Chapter 27: The Head of the Snake.

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Back in Dale, Gandalf could see spearmen and archers kill a massive troll. The Tide was now turning on the side of the Elves, Men, and Dwarves. "We may yet survive this." Gandalf grinned.

"GANDALF!" Bilbo yelled. 

Gandalf killed an Orc then hurried over to Bilbo who was standing at the wall and was watching Thorin, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili ride up a spur of the Mountain to where Azog and Voldemort were. 

Harry could see it too. "It's Thorin!" He realized. And that was when Dumbledore apparated next to him, decimating the Orcs in front. "Professor! Thorin came back to his senses!" 

"Yes he has, Harry." Dumbledore agreed. "And he is taking his best warriors with him." 

"To do what?" Bilbo asked.

"To cut the head off the snake." Gandalf answered. 

"He can't fight Voldemort alone. He needs our help." Harry noted.

"Yes, he does." Dumbledore agreed.

"Ron! Hermione!" Harry suddenly yelled. "Thorin needs my help!" 

Ron and Hermione turned to Harry who was already racing to Azog's Hill.

"Ron! Hermione!" Neville blasted another Orc back. "We'll handle these Orcs. Go help Harry!" 

And Ron and Hermione grabbed each other's hands and started running to help Harry. Blasting any spell they could at any Orc foolish enough to get in their way. 

Whereas atop the hill, Azog heard the sound of Goat hooves and snarled. Thorin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili reached the ruins on top of the hill, killing Orcs along the way. In front of them was a frozen river. 

"That Oakenshield. He doesn't play fair." Azog snarled.

But Voldemort remained calm. He looked to see a Death Eater mark in front of him glowing dark. "Yes, well... neither do I!" He declared for now was the time to send in his reinforcements. 

Back at Dale, Legolas and Tauriel arrived together on horseback, charging through the streets as they went and killing any Orc that dared to come into contact with them. And they came close to where Gandalf was fighting along with Dumbledore, Neville, Ginny, and Luna. 

"Gandalf!" Legolas yelled.

"Legolas..." Gandalf said.

Bilbo looked confused. 

"Legolas Greenleaf!" Gandalf greeted. 

"Hello!" Neville greeted. "You're just in time to join the fight. We're about to beat these Orcs into next week." 

But Legolas knew that wasn't it. "I'm afraid it's a false sense of hope. There is a second army! Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us!" He reported as he got off his horse.

"Gundabad..." Gandalf realized. 

"What's that?" Ginny asked.

"It's an Orc Stronghold north of the Misty Mountains." Gandalf answered. "This was their plan all along."

"What was their plan?" Neville asked.

"Azog engages our forces, then Bolg seeps in from the North." Gandalf answered. 

"Wha... the north... where is the north, exactly?" Bilbo asked.

"Over there." Luna answered as she had a compass with her. 

"Ravenhill." Gandalf clarified as he turned and strode over to the parapets to look at the hill where Thorin went. 

"Ravenhill... Thorin us up there! And Fili and Kili! They're all up there!" Bilbo realized. 

"And Harry, Ron and Hermione!" Ginny added. "I knew this was going too easy!" 

And at the sound of Kili's name, Tauriel looked alarmed. And everyone looked at the top of Ravenhill shrouded in mist. 

Up on Ravenhill, Thorin, Kili, Fili, and Dwalin fought in the ruins across the river from Azog's Stronghold. Their swords and other weapons slashing at the Orcs. "Leviosa!" Harry suddenly appeared levitating the Orcs in the air.

"Depulso!" Hermione shot sending the Orcs down below. 

"Good timing, Harry!" Thorin grinned. 

"You too with coming to our aid." Harry replied. 

"Harry. I owe you an apology for how I acted before. I became my Grandfather-" Thorin started to say.

"Well I would imagine that you-" Hermione started.

"Shut it, Hermione!" Harry snapped. Then he turned to Thorin. "That wasn't you, Thorin. It was the gold in the mountain. It was cursed." 

"Look, we can discuss this later. Aren't we here to stop You Know Who and Azog?" Ron reminded. 

"Yeah. We are." Harry answered.

They then looked out across the river at the ruins where Azog and Voldemort were last seen. But the only thing was the wooden signaling machine. 

"Where is he?" Thorin asked. 

