Chapter 9: Down in the deep in Goblin Town.

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While everyone fell asleep, Harry still remained awake. Deciding that he would take the first watch. He could also see that the Dwarves were all asleep on their gear. There was still no sign of Gandalf. "Must be delayed by the bad weather." He thought. Though, he did wish that he would show up. If he was, he could've assured the group that Bilbo did belong with the party. 

But as for Bilbo, he had opened his eyes. He could see that Harry was the only one awake. But looking out at the cave. So Bilbo saw it as his opportunity to get out of the party. And he quietly started rolling out his blankets and started to pack his things. 

Bofur had also noticed. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked Bilbo.

Harry had turned to see that Bilbo was starting to make his treks " getting out of the cave. "Back to Rivendell." Bilbo answered. 

But Bofur had shook his head over. "No, no, no. You can't turn back, now. You're part of the company. You're one of us." He protested.

"I'm not though, am I?" Bilbo retorted. "Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins, I don't know what I was thinking. I should've never run out the door." 

"You're homesick, I understand." Bofur tried to assure.

"No you, don't! You don't understand, none of you do, you're Dwarves! You're used to, to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere!" Bilbo snapped. But he suddenly stopped when he realized his harsh choice of words. "I'm sorry, I didn't..." 

"No, you're right." Bofur interrupted at once. "We don't belong anywhere." 

And that was when Harry started to walk over. "Thorin's wrong about you, Bilbo. You have a place with the company." He started to say.

Bilbo looked at Harry. "No. I don't-" 

"Hey, I've been there, Bilbo. Always thinking that I didn't belong anywhere. The Outcast of the group. Always strange and abnormal. And a misfit. It was like that for 9 years of my life. When I lived with the Dursleys. I felt like I wouldn't belong anywhere. And then when I was 11. Hagrid came knocking on the door. Told me I was a Wizard. And I found my home. Hogwarts. My real home." Harry explained. 

"If you're trying to convince me to stay, Harry. You're not doing a great job at it." Bilbo said.

"Okay, sorry." Harry said awkwardly. "But the important thing is that I believe you have a place with us, Bilbo. You may not see it now, but you do." 

Bilbo still looked indifferent at Harry. "Yeah, well, I don't have the same abilities as the Dwarves, I can't use magic like you and your friends do. I'm a Hobbit. We're not built for this life. We don't have the ability." And he started to walk away.

But Harry this time knew exactly what to say. "It's not about abilities, Bilbo." He informed. And it made Bilbo back. "A wise Wizard once told me that it's not our abilities that show what we truly are. It's our choices." He said.

"Gandalf told you that?" Bilbo asked.

"Nope. Professor Dumbledore." Harry answered. "My First Year in Hogwarts. That was after we had- why is your sword glowing blue?" He noted Bilbo's sword.

"What?" Bilbo asked. And he unsheathed his sword to see the tip glowing blue.

"What's that?" Bofur asked. 

Thorin also woke up to see it. "Wake up. Wake up!" He yelled to everyone.

"Everyone!" Harry yelled shooting Bombarda to wake everyone up with a loud bang.

"Is it breakfast time already?" Ron asked still half asleep while getting up.

"Harry? What's going on?" Hermione asked.

"I'm coming, Gran! I'm coming!" Neville shot up. "Oh, wait. It's you guys." 

And the ground beneath everyone's feet started collapsing like there was shifting sand underneath. 

Luna had now sat up. And she looked below her. "I have a very bad feeling about this." She said. 

"What was your first CL-!" Hermione started to yell as everyone fell down right into a Giant Underground Cavern.

"-UE!!!!" And then everyone had fallen onto what looked like a wooden cage on a semi sturdy wooden bridge in the mountain.

"That. That was my first clue, Hermione." Luna said as she struggled to get up.

"Neville?" Ginny asked around her.

"I'm right under you." Neville mouthed as he struggled to get up.

"Sorry." Ginny quickly got off Neville. But then she quickly looked around her. "Where are we?"

