Chapter 28: Or There and Back again.

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"Enverate." Harry shot at Bilbo getting him back up. 

"Did we... did we win?" Bilbo asked confused.

"Oh, we won alright." Harry answered looking downward at the battle below, and the remaining Orcs being routed away. "Part of it thanks to the Order of the Phoenix." He pointed to the Order of the Phoenix. 

"This Dumbledore's Army or something?" Bilbo asked.

"Eh... not exactly." Harry answered. He then noticed Hagrid walking up to him. Something that Bilbo had taken notice of. He wasn't as big as Beorn though. "Oh, Bilbo. This is Rubeus Hagrid. Our Care of Magical Creatures Professor and Game Keeper." He introduced.

"'ello there!" Hagrid greeted Bilbo. "Sorry we were late to the party, Harry. We got word from Fawkes that you need 'elp so-" 

"Nothing we couldn't handle, Hagrid." Harry assured. 

"Well, I should hope so. I'd hate to have all that time we spent in Defense Against the Dark Arts go to waste." Lupin interrupted with a grin. 

"And this is my old Professor, Remus Lupin. And old friend of my Dad's." Harry introduced to Bilbo. "And this here is Bilbo Baggins of the Shire."

"At your service." Bilbo quickly nodded his head. 

"Are you a-" Lupin started to ask.

"Hobbit? Yes." Bilbo answered. "And good friend of Harry Potter." 

Harry also turned to see Ron and Ginny being smothered all over by their parents, Arthur and Molly.

"I'm fine, Mum. I'm not hurt." Ginny assured.

"Oh of course you'd say that. You have any idea how worried your father and I were when we heard where you'd gone?!" Molly shrieked.

"We were trying to help Harry, Mum." Ron tried to say.

"Well you and Ginny don't exactly have a good reputation when it comes to danger, need I remind you?" Molly reminded Ron. 

"No, you don't." Ron replied. He knew it was just easier to let his Mother hear what she wanted to hear. He and Ginny also decided not to tell the story of the 

"Harry!" Molly looked over to see Harry just fine as her voice went soft. "You're not injured, are you, dear?"

"Um... no. I feel fine." Harry answered. "Just fine." 

"Oh, you were so lucky. Dumbledore had told us about what was going on in Middle Earth, we rushed here as quickly as we could." Molly said.

"Sorry it took so long though." Arthur added. "But at least we were able to get here when we did." 

"Eh... a few more minutes earlier would've been nice." Bilbo admitted. 

"Bilbo." Thorin had suddenly called.

And Bilbo had turned to see Thorin. "Thorin!" He ran over. "Are you okay? Are you... back to... normal?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I finally broke free of the Sickness of the mind-" Thorin tried to stand. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. OW!" He felt pain as he tried to put pressure on his wounded foot. 

"Oh!" Bilbo felt the pain in his own foot. "Sorry." 

"I'll be fine, I think. Might not walk the same again." Thorin assured. Then he turned to Harry and Bilbo both. "Harry, Bilbo. I owe you my life. And the life of my bloodline. I take back my words and my deeds at the gate. You two did what only true friends would do. I can only ask that you forgive me. I was too blind to see. And I'm so sorry that I have led you and your companions into such peril." 

"That wasn't you, Thorin." Harry replied. "It was whatever that curse in the Mountain was." 

"And I'm glad to have shared in all your perils, Thorin- each and every one of them. And it's far more than any Baggins deserve." Bilbo added.

"Besides. It's Ron and Hermione you should thank for saving Fili and Kili." Harry also chimed in. 

"Then I will thank them." Thorin thanked. But he still sat down on the ground. "You might have to let them come to me though." 

"Anyone got some more Wiggenweld?!" Harry asked.

"I've got some!" Tonks answered as she walked over the ice. But everyone could see the writing on the wall.

"She's gonna drop it." Neville thought out loud.

And then Tonks slipped on the ice and the Wiggenweld fell out of her hands.

"Accio." Mad Eye caught the Wiggenweld to give to Thorin. "And don't step on the Ice, Nymphadora!" He scolded Tonks.