"Looks empty. I think they've fled!" Kili suggested.

"No. That's not Voldemort's style." Harry replied as he held his wand up. "Revelio!" He casted. But there was nothing around them. 

"He's out there somewhere." Thorin warned. "Fili, take your brother. Scout the towers." He ordered Fili.

"I'll go with them." Hermione immediately said. "They'll need a pair of eyes." 

"Very well." Thorin replied. "Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something; report back, do not engage. Do you understand?!" 

But that was when Dwalin noticed something. "We have company; Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred." 

They looked back the way they came to see Goblins running over the ruins toward them.

"We'll take care of them." Thorin informed. "Go! Go!" 

"Come on!" Hermione yelled to Fili and Kili as they ran towards the river. While Harry and Ron prepared to meet the Goblins rushing towards them. 

There was very rare a moment in Dale for a moment of peace since the battle began. Thranduil walked slowly through the city, seeing the fallen bodies on the ground. Many of which were his own Elves. All of this bloodshed for a simple necklace, which was not what he was expecting. One of the Commanders ran up to him.

"Recall your company." Thranduil ordered the Commander. They were done there. And as the Commander blew a horn, Gandalf ran up. Along with Bilbo, and the others.  

"My Lord, dispatch this force to Ravenhill! The Dwarves are about to be overrun. Thorin must be warned!" Gandalf requested.

"By all means, warn him." Thranduil replied before walking away. "I have spent enough Elvish blood in defense of this accursed land. No more!" 

"Thranduil?!" Gandalf bayed to come back.

"Forget it. The Coward's already made up his mind!" Ginny shouted loud enough for Thranduil to hear it. And Thranduil ignored it. 

"I'll go!" Bilbo declared stepping up to the plate. 

"Don't be ridiculous! You'll never make it!" Gandalf shot down.

"Why not?!" Bilbo asked.

"Cause they will see you coming and kill you!" Gandalf answered.

"No, they won't." Bilbo replied while Gandalf looked curiously. "They won't see me." 

"It's out of the question. I won't allow it!" Gandalf still denied. 

"And he won't be alone." Luna claimed. "I'll go with him." 

"You sure abou that, Luna?" Neville asked.

"Well, I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to accompany Bilbo. The Elves didn't see us when we went into their dungeons." Luna answered. 

"She's got a point there, Neville." Ginny said.

"I'm not asking you to allow it, Gandalf." Bilbo said to Gandalf having made up his mind. And while Gandalf said nothing; they both nodded to each other, and then Bilbo strode away.

"You still have the ring?" Luna asked.

"Yes." Bilbo answered. "Ready?" To which Luna nodded. And Bilbo pulled out his ring. He looked at it for a few moments, then put it on.

"So... what are we going to do about Thranduil and his Elves over there?" Neville asked. 

"They want to leave? Let them. We can handle this." Ginny answered. She then turned to Dumbledore. "Um, Professor? Is Fawkes... here by any chance?" 

She half expected Dumbledore to scold her and say what a ridiculous question that was. But Dumbledore responded as if he had just been asked what the weather was like. 

"Oh, Fawkes will join us shortly. Let's just say he need to convey a warning." Dumbledore answered. "For our reinforcements to come." 

As for Thranduil and his Elves, they were marching through the city, killing any Orcs in their path. But stopped abruptly as they saw Tauriel standing in the middle of the lane ahead of them, looking resolute and to say that Thranduil shall not pass. "You will go no further." Tauriel told the Elf King. "You will not turn away. Not this time." 

"Get out of my way!" Thranduil commanded not having any B.S. 

"The Dwarves will be slaughtered!" Tauriel protested.

"Yes, they will die. Today, tomorrow, one year hence, a hundred years from now. What does it matter? They are mortal." Thranduil shot back as he kept standing closer. 

Tauriel whipped out her bow and nocked an arrow, pointing it at Thranduil. "You think your life is worth more than theirs, while there is no love in it? There is no love in you!" She shouted.

And Thranduil looked angrily at Tauriel. And he then proceeded to whip out his sword and sliced Tauriel's bow in half. She dropped it in shock, and then Thranduil lifted the point of his sword to her neck. "What do you know of love?! Nothing! What you feel for the dwarf is not real! You think it is love?! Are you ready to die for it?!" 