"We must've fallen into the Mountain." Harry figured. 

"Fallen into the Mountain. That's bloody brilliant." Ron scoffed. 

"It could be worse, Ron." Hermione commented.

Hermione should not have said that, because what happened next was an entire swarm of ugly looking creatures heading right towards the party. 

"You had to say it, Hermione." Harry spat. 

"Are those Goblins?" Ginny asked.

Thorin got up. "Yes. They're Goblins." He grunted. "You have them in your world too?" 

The Goblins all started to take away the Dwarves weapons and the wands away and started pushing them forwards. "Yes, but the ones in our world are far more civilized." Hermione answered.

"Well, sort of. They're mostly bankers." Harry agreed as he got pushed too. 

"Hey, get off me!" Ron tied to get the Goblins off him but to no avail.

As the party was led away though, Bilbo had managed to crouch out of sight. And the passing Goblins didn't even notice him. They were so fixated on the Dwarves they never bothered to pay attention to some silly Hobbit. 

"What happened to Bilbo?" Luna asked as she was pushed forward by another Goblin. 

Harry tried to look behind him, but a Goblin pushed him forward again. "If he's lucky, the Goblins wouldn't have noticed him." He thought. For now, they would just have to wait and see how this played out. 

Bilbo had managed to hide himself behind the railings. And he could only watch as the rest of his companions were dragged away. "I have to get them." Unfortunately, one Goblin saw Bilbo draw out his sword and jumped at the Hobbit.

Bilbo clashed with his sword against the Orc Dagger. Bilbo was not an experienced fighter though. And he was barely surviving. The Goblin then leaped on top of Bilbo, biting into his shoulder. 

"Ah!" Bilbo yelled out as he staggered back, and over the ledge. Both he and the Goblin falling into the dark chasm.

Those same Goblins had dragged and hauled the rest of the party right in front of a really fat, really overweight, and really ugly looking Goblin with a noticeable dangling chin that resembled a Frog. And a small spiked crown on his head. And the Goblin was sitting on a throne. 

To Harry, he looked like what Hagrid described as the Troll Leader that Hagrid had encountered the summer that Voldemort emerged.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my Kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" The Goblin King interrogated.

"I thought he was going to speak Gobbledegook." Hermione whispered.

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"Just forget it." Hermione answered.

"Dwarves and humans, your malevolence." One of the Goblins answered. 

"Humans? Dwarves?" The Goblin King repeated.

"We found them on the front porch." Another of the Goblins added.

"Well your front porch didn't exactly have a welcome mat on it." Harry shot back.

"Harry." Hermione hissed.

"Well don't just stand there. Search them! Every crack, every crevice!" The Goblin King demanded. 

And they began ripping out more weapons and other items from the Dwarves. 

"What are you doing in these parts? Speak!" The Goblin King demanded. 

"Uh... not doing anything much. Just taking shelter from a storm." Neville answered. 

"Yes. We're just passing through." Hermione added. "And it's clear that we've overstayed our welcome in your cave, and if you'll just allow us to go, we'll be on our way and our paths will never meet again. Goodbye." She suggested.

"Nice try, little Human! We don't believe that! No one just passes through." The Goblin King retorted. "If they will not talk, we'll make them squawk!" He shouted to the rest of the Goblins who were observing the whole scene from the mountains. "Bring up the mangler, bring up the bone breaker!"

"Mangler?" Ron asked.

"Bone Breaker?" Luna asked. "That doesn't sound appealing." She said. 

"Start with the humans!" The Goblin King ordered. And one Goblin had started to reach for Hermione. 

But Ron stood in the way. "Get your hands off her!" 

"Wait!" Thorin stepped forward. And right in front of the Goblin King.

The Goblin King recognized Thorin right away. "Well, well, well! Look who it is! Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the Mountain." He said.  "Oh! But I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain, and you're not a King. Which makes you... nobody really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the Head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc astride a White Warg." 

And Thorin knew exactly who the Goblin King was talking about. "Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago." He countered.

