Chapter 18; Be Mine?

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    Newt's heart flew to his mouth as Hazel bolted up.
    "Bloody Hell!" swore Newt, falling off the chair.
    "N-newt?" said Hazel, turning to face him, her voice barely over a whisper. Hazel looked awful, her eyes were puffy and she had tears streaming down her face. Her lips were chapped from dehydration and she had somehow managed to reopen the cut on her forehead.
    "I'm here, I'm here. It's alright." said Newt, standing up, and hugging her.
    "T-the M-maze, the G-griever." whimpered Hazel, shaking in Newt's embrace.

    "Shhhh. It's alright, you're safe now." said Newt, resting his chin on her head. It pained Newt to see Hazel like this. She was no longer that brave and confident girl that her knew, she was a broken girl. Newt's heart shattered into a million pieces as she cried into his shoulder.
    Okay WICKED now you've just crossed the bloody line, thought Newt angrily as he caressed Hazel's back.
Hazel shook ever harder in his arms, but then she stopped.

    "Hazel? Do you want something to drink?" asked Newt, looking down at Hazel.
    Hazel shook her head and started wheezing violently, she chuched her chest trying to get air into her lungs.
    "Hazel!" screamed Newt grabbing her by her shoulders.
    Shuck, she's having a panic attack, thought Newt.
    "Hazel, please don't hate me for what I'm going to do." begged Newt, cupping Hazel's chin with his left hand. He then dipped his head down and kissed her.

    Her lips were even sweeter and softer than Newt thought it would be. For a second Newt thought that Hazel wouldn't kiss back, but what happened next surprised him. Hazel kissed him back. Before he knew it, Newt had his right arm around her waist and his hand in long wavy her hair, kissing as if they had done it a thousand times before. The kiss wasn't rough or that passionate, but Newt thought it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. It lasted for a few seconds until they both had to pull back for air.

    "How... did you know... it would... work?" said Hazel, panting.
    "I've had a panic attack before, I learnt that holding your breath helps stop it. Sorry, I just didn't know how to get you to hold your breath." apologised Newt, blushing.
    Damn it, thought Hazel, shaking her head sadly.
    "It-it's alright. You were just trying to help." said Hazel.

    "We should probably- Ouch!" exclaimed Hazel flinching.
    "What happened? Are you okay?" asked Newt, looking concerned.
    "I'm fine, it's just... My head, it hurts." said Hazel touching the cut on her forehead.
    "We'd better get you cleaned up." said Newt standing up.


    A few minutes later, Hazel was standing in the makeshift bathroom in Newt's room. She had changed out of her dirty clothes into Newt's hoodie. Lucky for her, Newt was a bit taller than her and the hem of the hoodie fell right below her knees. She had tied her hair into a messy bun and let her bangs down, covering part of her face.
    I can't believe it took a panic attack to get him to kiss me, thought Hazel, touching her lips. She was deeply in love with Newt and thought that he loved her back.
    Apparently not, thought Hazel, walking out the door.


    Back outside the bathroom sat Newt on his bed.
    I'm such a bloody idiot, why the shuck didn't I tell her when I had the chance, thought Newt sighing angrily.
    I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna tell her when she walks out, thought Newt, glancing at the bathroom door.
    As if on cue, Hazel walked out of the bathroom wearing his hoodie.
    Damn, she looks even more beautiful, thought Newt gaping at Hazel.
    "Is something wrong?" asked Hazel, looking down at herself.

    "Hazel, I need to tell you something. And I need to say it now, before I chicken out." said Newt.
    "Okayyy..." said Hazel.
    "I'minlovewithyou." blurted Newt.
    "Sorry? I didn't catch that." said Hazel, furrowing her eyebrows.
    "I'm in love with you." repeated Newt.
    "W-what?" stuttered Hazel.
    "I'm in love with you. Not for how you look, just for who you are. I love your sense of humour, your laugh, your amazing personality." said Newt, smiling.
    "Oh, Newt." whispered Hazel, with her hand covering her mouth.
    "But it's alright if you don't feel the same way. I just-"
    "I'm in love you too." interrupted Hazel.

    "Really?" asked Newt, too stunned to say anything else.
    "I-I just don't know what else to say." stuttered Hazel.
    "Then don't." said Newt, shutting her up with a kiss.
    Hazel felt the butterflies in her stomach go crazy when Newt's lips came in contact with hers.
    "Hazel, will you be my girlfriend?" asked Newt, pulling back gently.
    "I thought you'd never ask." replied Hazel smiling as she leaned in to kiss him again.


