Chapter 22; Thomas

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    "Hazel, h-how do you know his name?" asked Newt, looking from Hazel to Thomas.
    Hazel ignored Newt and ran towards Thomas, hugging him tightly.
    "I t-thought y-you were d-dead." said Hazel, with tears in her eyes.
    "Umm, do I know you?" asked Thomas, furrowing his eyebrows.
    "Thomas, i-it's me, Hazel." stuttered Hazel.
    "Hazel?" whispered Thomas, his face wet with tears.
    "I-I missed y-you so much." said Hazel, crying on his shoulder.

    "Me too. I thought I'd never see you again." said Thomas, hugging her back.
    At that moment Gally walked up the stairs and saw Hazel hugging Thomas.
    "Hazel why are you up?! And why the hell are you hugging the Greenie?" asked Gally, jealousy obvious in his voice.
     "He's my-"
     But before she could finish her sentence, Hazel collapsed in Thomas's arms.
    "Hazel!" screamed the boys.
    "I'm f-fine, I just s-slipped." said Hazel shakily.

    "No you're not fine, you're sweating and you look like you're about to faint." said Newt.
    "I agree with Newt, go back to your room Hazel. We'll discuss this later." said Alby.
    "And you," said Alby, turning to face Thomas. "You're not allowed to step foot in this hut."
    "But Hazel-"
    "Does not need anyone to keep her up, you've done enough." said Gally angrily.
    "Hazel?" pleaded Thomas -as he looked at his sister- letting go of her.

    "It's a-alright Thomas, I-I'll be fine." said Hazel, closing the door behind her.
    "Get out, you can see her tomorrow." said Alby, jerking his head towards the stairs.
    And Thomas let the room without another word.


    "How did Hazel know your name?" asked Chuck, taking a bite of the sandwich Frypan had given him.
    "I don't wanna talk about it Chuck." snapped Thomas.
    "Okay, fine." said Chuck.
    "Ah, man," Thomas mumbled though a mouthful. "I was starving."
    "Told ya." Chuck replied, taking another bite of his sandwich.

    "You should watch out for Gally, he doesn't like you at all. Especially since you and Hazel know each other." warned Chuck.
    "What's his problem?" asked Thomas.
    "He's very close to Hazel, both him and Newt, so they tend to not like anyone who's too close to her. Unless they're fine the guy who's with her." explained Chuck.
    What's that supposed to mean? Thomas wanted to say, but he kept his mouth shut.

    After a couple more bites, Thomas couldn't take it anymore and asked the question that had been bothering him. "Is Hazel gonna be alright?"
    "Umm, I can't really answer that. Maybe you can ask Newt that on the tour tomorrow." said Chuck.
    "What's actually wrong with that Ben guy? He doesn't even look human anymore."
    Chuck glanced over towards the hut. "I don't really know," muttered Chuck. "I didn't see him."
    Thomas could tell that the boy wasn't being honest but he decided not to press him.


    While Thomas and Chuck were eating, Gally, Newt and Minho were still the Med-Jack's hut. Minho had just came back from the Maze and Newt and Gally were filling him in on what he had missed.
    "So he went upstairs to see Ben, saw Hazel and she just broke into tears and hugged him?" asked Minho, trying to wrap his head around what they had just told him.
    "Yup, that's exactly what happened." said Newt.
    "I don't like the new Greenie." said Gally as he paced the room.

    "Gally-" sighed Minho, shaking his head exhaustion.
    "There's something fishy about him. I've seen before, during the changing." interrupted Gally.
    "Gally, we've been over this. There's nothing wrong with the bloody Greenie." said Newt, rolling his eyes.
    "He could be a shuckin' spy from WICKED." said Gally.
    "He's not a bloody spy, Hazel trusts him therefore I trust him." stated Newt.
    "Aren't you a bit worried?" asked Gally, looking at Newt.
    "Worried about what?" asked Newt, sitting up on the chair.

    "That shank could've been Hazel's boyfriend before all of this." said Gally.
    "You don't know that. He could've just been a close friend or somethin' like that." said Newt, but it sounded more like he was reassuring himself then Gally.
    "You know what, let's go see Hazel and ask her." said Minho.
    "It's late, she should be sleeping by now, and you heard Alby, she's not allowed to see any visitors till tomorrow." said Gally.
    "Yeah, it is late. I'd better go to bed now so I can give the Greenbean the bloody tour tomorrow." said Newt, getting up and walking out the door.

