Chapter 26: The Battle of the Five Armies.

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As the Battle had begun and the Dwarves and Elves battled against the Orcs, Azog looked below. As did Voldemort. 

"Perhaps we were better off letting them kill off each other before we attacked." Voldemort suggested.

"And miss the chance for sport, no thank you." Azog shrugged off. "Send in the War Beasts!" He commanded as the horn blew again with his wooden signaling device. And from out in the tunnels emerged a force of new legions of Orcs, along with massive Trolls and other monsters. 

Something that Harry could see. "How many forces does Azog have?" He asked. "No wonder Voldemort wants to join forces with him." 

Thranduil then gave an order for his archers to draw out their bows. They fired a volley into the Orcs. 

"They cannot fight on two fronts." Azog noted. "Now we make our move. Attack the City!" He commanded. 

The horn sounded yet again. And an army of Orcs that Azog had in reserve began marching towards Dale, which was situated right in the middle of the current battle and the tunnels. 

"Gandalf? What's that Azog's yelling?" Harry asked. 

"He's trying to cut us off." Gandalf answered as he looked onward towards the city. 

And it wasn't just the armies of Orc Legions, there were also massive Trolls wearing what appeared to be Catapult like contraptions. 

"All of you, fall back to Dale! Now!" Bard ordered the Lake Town villagers. 

"Come on!" Harry yelled to his friends. "We've gotta help!" 

"What about-" Hermione started to ask pointing to the armies.

"They've got this! But Dale doesn't." Ron answered as he began running up with the Lake People. 

"Professor!" Harry called.

"Go with Bilbo and Gandalf. I am needed elsewhere." Dumbledore informed as he apparated away. 

"To the city! All of you! This way!" Gandalf yelled as he ran with the Lake People as well as the Wizards. All while the Dwarves and Elves outside fought against the Orcs. Thranduil from atop of his Stag slashing and bashing at the Orcs, moving his curved sword with finesse. 

Soon enough though. The Monstrous Trolls approached from a nearby ledge overlooking Dale. They soon bent over and planted all their arms and legs on the ground. The Catapults on their backs all loaded with boulders. "Fire!" One Orc yelled.

The barrage of Boulders flew toward Dale, smashing into the walls and towers destroying everything they hit. 

"Harry!" Neville yelled pointing to the walls.

"I see it!" Harry replied as he ran into the city. "We're going to need a lot of the Reparo Spells to bring back those walls up." But soon enough, there was another Orc Army approaching another wall. A Troll with a giant triangle shaped rock strapped to its head smashed headfirst into the wall like a battering ram, knocking the wall down. The Orcs behind him rushed into the city.

"Unless the Orcs overwhelm that position first." Luna pointed out.

"Right." Harry thought out loud. "Unless they do that first." He should've known it wouldn't be that easy. 

The Orcs that swarmed into the city fell like Locusts when they saw any green below their swarm, striking down the people that were in the city. Including a massive Troll that climbed over the wall in front of Bain, Sigrid and Tilda as a force of Archers on top of a building tried to strike at the Troll with arrows. There was also a horde of Orcs that maneuvered down another street and were bringing the sword down upon the people trying to flee. 

And Sigrid and Tilda took cover in a building.

"Sigrid! Tilda!" Bain shouted with a sword in his hand. 

Meanwhile, Bard rode into the city with his sword while dismounting and drawing his sword. "My children!" He yelled. "Where are my children?!" 

"I saw them." A Woman answered as she was fleeing in the other direction. "They were down in the old market." 

"The Market?" Bard asked himself. "Where are they now? Tilda! Sigrid!" He started yelling.

"Bard!" Harry yelled as he ran with his friends. 

"Harry! What happened to Dumbledore?" Bard asked.

"He apparated." Harry answered. "It's a thing he does." 

"Never mind that. My children aren't around here. The last anyone saw them, they were in the Old Market." Bard informed.

"You need some help?" Harry asked. 

"Bard!" Percy yelled with a company of the Lake People. "Orcs are storming over the causeway!" 

One problem always seemed to replace another. And Bard understood this. But this was not the time to let his emotions get the better of him. "Percy! Get the bowmen to the Eastern Parapet. Hold them off for as long as you can!" 

"Archers, this way!" Percy ordered as he ran off with the Archers as more fleeing Townspeople were coming in the way.

"The Orcs have taken Stone Street! The market's overrun!" A fleeing man yelled. 

That was when Harry decided to take charge. "Ginny, Neville, Luna! Go with Percy and the Archers! Hold the Orcs off as long as you can! Ron and Hermione and I will go with Bard." He ordered. 