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you?" The Goblin King asked while smirking. He then turned to a Goblin swinging on a makeshift swing with a piece of parchment and a quill. "Send word to the pale orc, tell him I have found his prize." 

The Goblin on the swing started moving.

"Does that mean Azog is back?" Ron asked. 

"I'm going to say he's not dead as we thought." Harry answered.

As the Goblin moved on the swing, down below, was Bilbo laying in a clump of mushrooms. He woke up to look around him. The only other person with him was the Goblin that he had dueled before. But it was lying further off and gasping for breath. 

"Looks like I'm all alone now." Bilbo thought.

But he spoke too soon. Out of the darkness, emerged a strange pale, bald creature. Walking on all fours, and crawling over to the Goblin. "Yes, yes, yes!" The creature said. "Gollum. Gollum!" 

The creature known as Gollum started dragging the Goblin away by the feet. Unfortunately, the Goblin sprung to life, and grabbed Gollum by the legs. Bilbo could see the two going at it, while Gollum had grabbed a nearby rock and pounded it against the Goblin's head.

As he did so, a small metallic golden ring fell from his loincloth. And it landed on the ground with a soft thud. 

The Goblin had fallen backward, and Gollum was pulling the Goblin away. "Nasty Goblinses. Better than old bones, precious. Better than nothing!" He said to himself.

Once Gollum was out of reach, Bilbo had gotten to his feet and ran over to get his sword which still glowed blue. By the light of the sword, Bilbo could see the Ring below him. Bilbo picked it up with one of his hands, almost mesmerized by the Ring as he brought it near his face.

But he was snapped out of it by Gollum. "Too many boneses, precious. Not enough flesh!" He cried out. 

"Shut up! Get its skin off. Start with its head!" Gollum also shouted out. Like he was talking to himself, which he was. 

And Bilbo realizing there was only one way to go and it was forward, he had his sword drawn out in his hands as he creeped around the corner. He could see Gollum silhouetted on to of a rock in the middle of a small lake. And Gollum was singing joyfully as he beated the Goblin. Or rather it was Gollum's alter ego, Smeagol.

"The cold hard lands, they bites our hands, the gnaws our feet. The rocks and stones, they're like old bones, all bare of meat. Cold as death, they have no breath, its good to eat." He sang. But even as the Goblin woke again, Gollum smashed in the Goblin's head with another stone. But then he looked up and could see the small glow of Bilbo's sword. 

Slowly, but surely, Bilbo hid behind a large boulder, as the light of his sword went out. Bilbo peered over at Gollum's rock again to see that he was gone. 

That was because Gollum mounted himself on a small wooden boat. And paddled himself across the lake. 

Bilbo was still hidden behind the rock, panic etched all over his face. The only thing he could hear was a scuffling noise. Gollum climbed on the rock above. Jumping down and giving Bilbo a large grin.

"Bless us and splash us, precious! That's a meaty mouthful!" Gollum grinned as he crawled towards Bilbo. 

But Bilbo quickly pointed the tip of his sword right at Gollum. So much so that the tip touched Gollum's chest.

"Gollum. Gollum." Gollum coughed up.

"Back! Stay back!" Bilbo now had the momentum on his side. He got to his feet and kept his blade pointed at Gollum. Gollum retreated away. "I'm warning you, don't come any closer." 

Gollum had retreated away. "It's got an elvish blade, but it's not an elfs. Not an elfs, no." He squinted at Bilbo though. "What is it, precious? What is it?"

That made sense to Bilbo, that Gollum wouldn't know what Bilbo was, given that he lived in darkness for who knows how long. 

"My name... is Bilbo Baggins." Bilbo introduced not lowering his sword, or his guard. 

"Bagginses?" Gollum asked confused. "What is a Bagginses, precious?" 

"I'm a Hobbit, from the Shire." Bilbo answered. 

"Oh!" Gollum realized. "We like Goblinses, batses, and fishes, but we haven't tried hobbitses before. Is it soft? Is it juicy?" He leaned in more closely, mouth watering.

