Chapter 17; False Hope

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I chose "Young Blood" by Bea Miller for this chapter because it describes The Maze Runner.

    The rest of the day flew by as Newt helped Minho with trying to decode the maps Minho. Minho tried his best to distract his friend by keeping Newt busy the entire day. That was all Newt could do to not worry about Hazel. Minho sat next to Newt on his bed, eating the sandwiches that Frypan had packed for them, not talking to each other.
    "The month's almost over." said Minho breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Just a couple more days until that shuckin' Box sends up another Greenie."

    "Yeah, I can't believe it's already been one month since that bloody Box sent Hazel up." said Newt, taking a bite of his sandwich.
    "Hey," said Minho placing a hand on Newt's shoulder. "She's gonna be alright. The exact same thing happened when Gally got stung. She'll wake up any day now."
    "Yeah, but Gally didn't get a bloody concussion and slip into a coma did he?" asked Newt without any emotion.
    "She will wake up Newt, have a little faith." said Minho.

    "Faith?! I stopped having faith when I got my bloody limp." snapped Newt.
Minho looked taken aback, but he quickly recovered. He knew that his friend was hurting and that Newt didn't mean to snap at him. Newt shook his head and mumbled something incoherent.
    "What?" asked Minho, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
    "I should've told her that I loved her." repeated Newt.
    "Newt-" began Minho.
    "But I didn't, I was a bloody coward." said Newt angrily.

    "Maybe Gally was right, I don't deserve to be with her."
    "That's nonsense! Newt, you're the bravest guy in this shucking Glade! Ignore Gally, he's a shank." said Minho.
    "Thanks Minho. You've always been there for me whenever I need you." said Newt, smiling.
    "That's what friends do, they're always there for each other." said Minho.
    "Thanks man." said Newt giving Minho a bro hug.

    Out of nowhere, Gally barged into the room.
    "Like I said, a shank. Dude," said Minho, letting go of Newt. "You people have got to stop doing that."
    "Oh, was I interrupting something between you guys?" asked Gally raising an eyebrow.
    "Hey, we're not bloody gay." said Newt.
    "Whatever you say." said Gally rolling his eyes.
    "Why are you here again?" asked Minho crossing his arms.

    "I just wanted to tell you that Hazel's awake, well she was awake just now she-" said Gally.
    "Wait, slow down. She what?" asked Newt, confused.
    "When I was sitting next to her when she suddenly woke up, she tried to get up but she passed out a few seconds later. And umm..." trailed Gally.
    "And?" asked Minho.
    "Umm, there's no easy way to say this..." said Gally, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

    "Just spit it out, it can't be any worse than her being in a coma." blurted Newt impatiently.
    "Well, apparently, there is something worse." said Gally.
    "And what could possibly be worse than slipping into a bloody coma?" asked Newt.
    "Losing your memories is worse. Newt, she doesn't remember us..." said Gally, his voice getting slowly fading away.


    Newt woke up with a start. He looked around and and realised that he was in his room, lying on his bed.
    "What the bloody hell?" said Newt out loud, furrowing his eyebrows.
    What the shuck just happened, thought Newt, sitting up.
    Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Tap. Tap. Tap.
    "Newt? You okay?" asked Minho, his voice muffled by the closed door.
    "Yeah, I'm fine." answered Newt, sighing as he ran his hand through his hair.

    "Can I come in?" asked Minho.
    "Go ahead." said Newt, hopping off the bed.
    Minho opened the door and walked into the room, holding a glass jar full of water.
    "Here, you look like you need it more than I do." said Minho handing Newt the jar.
    "Thanks." said Newt taking a sip of the water.
    "What happened last night?" asked Newt.

    "After Hazel's little episode, you isolated yourself in your room and refused to come out." explained Minho.
    "I just had the most messed up dream." said Newt, pouring the rest of the water into his head.
    "Well, name one thing in the Glade that isn't messed up." said Minho, chuckling.
    "Well, you've got a point there." stated Newt.

    "I'm gonna visit Hazel. Wanna come?" asked Newt, walking past Minho, opening the door.
    "I can't, Ably wants me to go back into the Maze. Nathan's been sitting in for me these past few days, and it's time for him to take a break." said Minho.
    "Okay, see you tonight." said Newt, walking out the door.


    Sunlight streamed into the hut through the window, lighting up the dark corners of the room. The curtains were pulled back and were swaying in the gentle breeze. Nathan stood by the window looking outside, with his back facing Hazel. Newt sat in a chair, next to Hazel, taking in her features. She looked more relaxed in her sleep compared to when she was awake. Her hair was in a mess and she still had cuts running all over her arms and legs. But in Newt's eyes, she was still beautiful.
    I swear, when she wakes up, I'll tell her how much I love her, thought Newt, silently.

    As if Nathan had read his thoughts he asked, "When are you going to tell her?"
    "W-what? I-I don't know what you're talking about." stuttered Newt.
    "Newt, who do you think you're fooling? We all know you're in love with her. So, when are you going to tell her?" asked Nathan.
    "Is it that bloody obvious?" asked Newt.
    "To everyone but Hazel apparently. She has no idea that both you and Gally are in love with her. But to everyone else, it's pretty obvious." said Nathan.

    "I didn't think it would that obvious." said Newt.
    "Seriously? Why do you think that the other Gladers haven't made a move on her? It's because of you and Gally, they all know that you two would beat the klunk out of them if they tried." said Nathan.
    "Yeah, that's probably true. You know, I never really thanked you for saving her that night." said Newt.
    "You don't need to thank me, we both know that she would've done the same thing for me." stated Nathan.

    "The only difference is, she would've tracked down the Griever and killed it herself." added Newt, laughing.
    "Yeah, she probably would have done that." said Nathan, laughing along.
    "When she wakes up, then I'll tell her." said Newt.
    "You're good for her, she needs someone to like you in her life." said Nathan, turning around.
    "It's dinner time, we'd better go now if we want to get a hot meal." said Nathan.

    "You go ahead, I'll eat later." said Newt.
    "Are you sure? I could bring back something for you." offered Nathan.
    "Nah, it's fine." said Newt shaking his head.
    "Okay then, see ya later." said Nathan, padding out the door.

    Newt began to doze off when he whimpering. It was coming from Hazel. He jolted upright and glanced at her, just like the last time, she was mumbling in her sleep again.
    "Don't leave me." said Hazel, her voice was softer than a whisper.
    "Don't..." trailed Hazel, her arm moving slightly.
    "Thomas!" shouted Hazel bolting up.

Hey guys, yay triple update this week, I'm on a roll! XD The comments in the last chapter inspired me to write this chapter, I hope the Newt and Minho bromance in this chapter was enough for you guys XD I honestly just thought it'd be funny to add that part. I'm just wondering how many ships names are they for this story. Could you guys list them for me in the comments please? Thank you guys in advance :) I'm gonna stop talking now, (or writing in this case) peace out! <3

-Alice xx


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