"Don't call me, Nymphadora!" Tonks shot back in an annoyed tone.

"She doesn't like that name." Harry whispered to Bilbo.

"Ah..." Bilbo realized. 

"Tauriel!" Kili yelled over and he saw Tauriel over by the side. And both stared at each other for a long time. 

"For a moment, I thought that I lost you." Tauriel said to Kili.

"I thought the same." Kili replied. And then both proceeded to kiss each other. Until Kili saw Thorin look at the whole scene. 

To which Thorin sighed at. "Well, if you must." He said.

"You're not mad about your nephew with an Elf?" Harry asked. "After all that-" 

"That's on Kili, not me. Besides... not all Elves are that bad." Thorin answered as he looked at Legolas. 

"I still think you've got a bit of a Greedy Side, Thorin Oakenshield." Legolas said. "But I suppose it's just a Dwarvish thing, no?" 

"It can be." Thorin admitted. 

"Legolas... um, I should probably..." Harry said awkwardly.

"Let's let bygones be bygones." Legolas raised his hand to interrupt him. "I may not agree with all of the things that Men and Dwarves do, especially Dwarves. But... I guess we're just going to have to... agree to disagree." That was enough to satisfy Harry. 

"So what happens now?" Bilbo asked. "Will you return to Mirkwood?"

Legolas looked towards the Ruins of Ravenhill where his Father, Thranduil approached. "I don't think so. I have another calling elsewhere." He answered. "Where my journey will take me, I don't know." 

Harry saw Legolas approach his Father. "I... cannot go back." He admitted as he walked past Thranduil.

"Where will you go?" Thranduil asked not surprised that Legolas would say that. 

"I do not know." Legolas answered. 

Luckily for Legolas, his father had an idea for him. "Go north." He suggested. "Find the Dunedain. There's a young Ranger amongst them. You should meet him. His father, Arathorn, was a good man. His son might grow to be a great one." 

"What is his name?" Legolas asked.

"He's known in the wild as Strider. His true name you must discover for yourself." Thranduil answered. 

Legolas nodded at his Father, then he turned to walk away.

"Legolas." Thranduil called before Legolas walked away. And Legolas turned back. "Your mother loved you... more than anyone... more than life." 

Legolas looked in surprise at this mention of his mother. And he nodded his head at his Father, then he walked out of the ruins. 

And finally, it was over. The Company of Thorin Oakenshield had completed its mission to take back their home of the Lonely Mountain. The Kingdom of Erebor had been returned to its rightful owner. Thorin Oakenshield would now take the mantle as King. Thanks to Dain and the Dwarves of the Iron Hills, the Kingdom would soon be restored. Thorin stood from the balcony of the Mountain overlooking the city of Dale. "It is finally finished! The Dwarves of Erebor have returned to the Lonely Mountain! The Dragon Smaug is no more. No longer shall we live in fear! And it is not just the Dwarves who have returned. But the people of Dale as well! And I cannot thank them enough for their sacrifice and their aid when we required it the most." And as if he could see Bard from outside of Dale. "And as such! I will honor the word I have given. And the people of Lake Town will recieve what they were promised. Not just to rebuild their lives. But rebuild the city of Dale like never before! There is enough wealth in the Mountain for it!"  

And the people all cheered. Bard smiled at that. "And as a show of good faith to the Elves of Mirkwood who stood with us against Azog the Defiler, and to  King Thranduil. I have given him the White Gems of Lasgalen!" Thorin continued. "There is much rebuilding to do! Let's get to work!"  

Thorin then turned to Dain. "Well done on ya, Cousin." Dain praised.

Thorin nodded. "Sorry about the army, Dain. Was a bit more than you signed on for." 

"Oh, don't worry. You know how much I love destroying Orcs over Elves." Dain said holding Thorin in a hug. 

Thorin laughed. "Oh, I almost forgot." He realized. "I should see Harry Potter and his friends off." And he went down to the entrance of the Lonely Mountain where the rest of the Company was waiting, as were the Order of the Phoenix and Gandalf who were all gathered.

