Chapter 16; Memories

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Listen to the song above as you read this chapter.

    Newt immediately bolted out of the Map Room and ran to the MedJack's hut as fast as he could.
    "Damn this bloody limp!" cursed Newt as he made his was towards the hut, with Minho close behind. Even with of his limp slowing him down, Minho was unable to keep up with him.
    Oh dear God please let her be okay, prayed Newt silently as he entered the hut, making his way towards Hazel's cot. Newt pushed aside the curtain separating him from Hazel hastily. Jeff stood by Hazel's side placing a wet cloth on her forehead.

    Hazel looked pale and feverish, her lips were blue and she was trembling slightly. Gally was there too, he was seated in a chair next to Hazel holding her hand.
    "What happened?" asked Newt panting. The run to the hut might have been short, but Newt was not as fast as he used to be, especially with his limp.
    "I don't know, Jeff was taking her temperature when she suddenly trembling." explained Gally.
    "Her hands are cold." said Newt, touching her hand.

    A few seconds later Minho and Clint came running into the room.
    "Is she gonna be okay Jeff?" asked Newt looking up.
    "Yeah, she'll be fine. She must've dreamt of a terrible memory." said Jeff, wiping the sweat off Hazel's face with the rag.
    Out of nowhere, screamed Hazel. The sudden movement made Newt jump and Gally to almost fall off the chair.
    "What the bloody hell was that?" shouted Newt, over the sound of Hazel's screaming.
    "Questions later! Clint hand me the syringe!" shouted Jeff.

    "Here!" shouted Clint passing the syringe with a bluish-green colour liquid inside. Jeff grabbed Hazel's arm and pressed the needle of the syringe into the nearest artery, adding pressure to pump. After the liquid was injected into Hazel, her screaming slowly died down and she stopped trembling.
    "Don't leave me." mumbled Hazel.
    "Can someone tell me what the shuck just happened?" asked Minho staring at Hazel, passed out on the cot.
    "All I know is that Gally went through the same thing after he was stung." said Jeff, leaning against the wall.

    "She's remembering her past." said Gally.
    "What did you just give her?" asked Newt.
    "It's just something to calm her down," said Jeff, sanitizing the needle.
    "Don't worry, she'll be fine. Just look how Gally turned out." said Clint.
    "Oh well, in that case we have nothing to worry about." mumbled Minho sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Either Clint didn't hear him or he chose to ignore Minho's sarcastic remark.

    "Come on guys, you should let her rest." said Jeff, opening the door.
    "But Hazel-" began Newt.
    "Will be totally fine, Clint and I'll be here the entire time." interrupted Jeff.
    "Isn't that right Clint?"
    "Yeah, we've failed her once by supporting her to be a runner. We're not gonna let anythin' happen to her under our watch." stated Clint.
    "Yeah sure." said Gally as he walked out the door.
    "If anything happens, well, you know where to find us." said Minho, turning to leave.

    "Newt, you comin'?" asked Minho, stopping by the door.
    "Yeah, just give me a sec." said Newt crouching next to Hazel.
    "Feel better soon, Hazel." whispered Newt. He kissed her forehead before walking out the room, pushing back the curtains as he left.


    A single lightbulb hung from the apartment's ceiling, flickering every few seconds. A woman sat in a chair by a table trying desperately not to cry in front of her two children. She'd known this day was coming for a long time now and she had dreaded the inevitable. She stifled a sob and tried to be strong for her children, a young boy and girl. The boy sat next to her, quiet and unmoving. Someone so young and yet he understood that his life was never going to be the same.

    The woman hugged her daughter, thinking of ways to comfort her daughter. But what could you say to someone who's only sibling would be taken from them? The girl knew that once the people came they would take her big brother away from her forever. The girl cried silently in her brother's embrace as he hugged her.
    "E-everyone's leaving me," said the girl sobbing. "F-first it was Dad, n-now you."
    "Shhhhh..." said the boy wiping the tears off her face as he looked her in the eyes.

    The woman felt tears welling up in her eyes as her two children exchanging a silent conversation. She shook her head and blicked the tears away. The boy had a bag packed and ready to go at a moment's notice. And so they waited in silence, the tension in the air was so thick that one could almost cut it was a knife.

    Suddenly there was a knock from the door. The girl flinched at the sound and hugged her brother tighter.
    "Come in." said the woman, she said it so loud that it startled her.
The door opened and three people stepped into the apartment, two men and a woman. They were dressed in black suits and they wore protective masks which covered their months and noses. The lady seemed to be in charge. She had an air of authority around her and she carried herself with confidence.

    "I can see you're ready," said the lady, her voice muffled, stepping forward in front of the woman and her two children. "We appreciate your willingness to make such a sacrifice. I don't need to tell you how much this means to the future generations. We're on the cusp of a very great thing. We will find the cure, ma'am. I give you my word."
    The woman could only nod. If she tried to speak she feared that she would break down right there and then. And then her efforts to be strong for her children would have been for naught. So she kept it in.

    The lady was all business. "Come," she said extending a hand. The boy looked up at his mother. He had no reason to hold back the tears, and he didn't. They flowed down his face freely. He left go of his sister and hugged his mother, shattering her heart a million times over. She squeezed him back.
    "You're going to do great things for this world," she said in a whisper, somehow managing to keep her voice steady. "You're going me make your sister and I so proud. I love you, sweet boy. I love you so much and don't you ever forget it."

    His only response was to sob in her shoulder. And that said everything. Finally, it had to end.
    "I'm very sorry," the lady in the dark suit and mask said. "But we have a tight schedule. Truly, I'm sorry."
    "Go on now," the mother said to her son. "Go on, and be brave."
He pulled back, his face wet, his eyes red and puffy from crying. A strength seemed to over come him and her nodded, helping his mother believe that he'd be okay in the end. He was strong, this one.

    The boy turned to the lady and said in a soft voice, "Can I please say goodbye to my sister first?"
    The lady looked from the boy to his sister and nodded her head twice. The boy walked over to his sister and hugged her once last time.
    "D-don't forget me." said the girl.
    "Never." said the boy kissing his sister's forehead with affection. Then, the boy turned away, he walked to the door and went through it without any hesitation.
    "Thank you again," said the visiting lady.

    She followed the boy out without a second glance back. One of the men looked up at the dangling, flickering lightbulb, then turned to his partner. "You know who invented those things, right? Maybe we should call this one Thomas." And they left.
When the door closed behind them, the woman turned to her daughter and told the little girl to go to her room for awhile. "I just need to do something first." said the mother, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

    "O-okay, mummy." said the little girl padding back into her room. When the woman heard her daughter's room door close with a soft click, she curled up into a ball and finally let her tears come...

YAY, double update this week! XD That's a first. Woohoo! I think you guys should know who's Hazel's brother by now. Just a few more chapters till I introduce him in this story. I kinda cried a bit while writing this chapter to be honest, it must've been the song. Please vote and maybe comment what you thought of this chapter. :)

-Alice xx

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