Chapter 24; The Girl

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    An eerie silence fell upon the Gladers. It was as if a force had sucked out all the sound from then. Newt had read the message out loud for the those who couldn't see the paper, but instead of the reaction Hazel was expecting, the Gladers all stood bewildered. Hazel expected them to shout or at least ask questions, but no one said a word. They all stood staring that the supposedly dead girl who was now unconscious.
    "Med-jacks!" yelled Alby as he cupped his hands over his mouth.
Thomas was abruptly pushed aside by Jeff and Clint, who were both pushing their way through the crowd.

    "So what do we do with her?" asked Jeff, looking at Alby for an explanation.
    "How should I know?" said Alby, in an irritated tone. "You guys are the shuckin' Med-jacks, figure it out."
    Clint knelt down next to the girl and took her wrist in his hand, taking her pulse as he leaned over her, listening for her heartbeat.
    "Who said Clint could have a first shot at her?" someone yelled from the crowd. Which resulted in several catcalls and whistling. "I'm next!"
    Hazel felt absolutely disgusted, how could they be joking at a time like this?

   Alby's eyes narrowed as he turned to face the Gladers. "If anyone touches this girl," yelled Alby. "You'll be spending the night sleepin' in the Maze with the Grievers." he paused, turning a full circle so that he could see everyone. "Nobody better shuckin' touch her!"
    After Alby's little speech, Clint stood up. "She seems fine, although her breathing is shallow and heartbeat is a bit slow. I'd say she's in a coma, similar to the one our dear Hazel had a few days before. Jeff, come on, let's take her to the Homestead."

    Jeff moved forward and grabbed her by the arms while Clint took hold of her feet.
    "On the count of three." said Jeff. "One... Two... Three!"
    They lifted her up with a quick jerk, almost throwing her up in the air.
    "Careful!" yelled Hazel, startling the Gladers again. "We girls aren't as heavy as we look."
    Newt gave Hazel a look, then turned to the Med-jacks and said, "Just watch her closely, there must be something special about her, or the bloody creators wouldn't have sent her here."
    Alby had a short talk with the Med-jacks before they left for the Homestead with the unconscious girl in their arms. Then Alby walked over to Thomas and grabbed him by the shoulder.
    "You ain't never seen here before?" asked Alby.
    Hazel's brother hesitated before saying, "No... Not that I remember."
    "You sure?" pressed Newt, standing beside Alby.
    Thomas hesitated in answering them again, but unlike before, Hazel beat him to it.
    "Why are you guys grilling him like this? He already said that he doesn't recognise the shucking girl." snapped Hazel.
    Alby shook his head, then let go of Thomas as he looked back at Newt.
"Something's whacked. Call a gathering." said Alby.
    Then, the leader walked off with Newt, leaving Hazel and Thomas behind.


    A few hours later, Hazel sat under the shade of a tree, drawing in her sketch book. She was about to close the book when she heard someone calling her name.
    "Hazel!" said Gally, walking towards her.

  "Hey, Gally." greated Hazel, monotonously.
    "Watcha drawing?" asked Gally, sitting down next to her.
    "Nothing." said Hazel sighing as she tore out the sheet of paper, crumpling the drawing.
    "That doesn't look like nothin'," said Gally, pointing at the crushed paper. "Lemme see."

    Hazel handled Gally her crushed up drawings with a sigh. Gally opened the paper and saw a portrait of a boy, but not just any boy. It was Thomas.
    A look of jealousy crossed over Gally's face for a second. He ignored the feeling and shook his head and saying, "I'm sorry about Ben, he was a good guy."
    "I just don't understand why he'd attack Thomas and blame him for us being in the Maze." said Hazel, shaking her head sadly.
    "You and me both, Hazel." said Gally, looking up at the sky.


    That night, Hazel lay awake, staring at the wall wondering if she'd ever fall asleep. She tossed and turned in Newt's arms, hoping that it would help her insomnia, but it just woke Newt up.
    "What's wrong, Hazel?" asked Newt, groggyily.
    "I can't sleep."
    "I don't blame you, after what's happened with the Greenie and Ben, I'd be surprised if you could." said Newt.
    "Can you sing to me?" asked Hazel
    "Sure, love, for you." said Newt, kissing Hazel on her temple.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said, "I'll never let you go. When all those shadows almost killed your light. I remember you said, "don't leave me here alone" But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight." sang Newt softly as he placed his arms around her waist protectively.

  "You have a beautiful singing voice, Newt." mumbled Hazel, sleepyily as she snuggled in Newt's warm embrace.
    "Thanks, love." said Newt, stopping momentarily.

"Just close your eyes the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound.
Don't you dare look out your window darling, everything's on fire. The war outside out door keeps raging on. Hold on to this lullaby even when the music's gone. Gone.
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound..."

    Hazel fell asleep in Newt's arms as he sang that last line.
    "Goodnight Hazel, I love you." whispered Newt, before he dozed off.

WHAT??? WHAT?! DID ALICE JUST POST TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY?! Hahaha, yes I just did that :P Idek why I'm referring to myself in the third person. Ehhh, I'm just weird that way XD Okay moving on, what did you guys think about Newt singing Hazel to sleep? I for one thought it was super cute, I'm internally screaming OTP rn.

What I really wanna know is, has anyone fangirled while reading my fanfics? Probably not XD but I'm just curious. I totally fangirled when I was thinking of Newt and Hazel together as a couple. If you guys didn't know, I've just recently edited my previous chapters, and had a major cringe attack while doing that.

I was like, OH MY BLOODY GOD, WTF WAS I THINKING WHEN I WROTE IT?! There were so many spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Argghhh! As if I couldn't be any more embarrassed... Hopefully my writing has gotten better. Idk, what do you guys think? If they're any errors in this chapter it's bc I haven't edited it yet. Well, I'm gonna stop making a fool of myself, bye.


Vote, Comment, rate, do whatever you want xx

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