There was also a massive portal in front of everyone. Like a mirage. And Thorin could also see Bilbo wearing his pack and a treasure chest in one hand. He also could see that Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna also had their own chest each. 

"Ah, King Thorin. Greetings." Dumbledore greeted. 

Thorin nodded. And he also saw Ron start to bow his head. "You can still just call me Thorin, Ron." He assured Ron. 

"Thorin. Congratulations on retaking your home." Harry commented. 

"I should be thanking you. Without you and your friends. Who knows? Fili, Kili and I might've died." Thorin joked. "Ah, that's hindsight I suppose. The quest is now complete. I trust you each have your shares of the treasure." 

"It's wonderful, Thorin. But it's too much." Hermione tried to say.

"That's rubbish, Hermione." Ron scoffed.

"It'll go a long way to helping our family, especially." Ginny said.

"Nonsense, you helped me defeat the Dragon and reclaimed my homeland. I never would've been able to do it without your help." Thorin said.  

"I figured I had to save you, Thorin." Harry explained. "I don't think I would've been able to live with myself if I lost you like I did with Cedric, or Sirius." 

"And that Harry, has made all the difference." Dumbledore said to Harry.

"Voldemort's still out there though." Harry pointed out. But then he turned to Dumbledore. "He's... he's not still in Middle Earth, is he?"

"No." Gandalf answered. "He will have returned to your world, Harry."

"Then that's why we've got to go back. This is your world. And we must go back to ours." Dumbledore replied. 

Harry was right. They had to go back to Hogwarts. They may have stopped Voldemort from getting the Arkenstone as a Horcrux, but Voldemort had more. And he had to be stopped. 

"And I need to go home as well." Bilbo explained. "I have plans for Bag End." He looked at the Acorn in his pocket. "And I need to see them through." He looked at Thorin.

"Then I will say farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books and your armchair. Plant your trees and watch them grow." Thorin nodded at Bilbo. 

Bilbo then looked over at the Dwarves as well as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna. "If any of you are ever passing Bag End, tea is at four. There's plenty of it. You are welcome anytime." He informed. To which he was replied with a bow. And Bilbo smiled. "Eh, don't bother knocking." He added.

"I'm still going to knock, you know." Hermione pointed out.

"Of course you would, Hermione." Bilbo said.

"Alright." Harry said as he looked into the portal. "Let's go home." 

Ron and Ginny were the first to go through. Followed by Neville, then Luna, then Hermione. While that left Harry and Dumbledore.

"Right. I should go too. It's quite a long journey back to the Shire." Bilbo said. 

"If you go by foot that is." Gandalf replied. "Albus, do you have the Portkey?"

"Why, yes I do." Dumbledore answered as he pulled out a boot. "Just grab the boot and you'll be back in the Shire. Gandalf will know what to do." He explained to Bilbo. 

Bilbo looked at the boot. "A... Portkey?" He asked.

"Trust me, Bilbo. It works." Harry answered.

"Bilbo, grab the boot." Gandalf instructed as he and Bilbo took hold of the boot and they port keyed away. 

And Harry smiled at Dumbledore. "You have done well, Harry." Dumbledore praised. "We have stopped Voldemort and saved Thorin Oakenshield." 

"And we took care of Azog." Harry added. "Professor? Do you ever think we'll be... back one day?" He asked.

"When you least expect it, Harry." Dumbledore answered. "I suggest, you keep both eyes open." 

"Yes, sir." Harry said.

"Time to go." Dumbledore informed as he and Harry walked through the portal.

When Harry stepped out. He was in Dumbledore's Office. The familiarity of it swimming back to Harry. "Your friends are waiting for you, outside. Unless you think you've spent enough time with them." Dumbledore said to Harry.

"Not a chance, sir." Harry replied as he walked out of the Office to Dumbledore's smile behind him. 

When Harry walked out of the Office with the Griffon Staircase, he could see Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna already there. 

"Well... we're back." Harry said to everyone.

