Can we make things work? -Hyunin

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"Listen Jeongin, you should just break up with him...he is not interested in you and you know it too...he sleeps with random girls and doesn't give a damn about you..." Seungmin hugged his crying bestfriend "It's for your health lost so much weight and you don't look happy...–"

"Seungmin I love him...! That's the problem!" Jeongin cried out holding his phone in a hand "I want to stay with him..."

"He doesn't even answer your calls! What do you expect from him? Stop daydreaming! He is like the Prince Charming that all the princesses want...but those are all stories...this is the real world–"

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT LIVE IS!? NO YOU DON'T!" Jeongin pushed Seungmin away aand ran in the opposite direction.


Run run he bumped into a group of people...
Jeongin looked up meeting with the eyes of a tall boy, maybe some years older but nobody he knew. Next to him a couple of girls and...Hyunjin... looking at him with a disgusted face
"Oh look a little dumb nerd"

Tears were running down Jeongin's face leaving a red trail on his skin and making his eyes puffy.

"You ugly little brat go away! Now we need to disinfect our clothes! Ew!" One of the two girls said making the whole group laugh...even Hyunjin.
They all turned and walked away, Hyunjin holding one of the girls by her waist and her staying as close as possible to him...

'Shouldn't I be he one in your arms right look happy around her...why did you look so disgusted to see my face...I suddenly want to throw up thanks to all the mixed emotions that you make me feel...why am I not a girl sometimes I think...
I'd die just to pass a day laughing with you...


Why did we even start this in te first place...?'

Jeongin ran to the bathroom and threw up the nothing he ate that morning...

Giggles could be heard from the stall Jeongin was in, so he covered his mouth and stayed in silence.

"You know I should come at your place sometimes~"

"No, I have, um, a really noisy dog. I don't want him to get in the way"

It was clearly a voice of a woman, and the other of a man, Hyunjin's voice.
Jeongin closed his eyes shut and covered his ears, barely breathing to not be heard.

'Let me disappear God...'

"We should head to class now~ later we can go to the art class, nobody will be in there"

"Ok baby girl" They walked out of the bathroom and Jeongin sighed heavily.

Jeongin thought about what Seungmin said some time was true...all of it...

"I will stop this today...I swear today is the end..." Jeongin whispered to himself crying even more.


The school day finally ended and Jeongin got out, taking with him his violin.

Everyone was laughing and smiling,  or just talking.

The sun was shining and the wind faintly blowing on Jeongin's face, making his hair a cute mess and making his face light up a bit.
He really loved seeing the seasons changing, and the nature in general... the only thing keeping him alive...

An arm hugged his neck and pulled him close to someone, making Jeongin's earphones fall on the ground "Hey Innie! How is my boyfriend? Oh give me your violin I'll bring it for you"

"W-What is it Hyunjin?"

"Listen" he said in his cold tone "Can you go to sleep somewhere else tonight? I want to invite people over"

"I...I have nowhere to go...–"

"Find someone and quickly! You won't come back till tomorrow afternoon!" Hyunjin made the violin fall on the ground, fortunately it didn't break.

'Where am I supposed to go...!?'

"Hey Jeongin...what happend now...?"
Seungmin approached the boy who was picking up his violin.

"Oh...I...sorry for...this morning..."

"It's ok, listen, we are old enough to drink now, and somebody asked me to go out drinking with him, why don't you come too?" Seungmin smiled patting on his bestfriend's back.

"...s-sure...! I'll go home change!"

"Ok, 8PM at your place!"


Jeongin arrived at his place and threw his shoes away and placed his bag down.
He ran to his room and found in front of himself Hyunjin, wearing a pair of black pants, a white shirt and a black elegant jacket.
All he did was stop and stare...and blushing at the sight...


"Oh n-nothing–"

"And stop stuttering it's really annoying"

", could you move a bit...? I need to get some clothes from the closet"


"I'm going out"

"Oh with who? A boy asked you out?"

"...something like that!" Jeongin smiled scratching his head.

Hyunjin stared at Jeongin with whide eyes and his mouth open while the younger walked in and opened the closet looking for clothes...
"You make me so angry every time I see you"

"I know I do..."

"Than why are you still with me when you clearly can see that?"


"You want to stop this?" Jeongin looked at Hyunjin directly in the eyes.

Hyunjin walked closer to Jeongin and took his chin lifting the younger's face a little "If I end this, you'll have a mental breakdown, and you most likely will kill yourself. I dont care about it but I would feel responsible about your death, so no"

"So you care about me?"

"Uh no?"

"O-ok..." Jeongin said in a shaky voice and turned back to look in the closet.

Hyunjin checked his watch "Be gone in 30 minutes"

"I will be gone sooner trust me"
Jeongin grabbed his clothes and threw them on the bed, giving Hyunjin a death glare.

'Tch, little spoiled brat'

Jeongin started to undress but his head got stuck in the white turtleneck.

"The fuck are you doing"


"God!" Hyunjin went to help Jeongin and pulled the T-shirt and took it off "You are so dumb really"


"Thanks for helping you or for calling you dumb?"

"For helping me..." Jeongin hugged Hyunjin and rested his head on the older's shoulder.

