Chapter 25: I will have war.

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It was early morning as the plain by the Lonely Mountain was now covered in Legions of Elves and the Men of Lake Town armed for battle. The Elves making up a good portion of the invading army. While The Men all just looked like one clustered chunk in the middle of the Elves. Each Elf carrying their shiny armor, and spears and shields while the Men all carried a wide variety of weapons. 

Harry had begun walking up alongside Bard a little nervously. "It's just a precaution, Harry." Bard assured Harry. "Once Thorin sees we have the Arkenstone, he'll give in to our demands. And we'll all go home happy." 

"And if not?" Harry asked. 

"Then it'll be over in 30 seconds." Bard answered. "Don't worry. I've already spoken to King Thranduil and he's sworn that he won't harm your friends. Now, if you'll excuse me." And he rode up while Harry got back to up the walls while everyone else was distracted by what was going on in the wall. 

The Dwarves along with Harry's friends all looked above the gate blockade. And Harry got back up to the ledge where Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna helped him get back up. 

"I take it you gave the Arkenstone to Bard, right?" Ron assumed.

Harry nodded. "Now we wait and hope." He replied. 

"Wait, what happened to Bilbo?" Ginny asked.

"I'm here..." Bilbo grunted getting back up the ledge as Harry helped him back up. "Sorry I'm late. Had to sneak past Alfrid to get here." 

"How did you-" Hermione started to ask.

"Long story. But-" Bilbo started to say.

"Gandalf made it back and tried to send Bilbo home." Harry interrupted.

"Actually, that about sums it up." Bilbo replied. "And Alfrid was sent to watch over me." 

"You think he'll notice you're gone?" Neville asked.

Back in Dale.

Alfrid begrudgingly carried a bowl of food in Bilbo's room. "Wakey, wakey, Hobbit. Up you... get." He paused as he realized Bilbo was not in the room he was left in.

Back at the Gates.

"Eh... he'll be fine." Bilbo shrugged. 

And Harry looked over at the armies approaching. Thranduil and Bard rode together to the front of their armies. Bard on Horseback, and Thranduil on his stag. From above the Blockade, Thorin who now bore shiny armor and a crown on his head drew out a bow and shot an arrow at the ground directly in front of Thranduil and Bard.

"I will put the next one between your eyes!" Thorin threatened while the rest of the Dwarves in their armor cheered.

"Thorin! Stop! You're going to get yourself killed!" Hermione demanded. 

But as Thorin drew another arrow. Thranduil stared as Thorin angrily and then slightly tilted his head. And the Elven Archers near the front of the army pulled out their bows, and nocked their arrows to aim at the Dwarves in one fluid motion. And that shut the Dwarves up very quickly as they all started to duck behind the ramparts. Except for Thorin who held his pose. 

Thranduil raised his hand, and the elves put away their arrows while Thorin still had his bow drawn. "We've come to tell you that payment of your debt has been offered... and accepted." He announced to Thorin.

"What payment?" Thorin asked confused. "I gave you nothing! You have nothing!" He shouted to the Elves and Men.

And that was when Bard reached into his robe and pulled out the Arkenstone. "We have this." He told Thorin as he held the Arkenstone was held above his head. And Thorin looked blindsided at that news. 

Even the other Dwarves looked shocked and confused. After all that searching. They had found nothing. "They have the Arkenstone." He whispered to Thorin. But then turned back to the army outside. "Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house?! That stone belongs to the King!" 

"The King may have it- in our good will." Bard assured as he put the Arkenstone back into this robe. "But first he must honor his word." 

"It sounds reasonable to me, Thorin." Luna said to Thorin. 

"It's not reasonable." Thorin whispered loud enough for the people on the walls to hear. "They are taking us for fools. This is a ruse, a filthy lie. THE ARKENSTONE IS IN THIS MOUNTAIN! IT IS A TRICK!" 

But Balin looked at Thorin in shock as it reminded Balin way too much of Thror. 

