Here Comes the Bride

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Pretty soon, it was time to go to Marcus and Dorothy's farm for the wedding. Everyone was waiting for the wedding to start. Sophia was a little nervous, but she couldn't wait for the wedding to start.

Pretty soon, the wedding was starting. Each bridesmaid walked down the aisle, holding onto her groomsman's arm. Miranda and Marcus walked down the aisle together. Then Dorothy walked her youngest son down the aisle.

Finally, everyone stood up and turned around. They all gasped when they saw the beautiful bride. Hugo didn't think Sophia would look any more beautiful.

When the song Here Comes the Bride played, the bride and her father walked down the aisle. Everyone thought the bride was so beautiful that they couldn't take their eyes off her.

When Sophia and Austin reached the altar, Austin and Hugo shook hands, and Austin offered his daughter's hand to Hugo.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bind Sophia Parker to Hugo Salonga in joyous betrothal," Father Russell explained. "If anybody has a reason why these two lovebirds shouldn't be married, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Nobody spoke, so the ceremony went on. Cora and Brandon gave Sophia and Hugo the rings.

Hugo took Sophia's hand and told her, "I give you this ring and show you my love." He slipped the blue-diamond ring on Sophia's finger.

Sophia took Hugo's hand and told him, "I give you this ring and show you my love." She slipped the silver ring on Hugo's finger.

"Do you, Hugo Salonga, take Sophia to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Father Russell asked.

"I do," Hugo smiled.

"Do you, Sophia Parker, take Hugo to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Father Russell asked Sophia.

"I do," Sophia smiled.

"By the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife," Father Russell announced. "Hugo, you may now kiss the lady."

Sophia and Hugo kissed as everyone clapped. Now they were husband and wife.

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