"Now, now, keep your distance!" Bilbo warned as he swung his sword wildly. "I'll use this if I have to!" 

Gollum snarled loudly. Echoing off the cave in response. 

"I don't want any trouble, do you understand?" Bilbo demanded. "Just show me the way to get out of here, and I'll be on my way!" 

"Why? Is it lost?" Gollum asked.

"Yes, yes, and I want to get unlost as soon as possible." Bilbo answered.

And then Gollum's face lit up. "Oh! We knows! We knows safe paths for Hobbitses. Safe paths in the dark." Smeagol offered.

"Shut up!" Gollum had suddenly then said in a more aggressive tone.

"I... didn't say anything." Bilbo commented confused.

"Wasn't talking to you." Gollum hissed.

"Well, yes, we was, precious, we was." Smeagol said. 

Either way, Bilbo was not amused. "Look, I don't know what your game is, but I-" He started to say.

"Games? We love games, doesn't we precious?" Smeagol asked. Then he turned to Bilbo and jumping up the rock. "Does it like games? Does it? Does it? Does it like to play?"

"Maybe." Bilbo replied wondering where Gollum was going with this.

Where Smeagol was going with this, was a game of riddles. He held up his hand and began to recite a riddle. "What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees? Up, up, up it goes, and yet never grows." 

"The Mountain." Bilbo answered. 

Smeagol nodded and let out a laughter. "Yes, yes! Oh, let's have another one. Come on, do it again, do it again! Ask us." 

"No!" Gollum had suddenly shouted. "No more riddles! Finish him off! Finish him now! Gollum! Gollum!" And he began to lunge at Bilbo.

"No! No!" Bilbo interrupted rather quickly. "I want to play, I do. I can see that you are very good at this. So, why don't we have a game of riddles?" He offered. "Yes? Just you and me." 

"Just us?" Smeagol asked as he scuttled forward excited.

"Yes. Yes. And if I win, you show me the way out." Bilbo requested. 

Gollum had taken over and crouched behind a stone. "And if it loses? What then?" He asked.

"If it loses, precious, then we eats it." Smeagol answered. He then popped out from behind the stone. "If Baggins loses, we eats it whole." 

Bilbo paused at the idea of being eaten and not enjoying it. But it was the only way he could get out of the cave. "Fair enough." He agreed sheathing his sword. And the Game of Riddles began.

"Well, Baggins first." Smeagol said.

Bilbo had a Riddle. "Thirty white horses on a red hill. First they champ, then they stand still." 

Smeagol thought about it for a moment. His head placed on the rock. "Teeth?"

Bilbo looked unhappy as it was the correct answer. 

"Teeth!" Smeagol yelled. "Yes, my precious! But we, we only have nine." And to prove his point, Smeagol opened his mouth to show his nine teeth.

Bilbo looked indifferent to that.

"Our turn." Smeagol informed as he crept forward to Bilbo. "Voiceless it cries, wingless flutter, toothless bites, mouthless mutters."

"Just a minute." Bilbo replied as he walked off to the side of the lake. Smeagol suddenly became excited.

"Oh, we knows! We knows!" Smeagol noted.

"Shut up!" Gollum shouted. He wouldn't let himself interfere with a free meal.

Bilbo then watched over the lake water. A soft breeze ruffled the surface of the water. "Wind. It's wind. Of course it is." He answered grinning.

Gollum growled. That was correct too. "Very clever, Hobbitses, very clever." He started climbing forward. 

"Ah, ah, ah!" Bilbo warned unsheathing his sword. "A box without hinges, key or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid." 

Smeagol turned around. Muttering to himself as to what it was. "Box... and a lid, then a key..." 

"Well?" Bilbo asked.

"It's nasty." Smeagol muttered. He paced up and down the slab of rock. 

"Give up?" Bilbo asked eagerly.

"Give us a chance, precious, give us a chance!" Smeagol begged. He pounded on the floor and puckered his face. Deep in furious thought. Until it came to him. "Eggses!" 

Bilbo frowned. He was so close to winning, and then Gollum got it right.