But suddenly, another sword laid atop of Thranduil's. It had come from Legolas, and he pushed his father's sword away. "If you harm her, you will have to kill me." He told his father. And as Thranduil looked at his son in shock, Thranduil turned back to Legolas. "I will go with you." And they hurried away to Ravenhill together. 

Meanwhile, Alfrid who was still wearing a woman's outfit and was clutching the gold he found to his chest, weaved through the city, dodging Orcs. He back toward a wall suddenly as an Orc climbed over it and roared at him. Alfrid screamed right as the Orc raised its club. But Bard shot an arrow and killed the Orc. Alfrid then fell over and money fell out of his dress as he tried to gather it up. 

"Get up!" Bard sneered at Alfrid. 

"Get away from me!" Alfrid shouted trying to gather his money together. "I don't take orders from you! People trusted you. They listened to you. The master's mantle was there for the taking. And you threw it all away! For what?!"

  Bard turned to looked back. And Alfrid followed his gaze to see Bard's children in a doorway. He turned it away for his family. 

And Alfrid turned and stomped away.

"Alfrid. Your slip is showing." Bard noted at Alfrid. To which Alfrid adjusted his dress, then rushed away.

"You're not going to do anything?" Neville asked.

"Forget it, Neville." Bard answered. "He's not worth it." 

Back up in Ravenhill, Bilbo and Luna hurried across bridges toward Ravenhill. And there were no Orcs in sight. "Hm. That's strange." Luna commented. 

Hermione, Fili and Kili crept quietly through the ruins below Azog's signaling station. Until they heard a noise. 

Kili started to rush forward, but Fili stopped him. "Stay here. Search the lower levels. I've got this." And Fili rushed forward. 

"Fili. Wait." Hermione stopped. "Something's not right." 

"I'll be fine. Go." And Fili rushed forward.

"Like hell you will." Hermione thought. 

Outside though, was a different story. Harry, Ron, Thorin, and Dwalin had defeated what was left of the Orcs. 

"Where is that Orc filth?" Dwalin asked as he looked on into the mist. 

"And where's Voldemort?" Harry asked. 

That was when Bilbo and Luna appeared while panting. "Thorin..." Bilbo panted for breath.

"Bilbo!" Thorin exclaimed. "Luna!"

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"You have to leave here! Now! Azog has another army attacking from the north. The Watchtower will be completely surrounded. There'll be no way out." Bilbo warned. 

And Thorin and Dwalin looked alarmed. "We are so close! That orc scum is in there. I say we push on." Dwalin suggested.

"That's what he wants you to do. You're being caught in a trap." Luna warned Thorin.

And Thorin realized that Luna was right. "She's right." He then turned to Dwalin. "Find Fili, Kili and Hermione! Call them back!" He ordered Dwalin.

"Thorin, are you sure about this?" Dwalin asked. 

"Do it." Thorin answered. "We'll live to fight another day." 

"Oh no! Hermione!" Ron yelled. And he ran for the Watchtower. "HERMIONE!" 

"Ron, come back!" Harry yelled before he felt a sharp pain in his forehead where his scar was and he fell to the ground. "Ah!" 

"Harry!" Dwalin and Thorin helped Harry get to his feet. 

"It's Voldemort! He's close!" Harry announced.

"Closer than you might think, Potter!" A voice had sounded from behind Dwalin, Thorin, and Harry over the Frozen River. The three had turned to see Voldemort standing right there. His pale head, grey skin, no nose, and red eyes and black robes. 

"Ah, Harry Potter." Voldemort greeted. "We meet again." Harry raised his wand at Voldemort. "And I see that you made some new Dwarf friends. Thorin Oakenshield, is it not?" 

"It is." Thorin answered. "For a second there, I mistook you for Azog." 

"On the contrary, Thorin Oakenshield." Voldemort denied. "I may not be Azog, but he does have his uses. We will get to that once you are all dead." 

"You want them, you're going to have to go through me." Harry warned still with his wand raised.

Voldemort laughed like he and Harry were sharing a private joke. "Such amusement, Harry Potter. Don't you remember how our last encounter played out?" He asked.

"Don't you remember how our first encounter played out, Tom?" Harry shot back.

Voldemort sneered. "I do not answer to my Filthy Muggle Father's name. And this time, I have an advantage up my sleeve." 

