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Shelby Quinn

... the following day ...

"Be honest, how do I look?" Dallas twirls gracefully in her pretty pink pageant dress, a mass of tulle frills cascading to the floor, falling from her slender hips and halo of honey curls tumbling over her shoulders, spilling down about her lithe waist..

"You look absolutely stunning, Sweetie.." I smile at her, watching her pull an awkward face when she takes a wobbly step towards me in her stilettos.. "But we might need to find you some more sensible shoes, ones that you can actually walk in.. Maybe something with a kitten heel instead?"

"Definitely!" She giggles as I circle her to fix her glowing crown of curls neatly back into place before reaching for the can of hairspray on the dresser..

She takes a deep breath and holds it, squeezing her eyes closed as I spritz her hair to fix it in place.. "Why don't I take you shopping after rehearsal?"

"Oh I'd love that.. But-" Dallas' brow creases in disappointment.. "Logan insisted I come straight home tonight.. He was madder'n a cat stuck in molasses when he got home from work yesterday.. Crazy part is he wouldn't even tell me why!"

Dallas might not understand it, but I know why..

My heart sinks as the consequences of my hot temper and rash outburst begins to dampen my spirits.. I know I had been insensitive and harsh last night, but I hadn't even considered the possibility that The Hacker might withhold Dallas as a form of punishment.. What's more, I hadn't expected it to hurt as much as it does..

Over the past weeks I have become so attached to her and the time we spend together..

"I'm sure he is just stressed.. He has a lot on his mind right now, what with helping me look for Hendrix and keeping the doors at Alpha Tech open.." I struggle to meet her gaze as she turns to face me..

"No.." Dallas hums, clicking her tongue in frustration.. "It's not stress, Shelby, I know my uncle and I've never seen him like this before.." She puzzles, turning back to inspect her reflection in the illuminated mirror.. "He used to trust me.. He's talk to me about everything, but lately it's like- it's like he's keeping secrets and I don't know why.. I just don't understand what I did wrong?"

I hate to have caused the rift that appears to be growing between them.. To be another secret that Logan must keep, stirs a guilty swill in my stomach.. "It's not your fault, Dallas.." I swallow my shame.. I know the secrets Logan keeps and they are a heavy burden to bear.. Yet here I stand, another problem complicating his life.. "It's mine.."

"W-what do you mean?" She blinks, whirling around with curiosity crinkling her strawberry brows..

"It's - it's complicated.." I fumble, shifting aside to busy myself with packing away her box of make-up.. "I said some things I shouldn't have and- it all just got out of control.. I really didn't mean to upset him.."

Dallas reaches out to squeeze my arm in consolation.. "Whatever you said, he can't stay mad at you forever.."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that.." I grimace before a smarmy voice croons from behind to interrupt our exchange..

"Miss Nash, Miss Quinn.. How wonderful to see you again,. Ladies.." Tyler Bennings waltzes into the dressing room through the open door l, wearing a design suit and a smug grin.. "And you're both looking fine as hell, I must say.."

"Thank you, Mr Bennings.." Dallas smiles innocently before I wedge myself in between them..

I just hate the way he looks at her.. Predatory and sinister..

"I didn't realise pageant judges attended rehearsals.." I chide, trying to keep my manner friendly.. But now that I know the truth about Blackstar and the deal Tyler's father had made to have me tortured and tormented as a means of blackmail, It's even more difficult to maintain pleasantries..

I'd much rather cut out my tongue than use it to sweet talk Tyler Bennings.. But unfortunately the mission requires diplomacy..

Not my strong suit..

"Well, I confess, I came down here hoping to find you, Miss Quinn.." Tyler smirks, reaching out to brush the backs of his knuckles down the inside of my arm and I have to fight every reflex in me not to recoil in disgust.. "I just couldn't wait until tonight to see you, Girl.."

Bile bubbles sickly in my belly as I smile through gritted teeth.. "Oh.. That's- nice, Tyler.."

"No,no- Wait- Hold up-" Dallas shakes her head, lifting an accusatory finger to point between us.. "You two are going out?"

"Believe it or not, I can be very persuasive, Miss Nash.." Tyler chuckles, a smug chortle of arrogance before he adds.. "And a net worth of 50 billion never hurts.."

Internally I cringe at his blatant flex..
God, what a douchebag..

"Really?" A glare of sharpened daggers and scalding fire burns hit in her eyes as Dallas rounds on me, betrayal and sadness radiating off her in rolling waves.. "I can't believe you! This isn't how it was supposed to go!"

With a huff and the flick of her skirts she turns her nose up at me and rushes away in a flurry of pink lace..

"Dallas, wait!" I watch her brush carelessly by Tyler to stomp off in the direction of the stage.. "Fuck.."

Tyler arches a suspicious brow in my direction.. "What was all that about?"

"Teenagers.." I shrug, covering my concern with a forced smile.. "You know how temperamental they can be.. But I better go after her.. I'll see you later, Tyler.."

Tyler nods, his ears turning pink as he bites back on his entitlement to excuse my escape.. "I'm looking forward to it, Shelby.."


