Chapter 10: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire.

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Down the mountainside and finally into the Sunlight, the company ran away from the Goblins into the area filled with Pine Trees. Gandalf was right that the Goblins didn't follow them. 

"We've lost them!" Harry yelled in relief while Gandalf was doing a headcount. 

"Five, six, seven, eight. Bifur, Bofur, that's ten. Fili, Kili, that's twelve. Bombur that makes thirteen. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Luna. Nineteen. But he looked around. "Where's Bilbo? Where is our Hobbit? Where is our Hobbit?!" 

"Bilbo?" Hermione asked, looking around her. "Oh, Merlin! We've forgotten him!" 

"Curse that Halfling!" Gloin exclaimed. "Now he's lost! I thought he was with Dori!" 

"Don't blame me!" Dori shot back.

"And where did you last see him?" Gandalf inquired.

"He had managed to slip out of sight from the Goblins. They ignored him and focused on us." Luna answered.

"Oh, that's not what happened." Thorin retorted. "Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He's thought of nothing but his soft bed and warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door. We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone." 

But unbeknownst to everyone. Bilbo was actually still invisible and having heard everything that was said. And while he seemed crushed at first. He decided to prove Thorin wrong. "No, he isn't." He informed.

Everyone turned to see Bilbo. "How did he get here?" Ron asked confused. "Does he have one of Hermione's Time Turners?"

"I got rid of that years ago, Ron." Hermione reminded.

"Hermione had a Time Turner?" Neville asked.

"That's not important right now." Hermione replied. 

"Bilbo Baggins." Gandalf said with a grin. "I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life." 

The Dwarves all had genuine expressions of happiness.

"Bilbo, we'd given you up!" Kili commented.

"I wasn't worried." Ron said. "I mean, you should see some of the stuff that Harry gets into." 

"What happened to you, Bilbo? How did you get out of the mountains?" Harry asked. 

Bilbo let out a nervous laugh. He didn't want to just tell the others about what had happened with him and Gollum. And he had a hand in his pocket. The Ring was in it.

"Oh, what does it matter? He's back." Gandalf asked. 

"Well, I still thing that we should-" Hermione started to say.

"It matters." Thorin interrupted. "I want to know. Why did you come back?" He questioned.

Bilbo sighed. "Look, I know you doubt me. I know, I know you always have. And you're right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books, and my arm chair, and my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home." He explained. "And that's why I came back, cause you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you, but I will help you take it back if I can." He then turned to Harry. "After all, as Harry once told me. It's not our abilities that define who we are. It is our choices. And I've decided to make my choice to help you all." 

And that made Harry smile. "Well, sort of. It was Dumbledore who said-" But just then... he felt a sharp pain on his forehead. From where his scar was. And it was as if he could sense Voldemort.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Bilbo asked suddenly nervous.

Harry felt that pain as if he could feel Voldemort in his mind again. "It's him... Voldemort..." Harry said. And he could feel as if he was in an unknown room. 

"So... Harry Potter has arrived in Middle Earth too." Voldemort said intrigued and reading a letter. "And he's helping out the one they call Thorin Oakenshield reclaim his home. Seems a proper meeting is in order. Go with the Pale Orc and bring me Harry Potter." He ordered another figure. 

And when Harry was released, he was on the ground gasping for air. "He's here in Middle Earth! He knows we're here! And he knows we're helping Thorin!" He informed quickly.

"Well how could he know that?" Neville asked.

"He gets into my mind." Harry answered. "It hasn't happened since last year, but-" 

"Harry! You're not supposed to let that happen!" Hermione reminded. "I thought with the Occlumency-" 

"Will you shut it with that, already!?!" Harry snapped having had enough of the Occlumency lessons with Snape and it was horrible.

"Well does he know where we are?" Ginny asked.

"I'm going to say, yes." Luna answered as she pointed to where she heard howling coming from the top of the mountainside.

What Luna was pointing to was a group of Wargs being ridden on by Orcs, and a Pale Orc on top of a White Warg in the center. Azog, looking down, with a metal arm on one of his arms. "Run them down! Tear them to pieces!" He ordered the Orcs. And they all started charging down the mountain.

