sobs coming from one of the stalls "Baby bread it's me, what's wrong? A guy dumped you?"

"...I-I'm ok y-you can go"

Hyunjin was getting a little pissed and kicked the door open, scaring Jeongin to death "Jeongin" His tone lowered and Jeongin shot his head up.

He had blood dripping from his nose, a cut on his lip and a dark purple bruise on his cheekbone, and plus! He was wearing a white T-shirt that was covered in drops of blood and the sleeves too.

"What the hell happened to you?!"

"It's nothing I....I fell from the stairs..." Jeongin said in a calm tone, but it didn't work...

"Who is it huh?! Tell me!"


"I said Tell.Me!" Hyunjin started to yell at Jeongin "Do you think I can belive that you fell from the stairs when around here there are no stairs?! Tell me the truth"

As his mother told him, he needs to be nice to everyone, but mostly to the Alphas, since they can turn you into their next victim...

Jeongin covered his mouth and backed away a little, looking at Hyunjin who had his head low...
The atmosphere was not the same as was starting to creep Jeongin out...

"H-Hyunjin I'm sorry...."

. . .

"Tch! Brat" Hyunjin grabbed Jeongin's wrist and pulled him out of the bathroom.

"O-Ow Hyung I-it hurts" Jeongin tried to pull his arm away "Hyung stop!"

"If you don't shut the fuck up I'll bring you there by picking you up" Hyunjin's voice was low and to Jeongin it was extremely scary...

"B-But you are holding my wrist too tightly..." Jeongin was looking down.
Hyunjin didn't listen and kept on walking in the corridors.


Hyunjin pushed Jeongin in a room, it was empty and even a little dark and dusty...
The younger's back hit the wall, and made him groan from the pain "H-Hyung...b-be gentle..."

"Gentle? Me? Ha!" Hyunjin grabbed Jeongin by the face and squished it between his thumb and index finger "I'm gona make you scream my name and make you beg me to stop" Hyunjin's eyes suddenly started to glow of an amber yellow, with different shades if orange and even blue...

Jeongin started breathing heavily and his legs gave up on him, making him fall on the ground panting "H-Hyunjin...d-don't use pheromones...I can smell them..."

"Sorry baby, but you made me angry~" Hyunjin pulled up Jeongin by the bloody shirt and turned his around "Put your hands on the wall and stick your ass out" Hyunjin said, Jeongin did...

"Mmh~ nice" Hyunjin caressed Jeongin's ass, making the younger softly whine "Hold your T-shirt"
Jeongin bit on the shirt and Hyunjin pulled down his pants.

He was about to unbuckle Jeongin's belt when he suddenly stopped him
"Hyunjin wait" The sound was muffed by the T-shirt "I-I don't think it's good to do it here..."

"Chill my pretty flower, nobody comes in here, and the only key is the one I have...oh and this room is soundproof so you can freely say, cry or moan how much you want"

"...H-Hyung...s-stop your pheromones I...I-it's driving me crazy..." Jeongin said with his head resting on the wall and his hands slowly sliding down. It was like if he was getting drunk...

"I have no idea of doing so~" Hyunjin
took off the younger's belt and used it to tie Jeongin's hands together "Can I say look really hot like this" Hyunjin turned Jeongin's face and licked off the blood that was now getting dry from the other's face.

Hyunjin caressed Jeongin's tummy "You have a nice body but your tummy feels soft..."

"T-That's how an omega is made..." Jeongin started to feel embarrassed about his body.

"I know~" Hyunjin moved his hand to Jeongin's ass and slipped it in the younger's underwear "You are wet"

"Y-Your fault..."

"Well then...~" Hyunjin pushed a finger, than another, inside Jeongin's hole, and made his head jolt up and a loud moan echoed in the empty room.

"H-Hyunjin~" Jeongin tried to talk but Hyunjin kept on pounding his fingers inside of the younger, making him loose track of what he was going to say "H-Hyung s-stop..."

"Stop? But look at how you are, you are little dripping from the back and from the front"

"B-But I don't want your fingers...I-I want you..." Jeongin's voice got quieter and softer...

"Oh~ you mean this?~" rubbed his bulge on Jeongin's ass, and a high pitched moan escaped from his lips " little hoe...ok, I'll give it to you, even if you made me angry" He pulled out his fingers and pulled down his underwear. He held Jeongin's waist with a hand and with the other he helped himself to get in
"Ok I'll get in"

Hyunjin pushed himself in and grinned at the sight of Jeongin in pain and pleasure that was truly to grip to the wall.

"Ah~ Mnh! m-more..." Jeongin said under his breath, sticking his tongue out.

"Mh~ Tight~" Hyunjin started thrusting at a higher speed, squeezing Jeongin's hips...

. . .

They went on for what seemed like hours, and when Hyunjin was satisfied with what he had done, he let go of Jeongin's hips and pulled up his pants.

Immediately Jeongin fell on the ground and stayed there, panting and drying away the sweat from his body.

"Jeongin" Hyunjin said, getting the attention of the younger.

"Wha–" He was interrupted by a soft peck on his lips.
Hyunjin stared at him in the eyes for a little ... "I should go now..." And with that he left the room, leaving Jeongin sitting on the ground alone...

"I knew it..." tears began to stream down his face "They are all the same" He rested his head between his knees and cried...

"Why can't you be mine...?"

. . .


Part 2.?

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