"We will?" Ron asked.

"Of course we will." Hermione answered while rolling her eyes at Ron.

"Fine. But that's twice you owe me, Harry!" Ginny yelled as she and Neville and Luna ran with Percy.

"The rest of you, follow me!" Bard ordered the rest of his forces as they ran. "I hope you have some good spells that can kill Orcs, Harry!" 

"I have a few." Harry answered as he ran alongside Bard with his wand pointed out. 

They only had to run 2 blocks as they engaged with the Orcs. 

"You ready for this?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione.

"No. But when are we ever?" Ron answered. 

"Bombarda!" Harry blasted at the Orcs causing an explosion on the ones in front and tossing them aside. As the rest of the people of Lake Town engaged in the melee. 

"Reducto!" Hermione shot at one Orc near her. But another Orc tried to swing his sword.

"Protego!" Ron shot protecting himself and Hermione. "You do not SWING AT HERMIONE!" He then shot Confringo at the Orc killing it. 

"Where was this Ron in Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" Hermione asked herself. 

Harry in the meantime was shouting as many Spells as he could. "Stupefy!" He shot at one Orc. "Expelliamus!" He disarmed another Orc which was then killed by Bilbo who was also around trying to kill Orcs with his sword now glowing blue.

"Bilbo!" Harry yelled in surprise. 

Gandalf was also around in the area striking as many of the Orcs as well. 

"Harry!" Bilbo ran up to Harry. "So what's the plan?" He asked.

"Kill as many Orcs as possible, and then stop Azog and Voldemort." Harry answered.

"I like that plan." Bilbo replied. 

"Charge!" Alfrid yelled as more Townspeople ran towards the Orcs. "Onward! To the death!" He then proceeded to stop running and panted for breath. And then went to hide in a building when the coast was clear. 

The Lake people continued to fight against the Orcs in the city. "Sectumsempra!" Harry shot at a massive Troll that was in his direction and the Troll went down. "Come on!" He yelled. "Depulso!" He shot at another Orc blasting him into the wall. That was when he heard a loud scream coming from Sigrid and Tilda who were being chased by Orcs around a corner. But Bain had jumped out from a corner and killed the Lead Orc. The Second Orc knocked Bain to the ground and swung at him, only to get his sword caught on a pole overhead. And Bain took the opening to thrust his sword into the Orc. 

"Bard!" Harry yelled when he saw the kids. And Bard was up ahead fighting further. 

"DA!" Sigrid yelled. 

"Da! We're down here!" Tilda yelled.

"Here!" Bain yelled. 

"Hey! We found the kids!" Ron noted as he blasted another Orc down. But then he noticed a Troll that entered the lane behind the children, and was throwing men many feet away with a single blow of the club. Which made the girls scream.

"And a big troll." Hermione pointed out. 

"We fought trolls before, Hermione. Remember?" Ron reminded as Bard tilted a nearby cart that had been laying sideways in the courtyard upright. 

"Hey! Pea Brain!" Harry got the Trolls attention.

The Troll then roared at Harry. Expelliamus!" Harry shot at the Troll that made the Troll lose grip of his club. 

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron caught the Club and it smashed the Troll in the head. "Still works!" He grinned. 

"Depulso!" Hermione shot the Club right into a growing force of Orcs. 

"Nevermind." Bard thought, though he still ran for the children. 

"Bard?" Harry asked. "What next?" 

"We need to regroup." Bard answered. "Come!" He then ushered his children away. 

The Battle still continued both on the plains of Erebor and in the City of Dale.

"Listen." Bard said to his children. "I need you to gather the women and children. Take them to the Great Hall and barricade the door." He then took Bain's sword from him. "You understand. You must not come out for any reason." 

"We wanna stay with you!" Tilda protested.

"Show your father some respect!" Alfrid interrupted stepping out. 

"How are you not dead?" Harry suddenly asked Alfrid. 

"It's a long story." Bard sighed.

"The Master threw him from the boat right before Smaug crashed down." Ron answered.

"Actually... that about sums it up." Bard replied.  

"You leave it to me, sire." Alfrid said grabbing Bard's daughters. "You heard him, we make to the Great Hall!" 

"Alfrid!" Bard suddenly called. "Women and children only. I need every man fighting. See that you return!" He ordered as he thrust the sword into Alfrid's hands. 

"I'll get them to safety, sire." Alfrid replied. 

"More orcs!" Hermione yelled as another horde of Orcs began rushing out. And she casted a Protego Charm to shield some more villagers. 

"And my sword is yours to command." Alfrid nervously hurried away. "Get up!" He shouted as he began rounding people up.