"Whatever now get dressed and go"

"I....don't want to let go..." Jeongin hugged Hyunjin tighter "Can I make this work...? Can I change in some ways? Please tell me what I need to do and I'll do it...!" Jeongin looked at Hyunjin.

"You can do one thing"

A little smile formed on Jeongin's face

"You can get out of my face now"

"I–....ok...." Jeongin let go of Hyunjin and took his clothes going in the bathroom.
He closed the door and leaned his head on it.

Jeongin's phone started ringing, and Hyunjin noticed it and took it to see who it was and saw 'Seungmin🐶'
He wanted to answer the phone so badly, but he brought it to Jeongin
"Jeongin your 'friend' is calling"


"Jeongin open the door now"

Jeongin slowly opened the door and looked at Hyunjin. His eyes were red and even his cheekbones
"Stop crying and answer this"

"Hey! I'm not gonna wear shorts!...yeah, yeah ok I'm coming"

"And who asked you to wear shorts?"

"Seungmin...he said there will be a lot of hot guys..."

"Am I hot?" Hyunjin asked leaning his head on the door frame.

Jeongin didn't answer and just got out of the bathroom.


"Look who is here!!"


"What happened now?"

"Nothing let's go, I just want to get drunk and forget about him existing"
Jeongin got in the car and saw someone else driving it "Who..."

"Oh, he is Chan, my–"

"Really close friend! I came too sorry I might be a bother to you two" Chan smiled.

"'s two are together?"

"NO!" They both said at the same time turning towards Jeongin.

"Ok...can we go now?"

"For sure!"


They arrived at the pub and sat down at one of the VIP tables that they had booked for the night.
Chan whispered something to Seungmin and went to the barman to get some drinks.

"Hey Innie why don't you go there and try to find someone?"

"I...don't really feel like going there..."

"Come on!! Did you wear the crop top as I told you?"


"Than take off the shirt and show it off!"

"Not now!"


Jeongin drank maybe two and an half bottles of Soju and half of a beer that Chan had.
Seungmin was obviously drank and trying to get Chan's attention who had his eyes glued to a girl's ass "Chan...boy look at me not that ass!"

Chan didn't even answer and just kept looking "Chan!"

"What? Your ass is no better than that"

"Yes it is! Wanna feel it?"


All of a sudden Jeongin got up and walked towards another table with three boys and three girls.

In his way someone grabbed him by the arm and pulled him close
"Hello honey~"

"The fuck are you?"

"Who am I? Oh~ a nobody" the guy started licked and kissing Jeongin not letting him go.

"Go away!"

The guy took off Jeongin's shirt and revealed the black crop top
"Oh oh!~ look at this!"

"Let me go..." Jeongin started crying.


"Let him go" another voice said behind Jeongin, grabbing the guy's arm.

"Oh Hyunjin! My boy! How is it going? I found this good chick here alone and just wanted to play with him~"

"Just go away I'll talk to him" Hyunjin pushed the boy away..."What are you doing here"

Jeongin looked up at him with teary eyes and not really knowing what to say, he just wanted to be in Hyunjin's arms for the rest of the night...

A girl arrived and tapped on Hyunjin's shoulder "Hey hottie what are you doing with that nerd! Come on in the queen today, you should look only at me"

Hyunjin looked at her than at Jeongin who had his head low and trying to close the shirt
"Yeah sorry, he just looked in fear"

Jeongin shot his head up and looked at Hyunjin leaving while holding the girl by her waist.
He didn't even complain about it, he just went straight out of the pub and started walking not knowing where.

People were looking at them with a weird face...a guy wearing such a crop top...

He stopped in the middle of a park...
He sat on a swing and stayed there, not wanting to ho home or back to the pub...

"You are an idiot"

Jeongin looked up and saw Hyunjin again "Shut up go away"

"You want to be alone?"

"Of course I do?! You left me all of a sudden after helping me and than that hoe called you and you went after her like a puppy! Do you think it's nice to see the one who should be your boyfriend going to sleep with other people EVERYDAY!? I repeat myself, why are we together?"

"I'm not breaking up because–"

"Because you are scared I will die of a broken heart!? And who cares if I die! Nobody! You won't be giving a damn about me so stop saying nonsense and break up with me!!
You are not happy, I am happy just because I get to spend that hour with you when we eat dinner together or when you turn in your sleep and hug me by mistake...Hyunjin really I don't want you to throw away the best years of your life..."

Jeongin got up and walked towards Hyunjin and adjusted the older's hair that were slowly falling onto his face
"If you are not going to break up with me than tell me what can I do make this work..."

"What would you change to make this work?" Hyunjin asked.

"Me?...everything but not you...
Hyung I love you the way you are but...not the you who goes with every girl and doesn't care about me...

Hyunjin I want a boyfriend that loves me with all his heart and that treats me like a prince–"

"But you are my princess" Hyunjin took Jeongin's face between his hands and kissed him on his forehead.

"What has gotten into you all of a sudden"

"That girl you saw...she...she said a lot of shit about you and it didn't feel right..."

"So you love me?"

"I don't love you...but we can make things work?"


Ok the end was not too good but yeah


Oh and soon there will be an update both on "INFERNO" and "Mommy"♡

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