"It's no trick." Bilbo suddenly said as he appeared from the top of the rampart. "The stone is real. I gave it to them." 

"We gave it to them." Harry corrected as he stepped forward with Bilbo defiant at what he did. 

But to Thorin. His expression felt like he had suffered the worst heartbreak in history as he turned to a look of sorrow and anger. While the other Dwarves looked in shock. "You..." Thorin muttered. 

"I took it as my fourteenth share." Bilbo explained. "Well... fifteenth share if we include Harry's." 

"You would steal from me?" Thorin sneered in a menacing tone. 

"Steal from you? No. No. I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim." Bilbo answered. 

"It kind of is stealing in a way-" Luna pointed out.

"Shut it, Luna." Ron mouthed to Luna. 

"Against your claim?!" Thorin looked as if he was told a sick joke. The whole time he trusted Bilbo above all others. Even his own kin. But to think that Bilbo was withholding what was the most important thing all along. "Your claim! You have no claim over me you miserable rat!" He yelled as he threw down his bow in anger.

"We were going to give it to you. Many times I wanted to, but..." Bilbo tried to justify.

"But what, thief?!" Thorin demanded.

"You're a bloody whack job is what!" Ron suddenly answered. 

"You are changed, Thorin!" Bilbo answered with a defiant voice. "The dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word! Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin!" 

"Or turned a blind eye to the people of Lake Town!" Neville added.

"Or forced his Dwarves to work day and night like House Elves without pay!" Hermione added. 

"Do not speak to me... of loyalty!" Thorin shouted.

"Right because you're an expert of the subject." Harry quipped. To which Ron laughed a little.

Thorin growled very loudly like he was roaring like a lion. Then he turned to the other Dwarves. "Throw those two from the rampart!" He ordered to which Bilbo looked shocked.

"Well that didn't go so well." Ginny commented and she started to take out her wand. 

And the other Dwarves all stepped away from Bilbo in confusion while even Thranduil and Bard looked concerned.

"DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Thorin demanded. He then tried to grab Fili's arm, but Fili shook him away. "Fine. I'll do it myself!" He lunged forward to grab Bilbo.

"Depulso!" Harry shot thrusting Thorin back. And Thorin started to get up but then saw that Ron had his wand out, along with Hermione, Luna, Ginny, and Neville.

"If you want Bilbo, you'll have to go through us." Hermione warned.

"CURSE YOU! CURSE YOU ALL!" Thorin yelled as he tried to get up and ran again at them.

"Flipendo!" Ginny shot at Thorin which tossed Thorin down to the ground. While Bilbo stayed behind.

"Gah!" Thorin tried to get up again. "Cursed be the Wizards that forced you on this Company!" 

"IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY BURGLAR..." Gandalf had suddenly appeared striding through the armies. And his voice was magically amplified so that Thorin could hear it. "Then please don't damage him. Return him to me!" 

And Thorin had turned to see Gandalf there. It seemed to him that everyone was against him. And next to him was Dumbledore who had apparated next to Gandalf. "You're not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain, are you? Thorin son of Thrain!" He asked. "And I cannot allow you to harm any of my students either." 

Thorin turned to the armies outside while the other Dwarves went over to Bilbo. "Go." Bofur insisted to Bilbo and the Wizards while Thorin was distracted.

"I think this is our cue to exit." Harry whispered to everyone to leave as they all got down over the coiled rope over the wall and clambered down.

"Never again will I have dealing with Wizards! Or Shire Rats!" Thorin yelled.

But Bard looked at Thorin. "Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised." 

Thorin breathed in heavily, and was looking out to a ridge in the distance, like he was waiting for reinforcements to come. 

"Professor!" Hermione exclaimed as everyone else ran up to Dumbledore.

"Are you all okay?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yeah. Thank Merlin you're here. Thorin's gone... well you-" Neville started to say.

"Yes. I have already seen." Dumbledore assured. "Unfortunately, we'll have to settle for a reunion later. We have much more pressing issues." And to prove his point he pointed to Bard.

