Chapter 15; Hazel's Coma

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    Images swirled all around Hazel as memories flooded into thoughts. She had heard about the changing from Minho but she didn't really understand it that much. Images of her with Gally and hanging out with Newt were all she could see so far. Then, a particular memory caught her eye. It was an image of her younger self hugging a boy. Her head was buried in the boy's chest and the had an arm around her, holding her. By the way the boy was looking at her, Hazel could tell that he wasn't Gally or Newt.

    The girl whispered a sentence to the boy repeating it over and over again.
    "I'm scared... I want mummy." said the girl crying. The boy stroked her head gently whispering something in her head. But Hazel only managed to hear this, "Don't worry, Hazel, I'll protect you. You can always count on your big brother..."


    Darkness. Pain. Voices. That was all Hazel could see, feel and hear in her coma. It was weird, but not as weird as going through the changing. She could hear and feel everything that happened around her but she couldn't respond to any of it. As much as she tried to open her eyes and move around, she couldn't. All she could do was listen to what was happening around her and sleep. So she slept, and slept, and slept. But when she was awake she could hear Newt's voice, talking to her as though she was there responding to what he was saying.

    Not knowing the time was disorienting and frustrating to her. She occasionally heard Minho's voice, talking to her about Newt and his wellbeing. "He thinks it's all his fault," Minho would say. "And he's not eating much and he's barely gets enough sleep." Hearing about how Newt was coping made her want to scream. She wanted to shout at him saying that it wasn't his fault, but every attempt to do so was fruitless.
    I wish he'd stop blaming himself, thought Hazel as she heard Minho ordering Newt to get some rest.

    "So help me I'll lock you in your room and tie you to your bed." she heard him say.
    That boy's too stubborn for his own good, thought Hazel, feeling sleepy again. "I worry about him," she heard Minho say to her in a gentle tone. "He hasn't been the same, and it's getting worse." that was the last thing she heard before the dozed off again.


    The sound of another voice woke Hazel up from her dream.
Gally, thought Hazel, as she felt the bed sink down, indicating that Gally sat down next to her.
    "Please wake up soon Hazel. The Glade's not the same without you. And... And neither is Newt, he won't come out of his room and he refuses to eat anything." said Gally.
    "I gotta go now, Alby's calling me." said Gally, sighing in frustration.


    "How's Newt been holding up?" asked Ably, taking a sip of his drink.
    "He hasn't eaten much since Hazel slipped into a coma. I worry about him," replied Minho, shaking his head.
    "I hope Hazel wakes up soon, Newt's not the same without her."
    "The Glade's not the same without her, I can only imagine how Newt and Gally handling this." said Alby.
    "Yeah." said Minho, nodding to Gally, sitting with the Builders. Ably glanced at the Gladers sitting by the bonfire.

    "Is Hazel ever gonna wake up?" asked Chuck breaking the silence.
    "Sure she will." said Minho, messing up Chuck's hair.
    "I wish she'd wake up soon, I miss talking to her." said Chuck, fixing his hair as he sat down next to Minho.
    "You and me both buddy." said Minho looking at the door to Newt's room.
    "Where's Newt?" asked Chuck, turning to facing Minho.
    "Yeah, where is he? I didn't see him just now." asked Alby.

    "He's still in his room, he hasn't left his room since this morning. Hopefully he's sleeping." said Minho, sighing.
    "I hope he's getting enough rest, he hasn't slept in almost 48 hours." said Alby shaking his head.
    "How'd you get him to get some rest anyway?" asked Chuck.
    "Easy, I threatened to lock him in his room and tie him to his bed." said Minho.
    "And that would've been easy?" asked Alby raising an eyebrow.

    "Well, he knows I'd do it and he knows wouldn't have the strength to resist." explained Minho.
    "Good that he listened to you then." said Alby.
    "Yup, that shank's too stubborn for his own good. Okay, I'm not waiting any longer now, I'm going to check up on him." said Minho getting up.

    "Newt?" whispered Minho opening the room door. To Minho's surprise Newt was lying on his bed, sleeping. Newt had changed into a brownish-orange singlet with dark brown jeens.
At least he's rested and cleaned up, now I just need to get him to eat something, thought Minho closing the door.

    Back in the Med-Jack's hut Hazel lay on the cot, sleeping soundly. During the past three days she had regained most of her memories of her brother. He was a tall boy and he had the same eyes as her, and he had brown hair. She remembered playing hide and seek with him late into the afternoon.
    I wish you were here I miss you, thought Hazel.


    Newt woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and more awake than he'd ever felt in the past few days.
    I'm glad Minho talked me into getting some rest, thought Newt, yawning. He slipped on his faded white hoodie and walked out the door, headed for the Med Jack's hut. He could see Alby approaching him as he exited the hut.
    "Good to see that you're finally up." said Alby.
    "Yeah, me too. How's Hazel?" asked Newt.

    "She's fine. But you should see Minho before you go runnin' off to the Med Jack's hut." said Alby. "He's in the Map Room."
    "Okay, thanks Alby." said Newt walking away.
    "Hey, Newt." shouted Alby.
    "Yeah?" asked Newt, turning around.
    "Get somethin' to eat first. Frypan saved last night's leftovers for you." said Alby tilting his head towards the direction of the kitchen.

    Meanwhile, in the Map Room, Minho stood in front of the model of the Maze. He let out a breath of frustration and slumped down onto the chair beside him. At that very moment Newt walked in, with an apple in his hand.
    "Hey, you're up. Are ya feelin' better?" asked Minho.
    "Yup, much better. How's Hazel, Alby wouldn't let me see her." said Newt, taking a bite of the apple.
    "She's fine." said Minho. "Have you eaten anything yet?"

    Newt opened his mouth to say something but Minho beat him to it saying, "Anything other than an apple."
    "Has Gally been visiting Hazel too?" asked Newt, changing the subject.
    "Yes, now don't change the subject." scolded Minho.
    "I-" began Newt, but Minho never found out what he was going to say as Clint suddenly barged into the room, panting.

    Newt and Minho both looked at them in confusion. Newt opened his month to say something, but what happened next silenced the both of them.
    "It's Hazel..." said Clint in between breaths.
    And at that very moment, they heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from the Med Jack's hut...


And cliffhanger... Again. XD What do you guys think of this story? Do you guys like it so far? Should I update more often? Or whenever?

-Alice xx


Update: I'm working on another Fanfic called Pan's Prisoner it's an OUAT Fanfic and I'd love it if you guys could check it out. You don't have to if you don't want to :)


If you guys see a spelling mistake or anything like that, please dm me or comment on that mistake. Thanks.


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