Soon enough, next to him emerged more Shadowy like figures. 

"What is that?" Bilbo asked.

"His Death Eaters." Harry answered.

And true enough. Next to Voldemort emerged Bellatrix Lestrange, as well as two more Death Eaters, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, along with Fenrir Greyback, along with the Death Eater, Dolohov. 

"Oh look at that. Potter running around still with his misfits." Bellatrix taunted. 

"Never tasted Dwarf before. Hope it tastes good." Greyback commented while laughing.

"I hope you got thick teeth, fur face. You're going to need them." Dwalin shot back at Greyback.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so hasty if I were you, Dwarf. You'll miss the main event." Voldemort suggested. 

"Main event?" Thorin asked. 

Suddenly there was a massive drum sound from Ravenhill. Looking back at the tower, a light appeared. And from it was Azog. Dragging a bloodied Fili behind him. As did a whole force of Orcs. 

"Fili!" Harry yelled in alarm.

And Kili looked upward to see his brother. "Kili!" Ron ran up to him. "Where's Hermione?! I can't find her anywhere!" But he stopped to look at Azog holding Fili.

"This one dies first." Azog informed as he held up Fili. "Then the brother. Then you, Oakenshield. You will die last." 

"No! RUN!" Fili yelled. And then Azog stabbed him through the chest with his arm blade. 

"Fili!" Harry yelled as Thorin, Dwalin, Bilbo and Luna looked on in shock. 

"Here ends your filthy bloodline!" Azog yelled in triumph. Until he realized that his blade was stuck in Fili's back. "Huh?" He tried to pull out the dead Dwarf from under him, only to realize that Fili's chest was made of wood and not flesh. He dropped the body to the ground in front of Kili and Ron, and the body shattered like it was made of wood. 

"It's a bloody mannequin." Ron commented. 

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Azog yelled in fury. But then he saw Hermione and Fili running back to their friends. 

"Surprise!" Hermione yelled as she shot Bombarda at the Tower, forcing Azog down to the ground over the Frozen River. Some of them onto the Carrows.

"Hermione!" Ron and Kili headed the other way towards Thorin and the others now. 

"I had a hunch that Azog would get at Fili. So I transfigured up a Mannequin to look like Fili and enchanted it a little bit to make it move." Hermione explained. "Azog didn't know the difference."

"Never would've thought of that." Harry admitted.

"Yet another reason why the Sorting Hat didn't put you in Ravenclaw, Harry." Luna said. 

And the Death Eaters all looked at the scene. "Pretty sneaky, Mudblood! But that's not gonna be enough to save you!" Bellatrix yelled. 

Azog got back up on the frozen river and off the Carrows who were both knocked out. Both parties facing off. 

"Deal with them!" Voldemort ordered. "Harry Potter is mine!" 

Harry looked at Thorin. "Thorin? Do you think you can take Azog?" He asked.

"I'll deal with Azog. You handle Voldemort." Thorin answered. "Let's kill them properly this time." 

Harry nodded.

"The rest of us can take the Death Eaters." Ron assured. And Hermione and Luna nodded their heads. 

And Harry looked at Voldemort. "Then bring it on, Voldemort!" He charged over at Voldemort blasting a beam of red energy. Voldemort responded with a blast of his own green energy as the two wands collided right as Thorin and Azog began their fight on the snowy mountainside, Thorin with his sword, and Azog with his arm blade and his mace. 

That left Bilbo, still on the other side of the river, when he heard a noise and ducked as Werebats flew out of the fog. Sting glowed blue, and he looked back to see Bolg climbing over the ruins. Seeing Bilbo down below, the orcs charged at him. But just before they reached Bilbo, though. Dwalin disengaged to come to Bilbo's defense. He then charged up and began fighting the Orcs singlehandedly like it was nothing. 

"Slay them all!" Bolg yelled to his forces of Orcs. 

While below Ravenhill, the noticed the Werebats massing. 

"No..." Tauriel mouthed. And the Werebats flew down to the main battlefield, swooping down and swarming over the armies. 

"And now there's those guys." Ginny commented as she and Neville noticed the Werebats that were coming for them.

