Chapter 8; Pranks & Paybacks

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    "And then, he face planted." finished Chuck, laughing.
   "I can't believe you fell off the tree." said Hazel, doubling over in laughter.
    They had just finished our dinner and we were sitting next to the bonfire drinking Gally's famous drink, and listening to Chuck telling us stories.
    "Oh, yeah, Gally and the Builders added another room to the homestead for you. So you can have your own room." said Newt.

    "Remind me to thank thank Gally his Builders." said Hazel, sighing as she leaned onto Newt, who was sitting next to her.
    "Long day today?" asked Newt, looking at her.
    "Yeah, it was my turn to take the injured Gladers." said Hazel, taking a sip of her drink.
    "What the shuck does Gally put in this?" asked Hazel, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
    "I don't bloody know, why don't you ask him later?" said Newt.
    "How bout' we play a game?" asked Hazel, setting her cup down.

    "What kind of game?" asked Chuck.
    "How bout' Capture The Flag?" suggested Minho.
    "There's too little people," said Newt.
    "Truth Or Dare?"
    "Wait, I've got an idea!" exclaimed Hazel.
    "Well, what is it?" asked Chuck excitedly.
    "Let's prank Gally." replied Hazel, grinning...


    "He's coming!" whisper-yelled Chuck.
    "Okay, get ready." said Newt.
    Chuck, Newt and Hazel were currently on the homestead's roof, with a bucket of ice cold water. Minho was supposed to lure Gally out of the homestead, and they were waiting for him to give them the signal.

    "Hey, have you seen Hazel recently?" asked Minho, walked out of the homestead.
    "Now!" mouthed Chuck tilting the bucket.
    The water tipped out of the bucket and landed on Gally.
    "Ahhh!!!" screamed Gally in shock.
    "That was a bloody great idea Hazel." said Newt patting Hazel on her back.
    "Yeah, that was a ingenious idea Hazel." said Chuck.

    "Well, I try." said Hazel proudly as she watched Minho run away from Gally.
    "Who's shuckin' idea was this?!" asked Gally running his hand through his wet hair.

    "It was Hazel's idea!" said Newt and Chuck, raising their hands in surrender.
    "We just helped." added Chuck innocently.
     "Thanks a lot guys." said Hazel, rolling her eyes at them.
Great, now Gally knows it's me,thought Hazel.

    "I am SO getting you back Hazel." said Gally, wringing his now-soaked shirt.
    "That would require you to either climb up here, or catch me first, and we both know that you can't do either one." stated Hazel smugly.
    "Yeah, well-" retorted Gally.
    "Well what?" asked Hazel, grinning.

    "Argghh, I've got nothin'." said Gally frustrated as he walked away, towards the Glade's showers.
     "Nice one Hazel." said Newt grinning.
    "Yeah, nice one." repeated Chuck, laughing.
    "It's getting late, we'd best be gettin' some shut eye." said Newt climbing off the roof.

    Which was a hard task because of his limp.
    Hmm... Maybe I should ask him about his limp one day, thought Hazel as she climbed down.
    "Night guys." said Chuck, as he rubbed his eyes.
    "Goodnight Chuck."
    "Goodnight Chuckie."


    "Goodnight Hazel." said Newt as they walked into the homestead.
    "Goodnight Newt, try not to miss me too much." teased Hazel, opening the door to her new room.
    "Haha, you wish." replied Newt smiling.
    Ahhhhh... I finally have my own room, thought Hazel.
    It wasn't like Hazel didn't like sharing a room with Newt, it's was just that, a girl needs her privacy. After all, Gally almost walked in on her changing. Hazel shuddered at the memory, closing her eyes. But no sleep came to her that night.

    "Eeek!" screamed Hazel as cold water made contact with her body.
    "Payback." said Gally.
    "Told ya, I'd get you back." he replied crossing his arms smugly.
    "I hope you're happy." said Hazel -swinging her legs off the bed- facing Gally.
     "I'm very happy." said Gally.
     Right then, the door swung open, revealing a very worried Newt.

    "What happened? I heard screaming." said Newt looking around the room frantically.
    "It's alright Newt, Gally just finally had his payback." said Hazel.
    "What time is it anyway?" asked Hazel, looking at Gally.

    "A little after seven am, I guess." replied Gally.
   "I am so gonna kill you for waking me up at such an ungodly hour." groaned Hazel in annoyance.
     "That is if you can catch me." said Gally turning to leave the room.
     "You're so on!" shouted Hazel, running after him.

    Hazel raced out the door and ran in the direction of Gally.
    "Go Hazel!" shouted Minho, laughing along with the Runners standing by the west doors.
    By the time they had reached the forest, Hazel had caught up to Gally and tackled him.
    "Ha! Victory is mine!" said Hazel as they both fell on the ground.

    "All this just because I woke you up at seven?" said Gally groaning in pain.
    "Yup. Don't ever wake me up early in the morning." said Hazel, getting up.
    "Remind me to never do that again." said Gally getting up.
    "No promises." said Hazel, making her way back to the homestead.


    "What a way to wake someone up." said Nathan.
     "I know right. Well, I guess I deserved that for pranking him."
    "Yeah, it was your idea after all." said Minho.
    "I was thinking-" begin Minho.
    "That's never good." interrupted Nathan.
    Minho glared at him before continuing, "As I was saying, since Ben hurt his leg from running in the maze yesterday, Alby asked for you to take his place."

    "And?" asked Hazel, curious to what his reply was.
    Minho gestured towards Nathan, who then said, "Alby said, you could join us if it was alright with you."
    "Sure, I'd love too." said Hazel.
    "Great." said Minho, clapping his hands together.
    "When do I start?" asked Hazel.
    Minho and Nathan looked at each other before answering her question.
    "You start tomorrow." said Nathan.
    "Meet us at the Map Room at 8am sharp." said Minho, before standing up and walking to the homestead.

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