"Out of the frying pan." Thorin said.

"And into the fire." Gandalf agreed. "Run. Run!" He bayed the other Dwarves to follow him. With Harry and his friends following. Harry would just have to move past the pain. And they were rushing towards the edge of the cliffs as it was turning to nightfall.

"But there's nowhere to go!" Harry warned as they ran forward. 

Bilbo had run forward, but a Warg jumped right in front of him. It snarled and charged at Bilbo right as Bilbo raised his sword, and it stabbed right into the Warg's head. 

Another Warg jumped right in front of Hermione. "Stupefy!" Ron had shot quickly. "Come on!" He grabbed Hermione's hand. He turned to see Ginny running with a Warg right next to her. 

"Confringo!" Ginny shot blasting the Warg away. She ran forward only to stop and came very close to going off the ledge. 

"Accio!" Neville shot to bring Ginny back. 

"Up into the trees. All of you! Come on, climb!" Gandalf instructed. 

"Are you mental?" Ron asked. "How does that help!?" 

"It can give us a height advantage. The High Ground is always at an advantage!" Luna answered as she started climbing the trees. "I really hope there are Bowtruckles in this trees. But I don't think so." 

"Yeah, that's nice, Luna. Now start climbing." Neville insisted. 

"Bilbo! Climb!" Gandalf ordered.

And Bilbo was having trouble trying to get his sword out of the Warg's skull before moving.

"They're coming!" Thorin yelled. 

Right as Bilbo got the sword out. He turned to see the Wargs and Orcs coming at him.

"Leviosa!" Harry shouted lifting Bilbo up to the tree. And he was able to get his hand on a branch.

The Wargs below were all snarling and trying to climb the trees to no avail. And as Gandalf looked around him. He could see a butterfly, getting an idea. He beckoned the butterfly on the tip of his staff. Chanting something to the butterfly before sending it on their way.

Suddenly, Azog had now emerged from the top of a ledge to stare straight at Thorin and the Wizards. 

"That doesn't look like Voldemort." Ron commented nervously.

"Azog." Thorin said.

Harry looked at Azog now. That was the guy who took away Thorin's Grandfather and Father. 

Azog looked at Thorin. And he spoke in his Orc Language. "Do you smell it? The scent of fear? I remember your father reeked of it, Thorin son of Thrain." He mocked.

"It cannot be." Thorin gasped as if he was staring at a ghost. 

Azog then looked at Harry. "And it seems he brought help from the outside as well." He said to his Orcs. 

"You're Azog, I presume?" Harry asked Azog.

Azog laughed. "What a dumb Wizard." He said to his Orcs. And all the Orcs laughed. 

"You better keep your distance, or this isn't going to end well for you." Neville warned though it was a bluff.

"Is it, Longbottom?" Another voice suddenly called. A female voice. And Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna all gasped. They knew who this voice belonged to.

And out of shadows, emerged a new figure. A Human Witch, with messy black hair, black robes and an evil wicked smile. "Bellatrix Lestrange." Harry gasped.

"What a small world we live in, Harry Potter." Bellatrix laughed. "And look at all of Potter and his little friends. "Stuck up in a tree. Terrified and up to their knees. And you've made even more friends. Of course, we've made some of our own. You like them?"

"You know that lady?" Kili asked.

"Unfortunately, we do." Neville answered with anger in his voice. "Bellatrix Lestrange was the woman who tortured my parents to insanity."

"One of my crowning achievements." Bellatrix bragged. "And of course, along with killing Sirius Black, of course. You remember that, right, Potter? I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" She laughed and laughed.

"I should've figured you'd be in this. You must have a thing for pale faced, bald monsters." Harry shot back. 

"Well, he is a lot less hairy than Fenrir Greyback if that's what you're wondering." Bellatrix admitted. 

"We've made a few alliances of our own, Oakenshield." Azog informed. He turned to his Orcs. "That one is mine." He informed as he pointed to Thorin with his mace. "Kill the others!" 

The Wargs all began jumping towards the trees. And hacking and slashing at the branches. And causing the Dwarves to dangle from the branches and lose their balance. The trees all shaking. 