"It's the Freshly Caught Cornish Pixies all over again!" Neville yelled. But then he had an idea. "Wait! That's it!" He looked over at all the Werebats who formed again in a swarm ready for another pass. "Immobulus!" He shot at the swarm of Werebats who were immobilized in the sky not moving anywhere. 

"Well done, Neville." Ginny praised. And she looked up to see the sky light up with fire again, as if Dumbledore had conjured up a massive Fire in a Dragon form that torched all the Werebats it came into contact with. 

"I knew that one day hiring Gilderoy Lockheart would pay off." Dumbledore commented. He then looked up at Ravenhill to see flashes of light. "Come. We must get to Ravenhill. Neville, Ginny. Take my arms." 

Ginny and Neville took Dumbledore's arms and they apparated to Ravenhill. But not before they apparated in front of Legolas and Tauriel. 

"Need a lift?" Ginny asked. "Grab on." 

And Legolas and Tauriel both took hold and everyone apparated together to Ravenhill.

"What was that?" Legolas asked as they landed.

"Apparation. It's how Wizards and Witches transport easily." Dumbledore answered. 

"Good to know." Legolas replied grinning.

As the Wizards all shot their spells at each other. Bilbo continued to fight as much as he could, resorting to throwing rocks at the Orcs as Dwalin fought. Kili and Fili continued to battle against the Orcs he was going against. As Tauriel moved towards him, she encountered and killed several Orcs. 

In front of Bilbo though, stood Bolg, who had run out and smacked Bilbo in the head with the handle of his mace, knocking him out cold. 

"Bilbo!" Luna yelled as she blasted another spell at Dolohov who she was fighting. And she then shot Bombarda below Dolohov's feet cracking the ice and shaking Dolohov off guard. She then shot Depulso sending Bolg back. But more Orcs were charging towards her. Only to be interrupted by Fili and Kili.

"Thought you could use a hand." Fili commented as he and Kili grinned with Luna. 

Azog looked at Thorin across the frozen river. "Go in for the kill!" He shouted at his Orcs. And many of the Orcs rushed out on the ice to attack Thorin. "Finish him!" 

Thorin looked around to the Orcs running towards him; when all of a sudden, the Orcs began falling over with arrows stuck in them. Legolas, who had climbed to the top of the tower. Thorin, could take on the remaining Orcs in peace.

And Tauriel in a moment of peace after dispatching another Orc called out for Kili. "Kili!" 

Kili heard her, but was too busy fighting off two orcs at once to respond. 

"KILI!" Tauriel yelled. 

Kili turned to see Tauriel. "TAURIEL!" He yelled. 

But Bolg had recovered from the Depulso shot and engaged at Tauriel and kicked Tauriel into a rock. 

"NO!" Kili yelled running as fast as he could to Tauriel. 

"Come on!" Luna yelled to Fili. But the she turned to see Ron and Hermione dueling Bellatrix and Greyback. Ron providing the shield, and Hermione providing the offensive spells. They had this in control. 

"I will not be beaten by a Mudblood and a Blood Traitor!" Bellatrix screamed.

"Get used to disappointments." Ron shot back.

But Bellatrix shot one fatal spell, breaking Ron's shield and scattering Ron and Hermione to the ground. "Avada-" But she was stopped by a Reducto Spell from Ginny and Neville who appeared next to Ron and Hermione. 

"That's for my parents, Bellatrix!" Neville shouted. "Incendio!" He blasted at Greyback lighting Greyback on fire. 

"Ah!" Greyback ran away while on fire. That left Bellatrix to fight off Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Ginny all together.

Back to Kili, who was defeating as many of his opponents as he could began making his way towards Tauriel. Tauriel managed to slip out from Bolg's grasp and began attacking the Orc with her knife; he managed to grab both her arms though and twists them, which caused Tauriel to shriek in pain. He then smashed his fist down on Tauriel's head, felling her. Thorin continued to fight off the Orcs while Legolas helped out Thorin with his arrows. Kili rushed desperately as he heard Tauriel's groans. Bolg raised Tauriel up by the throat. But Tauriel had kicked Bolg in the knee causing him to fall. He grabbed her and threw her body against a wall. As Tauriel lay stunned on the ground, he raised his mace for the kill; when Kili leaped from a parapet onto Bolg. Kili had managed to get a slash at Bolg, but Bolg grabbed Kili by the head and raised the pointed base of his mace to stab Kili through the chest. 