"Yeah." Hermione agreed. "I think that just might go down as one of the craziest adventures we've ever been on." 

"No kidding." Ginny agreed.

"So now what do we do?" Neville asked.

"Well, I don't know about you. But I do feel hungry. I haven't eaten since before the Battle of Dale." Ron answered as he started to make for the Great Hall.

"Ron!" Hermione yelled in disbelief. "There are things far more important than-" 

"I'm hungry too." Neville said as he went with Ron to the Great Hall." 

"You know what? I think I am, too." Luna agreed.

"Same. I can't think straight on an empty stomach." Ginny said. "And I don't like to be hangry." 

"Hangry?" Harry asked.

"It means angry and hungry at the same time." Hermione answered. And she sighed. "I suppose some food would be nice. Assuming Ron hasn't eaten everything yet." 

"You know he has." Harry said. And Hermione started to run with Harry following. But Harry had a thought as he walked with his friends. 

"I know that look. You have something on your mind, Harry." Luna said.

"I've been thinking." Harry explained. "We've stopped Voldemort at Middle Earth. And if we can all stand together like we did. Voldemort won't stand a chance." 

And everyone grinned at that. "Well then. I guess that's what we'll have to do when we face him again." Ron said.

"And we will." Neville added. But for now, all was right with the world. Their mission was now complete. And they were off to whatever their next adventure would be. 

Meanwhile, back in the Shire in Middle Earth. Bilbo emerged from the Portkey with Gandalf at the borders of the Shire. "The Shire." Bilbo realized. "That actually worked." 

"Yes, Bilbo." Gandalf agreed. "The Borders of the Shire. It is here I must leave you." 

Bilbo figured as much. "That's a shame. I quite liked having a wizard around. Seems they bring good luck." He replied. 

"You don't really suppose, do you?" Gandalf asked knowing there was more to Bilbo then met the eye. "That all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck? Magic Rings should not be used lightly, Bilbo."  

Bilbo started to say something, but Gandalf interrupted him. "Don't take me for a fool. I know you found one in the Goblin Tunnels... and I've kept my eye on you ever since." 

"Well, no need for secrets now." Bilbo thought and he smiled. "Well, thank goodness. Farewell, Gandalf." The two clasped hands and looked each other in the eye.

"Farewell." Gandalf bayed. 

Bilbo then turned away, but after a few paces he stopped and turned. "You, uh... you needn't worry about that ring. It fell out of my pocket during the battle. I lost it." He assured. 

Gandalf looked back at Bilbo. "You're a very fine person, Mister Baggins. And I'm very fond of you. But you're only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all." And Bilbo continued to walk back to the Shire as Gandalf turned the other way.

As Bilbo climbed over the last hill before he reached Hobbiton, he noticed there was a lot of activity near Bag End, across the valley. "That's strange." He thought. And as he walked up, he could see many other Hobbits carrying various articles of furniture and other house items.

"Wait a minute... that's my mother's glory box." He noticed one Hobbit carrying. He also noticed a Dining Chair being carried out. "And that's my dining chair." 

He also noticed a Hobbit carrying an ottoman on his shoulder. "Ah! Put that down! What is going on?!" Bilbo demanded. But then he saw a Hobbit with a wheelbarrow full of Bilbo's things.

"Hello, Mister Bilbo!" The Hobbit greeted. But then he realized he was talking to Bilbo. "You're not supposed to be here." 

"What do you mean?" Bilbo asked confused.

"On account of you being presumed dead and all." The Hobbit answered.

"I am not dead! Presumed or otherwise!" Bilbo yelled. The Hobbits must've thought that he was dead and were trying to take his things. And someone was selling off the items. And only one group fit the bill. Bilbo's cousins. The Sackville Bagginses. He hurried up the hill to see more Hobbits carrying his things. While in front of Bag End, there was an Auctioneer auctioning off Bilbo's things. 'For sale, by auction. The effects and estate of the late Mr. Bilbo Baggins, esq. 10 o'clock sharp, June the 22nd. Messrs Grubb, Grubb and Burrowes. Registered Auctioneers.'