"Eggses! Wet, crunchy, little eggses. Grandmother taught us to suck them, yes!" 

That was when a bat had squealed in the distance. Bilbo looked around, to see nothing. But as he looked back down. Smeagol was gone, but his voice still echoed from across the lake.

"We have one for you." Smeagol said. "All things it devours, birds, beasts, trees and flowers. Gnaws iron, bites steel,  grinds hard stone to meal." 

All the while, Bilbo had his sword raised defensively. This was the toughest of the riddles so far. 

"Answer us!" Gollum demanded.

"Give me a moment, please! I gave you a good long while." Bilbo requested as politely as he could. He walked in circles around himself while shaking his head. "I don't know this one." 

That sounded like a free meal to Gollum. "Is it tasty? Is it scrumptious? Is it crunchable?" He asked. 

And out of nowhere, Gollum appeared behind Bilbo while grabbing his neck. But Bilbo spun around aiming his sword straight at Gollum. "Let me think. Let me think." He was slowly backing away.

And Smeagol watched with a grin.

"It's stuck. Bagginses is stuck." Smeagol grinned.

Bilbo paced back and forth. 

"Time's up." Gollum said. 

Smeagol gave an eerie smile. But that was all Bilbo needed. "Time. The answer is time." He answered with a grin. He cleaned his throat too. "Actually, it wasn't that hard." 

"Last question. Last chance." Gollum told him. And behind his back, Gollum grabbed onto a rock. Bilbo didn't notice as he was too busy thinking of a riddle. 

"Ask us. Ask us!" Gollum demanded. 

"Yes, yes, alright." Bilbo had strolled to the edge of the bank. All the while absentmindedly rubbing his pocket. And he could feel the ring inside. "What have I got in my pocket?" He asked. 

"That's not fair." Smeagol said. "That's not fair, it's against the rules!" He threw the rock in a fury. "Ask us another one!" 

Bilbo didn't think so. "No, no, no. You said, 'ask me a question'. Well, I did. What I got in my pocket?" He repeated.

"Three guesses, precious. It must give us three!" Smeagol demanded. 

"Three guesses. Very well, guess away." Bilbo figured. 

"Handses." Smeagol answered.

Luckily, Bilbo had pulled his hand out of his pocket just in time.

"Wrong, guess again." Bilbo demanded. 

Smeagol crouched to the floor. And was muttering to himself. "Knife!" He answered.

"Oh, shut up!" Gollum hissed.

"Wrong again. Last guess." Bilbo replied. He knew he would win now.

"String!" Smeagol answered in fury. "Or nothing." 

"Two guesses at once." Bilbo informed. "Wrong, both times." 

Smeagol then fell to the ground, yelling and clamoring in defeat. All the while Bilbo loomed over him in triumph.

"Come on then, I won the game. You promised to show me the way out." Bilbo reminded.

But Gollum had managed to get to his feet, and his back turned. "Did we say so, precious? Did we say so?" He asked. 

Slowly Gollum turned around. And glared up at Bilbo. "What it got in its pocketses?" 

"That's no concern of yours. You lost." Bilbo answered. 

Gollum grinned as he approached Bilbo With a grin on his face. And one last trick up his sleeve. Only, he couldn't reach it. It wasn't there. And his moment of smarminess turned to shock. "Where is it? Where is it? No! No! No!" He shouted in vain as he scattered bones and rocks and splashed at the water. "Lost! Curses and splashes, my precious is lost!" 

It dew on Bilbo on what Gollum was talking about. The Ring. Bilbo took the Ring from his pocket ad hid it behind his back. "What have you lost?"

"Mustn't ask us! Not its business! NO! Gollum, Gollum!" He then leaned over the edge of the lake sobbing. And then stared at his reflection in the water. There could be only one explanation as to what Bilbo had in his pockets. And his expression turned to anger. "What has it got in its nasty, little pocketses?"

