Tanzanite City

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Sophia and her friends were still walking down the Yellow Brick Road. She saw that all three of her friends had the same face as Hugo, and that made her miss him very badly. The quartet was walking past a farm when Sophia broke the silence.

"You know, all three of you really remind me of my fiancé, Hugo Salonga," Sophia smiled.

"Aw, that's so sweet," Scarecrow cooed.

"I was 14 when we first met," Sophia said as she lay down in a pile of hay. "We were freshmen in high school. I dropped my books on my way to one of my classes, and Hugo came to help me—and when our hands touched, that's when I fell in love."

Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion liked hearing Sophia's love story, and they were amazed that she had fallen in love just by touching her future husband's hand.

"You fell in love just by touching his hand?" Cowardly Lion asked.

"It's like my father told my sister and me when we each got engaged: there's nothing more powerful in the world than true love," Sophia sighed.

The guys really liked hearing the story of how Sophia met Hugo. But just then, Cowardly Lion saw a bush approaching, and the bush stopped at Sophia's feet. He had a bad feeling about this. He growled and picked up the bush to reveal the Wicked Witch of the West.

"Aha! Keep away from my precious little flower!" Cowardly Lion growled.

Sophia screamed and got up. Tin Man and Scarecrow held her very close.

"Someone always helps you, my pretty, but I'm still great enough to conquer you," the Wicked Witch smirked. Then she disappeared.

"That was close," Tin Man sighed.

"Maria told me that these were special slippers," Sophia declared hastily. "Let's get to the Wizard and fast!"

The quartet hurried down the Yellow Brick Road, and it was another very long walk. Sophia wondered if they would ever get to the Tanzanite City. Just then, there was a bright purplish-bluish glow in the sky, and up ahead was...

"Tanzanite City!" Sophia beamed. "At last we're almost there!"

"It's beautiful," Tin Man gaped.

"He really must be a wonderful Wizard to live there," Sophia remarked.

Sophia and her friends skipped down the Yellow Brick Road until they finally reached the Tanzanite City.

"We made it!" Sophia exclaimed.

"Next stop: the Wizard of Oz!" Cowardly Lion sang.

Sophia saw a knocker on the gate and knocked on the gate. A guard wearing purple came out.

"Greetings, fellow travelers," the Guard greeted them. "What brings you here?"

"We wish to see the Wizard," Sophia replied.

"The Wizard?" the Guard gasped. "Oh, nobody has ever seen the Great Oz!"

"Please, we must see the Wizard—the Good Witch of the South sent me," Sophia pleaded.

"Can you prove that?" the Guard asked.

"She's wearing the lavender slippers," Scarecrow declared.

The Guard looked down at Sophia's feet and saw the lavender slippers. Everyone knew that whoever killed the Wicked Witch of the East would be the owner of the lavender slippers, and the Guard had all the proof he needed.

"So she is!" the Guard smiled. "Well, bust my buttons! Why didn't you say that in the first place? That's a horse of a different color; come on in!"

The Guard opened the door to the Tanzanite City. It was so beautiful. So many people were wearing lavender and turquoise. There was a horse-drawn carriage.

"Cabby! Cabby!" the cabby called. "Just what you're looking for. I'll take you anywhere in the City."

"Would you please take us to see the Wizard?" Sophia asked.

"The Wizard?" the Cabby asked. "Of course, but first, I'll take you to a little place where you can get cleaned up."

"Thank you so much," Sophia smiled. "We've been traveling for so long, and I'm so..." She stopped herself when she saw that the horse had turned purple.

"What kind of horse is that?" Sophia gasped. "I've seen a horse like that in the movies but never in real life!"

"No, and you never will again, my dear," the Cabby told her. "There's only one of him, and he's him. He's a horse of a different color."

Sophia and her friends sat in the carriage as the Cabby took them to a salon. Before they got any further, Sophia saw that the horse had turned blue. Pretty soon, the carriage stopped in front of a salon, and when the quartet got down, Sophia saw that the horse was pink. She was amazed by this sight.

Inside, Scarecrow was getting new straw stuffed in his body. Tin Man was getting polished and oiled. Cowardly Lion was getting his mane brushed and trimmed.

Sophia was covered in hay, so some stylists brushed her hair, and they brushed the hay off her body. It tickled so much that she could barely sit still. She had a little hay on her feet, so a pedicurist took one of the slippers off and carefully brushed her foot clean. Sophia started giggling as the bristles of the brush tickled her foot.

"That tickles," giggled Sophia.

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