"Give us your answer!" Bard demanded. "Will you have peace or war?!" 

Suddenly, a large Raven flew up to the ramparts and perched itself beside Thorin. And Thorin and the Raven stared at each other. He knew what this would mean. Another Army of Dwarves were on their way. "I will have war!" He answered. 

"Okay. He's lost it." Ron thought out loud.

But then there was a rumbling in the distance. "I don't think so, Ron." Harry commented. 

Beyond the ridge now was an army of heavily armored Dwarves all marching over the Ridge to the East and led by an armored Dwarf with a very thick beard and a large helm on his head. And he was riding on a battle pig covered in Armor. 

Harry had managed to run with the others towards Gandalf and Dumbledore. And Bilbo was with them. "Who's that guy?" Harry asked.

"Ironfoot." Gandalf said as the Dwarves all started marching and the Dwarves of Erebor began cheering as their reinforcements arrived. They stopped marching and stood at attention.

"Ribo i thangail!" (Rush the shield-fence!) Thranduil ordered as the Army of Elves and the Lake Town Men turned away from the Gates of Erebor to face the new Dwarf Army.

The lead Dwarf started to ride on his Lead Pig. "Hey, Thorin! Ironfoot has come!" He declared to the cheering Dwarves. 

"Um, again. Who is that?" Harry asked again.

"He doesn't look very happy." Bilbo added as he kept pace with everyone.

"It is Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills." Gandalf explained. "Thorin's cousin." 

"Are they alike?" Bilbo asked. 

"I always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two." Gandalf answered.

"Before or after his Arkenstone Episode?" Harry asked. 

And Dain rode forward as the two armies halted a short distance from one another. Dain overlooking the address the Elves and Men. "Good morning!" He greeted. "How are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moment of your time."

"Well he seems polite." Hermione said with a bit of hope. 

"Wait for it." Ginny thought out loud knowing that there was more to this.

"Would you consider... just sodding off!" Dain demanded.

"And there it is." Ginny said not surprised as Hermione retracted her statement, and right as the Men of Lake Town clutched their weapons and stepped back. While the Elves didn't look deterred and pointed their weapons forward and their shields raised. 

"All of you! Right now!" Dain added.

"Stand fast!" Bard ordered to his men.

It also made Gandalf stride forward. "Come now, Lord Dain!" He greeted.

"Gandalf the Grey." Dain greeted. "Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!" He demanded. 

"There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men and Elves! A legion of Orcs march on the Mountain. Stand your army down!" Gandalf begged.

"I will not stand down before any elf! Not least this faithless woodland sprite!" Dain denied. "He wishes nothing but ill upon my people! If he chooses to stand between me and my kin- I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then!" All the while Thranduil was smirking.

And Dain started to gallop away. "Dain! Wait!" Gandalf tried to yell as the Dwarves at Erebor all cheered.

"Let them advance. See how far they get." Thranduil dared.

"You think I give a dead dog for your threats, you Pointy Eared Princess?!" Dain sarcastically asked.

All while Luna started laughing in hysterics. "Pointy Eared Princess! He's got you there!" She said to Thranduil while Thranduil shot a glare at Luna. 

"How did that girl even get past my Guards back home?" Thranduil thought. 

"You here that, lads?" Dain asked rejoining his army. "We're on! Let's give these bastards a good hammering!" To which the Dwarves all started chanting. 

The Elves all started to mobilize. "Stand your men down." Thranduil ordered to Bard. "I'll deal with Ironfoot and his rabble." 

Bard agreed as he kept his men back as the Elves marched forward. 

"Right then. Let's get this done." Dain declared to his Dwarves. "Send in the Goats!" He ordered.

And an entire army of Dwarves riding Goats marched forward as the Dwarves stood aside to let them pass. 

"This complicates things a bit." Ron commented.

Thranduil barked an order for his Elves to knock their arrows to fire. And the Elves all drew their arrows.