"Drink their blood!" Azog ordered. 

"Oh, let's speed up the process, shall we?" Bellatrix offered. "Diffindo!" She shot at the trunk of one tree where one of the trees landed on the other trees. And everyone was forced to move towards the last tree. And held on for dear life as the Wargs all circled around the last tree. Everyone holding on.

And Azog laughed along with Bellatrix. 

"Now what do we do?" Ginny asked nervously hanging on for dear life as she and Hermione held close to Ron. 

"Well, well. Weasley saving the lovely ladies. How disgustingly noble." Bellatrix mocked. 

"Shut it, Bellatrix!" Ron snapped.

"Blood Traitor! Bellatrix roared. "Someone should teach you some manners." 

"It's not about blood purity. If we didn't marry the Muggles. We'd have all died out years ago." Ron pointed out.

"Oh, don't get me started on Muggles!" Bellatrix spat. 

Gandalf had an idea. He grabbed a pine cone and lit one on fire. And he threw one down from the tree. Throwing it at the Wargs, making them all stand back. 

Azog wasn't smiling now as the Wargs all fell back from the fire. 

"Grab some Pinecones!" Harry could see where Gandalf was going with it. "Grab some Pinecones!" He got a Pinecone and shot Incendio at it. Then threw it down on the ground. And soon enough. Gandalf was giving everyone flaming Pinecones. Helped out by Harry casting Incendio on the flames. And spitting the ground entirely on fire. It made all the Wargs stand back. 

"Ha! Ha!" The Dwarves all shouted in triumph. But it was short lived. As Bellatrix casted a Water Charm like Spell around the flames dosing out a clear path to the trees.

"Nice try, Potter! But a little fire won't be enough to save you!" Bellatrix taunted. "And you have bigger problems, I think." 

The Tree began moving and collapsing, right over the cliff. And everyone was holding on the branches for dear life. Which was something they had been doing quite a lot. 

But Luna had lost her grip, and was starting to fall down. But Neville quickly caught her. And Dori had nearly fallen too. But he grabbed onto Gandalf's staff. Ori was grabbing Dori by the legs.

"Hold on, Luna!" Neville yelled.

"I'd like to get up now, Neville!" Luna begged.

"That might be a problem!" Neville said as he was in an awkward position. And as everyone held on for dear life, only Thorin was the one to stand up and stare at Azog directly, and made his way off the tree. He brandished his sword as everyone looked on. Including Bilbo. And Thorin had also grabbed a branch for a shield.

Azog stared like he was looking at his prey.

"Thorin! What are you doing?!" Hermione tried to yell.

"He's trying to be a hero, Hermione." Ron said.

Thorin started running towards the Orc off the tree. Azog was ready. He and his Warg just stood there ready to pounce. Thorin raised his sword to strike. And Azog charged ahead. The Warg pouncing on Thorin and knocking him on the back. 

"No! THORIN!" Harry yelled in horror.

"Help!" Dori's grip was slipping on the staff.  

Thorin tried to get up. But Azog swung his mace right on Thorin's face. And Thorin fell to the ground on his back. 

"No!" Balin yelled.

"We need to help him!" Ginny begged. But she noticed the branch that she Ron, and Hermione were on was starting to break.

Bilbo had also started to stand up to try and get to him. 

And to add insult in injury, Azog's Warg bit Thorin in its Razor Sharp Teeth.

"Thorin! No!" Dwalin tried to help him by standing up, but the branch below him collapsed and he found himself swinging next to Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. 

"Ginny! Swing!" Ron swung Ginny over to Dwalin. And Hermione was able to grab a thick branch for her and Ron to stabilize herself and Ron. 

Thorin swung his sword right at the head of the Warg. The Warg released Thorin towards the cliff.

And Harry started to stand up as well. On top of the branch. He had to help Thorin. 

"That Dwarf is a fighter!" Bellatrix noted. "Let's fix that, shall we?" And she pointed her wand at Thorin. "Never used the Cruciatus Curse on a Dwarf before. Crucio!" She shot at Thorin making Thorin yell out in pain. 

"No!" Balin yelled.

"Get off him, you witch!" Dwalin tried to yell.

