Hail to Sophia

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Pretty soon, Sophia and her friends were in the haunted forest and made it to the Witch's castle. There were Winkie guards outside, and the Wicked Witch was emerging from the castle.

"Oh, if only there was a way I could get those slippers," the Witch muttered.

Sophia and her friends had to stay in stealth mode, but there was potted bouquet of bush lilies nearby. Sophia felt a tickle in her nose and was about to sneeze when Tin Man squeezed her nose.

"What's wrong?" Tin Man asked.

"I'm allergic to bush lilies," Sophia frowned.

"We need a better place to hide," Scarecrow declared.

But then Sophia let out a sneeze, blowing their cover. The Winkie Guard heard the sneeze and saw Sophia and her friends.

"Intruders!" one guard yelled.

"Get them!" the Wicked Witch growled.

Sophia and her friends ran all over the place. Thanks to Sophia's athletic prowess, she was too quick for the guards to catch her.

Scarecrow climbed up a tree, carrying an ax.

"We'll protect you, Sophia!" Tin Man shouted. He and Cowardly Lion stood in front of Sophia.

"Get one scratch on my Sophia, and you're mulch!" Cowardly Lion growled.

Scarecrow cut a branch off the tree, and the branch landed on the guards surrounding Sophia.

The Witch saw a nearby candle, so she held her broomstick over it. "How about a little fire, Scarecrow?" she smirked.

Sophia was horrified. She saw a bucket of water and was about to douse the fire.

"No, don't throw that water!" the Wicked Witch yelled.

Sophia threw the water and doused the fire, but the water touched the Wicked Witch too.

"Oh, you cursed brat! Look what you've done!" the Witch yelped. "I'm melting! Oh, what a world! Who would've thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness?"

Just like that, the Witch melted before everyone's very eyes. Sophia had killed the Witch.

"She's dead," the Head Winkie Guard gaped, looking at Sophia. "You killed her."

"I didn't mean to kill her," Sophia gulped. "I was just trying to save Scarecrow."

But to Sophia's surprise the Winkie Guard called out, "Hail, Sophia! The Wicked Witch is dead!"

"Hail Sophia! The Wicked Witch is dead!" the Winkie Guards chanted.

All the Winkie Guards kneeled before their heroine. The head Guard took and kissed Sophia's hand. Then Sophia remembered something.

"The broomstick—may we have it please?" Sophia asked.

"Please, and take it with you," the Head Guard smiled.

"Oh, thank you," Sophia smiled. "Now we can go back to the Wizard and tell him the Wicked Witch is dead!"

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