"Look after them!" Bard demanded of Bain. 

"Shift it, granny!" Alfrid yelled at another pedestrian before tossing the sword to Bain.

"You know Alfrid's not going to-" Ron started.

"I know." Bard said sadly. "But nevermind that. We've got work to do." He drew his sword again killing another Orc. And more Orcs began swarming over the walls. 

"Flipendo!" Harry shot at another Orc and Ron blasted that Orc away. 

And more people began to run towards the Great Hall. And the Orcs would've kept moving if it wasn't for a sudden building collapsing on the street where the Orcs were swarming.

"What the... where did that come from?" Ron asked. 

"Reducto!" The shout of Ginny yelled out as hordes of Orcs were displaced and destroyed. And she, Neville, and Luna began running towards Harry.

"Sorry, Harry! We held out as long as we could." Neville informed. 

"Those Orcs are not nice." Luna added. 

"Tell us something we don't know, Luna." Ron commented.

"This would not be the best time, Ron. We're in the middle of fighting a war." Luna replied.

"That's not what I... oh forget it." Ron shook his head. 

Harry then looked at Ginny in admiration. "Ginny. You stopped the Orcs. 

"Not for long." Ginny admitted. "The pests will just keep coming through another street. Bloody Orcs, and I thought Crabbe and Goyle were smelly." 

The rest of the villagers including the weak and elderly were moving towards the Great Hall. "Make for the Great Hall!" Bain yelled to everyone. 

"Out of my way! Abandon the Cripples!" Alfrid yelled as he ran past everyone shoving over people in his haste to reach the doors. 

While the battle inside the city was going on. Outside, the fight continued. Thranduil rode his Stag into the city crossing one of the bridges. His Stag trampling many Orcs. As the Stag lowered its antlers, it then picked up five Orcs at the same time, lifting them so that Thranduil could behead all of them with one swing of his sword. Until a Green Energy Beam struck down the Stag and Thranduil leaped clear and rolled. He soon found himself surrounded by Orcs. And he drew his sword and another one began fighting them. Striking them all down as he was reinforced by his Elven foot troops. 

While above the city. Voldemort and Azog had a front row seat. "Merlin! How could I miss that?!" Voldemort roared. "I wanted that Elf King dead! Not his stag! No matter. Their resistance is crumbling. They cannot hold the city, Azog." 

Azog nodded his head in agreement. "The Dwarves are almost spent." 

To prove his point, in the front of Erebor. The Iron Hills Dwarves were being driven back by the Orcs to the Lonely Mountain. And the Orcs also managed to kill Dain's pigs. 

"You buggars!" Dain yelled as he swung his hammer again bashing Orcs down, and also using his head to headbutt the Orcs. "Where Thorin?! We need him! Where is he?!"

"Let these lands run with blood! Slaughter them all!" Azog yelled. 

"Fall back!" Bard was yelling as he, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna were trying to hold the advancing Orcs back whereas everyone was trying to hold back the enemy. Fighting and death had now come everywhere. Defeat was upon them. 

Meanwhile inside of Erebor, Thorin was merely sitting on his throne in silence and alone. At least until Dwalin approached him. 

"Since when do we forsake our own people?" Dwalin asked. "Thorin, they are dying out there." 

But Thorin was not thinking about that issue. "There are halls beneath halls within this mountain. Places that we can fortify." He said to the disappointment and anger of Dwalin. "Shore up, make safe. Yes..." 

"...Yes, that is it. We must move the gold further underground. To safety!" And Thorin began walking away. 

"Did you not hear me?!" Dwalin yelled. "Dain is surrounded! They're being slaughtered, Thorin." 

"Many die in war. Life is cheap. But a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. It is worth all the blood we can spend." Thorin scoffed. 

In that moment, Dwalin realized how right Bilbo and Harry were about Thorin. The Dwarf that Dwalin had known since he was a boy was gone and would soon be gone forever. "You sit here in these vast halls, with a crown upon your head, and yet you are lesser now than you have ever been." 

"Do not speak to me as if I was some lowly Dwarf Lord..." Thorin sneered. "As if I were still... Thorin Oakenshield. I AM YOUR KING!" He pulled out his sword, but he was so unbalanced that he almost fell over. 

And Dwalin just stayed where he was, calm and composed. "You were always my king. You used to know that once. You cannot see that you have become." He bowed his head in sorrow.

And Thorin looked down as if he only had a few seconds to spare before he would revert back to his sickness of the mind. "Go. Get out... before I kill you." He commanded. 

Dwalin did as Thorin commanded and left. 