"Thranduil! This is madness!" Gandalf tried to yell. 

But not to everyone else as the Elves fired a volley of arrows. And Dain couldn't have been more ready. "Bow Catchers!" He yelled as a line of Ballistae crossbows with a type of shield like swirling circles around the bolts flew overhead from the Dwarvish side. They flew overhead smashing the volley of arrows and sending the big bolts on the Elves smashing whole rows. 

Thranduil looked in shock at the Dwarves. 

"Okay, that was actually kind of awesome." Harry admitted. 

"Hey! How do you like that, the old Twirly Whirlies!" Dain taunted. "Heh heh. You buggars!" 

Thranduil yelled for another volley. But more Bow Catcher Bolts were fired smashing the Volley and the Elves as the Goat Riders continued to ride ahead unharmed. 

Thorin looked on as the Elves all locked their shields and raised their spears to stand against the Dwarves on Goats. And the two lines engaged each other in a melee fight. Dain also led the Infantry on his War Pig and the Dwarven arms engaged the Elves. Spears piercing and shield banging. 

"Like to know how this could get any worse." Hermione grunted as she heard the sounds of fighting going on. But right as she said that. Harry felt his scar hurting him again. And he clutched it as he sank to the ground. 

"Harry!" Ron yelled. And Dumbledore crouched down to help Harry.

"He's coming! Voldemort's coming!" Harry warned.

"Where?" Dumbledore asked.

Suddenly in that moment. There was a rumbling at the base of the spur of the Mountain. Both Dwarves and Elves stopped fighting to look over at what was causing that. 

"It's an Earthquake!" Hermione yelled.

"No. It's worse." Gandalf replied. "Were-worms!" 

"That's a thing?" Neville asked. 

Right from that spur of the Mountain, massive Were-worms which were hundreds of feet long and dozens of feet thick broke through the rocks. Their mouths looked like giant drilling machines that looked like Goblin Drills.

"Oh, come on!" Dain yelled.

The Worms retreated into the tunnels through the spurs. And from the top of a hill with massive contraptions, stood Azog and Voldemort at the top. 

"Come forth my Armies!" Azog yelled out. And an Orc horn sounded. Entire legions of Orcs began pouring out of the newly made Tunnels. 

Dain and the rest of his Dwarf Infantry broke off from fighting the Elves to reform the lines. "The Hordes of Hell are upon us! To battle! To battle, sons of Durin!" And all turned their army and rushed toward the Oncoming Orcs. 

"I'm going over the wall!" Fili announced. "Who's coming with me?"

The other Dwarves cheered and agreed preparing to climb down. That was everyone except Thorin.

"Stand down!" Thorin ordered.

"What?" The Dwarves asked confused. 

"Are we to do nothing?" Fili asked. 

"I said STAND DOWN!" Thorin repeated as he walked away back into the Kingdom. And the others looked at him in shock and disappointment. 

The Dwarves all stopped at a line and started forming and building a shield wall with their massive spears pointed outward. The Elves still stood there and did nothing. 

"The elves, will they not fight?" Bilbo asked.

"King Thranduil. Please!" Harry begged. "Do something!" 

And right before the Orc Legions engaged at the Dwarves. The Elves armed with their spears and swords, leaped over the shield wall from behind and rained down on the Orcs. Both engaging in their melee. 

"Charge!" Dain yelled as the Dwarves broke off from their shield formation and charged at the Orcs with their spears. Dain smashing them left and right with his hammer as he rode on his pig. 

This was it. A full battle was now below Harry. Very different than any of the Wizarding Battle he had been apart of. He looked again at Voldemort who stood over with Azog. He had his wand drawn.

"Steady, Harry." Dumbledore reminded. "Remember to stay calm and have a clear mind as you duel." 

"Yes, sir." Harry replied. 

And Bilbo looked at Gandalf. "Eh, Gandalf. Is this a good place to stand?" he asked Gandalf while Gandalf did not respond. 

The Battle of the Five Armies had officially begun. 

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