"Tex?" I skirt through the halls, calling out for Dallas as I poke my head into change room doors, finding only empty rooms instead.. "Tex?" Spying one of the fire exits propped open at the end of the backstage corridor, I race outside to find Dallas slumped against the brick, her mascara smudged and her eyes red rimmed from crying..

"Go away!" She whimpers, shooing me with an annoyed flick of the wrist..

"No.." I sink down to sit beside her, crossing my legs beneath me on the cold concrete ground.. "I'm not leaving you.."

Dallas sniffles as she wipes her eyes, peeking over at me.. The glint of betrayal in her liquid cool gaze cuts me right to the core.. "Eventually you will.. Everyone does.."

"What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere, Tex.." I scooch closer to set my hand gently over hers.. Whatever is going on with you, I'll always be here if you want to talk about it.."

Her sobs slowly subside and she wipes her nose on the back of her hand.. "P-Promise?"

"I promise, Sweetie.." I hold up my hand to swear an imaginary oath..

Dallas scrapes at the ground with the soul of her shoe as she sighs.. "Wacey is taking Sheridan to prom.."

"That little fucker.." A protective fire burns through me and before I can control it the words are spilling from my mouth.. "I'll kill him!"

"No.. It's my fault.." Dallas swipes at her eyes, clearing away the smoky smudges beneath.. "Can I tell you a secret, Shelby and you won't tell Logan?"

"You can tell me anything.." I assure her..

"Wacey already asked me to prom.. And I said no.."

"Why?" I frown.. 'I thought you really liked him?"

"I did- I mean- I do.." She nods, wrapping her arms around herself to stave off the chill of the late afternoon breeze... "But guys like Wacey only date baddies who put out and it's like there is the expectation of girls like me.. I mean- half the school thinks the cheer squad are easy game.. But I'm- I'm still a virgin.."

I smile at her, remembering that feeling of uncertainty that comes with youth and so glad to have outgrown it.. "There's nothing wrong with that.. If you're not ready, Dallas, then you should wait until you meet the right person.."

"But how do you know if they're the right person?" The cheerleader groans.. "It's not like there's fireworks or a big neon sign flashing 'mr right'!"

"Well- no.." I chuckle.. "But with the right person, all you feel is safe.. You know they will accept you just the way you are and you don't need to worry about pressure or expectations.." I smile as the image of one person springs to mind.. The man who makes me feel safe.. Logan.. "There's nothing more important than trust.. And if Wacey can't be trusted with your feelings, then you probably shouldn't be sharing your body with him either.."

She considers with a long pause.. "Is that why you chose Tyler over my uncle? Is he 'Mr Right'?"

"Ugh, god no!" I stick out my tongue in mock horror. "But I need him to trust me because he might know where my father is and I'm hoping he'll give me some real answers.. Believe me, Tyler isn't my type.."

"Is my uncle your type? I know you guys have been hooking up.. So you must trust him.." She folds her knees up to her chest, prodding with expert calculation and I realise I have walked right into her snare.. For somebody so young, she is insanely clever.. "I don't understand why you can't just be together?"

"I do trust him.. And I'm sorry that we've been secretive about spending time together.." I lean back against the wall, gazing up at the overcast sky, becoming lost in the haze of grey clouds.. "The truth is, I've never been in a real relationship.. I just don't know if I'm ready for that.."

"So I'm not the only one who's scared, huh?" She sighs..

It is painful to admit and if there were anybody else around I probably wouldn't.. But with Dallas I feel this connection, I feel sure I can trust her.. "Yeah.. I guess I am.."

We fall into a comfortable silence together and after taking a moment to collect ourselves I push up to my feet, extending my hand in offering to help her up.. "That's enough moping, let's get back in there.."

"Okay.." As I pull her from the ground she brushes the dust from her skirt before lifting her blue eyes to me, sincerity sweetening their pastel blue hue.. "He's scared too, you know.."


"Logan.." Dallas explains.. "I know he can be a total ass, but that's just because he's afraid.. He lost everything and it's easy to forget because he never makes it anyone else's problem." Her glassy eyes glaze with a spacey melancholy.. "When my mom and dad died, I felt as if a piece of me was cut out and It's like a little bit of my heart has been missing ever since.. But my uncle lost his whole life, his parents, his sister, his home and everything he believed in.. All those pieces, they were just cut right out of him and somehow he still has the biggest heart of anyone I know.."

All I can manage is a nod.. "Yeah, he does.."

"He wouldn't want me to tell you this but--" Her gaze drifts anxiously as she continues on to remind me just how badly I had messed up.. "Sometimes, late at night I can hear him crying in his room, missing my mom, and it makes me realise how much he must love me.. Because even though he is so sad he doesn't sleep most nights, and after everything he's been through, he still gets out of bed every morning and does what he can to make my life better.." She stops to smile at me, hopeful and imploring.. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, you don't have to be scared, Shelby, because he'd make your life better too.."

Tears prickle at the corners of my eyes as I wrap and arm around her shoulder and we begin making our way back inside for the rehearsal.. "I believe you.."

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