"No!" Tauriel yelled. But Bolg managed to throw her down again.

"Diffindo!" Luna yelled at Bolg's arm with the mace. And the arm was sliced off Bolg. 

And Bolg screamed in pain as he fell to the ground with his arm fallen off. Like Father like son. He looked at Luna in anger.

"You are very mean!" Luna yelled as she shot a fatal spell at Bolg making him disintegrate. 

Kili looked up at Tauriel. "Tauriel." He said.

"Kili." Tauriel said back.

"Kili. Are you alright?" Fili asked running over. 

"I'm fine." Kili answered getting up. "Thanks to Luna." 

"You're welcome." Luna replied. "Come on. We still have a job to do." 

"Right. We need to hold off these Orcs." Tauriel said. 

"Guys! On the tower!" Fili yelled. He pointed to Legolas on top of the tower when he suddenly felt the tower shaking. He looked down to see a troll smashing away at the tower's base. 

"My Lord Legolas! Get out of there!" Tauriel yelled.

Legolas tried to reach another arrow, but he found out that he was out of arrows. He then pulled out the sword Orcrist, and leaped down plummeting the sword into the head of the Troll. And the Troll hobbled around in pain. Twisting the sword, and then causing the troll to fall down dead. "Are you alright, Tauriel?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Tauriel answered.

Legolas looked at his empty quiver. "You need some more arrows?" Luna asked as she transfigured some rocks into arrows for Legolas.

"Thank you." Legolas thanked as he stocked up on arrows just in time to see more Orcs approaching. "We've got more company." He noted.

"Then let's get to work." Fili said. And they charged the Orcs. 

Meanwhile, Thorin managed to stab an Orc in the Knee; another orc rushed up and smashed into him causing him to slide across the ice all the way to the edge of the frozen waterfall. Thorin managed however to knock an orc over the edge and caused the Orc to fall to its death. 

"Thorin!" Legolas yelled suddenly as he shot another arrow into an Orc from the other side of the frozen river. "You might need this!" He slid over Orcrist to Thorin.

And Thorin grabbed it, rising up to go fight Azog and the rest of the Orcs. He stood up though to see Azog alone, facing him. This was it. Their final showdown. 

Both approached each other slowly. Until a horn blew from below, and Azog smiled as a hill in the distance behind him became covered with an entirely knew Orc army. 

Legolas, Tauriel, Fili, Kili, and Luna all saw the approaching army. "We're going to need a lot more arms." Fili commented.

And Azog charged forward and swung a large rock attached to a chain at Thorin like it was a large flail. Thorin ducked underneath it. Azog was unbalanced by the swing, and Thorin managed to get behind him and slashed at him. Azog angrily swung the rock at him again, and Thorin dodged, the rock smashed into the ice, cracking it. Azog swung again. And the ice began to break apart beneath them. As Thorin stumbled over an edge of the ice, Azog managed to knock his legs out from under him with the chain. As Azog swung the chain again, Thorin managed to roll away. He leapt behind Azog and slashed him again. And then Azog swung the rock and chain at Thorin, missing, and the rock became stuck in the ice.  It forced Azog to slash at Thorin with his bladed arm. 

In the meantime, Dumbledore stood next to Luna. And to everyone's shock, except for Luna. Fawkes the Phoenix had perched himself on Dumbledore's shoulder.

"Oh, Fawkes." Luna said. 

And Dumbledore looked at Fawkes like the two had been in deep conversation with each other. 

"What does that mean?" Kili asked.

"It means, Kili. That we are about to be joined by friends. And those we care about very much." Dumbledore answered.

True to Dumbledore's word, Azog had looked into the sky behind Thorin in shock. And Harry and Voldemort briefly stopped their duel, as did Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville with their duel with Bellatrix, and Greyback. The Carrows had gotten up, as had Dolohov. 

Throughout the sky, the massive Eagles emerged. With Radagast riding their leader. And they sailed through the ranks of the oncoming orc reinforcements from Gundabad. And Radagast wasn't alone. Beorn rode atop one of the Eagles, throwing himself off the Eagle and transformed into his full bear form as he fell to the ground. And then he smashed through the Orc Army.