As Thorin walked through the hall where he tried to drown Smaug in Gold, he looked at the Golden Floor below him. And he started to hear voices. Many of the voices he heard. From either him or those he knew. 

"You sit here... with a crown upon you head... you are less now than you have ever been..." Dwalin said.

"...but a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost..." Thorin said.

"...a sickness lies upon that treasure..." Balin said.

"...the blind ambition of a Mountain King..." Bard said.

"...AM I NOT THE KING..." Thorin yelled. "...this gold... is ours.... and ours alone..."

"...treasure..." Balin said.

Thorin looked down on the golden floor. "...I will not part with a single coin..." 

"...he could not see beyond his own desire..." Bard said.

" if I was some lowly Dwarf Lord..." Thorin said. "...Oakenshield..." 

"...a sickness that drove your grandfather mad..." Balin said. 

"...Oakenshield..." Thorin said. He looked down at the gold as if it was glowing like it was on fire. 

"...this is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror..." Dwalin said.

"...I am not my Grandfather... my grandfather." Thorin said.

" are the heir to the Throne of Durin..." Gandalf said.

"...they are not dying out there." Dwalin said.

"...take back... take Erebor." Gandalf said. 

The voices now became disoriented to Thorin.

"...Dain is surrounded... surrounded... is surrounded... Dain is surrounded..." Dwalin said. 

"...take back your homeland..." Gandalf said. 

" are changed, Thorin..." Bilbo said.

"...I am not my Grandfather..." Thorin said.

" this treasure truly worth more than your honor..." Bilbo said.

"...I am not my Grandfather..." Thorin said.

The voices suddenly stopped, and Thorin looked down at the gold floor again, as if to see the shadowy shape of Smaug beneath the gold. 

"...this treasure will be your death..." Gandalf said. And the face of Smaug looking back at him. And grinning. 

And then suddenly, the gold had started to swallow Thorin up like a sink hole, and he began drowning. Thorin screamed as he tried to escape, but kept getting pulled down. As he disappeared beneath the gold, Thorin soon found himself back on solid ground in the Golden Court. He yanked off his crown and threw it to the floor. 

He then heard a thumping sound where he threw the crown to and could see a figure standing in front of him. 

Thorin looked more closely and could see Dumbledore standing in front of him. "How did you get into this Mountain?" He asked.

"I think I know how to enter a Mountain better than most, I think." Dumbledore answered. 

"I became my Grandfather, Dumbledore. I became the very thing I swore never to become. And for what?" Thorin asked Dumbledore. "A King without his people. The Lonely Mountain. And here I stand. A lonely King without his Kingdom. Without his people, waiting as they are slaughtered by Azog. I failed."  

"You have not failed, Thorin." Dumbledore informed as he walked up to Thorin. "There is still time for you to make amends." He then projected an image outside of the battle going poorly. 

"FALL BACK! FALL BACK! TO THE BARRICADE! FALL BACK!" Dain yelled as the remaining dwarves began retreating toward the Gates of Erebor, with orcs closing in on them.

"Now comes their end. Prepare for the final assault." Azog ordered. And a signal horn sounded with the Orcs regrouping to march on the dwarves.

"Dain is being slaughtered out there." Thorin said. 

"Then go out there and help him." Dumbledore suggested. "Thorin. Your people need their leader. Now more than ever. They need the King under the Mountain." 

Thorin looked at Dumbledore. "Yes. They need their King." He agreed and he started to walk away, his senses now returned. 

As the battle raged outside, the Dwarves of Thorin's company sat desolately, hearing the cries of battle outside, and not able to help their kin. They rose as they saw Thorin approach with his sword drawn. No longer was he dressed in his royal robes and arbor, but in his simple traveling clothes. 

"I will not hide behind a wall of stone." Kill started to say as he stood up. "While others fight our battles for us!" He shouted. 

Thorin and Kili continued to approach each other. "It is not in my blood, Thorin."

But Thorin and Kili stopped in front of each other. "No, it is not. We are sons of Durin. And Durin's folk do not flee from a fight." Thorin agreed as he layed his hand on Kili's shoulder, smiling. Kili smiled back that his Uncle had come to his senses. And then Thorin turned back to the rest of the Dwarves. "I have no right to ask any of you; but will you follow me? One last time?" He asked. 

The Dwarves all rose and raised their weapons, ready to follow their King and friend again. 

Meanwhile outside, Dain and his surviving Dwarves set up a desperate Shield Wall formation in front of the moat by Erebor's gates. The Orcs lined up in rank, ready to charge forward for the final push. "Not yet! Wait... wait..." Azog commanded. 

And several heavily armored Trolls moved forward to the front of the Orc Ranks. 

