Chapter 9; Runners

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    Minho sat at the edge of his bed going through the weapons inside a large wooden chest. He had just woken up and it was still early so he decided to go thought the weapons. He held a dagger by it's hilt and was cleaning its blade with a piece of scrap cloth.
    After he had made sure the dried blood and fingerprints no longer visible on the dagger, he placed it back in the chest along with the other weapons. He walked over to the box beside the chest, and crouched next to it. Then, he picked up the crowbar attached to it and used the crowbar to pry the lid open.

    Inside the box was the that month's supply of weapons. But this time, there was something new, inside the box lay materials to make longbow, along with  arrows, wrapped in a thin piece of cloth. There was a note attached to it, Minho had to squint his eyes to read it.
    On the note there were two words printed in black ink, the words were "For Hazel." Minho then wondered why WICKED would send her a longbow.
    Could it be a sign? A warning, wondered Minho, he shook his head as he wrapped the pieces of wood back in its original wrapping.

    I'll get Gally to fix the bow together for her, thought Minho, placing the unmade bow back inside the box.
    As if on cue, room  door swung open and was slammed closed with a loud bang. A furious Gally walked into the room with his fists balled up and his face red with rage.
    "How could you?" said Gally in a deadly quiet tone.
    "How could I what?" asked Minho, standing up. Gally took a deep breath before shouting, "How could make Hazel a Runner?!" But before Minho could answer Gally, the door opened again and Newt walked into the room.
    "I just heard the news, Minho, tell me it's not bloody true." said Newt -trying not to raise his voice- shaking his head.

    "I'm sorry Newt, Alby asked for her to be a Runner." said Minho.
     "But you're the bloody Keeper of the Runners! Don't you have a say in who gets to be a Runner?!" shouted Newt.
    "And the all Keepers decided that Hazel is not allowed to be a runner!" added Gally.
    "Firstly, no, Newt," said Minho. "Even though I'm the Keeper of the Runners, Ably gets the final say in who gets to be a Runner."
    "Secondly, Gally, yes we the Keepers voted that she couldn't be a Runner, but as I said just now, Ably gets the final say." said Minho.
    "Anythin' else we should know?" asked Gally angrily.

    "Yes, Hazel's room is opposite mine. If she's not still sleeping," said Minho walking towards the room door. "She's probably listening in on our conversation." said Minho turning the handle of the door.
    Sure enough, when he opened the door, they could see Hazel standing by the door, with Chuck.
    "How much did you hear?" asked Minho.
    "Hear what?" asked Hazel with a puzzled expression.
    "You know what." said Gally crossing his arms.
     "I don't know what the shuck you shanks are talking about. I was with Chuck just now, and I heard shouting coming from your room." said Hazel.

    "Chuck?" asked Newt, not fully believing Hazel's story.
    "It's true, we were having an early breakfast." said Chuck.
     "What were you guys arguing about anyway?" asked Hazel walking into the room.
     "Don't worry about it, it's already been sorted out." said Minho.

    "Okay, I'm gonna leave now. Come on Hazel." said Chuck turning to leave the room.
   "Hazel, wait." said Minho picking up a backpack and handing it to her. "Here, you'll need this for later." 
    "Thanks." replied Hazel walking out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

    "You shanks are lucky she doesn't know that you guys voted for her to be a Med Jack instead of a Runner." said Minho after he was sure Hazel had left the homestead.
    "We only did it to protect her," said Newt. "She doesn't know the dangers of the bloody maze."

    Hazel stood in front of the south maze doors, with Nathan waiting for Minho and the rest of the Runners to get ready. Inside the bag was an outfit for Hazel to run in. She was now wearing a short sleeved white T-shirt, with a dark green jacket over the shirt, dark blue ankle-length jeans, brown knee high combat boots, and brown belt that was also used as a pouch.

    It was strapped around her waist and on her thigh. The outfit was completed with three daggers in the pouch attached to her belt. Minho also gave her a small backpack. Inside the bag was her lunch, a few sandwiches, a bottle of water. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she used bobby pins and a hair tie to secure it in place.

    In her right hand, she held a dagger by it's hilt and inspected the blade for any dents.
    "Hey, Haze- What the bloody hell are you wearing?" asked Newt, gaping at her outfit.
    "How do I look?" asked Hazel. Newt gawked at how beautiful Hazel was, while Gally had no problem answering her.

    "You look so badass." commented Gally.
    "Thanks, I gotta admit, Minho has a pretty good taste in fashion." replied Hazel, twirling the dagger in her hand.
    "You look stunning." said Newt as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
     Hearing this, Hazel blushed and smiled at Newt.

    "Oh! I almost forgot!" said Gally, handing Hazel a beautiful longbow with intertwined snakes painted near the grip of the bow, and a quiver full of arrows.
    Hazel stared at the bow the way a painter would stare at a beautiful piece of artwork.
    "I love it, thank you!" said Hazel, engulfing Gally in a tight hug.

    Gally was shocked at first but then regained his composure, and hugged her back just as tight. Newt looked away, disheartened that Hazel had never hugged him like that before. Hazel pulled away from Gally smiling as she turned to face Newt. But her smile dropped when she noticed that Newt looked uneasy.
    "Newt, are you alright? Is something wrong?" asked Hazel placing a hand on Newt's shoulder to comfort him.
    "Nothing's wrong, I'm just a bit anxious." replied Newt faking a smile for Hazel's sake.
    "Don't worry Newt, Hazel'll be with me the entire time. She'll be fine." said Minho reassuring him.

    "Be safe." said Newt holding Hazel's delicate hands in his own large hands.
    "Always." said Hazel pulling him into a hug.
    When Hazel pulled away, Newt was smiling.
    "She's in good hands, Newt." said Minho patting Newt shoulder gently.
    "Come on Hazel, let's go." said Minho.
    The Runners started running into the maze one by one, leaving Minho and Hazel, who were the last pair to enter the maze.

    Before Hazel left she waved goodbye to Newt and Gally, and saw them smiling and waving back. But what she didn't see was Newt's smile dropping with every step she took into the dangerous maze. While everyone had gone back to their jobs, Newt stood at the entrance of the south doors, praying that the girl he cared for would come back safe and sound.

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