    Meanwhile in another room, was Gally, sound asleep on his bed. He stirred in his sleep as he heard a knock on his room door.
    "Gally? You in there?" asked a voice from outside the door. "There's someone here to see you."
    "Yeah, you can send him in." said Gally, yawning as he sat up. He had one leg on the bed and the other dangling off the edge. His hair was disheveled from sleep and his torso was bare. Gally yawned as the door opened with a creak.
    "Her. Let her in." said a familiar feminine voice.
    "Hazel! You're awake! How are you feeling?" questioned Gally, looking up.
    "I'm fine." assured Hazel. "I just-Oof!"

    Gally didn't even let her complete her sentence, he rushed towards her and hugged her. Hazel mumbled something incoherent, and Gally only managed to hear, "Fine... Can't... Breathe... Crushing me..."
    "Oh, sorry. I just missed you so much." said Gally letting go of Hazel.
    "Yeah, I missed you too, Caption Gally." said Hazel laughing.
    Only then did Gally noticed some changes about Hazel, the first thing was that she wasn't wearing her own shirt.

    "Hazel, who's shirt are you wearing?" asked Gally, dreading the answer.
    "It's mine." said Newt, he was leaning by the door frame with his hands in his pockets.
    "Hey, I'm going to see if Minho's awake." said Hazel, totally oblivious to the change in atmosphere. She stopped in her tracks as she realised that the two boys weren't following her.
    "Umm, you guys coming?" asked Hazel, turning back.

    "You go ahead. Newt and I are just gonna have a little chat, meet you at the Builder's hut later?" said Gally.
    "Sure, bye guys." shouted Hazel, running down the corridor.
    "Sit." said Gally pulling out a chair, from the compartment under his bed. Newt made no attempt to do otherwise and sat down.
    "I'm guessin' you wanna talk about Hazel again." said Newt, although it sounded more like a statement than a question.
    "Yup." answered Gally, sitting down on his bed, resting his right leg over his left knee.

    "First things first, why was she wearing your hoodie?" asked Gally.
    "I borrowed it to her because she has nothing else to wear." replied Newt monotonously.
    "Okay, did-"
    But Gally never got to finish his sentence when Nathan barged into the room.
    "I heard that Hazel's awake, where is she?" asked Nathan worriedly.

    Newt was grateful for the distraction and quickly took that chance to leave the room.
    "Come on, I'll show you." said Newt, not skipping a beat.
    As Newt walked out the door Gally gave him a death look that said, "we'll talk about this later".
    "You're welcome." said Nathan, walking into his room.
    "Thanks Nathan, I really needed that. How did you know that Hazel was awake?" said Newt as he walked into Nathan's room.
    "I heard Hazel's voice in your room earlier, and some other noises. What happened?" asked Nathan, turning to face Newt.


    "We kissed." said Newt, after he had explained the entire story to Minho.
    "Well, finally!" shouted Minho.
    "That's not all, I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she said yes." said Newt, smiling at the memory.
    "My boy here is the first Shank ever to get a girlfriend in this Shucking Glade! I'm so Shucking proud!" said Minho dramatically wiping a fake tear.
    "Oh, shut up." said Newt, laughing.
    "What did Gally have to say about it? I bet his reaction was priceless." said Nathan.

    "Umm, about that..." trailed Newt.
    "You did tell him, right?" asked Minho.
    But his answer from Newt was only silence.
    "Oh Shuck. Shuck, Newt, do you know what Gally will do if he finds out?" asked Nathan.
    "Whatever it is, I'm guess it won't be a bloody hug." said Newt.
    "You've got that right." said a voice.It was Gally, he stood by the door with his arms crossed.
   "Congratulations Hazel just told me. I guess now we know who's the best man," said Gally. "But if you break her heart, I'll kill you myself." said Gally, stomping off.
    "Well, now that that's over, how bout' we go and find Hazel?" asked Nathan.

Yay, they finally kissed! Don't mind me, I'm just internally squealing and screaming OTP right now. Hahaha, hands up if you're doing the same XD Sorry if the kissing part sucked, I have totally no experience at all and I just wrote it based it on the kissing parts from all romance books I've ever read.

What fandoms are my readers in? I'd love to know, so list it in the comments below. I'm just gonna list as many as I can remember.

1) Sherlock
3) TMR (duh)
4) HP
5) THG
6) TLG
7) TRA
9) TMI
10) DVG

I'm gonna stop writing now, before my teacher catches me writing in class. Hahaha, I'm a Dauntless Rebel. XD Peace out!

-Alice xx


I totally didn't edit this chapter at all, so please dm me if I made any spelling mistakes

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