Bilbo had grasped around the Ring tightly. And slowly, Gollum turned to look at Bilbo. "He stole it. He stole it! HE STOLE IT!" And he threw a rock at Bilbo. But luckily Bilbo had deflected it with his sword and ran off away. Deeper into the tunnels. With an angry Gollum in pursuit, roaring. 

"Could be worse." Bilbo thought. "I could be tortured by Goblins." 

As it turned out that's exactly what was going on back at Goblin Town. And dozens of the Goblins started carrying massive instruments of torture. All the while, the Goblin King pranced around his throne. And singing.

"Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung. You'll be beaten and battered, from racks you'll be hung. You will die down here and never be found, down in the deep of Goblin town!" He sung. 

"Oh, Merlin!" Ginny covered her ears. "Is his horrible singing part of the torture too?" She asked. "It sounds like a Mandrake's scream."

"Well, I'd rather take the Mandrake over this." Harry replied. It was also as Hermione gripped Ron's hand closely. 

While Luna was humming out the tune of the Goblin King. "What are you doing, Luna?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"It's a catchy tune." Luna answered. 

Neville in the meantime turned his attention to some of the swords that were on the ground. And the Goblins examining it. And he slid it a few inches from its sheath. He shrieked in horror at the sight of it. Thorin's sword landed in view of the other Goblins who all howled in fear.

"I know that sword!" The Goblin King realized. "It is the Goblin Cleaver! The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!"

"Um... sure is." Harry said nervously.

"Slash them, beat them peel them, kill them all! Cut off their heads!" The Goblin king roared in fury.

"Can't be any more painful than having to hear your ugly singing." Ron commented.

"Shut it, Ron!" Hermione hissed. "I mean it's not like a last minute save is not just going to come bursting through and save us." 

And just like that, a large explosion knocked everyone to the ground. A bright light shinning far and wide. It had come from Gandalf, armed with his staff and sword.

"Wow, we should keep you around more for good luck, Hermione." Neville commented.

"Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" Gandalf urged as he tossed over the wands that he also grabbed to give to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna. But not before he sliced through oncoming Goblins like they were nothing.

"He wields the Foe-hammer, the beater, bright as daylight!" The Goblin King realized looking at the sword. 

And the Dwarves had all reached for their weapons.

"Now, guys!" Harry yelled. "Stupefy!" He shot at at Goblin.

"About time!" Ron grinned. And he shot Depulso at another group of Goblins. 

"Incendio!" Neville created fire as more Goblins started running towards them. A large circle of fire had surrounded the Dwarves from the Goblins.

"Well, don't just stand there! Help them!" Thorin ordered his dwarves who all picked up their weapons. 

"Come on!" Harry insisted as he could see a Goblin start to run over to Kili and strike at him. "Expelliamus!" He disarmed the Goblin and then shot Depulso making him fall. 

It was also in that moment that the Goblin King got up and tried to charge at Harry, and brought his mace down.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted and tried to shoot a spell. But before that, Thorin quickly blocked with his sword. And shouted out war cries to both himself and his own Dwarves. 

"Confringo!" Ginny shot at the Goblin King. The blast hit the Goblin King sending him back. Falling backwards and off the platform.

"Bombarda!" Ron also shot down on the ground, causing it to crack below and send the Goblin King down into the abyss below.

"Well done, Ron!" Luna praised. 

They weren't alone. The Dwarves were also fighting with all their might and butchering the Goblins.

"Follow me! Quick! Run!" Gandalf ordered. 

"Oh come on! We can take these guys!" Ron insisted.

But Harry grabbed Ron's arm. "Let's not push our luck, Ron!" He said as they both ran.

"You would know something about that with Liquid Luck, Harry." Ron replied. 

While that was going on. Bilbo was running away from Gollum down the tunnels of the Mountains. His sword at his side. While Gollum was shouting in the distance. "Give it to us!" 

Bilbo looked around. No way could he run from Gollum at this rate. Luckily there was a cave on his left. He dived for it. And he saw Gollum crawl past the entrance. And he made for a crack in the cave wall. Unfortunately, his shirt buttons caught along the edges. And was now stuck. "I knew Second Breakfast was a bad idea." He thought. 