"Twenty one! Haha!" The Auctioneer declared while banging a gravel. "Sold to Mrs. Bolger! Somewhere for Fatty to put his feet on, haha!" And Bilbo stormed up. "Do I have any bids for this? This is Shire made. None of your Dwarvish reproductions here. Our next bid..." 

"Stop! Stop! There's been a mistake!" Bilbo yelled.

"Who are you?" The voice of Lobelia Sackville Baggins asked while holding a a set of spoons.

"What do you mean who am I?!" Bilbo asked in fury. "You know bloody well who I am, Lobelia Sackville Baggins! This is my home!" He then grabbed his spoon box back. "And those are my spoons. Thank you very much!" 

"This is most irregular." The Auctioneer commented. "Excuse me, it's been mor than six months since the disappearance. If you are, in fact, Bilbo Baggins and undeceased. Can you prove it?" 

"What?!" Bilbo roared in fury.

"Oh, well, something official with your name on it would suffice." The Auctioneer clarified.

"Alright! Right!" Bilbo understandably replied still outraged. He did to his fortune have something to prove he was indeed Bilbo Baggins. The Contract he signed to join Thorin's company. "A contract of employment as a... nevermind as what." He showed it to the Auctioneer. "There! My signature!" 

The Auctioneer looked at the signature. "Uh, certainly seems to be in order. Yes, seems there can be no doubt." He said as Bilbo walked up the steps to his house. "And who is this person you pledged your service to? Thorin Oakenshield?" 

Bilbo looked at the Auctioneer. "My friend." He answered with a stern look. 

Bilbo then opened the door, and Bilbo walked in to find his house a ransacked mess. He would just have to get back his things tomorrow. At least he was home again. He also noticed a handkerchief with his initials on them. The Handkerchief he had forgotten months ago when he first stepped on the journey. He also then noticed a picture of his mother on the floor that he put back up on the wall next to the picture of his father that he straightened out. He stepped back to take a look at it. As he inspected his handiwork, he put his hand in his waistcoat pocket, but then pulled it out quickly when he felt the Ring. The same Ring that he carried along the way and told Gandalf he lost. He hesitated to put his hand back in his pocket but he pulled it out to take a look at it. 

But for Bilbo, it wasn't just a normal Ring. He knew that by now. But what he didn't know was that it wasn't just a Magical Ring either. As it turned out. Voldemort was not the only one who could create an object which could span his immortality. For another was made. 

This very Ring as it turned out which was in fact the One Ring. Forged by the Dark Lord Sauron who crafted to enslave Middle Earth. Until it was taken by Isildur, before it led him to his death and disappeared by 2 and a half thousand years. Until it was picked up by the Creature, Gollum. And now it was in the hands of Bilbo. And Bilbo would keep the ring for the next 60 years of his life. 

60 years later. 

The grey haired Bilbo Baggins still held the ring in his hands as he sat down to look at it. There was a sudden knock on the door, and Bilbo clutched the ring tightly. "No thank you!" He yelled out. "We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers and distant relations!" 

"And what about very old friends?" A familiar voice to Bilbo asked. Bilbo's face turned to a smile as he rushed up in a hurry to open the door to reveal the face of Gandalf. 

"Gandalf?!" Bilbo asked 

"Bilbo Baggins." Gandalf greeted. 

"Oh dear. Gandalf!" Bilbo ran over to hug Gandalf. And all Gandalf had to do was lean down just to hug him. But that was when Bilbo noticed that Gandalf was not alone. For he was with a young girl with Red Hair and Blue Eyes. "And who is this? A companion of yours?"

The Girl looked at Bilbo. "No, sir." She answered. "My name is Sansa Stark. And I'm... not entirely sure of where I am." 

"Well that's quite odd." Bilbo replied. But he probably just assumed maybe it was another portal like what happened to Harry Potter and his companions. "Ah, well no matter. Come on, come in! Welcome. Welcome." 

The End. 

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