    An hour later, while everyone was asleep in bed, Thomas and Chuck stood outside the homestead talking.
    "Where are we going?" asked Thomas as he followed Chuck. They were currently near the back of the homestead, going who knows where. Trying to grasp a sense of normality, he made a weak attemp at a joke. "If you're looking for a goodnight kiss, forget it."
    But Chuck didn't miss a beat. "Just shut up and stay close."
    Thomas sighed and followed the boy along the back of the building. They tiptoed in silence until they came upon a small, dusty window, a soft beam of light shining through on the stone and ivy. Thomas could hear someone moving around inside.

    "Where are we?" asked Thomas, looking around.
    "Outside the bathroom." whispered Chuck.
    "What are we doing here?" whispered Thomas, feeling uneasy.
    "I love doing this to people. It gives me great pleasure before bedtime."
    "Doing what?" Something told Thomas that he was up to no good. "Maybe I should-"
    "Just shut up and watch." Chuck quietly stepped up onto a big wooden box that sat right under the windows. He crouched down so that his head was positioned just below where the person on the inside would be able to see him.

    Before Thomas knew it, he heard Gally shouting.
    "I'm gonna kill you shuck-face!" yelled Gally, but Chuck was already off the box and running towards the open Glade.
    Thomas froze as he heard Gally open the door inside and run out of the bathroom.
    Thomas finally snapped out of his daze and took off after his new -and only- friend. He'd rounded the corner when Gally came screaming out of the Homestead, looking like a furious beast on the lose.


    Thomas watched as the bully disappeared back into the Homestead. He couldn't remember much, but something told him that he'd never disliked someone someone so much. And he really really hated him. He turned to see Chuck standing there, staring at the ground, clearly embarrassed. "Thanks a lot, buddy."
    "Sorry- if I knew it was Gally, I never would've done it, I swear."
    Surprising himself, Thomas laughed.
    Chuck looked closely at Thomas and slowly broke into an uneasy grin. "What?"

    Thomas shook his head. "Don't be sorry. The... Shank deserved it, and I don't even know what a shank is. That was awesome." He felt much better.
    A couple of hours later, Thomas was lying in a soft sleeping bag next to Chuck on a bed of grass near the grass in the garden. He lay in silence for the longest time, looking at the stars and listening to the soft murmurs of various conversations drifting across the Glade. It just felt so... weird. He remembered a lot of little things about life, but any detail to fill in the picture to create a true and complete memory had been erased completely.

    Everything other than then the memories of him and Hazel. He couldn't remember much about his past, but he knew that he was taken away from his sister when they were just kids.
    "Well, Greenie, you survived the First Day." said Chuck, interrupting his train of thought.
    "Barely." not now, Chuck, he wanted to say. I'm not in the mood.
    He heard his friend sit up, heard the intake of breath. But Thomas rolled over and refused to say another word.
    Just calm down, I'll ask Newt about Hazel first thing tomorrow, thought Thomas.
    And with that reassuring thought, Thomas finally fell asleep.

This chapter took WAYYYY too long to edit, sorry guys. I apologize for being MIA for a week, I just came back from my Girls' Brigade camp and I had totally forgotten what I wanted to write for this chapter. Well I have good news, I'm finished with school for the rest of the year and I'm now on school holiday! Which means that I get to post and update more often, (if I'm not too lazy ofc XD) yay!

And another thing, if you guys ever need to rant about something or fangirl with someone feel free to dm me. My dm is always open to you guys <3 If you wanna be more updated about me or my life then, follow me on Instagram. My username is @/Diy_vergent and I post Multifandom Edits, Fandom Related Text Posts and I post Book Reviews every now and then.

If I'm going to take a break from social media I'll most likely post about it on my Instagram page instead of my Wattpad page. Idek why I would do that XD I'm just sayin' in case I go MIA just contact me via my Instagram. Another update; I'm writing another book, it's called Pan's Game and it's OUAT fanfiction. It'd mean a lot to me if you guys could check out and maybe vote or comment on a few chapters. Well, that's all for this A/N. Peace out! ✌

-Alice xx

Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3

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