Chapter 7; Nathan

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    Over the past few days Hazel had gotten very close to Newt and Gally. Whenever Hazel was bored or if she needed someone to talk to and joke with, she'd always go to Newt, as he understood her the most. Soon Newt started to have feelings for Hazel, but lucky for him, Hazel was oblivious to it.

    Even though Newt was fond of Hazel, he didn't tell her that, as he was afraid that it might ruin their friendship... Although Hazel and Newt hung out a lot, Hazel and Gally were inseparable. She always hung out with Gally more than she would with Newt, Minho, Chuck.

    By the end of the first week, Hazel had gotten used to living in the Glade, and all of the Gladers liked accepted her. After awhile, she even had a job, she became a Med-Jack, one of the Glade's doctors. She was chosen to be a Med-Jack because she was very gentle and patient with those who were injured.

    What Hazel didn't know, was that she was also chosen to be a Runner, by Minho. As she had the skills for it, but Newt and Gally voted for her to not be a Runner. They were worried about her safety and didn't want her to go out in the maze every single day, with the Grievers.

    On the first day on the job Hazel helped the Med-Jacks, Clint and Jeff, with the injured Gladers. She helped Gally with his injuries, caused by the roof of the Builder's hut collapsing the day before. Jeff also a taught her how to use the different medical carefully, not to waste them, as they only get a limited suppy each month.

    "Done!" said Hazel cheerfully as she finished wrapping a strip of gauze on Nathan's injured leg. Nathan was one of the Gladers Hazel had recently befriended. He had a short, dirty blond hair, a button nose, and had dark green-blue eyes. He worked as a runner, second-in-charge, next to Minho.

    Hazel had met him on the first day on the job, he came into the Med-Jack's hut covered in sweat and had a gash running across his forearm. Apparently he cut himself when racing Minho out of the maze. There was blood dripping out of his gash, and onto the floor of the hut.

    Hazel was in charge of the wounded that day, as Clint and Jeff were tending to Chuck, who got a fever from staying out in the rain. So, Hazel helped Nathan disinfect his gash and bandage it up. They talked about a lot of things while she was disinfecting his leg, and their friendship only grew from then on.

    "How'd you get this injury again, Nat?" asked Hazel, referring to the deep cut on Nathan's leg, as she placed the gauze back onto the shelf.
    "I told you, I was racing Minho again, and I fell." said Nathan.
    "For a Runner, you sure are clumsy." said Hazel shaking her head.

    "I tripped, it happens to the best of us." defended Nathan.
     "If you say so..." said Hazle rolling her eyes at his lame excuse.
     "How can you stand being a Med-Jack? Doesn't it get shuckin' boring?" asked Nathan.
     "Not with you coming here everyday with another injury." said Hazel gesturing to his leg.

    "And with Gally visiting me at every break." added Hazel.
    "Why do you hang out with that shuck-face so much? He's a shuckin' slinthead." said Nathan swinging his leg back onto the floor, off the bench.
    "You're just lucky it wasn't a shuckin' Griever that attacked you." said a familiar voice at the door of the hut. Gally.

    "Speak of the devil, and he appears." mumbled Nathan under his breath, not loud enough for Gally to hear, but loud enough for me.
    "Just go Nat, I'll see you at bonfire tonight." said Hazel as she looked from Nathan to Gally.
    "Nathan." said Gally acknowledging Nathan.
    "Gally." said Nathan as he walked out of the hut.

    You see, Nathan and Gally have a... Let's just say, a complicated past, they hated each other. Always have, always will, at least that's what Newt told her.
    "Why do you guys hate each other so shucking much?" asked Hazel as she pulled out a chair for him to sit.
    "Cause the shuck-face is a shuckin' slinthead." said Gally sitting down.

   "Funny, that's what he said about you too." said Hazel, looking out the door.
    "So, any new memories?" asked Gally changing the subject.
    "No. Just the same old ones. I wonder if my brother's alive, and if I'll ever see him again." said Hazel wiping off a tear that fell.
    "Hazel, I'm sure your brother is just fine." said Gally.

    "And who knows? Maybe he'll be the next Greenie that comes up in the box." said Gally wiping away the tears from Hazel's face.
    "Has it been two weeks already?" asked Hazel smiling.
   "Yup, it has." said Gally. "Come on, it's time for the bonfire."

Hey guys, sorry this chapter took so long. I've been busy this past few days studying for my exams. I'm sorry for any spelling errors, I haven't edited this chapter yet. I hoped you liked this chapter.☺ (P.s can someone please come up with a ship name for Hazel and Newt?)

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