While Gollum backtracked and saw Bilbo stuck in the crack. "It's ours! It's ours!" He crawled closer.

But Bilbo sucked it in and pushed as hard as he could through the crack. The only things that broke were the buttons that ripped off his coat. And rained down on Gollum. 

As Bilbo made it to the other side. He tripped over, falling flat on his back, and the Ring flying out of his hands into the air. Bilbo reached out to grab it. And the Ring slid onto his finger, and he turned invisible. 

Gollum jumped through and could see nothing. No trace on where Bilbo went. As for Bilbo, it felt like he was in another world. Which he sort of was. Everything around him looked disoriented and out of focus. Blurred and colorless.

"Thief! Baggins!" Gollum shouted around him. And he darted off, going deeper into the tunnels. 

Bilbo got to his feet impressed. "It must be like that Invisibility Cloak that Harry has." He thought. And he had another idea. For Gollum to lead him out of the tunnel.

"This way!" Gandalf yelled at everyone as they leapt from bridge to bridge with the Goblins hot on their tail. 

"I don't suppose this is what happens when Goblins want their forged artifacts back, is it?" Hermione asked. 

"Merlin, I hope not!" Neville commented. 

Dwalin was taking point, slashing his axe on one Goblin head, then pushing another Goblin out of the way. Only to stop when more Goblins started charging at them.

"Flipendo!" Harry quickly shot at the horde of Goblins making them all flip off the bridge. But another squad of Goblins emerged.

"Do it again!" Dwalin commanded.

"Depulso!" Harry shot blasting the next squad back. "Let's get out of here!" 

"Are you sure this is the right way out?!" Hermione asked nervously.

"Now's not really the time to ask those questions, Hermione!" Harry shot back.

They slashed down more Goblins in front of them. While above on another bridge, Gandalf led the other half of the Dwarves away. His staff and sword bashing down the Goblins. One Goblin that Bombur had slashed at fell down on the bridge below and caused the other Goblins to fall off. It was a fight just to get to the outside. Swords, bashing, Goblins falling, and Thorin just slashing as many Goblins as he could, twirling his sword in his hands and killing Goblins.

"Hey! I can't do that with the Sword of Gryffindor!" Harry complained.

"Um, Harry?" Ginny turned Harry's attention to Goblins who were now swinging towards them from the air on ropes.

"Blimey!" Harry complained.

"Cut the Ropes!" Thorin ordered. But Neville stood in his way. 

"No! I've got this!" Neville assured. "Diffindo!" He shot at the line of Ropes, causing all ropes to slice. And a part of the bridge to fall off, and catch the Goblins as they were swinging.

"Well done, Neville." Luna praised as Neville grinned at the sight.

While Kili was bashing up Goblins with his sword, and was deflecting some arrows from some Goblin Archers right in front of him with his sword. Until he grabbed a nearby ladder. threw it in front of him. And began to charge at the Dwarves with it. Pushing it with the other Dwarves. And using it to bridge a gap to another bridge with the other half

"Come on, quickly!" Gandalf instructed.

But Hermione ran back. "Hermione! Get back here!" Ron yelled.

"Bombarda!" Hermione shouted causing the Bridge full of Goblins over the gap to collapse and take all the Goblins on it with them. 

"What are you doing?" Harry asked confused.

"Slowing them down." Hermione answered.

Neville was in the lead as he quickly shot off more charms at the Goblins pushing them away. Only to stop at a ledge. "Woah! I think we took a wrong turn!" He told the others. The others stop at the ledge.

"No we didn't!" Dwalin assured cutting a rope. And the area of the bridge swung off from the ledge and made the bridge under everyone swing forward to the other side.

"Jump!" Harry yelled as he Bofur, Balin, Ron, Hermione, and Ori jumped off. The Bridge swung around again to the other side. "Accio!" Harry shot at the Bridge pulling the rest back to him. "Don't stop! Keep moving!" He yelled as the chase continued. 