And Bellatrix was enjoying every moment of it. 

"That's enough." Azog ordered Bellatrix as Thorin slipped in unconsciousness. He then looked over to his other Orcs. "Bring me the Dwarf's head." 

Bilbo knew what he had to do. He drew out his sword. And began to move over the tree. "Bilbo!" Harry took out his wand. 

An Orc had climbed off his Warg, positioning his sword above Thorin's neck. Thorin tried to reach his sword, but couldn't reach it. And when it seemed all hope was lost. Bilbo jumped on top of the Orc, and tackled him to the ground. Azog's eagerness turned to confusion as Bilbo had managed to stab the Orc with his sword. And run it through his chest. He then stood in front of Azog. Making Azog glare at Bilbo, right as Bilbo aimed his sword right at the Orcs. And swing his sword.

"Kill him." Azog ordered.

"Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix yelled shooting a green beam of energy right at Bilbo. But suddenly, an orange beam had intercepted the blast. A blast that Bilbo noticed came from Harry.  The Orange beam overtaking Bellatrix and causing her wand to fly from her hands. 

"Depulso!" Harry shot, blasting Bellatrix into a tree and knocking her unconscious. "That's for Sirius!"  He declared. But he wasn't done. He turned to face the other Orcs and Wargs who were starting to charge at both Harry and Bilbo.

"Stupefy!" Both Ron and Hermione had charged off the tree and were right by Harry's side. Proving that they were beside Harry through thick and thin. "You need a hand?" Ron asked.

"Thanks guys." Harry thanked. And they weren't alone. Kili and Goin charged at the Wargs. Joined by Fili, and Dwalin as well as Ginny striking as much as they could.

"Yah!" Bilbo also struck another Warg before going for Azog's Warg. It kicked Bilbo off.

"Petrificus Totalas!" Hermione shot at one of the Wargs paralyzing them.

And Harry tossed himself right in front of Azog. "Stupefy!" He shot at Azog. And it stunned Azog but only for a bit. 

It was also in that moment that Gandalf saw the butterfly return. And it meant one thing. But then, Dori lost his grip on Gandalf's staff and he and Ori fell.

"Oh, a butterfly." Luna had noticed Gandalf's butterfly return. "You can let go now, Neville." She told Neville in relief.

"What?" Neville asked in disbelief.

But Luna had let go while smiling only for a Giant Eagle to catch her, Dori, and Ori.

Pretty soon after that, a whole flock of Giant Eagles emerged from the skies to go help the Dwarves. And they grabbed the rest of the Dwarves from the trees. 

Azog and the Wargs noticed this too, as they began striking at the Orcs and Wargs too. Picking up the Wargs and throwing them off the cliffs, as well as dropping trees on the Wargs. 

"Eagles?" Hermione asked.

"I have no idea where those came from, but I am not complaining!" Ron declared.

The rest of the Eagles took care of the Orcs and Wargs. And one even grabbed Thorin in its Talons lifting him up in the air.

Azog roared in fury, as the rest of the Eagles picked up all the company in their Talons. One picked up Bilbo then dropped him onto the back of another Eagle.

"Get on!" Harry let an Eagle take him in its Talons. And another Eagle looked at Hermione.

"Hold on a second. I'm not so good with-" Hermione tried to say but the Eagle already grabbed Her. "-HEIGHTS!" 

And the Eagles all flew in the air way to freedom.

Bellatrix got up suddenly and looked at all the Eagles carrying the Company to safety. "Argh!" She yelled. "You may have escaped this time, Potter. But we'll meet again!" 

The Eagles had flown the company through the air into the skies. And onto a large mountain where they were safe.

And Hermione was shaking. "Oh... not good with heights. No." She said.

"That was nothing, Hermione. You rode on Buckbeak before." Harry pointed out.

"Doesn't mean that I enjoyed it." Hermione shot back.

"Well I did." Luna said. "And it was either escape like that. Or deal with the Orcs." 

"Point taken." Hermione sighed.

Once the Eagles had landed. Everyone was more than happy to get to solid ground. 

"Not bad." Ron breathed in and out. "Not bad at all." 