"Attack now!" Azog ordered. And the Orc horn sounded again as the Orcs and Trolls began to march forward. 

But at that moment. Another Horn had sounded. The Horn of the Durin being blown by Bombur, atop the wall. The Orcs stopped in confusion. In Dale, Bilbo, Gandalf, Harry and the rest heard the sound too. 

"Did that come from the Lonely Mountain?" Harry asked.

"Thorin!" Bilbo realized. 

And the barricade of rocks in the gateway of Erebor smashed outward as it was hit by a Giant Bell. The rocks falling forward and made a rough bridge across the moat. Thorin and his Company along with Dumbledore rushed out through the ranks of the Iron Hill Dwarves who stepped aside to make way for Thorin. The Orcs all looked in shock as did Azog.

"TO THE KING! TO THE KING!" Dain yelled.

 "Du Bekâr!" (To Arms!) Thorin shouted as he led the way with the Dwarves in a wedge formation. They threw their spears into the Trolls bringing them down. And then engaging the Dwarves.

From a top of an abandoned causeway, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Luna, Bilbo, and Gandalf all looked out from the plain.

"The Dwarves! They're rallying!" Bilbo realized as the Dwarves crushed down the Orcs in front of them. 

"They're rallying to their king!" Gandalf informed.

The Dwarves all bashed with a new vigor. And Dumbledore could be seen blasting the Orcs to nothing as he calmly walked forward. And a massive burst of fire emerged from Dumbledore's wand incinerating the Orcs in front of him. Living proof to Harry on why Dumbledore was the Greatest Sorcerer in the world.  

There was also much renewed determination in the eyes of Bard. "Any man who wants to give their last... follow me!" Bard yelled. 

They charged through the city clashing with the Orcs. And fighting with reckless fire in them. 

"Come on, guys. Let's show them what happens when you mess with Dumbledore's Army!" Harry declared.

"I'm with you all the way on that, Harry!" Neville yelled. 

"Same!" Ginny yelled.

"Let's get 'em!" Luna also shouted.

"Not without me, you're not!" Ron declared.

"And someone to pronounce the spells properly!" Hermione added as they all ran forward. Their spells all pounding down the Orcs and charging with Bard.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry shot at an Orc.

"Depulso!" Ron shot at another Orc while Ginny shot her Bat Boogey Hex. 

"Bombarda!" Hermione shot at a nearby building that fell on the Orcs. 

"Incendio!" Neville shot as his wand blasted a full force of Flames at a force of Trolls in front of him.

"Diffindo!" Luna shot slicing the heads off at least 20 Orcs. 

Even in the Great Hall, a woman had grabbed a spear. "I say we stand with our men in life and in death! Arm yourselves!" She commanded the other women. And many of the other women and older men grabbed weapons and followed her. Bain grabbing his sword.

"Come with us, love." One of the women spoke to an old lady sitting hunched over under her shawl.

"No, no, no! You leave an old woman be." The Old Woman denied.

"Don't be afraid." The other woman said

"I said get off!" The old woman was then revealed to have the voice of Alfrid. His disguise was soon thrown off revealing Alfrid to everyone.

"Alfrid Lickspill, you are a coward!" The Woman shunned. 

"Coward?!" Alfrid snapped. "Not every man is brave enough to wear a corset!" 

"You're not a man, you're a weasel!" The Woman shot back as she and the others grabbed whatever weapons or tools they could find and joined the battle. An urn fell over, and as Alfrid saw it burst open on the floor. It was revealed to be full of gold and silver coins. 

Meanwhile, as Thorin struck an Orc down with his sword. He could see his cousin who was not far way. Dain!" He called.

"Thorin!" Dain yelled back as he smashed an Orc with his hammer. "Hold on! I'm coming!" He then jumped on the back of an Orc, and rode him as he smashed other Orcs with his hammer. Then Thorin got off the Orc and gave Thorin a hug. "Hey, cousin. What took you so long?!" He asked. 

Thorin laughed before killing another Orc. 

"There's too many of these buggars, Thorin. I hope you've got a plan." Dain said. 

Thorin looked up to see the hill top that contained Azog and his wooden machines. "Aye. We're going to take out their leader." He answered. 

"Azog." Dain noted.

"And Voldemort too." Thorin also noticed Voldemort on top too. "I'm gonna kill those pieces of filth! You have any goats, Dain?" 

"Just some." Dain answered.

"Dwalin! Fili! Kili! With me!" Thorin ordered as they started to head for the Goats and headed up towards Azog's hill. And smashing all the Orcs in their way. 

"Lead on!" Dwalin yelled.

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