With Goblins continuing to block the path, more swords swinging and wands casted. Bombur even at one point was running with four Goblins on top of him. And him bashing the Goblins off of him. 

Gandalf took point this time. And he used his staff to cause a massive boulder to emerge from the ceiling and let it roll down the slope the party was going down. And the boulder running down all the Goblins in the way. But there were still more Goblins to fight and more bridges to cross. Including one on a chasm. 

"It's the Department of Mysteries all over again!" Ron commented with all the tunnels.

"Slow down a second." Hermione tried to get back up but found it hard to run any further.

"Hermione! This is no time for laying around!" Harry yelled pulling her up.

"Like I enjoy laying around!" Hermione shot back. But as they neared the exit, the Goblin King jumped down blocking the path.

"Oh, come on!" Ron complained.

"You thought you could escape me!" The Goblin King snapped. "What are you going to do now, wizard?" He taunted. 

Gandalf used his staff to suddenly stab the Goblin's eye. Catching him off guard.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry shot at the Goblin King's stomach causing a massive slash like an invisible sword to strike at the Goblin King. 

He then fell on his knees as he groaned. "That'll do it." He said. And he suddenly fell down to the floor of the bridge. The bridge under all that weight broke.

"Uh oh." Luna commented right as the bridge gave way and slid down. As they broke through lots of bridge rubble and slid down the rocks into the abyss below.

"Hold on, everyone!" Harry shouted. They kept that pace right until they hit the ground of the mountain. Harry along with Gandalf had slipped out. And Harry had dragged Ginny out as well. "Is everyone okay?" He asked.

But Ron had thrown up. "Sorry." He moaned.

"Happens." Hermione assured.

"Well, that could have been worse." Bofur commented.

But at that moment, the dead body of the Goblin King landed on the Dwarves on the pile of rubble.

"You've got to be joking!" Dwalin groaned.

"Ginny, give me a hand." Harry requested. "Wingardium Leviosa!" And he lifted the Goblin King in the air. While Ginny lifted away the rubble allowing the Dwarves to escape.

"Okay... no way those Goblins could follow us down here." Hermione said getting up with Ron. But then she looked up to see an entire army of Goblins running towards the party. "And I spoke too soon." 

"Okay, anyone else have an idea?" Harry asked knowing there was no way they could beat all those Goblins.

"Only one thing will save us. Daylight! Come on!" Gandalf commanded. And everyone ran to where Gandalf told them to run.

Meanwhile, Gollum leaped into the final tunnel. Bilbo followed Gollum until they both saw daylight coming from the cave. 

"Wait, my precious! Wait! Gollum, Gollum." Gollum shouted. 

Bilbo still invisible approached Gollum, with his sword drawn, it was also invisible. And he watched as Gollum peered out of the tunnel exit, distressed. Until the shuffling of footsteps forced Gollum to rush back into the tunnel and hide from sight. 

Gandalf had led the party out of the tunnel while barking commands. "Quickly! This way!" 

"Oh, thank Merlin! I thought we were going to be stuck in this place forever!" Hermione commented as she ran past.

"Is that everyone?" Harry asked.

"We'll do a headcount later, come on, Harry!" Gandalf urged Harry to move forward.

Gollum had turned to look back at the exit. Bilbo stood behind him. And he drew his sword, raising it high at Gollum's head. One strike and that would be it. But as Gollum turned back around. He stared straight at Bilbo. With Bilbo hesitating slightly as salty tears began to well in Gollum's eyes. Almost as if he was human. And through an act of pity. Bilbo lowered his sword, took a deep breath and stepped back. This caused Gollum to begin to snarl, as if he heard Bilbo. And then Bilbo ran forward and leaped over Gollum, giving him a kick to the head, knocking Gollum down. With Bilbo fleeing into the daylight.

And enraged Gollum jumped to his feet. Scrabbling around himself, grabbing for Bilbo to no avail. "Baggins! Thief! Curse it and crush it, we hates it forever!" He vowed. This was not over for Gollum and the Ring, and the family of Baggins. 

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