Chapter 23; The New Greenie

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    Rows of light hung from the ceiling, buzzing every few seconds. A girl dressed in a blue, long sleeved, button up T-shirt (paired with a white jacket) and dark blue, ankle-length jeens stood next to a computer, staring at the live images of her friends on the screen. A tear slid down her face as the screen displayed Hazel, unconscious and lying on a cot. The girl could see self harm scars running down Hazel's arms, most of the scars were already fading, but some of them were still visible.
    "You promised," said the girl shakily as she turned around to face the woman behind her.

    "You promised that they wouldn't get hurt anymore!" shouted the girl, balling up her fists angrily.
    "Teresa, there was nothing we could've done." said the woman.
    Teresa was beyond pissed at the woman.
    "Don't give me that shit, you couldn've done something! You could've left the Doors open for Hazel to get in that day!" shouted Teresa.
    "You care too much about the subjets, that's your problem." said the woman.
    "They aren't subjets! They have names!" shouted Teresa.
    "Teresa calm down." said the woman desperately.

    "No I will not calm down! I didn't sign up for this!"
    The woman sighed and said, "Don't hurt her."
    But before Teresa could say anything else, she felt a sharp pain on her neck.
    "Put her in the Box, it's time for Teresa join the other subjects in the Maze."
    That was the last thing she heard before she passed out cold.


    Hazel woke up to a loud booming, ringing alarm sounding from all directions. She could hear the boys yelling from outside the hut.
   What the shuck, thought Hazel, getting up.
    She was still weak from the blood loss, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She ran down the stairs and out the door of the hut. The alarm had stopped ringing by the time she was out the door. She spotted Newt and Alby heading towards the crowd of boys gathered in the middle of the courtyard, around the Box.

    "Thomas." whispered Hazel, pushing past the crowd of boys.     "What's going on?"
    She was cut off by a muffled boom, announcing that the Box had arrived. Hazel watched as they opened the shaft doors. And with a metallic scrape, the doors opened. Complete silence settled over the Gladers as Newt leaned over to get a better look into the Box.
    With a sudden jerk, Newt pushed himself back into a upright position, his face scrunched in confusion. "Holy..."

    By this time, Alby had a good look as well, with a similar reaction. "No shuckin' way." he murmured, almost as in a trance.
    A chorus of questions filled the air as the boys started pushing each other aside to get a better look.
    "Shut it!" Alby yelled, silencing the Gladers.
    "Well what's wrong?" someone yelled back.
    "Two Newbies in two days," he said almost in a whisper. "Now this. Two years, nothing different, besides Hazel of course, now this." And for some reason, he decided to look straight at Thomas. "What's goin' on, Greenie?"

    Hazel glanced at her brother, what did Thomas have to do with this?
Thomas just stared back, his face turning bright red. "How am I supposed to know?"
    "Why don't you tell us what the shuck is down there, Alby?" shouted Gally.
    There were more murmurs and another surge forward.
    "You shanks shut up!" Alby yelled, "Tell 'em, Newt."
    Newt looked down at the Box, then faced the crowd of Gladers.
    "It's a girl." he said, making eye contact with Hazel.

    Everyone started talking at once, but Hazel only caught pieces of sentences here and there.
    "Another one?"
    "I got dibs on this one!"
    "What does she look like?"
    Newt shushed them again. "That's not the bloody half of it," he said, pointing down, into the Box. "I think she's dead."

    A couple of boys grabbed ropes and lowered Alby and Newt into the Box to retrieve the girl. No one dared to admit it, but Hazel was pretty sure that they were all just as curious to see the girl as she was. From deep inside the Box, Hazel could hear Alby shouting that they were ready, and Gally and the other boys starting pulling the rope. A few moments later, the girl's lifeless body lay on one of the stone blocks which made up the ground of the Glade. Everyone immediately rushed forwards towards the seemingly dead girl, pushing and shoving each other to crowd around the new girl.

    Hazel, like her brother, stayed back. She rolled her eyes as she saw her brother force his way though the crowd to get a better look at the girl.
    I guess we both got the same trait, we're both always curious, thought Hazel.
    There was a soft padding sound as Newt and Alby scrambled out of Box, forcing their way through to the girl's body. Not even a minute later, the group parted again, and Newt was pointing straight at Thomas.
    "Greenie, get over here," said Newt, not bothering to be polite about it.

    Hazel frowned when she saw the boys -which were lining the path to Newt- glaring at her brother as if it was his fault for the girl dead showing up in the Box. Hazel followed her brother as he approached Newt and Alby, who both knelt next to the girl. Hazel watched her brother as he took in the girl's features. The girl had silky raven black hair with plump lips and pale skin.
    "You know this girl, shank?" demanded Alby.
    Hazel was shocked that Alby would even consider such a crazy idea.

    "Know her?" asked Thomas. "Of course I don't know her. I don't know anyone. Except for you guys and Hazel."
    "That's not..." began Alby, then stopped with a frustrated sigh. "I mean, does she look familiar at all? Do ya have any kind of feelin' you've seen her before?"
    Now that Alby had mentioned it, the girl did look awfully familiar to Hazel. She felt as though she knew the girl, maybe they were friends?
    "No. Nothing." said Thomas, looking down at his feet.
    "You're sure?" asked Alby, he looked like he didn't believe a word that Thomas had said, almost as if he was angry.

    Hazel finally had enough. "He said, he doesn't shuckin' know the girl, Alby." snapped Hazel, she still hadn't forgiven Alby for keeping her locked up under Jeff and Clint's care after her little incident.
    Total silence fell upon the Gladers as they looked at Hazel in surprise. Hazel was the last person that would ever talk back to their leader. Newt looked at Hazel in awe, it was so unlike her to say something like that.
    "Shuck it." muttered Alby, breaking the eerie silence as he looked down at the girl. "Can't be a coincidence. Two days, two Greenies, one alive, one dead."

    Realisation dawned upon Thomas as he finally made sence of what Alby was implying. "You don't think I..." trailed Thomas, not even able to finish the sentence.
    "Slim it, Greenie," said Newt, annoyed. "We're not sayin' you bloody killed the girl."
    "I swear, she doesn't look familiar at all." said Thomas. He had enough of people accusing him for things he didn't do.
    "Are you-?"
    But before Newt could finish his sentence, the seemingly dead girl shot up into a sitting position. She sucked in a huge breath as she opened her eyes, looking at the crowd surrounding her.

    Alby cried out and fell backwards. Newt gasped and and jumped up, stumbling away from here. Unlike the others, Thomas didn't even flinch. He stood frozen in fear, his gaze locked on the girl.
    The girl's piercing blue eyes darted back and forth at the Gladers as she took in deep breaths. Her pink lips trembled as she mumbled something incoherent over and over again. Then she spoke one sentence, her voice hallow and haunted, but very clear.
    "Everything is about to change."
Hazel stared in wonder as the girl's eyes rolled back into her head and she fell back to the ground, unconscious.

    Her right fist shot into the air as she landed, and clutched in her hand was a wadded up piece of paper. Newt then ran foward and pulled her fingers apart, grabbing the small piece of paper from her hand. With shaking hands, he unfolded it, then dropped to his knees, spreading out the note on the ground. Hazel moved past the boys to get a look.
    Sprawled across the paper in thick black letters written in bold were five words:

She's the last one. Ever.

Sorry I made you guys wait so long for this chapter, I had a major writer's block :( but I'm back now. Yay! :) Please dm me if I made any spelling or grammatical mistakes. I hope you guys like this chapter, well, I'm gonna update the next chapter now, peace out! ✌
Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you like ☺ xx

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