As for the lead Orcs that made their way to the ruin already, they were suddenly interrupted by a massive bright light that emerged from the ruins, and a crossbow bolt had suddenly struck one of the Orcs down. 

"Who did that?" Tauriel asked.

And then everyone turned to see a massive man with a thick black beard emerged. He then saw the heroes. "Sorry 'bout that. Didn' mean to startle you." 

Luna smiled as did Harry, and the same for Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Hermione.

"Hagrid!" Harry yelled in a stunned voice. "What are... what are you doing here?!" 

"Dumbledore said you needed help, Harry!" Hagrid yelled. "So 'e called us!" 

And then more light had emerged and out of them walked Dumbledore's fellow members of the Order of the Phoenix. Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, Mad Eye Moody, Professor McGonagall, Bill Weasley, as well as Molly and Arthur Weasley. 

"The Order of the Phoenix!" Hermione exclaimed. 

"Are you in need of assistance, Harry?" Lupin asked.

Harry nodded his head. "It would be helpful." He answered. 

And the Order then engaged the rest of the Orcs. As did all the others. 

Dumbledore then turned to face Voldemort along with Harry. Voldemort sneered when he looked at Dumbledore. "It was foolish of you to come to Middle Earth, Tom." Dumbledore said calmly. "And even more foolish thinking we would not be here to stop you."  

"So you say, Dumbledore. I may not have gotten the Arkenstone. But I will succeed in killing Harry Potter." Voldemort shot back. "Avada Kedavra!" 

And Harry and Dumbledore shot from their wands at Voldemort. More beams of energy colliding.

As for Thorin and Azog, Thorin suddenly through his sword down. Reaching forward, he lifted up the rock at the end of the chain and tossed it to Azog who on instinct caught it. Azog looked at him confused, until Thorin stepped backward off the ice float they were standing on. It tipped over and plunged Azog into the water below.  He scrabbled at the edge, but the chain pulled him down. He picked up Orcrist from the ground, only to see Azog through the ice, being pulled slowly by the current toward the frozen waterfall. Thorin walked slowly above Azog as he stared at what looked like Azog's dead body. Until Azog opened his eyes. And then managed to stab Thorin through the foot, through the ice with his blade arm. 

And Thorin roared in pain. Just as Azog leaped through the ice and pinned Thorin down. 

Harry turned around to see Thorin get injured. He broke off from his duel with Voldemort to go help Thorin. As he stabbed his blade arm at Thorin, Thorin managed to keep it back with Orcrist sliding in one of the forks of the blade. Azog had the advantage though. He used his weight and position to slowly push the blade further and further, and Thorin struggled to keep it away. "Sectumsempra!" Harry shot at Azog. And right as if getting slashed by an invisible sword. Azog roared in pain from it, taking his blade off of Thorin. "Now, Thorin!" 

And Thorin was able to stab Azog right through the heart. 

While that was going on, Dumbledore had managed to singlehandedly break Voldemort off and it pushed him off the Frozen River and over to the other side of the Mountain. With the Order of the Phoenix now on the field, Voldemort realized that he and his Death Eaters were outnumbered. "Wormtail!" He yelled. 

Thorin then flipped Azog over onto his back on the Ice and forced Orcrist all the way through Azog and through the ice below. Azog was finally no more as Thorin kneeled on top of him. But then Thorin had a difficult time standing up. 

And Voldemort looked at the battle now going poorly for him and the Orcs who were falling to battle. That was right as the Dark Wizard Peter Pettigrew a.k.a Wormtail apparated next to Voldemort. "My Lord. Azog. He has..." 

"And so has Bolg." Voldemort sneered. He then looked at his Death Eaters. "We have failed in Middle Earth. There is no point in staying here anymore." He looked at Wormtail. "But the time of Harry Potter and Dumbledore will soon end." And he and Wormtail turned into a shadowy form and started to leave. Soon enough, the rest of the Death Eaters followed when they knew they were outnumbered. 

"Look! We've got them on the run!" Ron shouted.

"This is not over, Harry Potter!" Voldemort yelled. 

Thorin looked on in triumph, until he fell to the ground as he looked at his stabbed foot. "Well, that's problematic." He commented. 

"Anybody got Wiggenweld?" Harry asked around, right as Bilbo regained consciousness and saw Eagles overhead. 

"The Eagles are coming..." He said as he grinned a little.

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