"You alright, Neville?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm alright." Neville answered getting off but falling on the ground. "Oof." 

"It's alright, Neville. You've had worse falls." Harry assured.

"That's true." Neville agreed.

Thorin in the meantime was laying on the ground. "Thorin!" Gandalf yelled. And he walked over as the Dwarves all surrounded their Leader. "Thorin." Gandalf said softly.

Harry looked at Thorin as well. "Is he going to be okay?" He asked.

And Gandalf put a hand over Thorin while casting a spell. Thorin was able to lift his eyes. "The Halfling?" Thorin asked. 

"It's alright. Bilbo is here, he's quite safe." Gandalf assured.

Thorin sighed in relief. And right as the Dwarves held Thorin up. "I know, I know." Ron had shrugged. "You were down on your luck there for a chap. But the old Weasley instinct kicked in and-" Ron tried to brag it up.

"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed!" Thorin yelled in anger at Bilbo. "Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild, and you had no place amongst us." 

And Ron's expression turned to stillness. "Huh. That was... not the reaction I was expecting." He said.

"Thorin! Honestly how can you-" Hermione started to tell Thorin off.

"Woah, Hermione. Just hold on a second." Neville insisted.

"I have never been so wrong, in all my life." Thorin confessed as he hugged Bilbo. Which caused everyone to cheer. "But, I'm sorry I doubted you." 

"No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero, nor a warrior. Not even a burglar." Bilbo figured. 

Then Thorin turned to the six witches and wizards. "And you six." He said. "I owe you my life for standing with me against Azog. And whoever that witch was." 

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Harry answered. "She tortured Neville's parents. And she killed my Godfather, Sirius Black." 

"Then I guess we'll have to avenge them." Thorin figured. "You have my word, Harry Potter. That once Erebor has been taken again. We will show that Bellatrix Lestrange and her Master what it means to cross with the Dwarves of Erabor." He declared. "There were moments where I admit I doubted you. And I could not be more wrong. You were right, Harry. You were right all along." 

"Eh... come off it." Harry said. "We all have our moments where we say things we don't really mean. If I had a Galleon for every time Ron did it." 

"Hey!" Ron complained.

"He's got a point, you know." Ginny added. 

Once all the cheers and celebrations had died down. The Eagles were flying off. Once they had left, Thorin turned to look at a Giant Mountain in the distance. Just one mountain.

"Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo asked.

"Woah!" Neville looked in awe. And the same for Harry, Ron, and Hermione. As well as Ginny and Luna.

"Erebor! The Lonely Mountain. The last of the Great Dwarf Kingdoms of Middle Earth." Gandalf explained.

"Our home." Thorin added. 

It was also at that moment that a Raven flew overhead the party. Oin's eyes lit up at once. "A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain." 

"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." Gandalf clarified. 

"A what?" Harry asked. 

"A type of bird, Harry." Hermione whispered. 

"Well we'll take it as a sign, a good omen." Thorin informed.

"That's true. Daddy published in the Quibbler once that Threshes are an extremely grand Omen." Luna agreed. 

Bilbo smiled. "You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us." 

"We'd better get moving." Harry figured.

But Ron was looking at the Eagles flying away. "Um, you think we could ask the Eagles to fly us all the way to the Lonely Mountain?" He asked.

"I don't think they're a Knight Bus service, Ron." Neville answered.

"I'm just saying. They could've dropped us off closer." Ron replied. 

"Say, Thorin? You mind if I ask you a question?" Harry asked.

"I won't object to it." Thorin answered.

"How did you and Gandalf meet?" Harry asked.

"Hm..." Thorin thought. But he remembered it well. "I suppose it all started back in the village of Bree. At the sign of the Prancing Pony..." And Thorin started flashing back. 

Meanwhile... over at the Lonely Mountain. A single bird flew over to the entrance of the Lonely Mountain, behind the statue of the Dwarves. Going near the rocks. And tapping a small nut by the mountain. The echoing of the tap could be heard inside the palace. Where under an entire literal mountain of gold, the Dragon Smaug slept under the gold. His snoring exposed some of his nose and eyes. And it opened. 

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