All That Glitters

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There is a sensation which cascades over me, a tingling feeling in my fingertips, my knees locking as a shiver runs down my spine, and a skip in the beat of my heart – it all causes me to prick up and focus on the situation at hand even harder. All my senses seem to become heightened, as if I can feel each hair on my head which is strained back into a braid, as if I can feel the slight breeze not just paining my face, but running between my fingers, and I can smell the sulfuric sent which causes a metallic taste to settle in my mouth.

Centered in a group of ten men, I find myself surrounded by those pledged to protect me at all costs. Brie and Cedric informed me these men are the best of what warriors we have, yet I do not know their names. They have sworn their loyalty to me on this day and I do not know who any of them are and what they could lose. Straightening my back, I glance over to Declan as his instructions spoken to his fellow mages are in a language I cannot understand. All I can understand is that whatever spells are being cast, it has caused such sensations to run over me and strike a fear in my heart.

As I am within a group of eleven total, we will enter through a portal with another two small platoons. Declan had informed me previously that the portal I am entering through will be projected within the observatory of the palace, for River had informed Declan of the security the room provides. River, Cedric, and Brie are grouped in the platoon which will work with my own, about fifteen warriors working alongside them as I feel like I am only here for the ride – the thrill. A thrill I will never wish to partake in again.

The atmosphere shifts within the area, for our eyes all look ahead to what the mages have conjured up. The tension within our groups seems to settle and transform into a sense of astonishment as a portal is projected before our very eyes. What I had expected was perhaps a portal formed of a green or purple hue, swirling within itself, yet this is different. A shimmery film seems to be placed almost before the section of land behind it, the portal perhaps glimmering as it has a hallucinogenic effect. The portal seems to call to me, soft whispers sailing through the wind, my body drawn towards it as I wonder just how powerful this form of Chaos really is. As the area of the portal stretches out to fit our platoons, I notice the other portals which seem to appear from nowhere, spanning wider to fit more of our army through.

"The bridge has been placed," I hear Declan exclaim, informing us that the portals are complete. "Go through."

There is a form of cheering in the air, one which could be compared to men charging into war upon their horses. The cheering here is not one a crowd would put out at a celebration, but one indeed formed in times of war and battle. I notice the first platoon of warriors for our portal enter into the shimmering object, their bodies fading away as my platoon takes a step forward. Glancing over my shoulder, I look back to River, catching his gaze as I notice just how tense he looks in this moment. His stare goes straight through me though, looking ahead to the portal as I feel a rush of wind spiraling around me. The counter-rotation of the wind almost creates a panic to settle within me as my warriors step closer to the shimmer. My body is pulled closer and I look away from River as his own platoon with Cedric and Brie follows us.

As my body is feet away from the shimmering portal, I reach out of my fingertips, brushing the fabrication of the shimmer as a magnetism seems to draw me in without a second through.

The howling of wind passes around me, nothing to see as I sense the men around me. My head becomes heavy and I stumble forward, feeling as if I have faded away from existence.

Within a split second, the oblivion I was staring into shatters and a gust of wind blows quickly over. The moment I sense the wind is the moment it ends and before my eyes lies the familiar architecture of the palace belonging to Eternal Shadows.

The observatory is not what I remembered, for while the massive telescope still lies placed in the center, silver stars are drawn on the walls, signifying symbols of ancient times. The furniture once in the room is all but replaced with rows of desks and chairs, piled heigh with literature and notes. Keva had turned this room into something else, something which resembles that of a classroom.

The lead warrior of my platoon, Inie, instructs us to follow the platoon ahead of us and seek protection behind them. As we move to behind the platoon ahead of us, I watch as the platoon containing Cedric, Brie, and River enters into the room. As Inie informs me to keep moving, I notice we are headed for the staircase which will lead us from this room. I try and catch a glance of River, to watch how he responds to the changes of a room he once loved.

Orders can be heard down the hall, barked at those in the platoon before me as I know we have already found our first encounter. Brie rushes ahead, moving past me as she gives no time for anyone to say a word. She is going to lead the other men into their first encounter. I watch as Cedric instructs his platoon to protect my platoon most of all and keep their eyes open for the enemy. My group of eleven seems to be absorbed with Cedric's, my body brushing River's as I notice he is now gazing at me and no longer the room. He had once called this room his second home in the palace, yet Keva has stripped it of what made it unique to River.

"Move forward!" I hear Brie yell, guiding our men down the winding staircase. As I reach the bottom of the stairs and we come before a large hall, the first capsulitis are spotted. Two elves lie motionless, one with his chest carved open as his light green eyes gape at the floor. The other elf is folded over a small bench, her white hair stained crimson as I notice four warriors from the first platoon scattered across the entrance of the hall. River mutters to me to pay no attention to the bodies, for it will only cause me pain and fear.

My hand is taken, River leading me forward as he notices the aid I need to move past the first bodies I have seen today. The first of many. Brie gives out signals, informing us to push against the corner of the wall and prepare for another attack. As I find my back against the cold wall, I watch my men get into formation as Inie stands before me. We can hear the clicking of boots against the marble floor, the lightness of their step only making me more aware of just how these elves can sneak up on you.

A collection of ten elves run into the hallway, long and elegant swords in their hands. Cedric lets out an order and I watch as arrows rain through the hallway, flying over my head as I follow the arrows to where they land. The elves are fast too, moving into a tight formation as they signal a spell to protect them. The line of archers Cedric is commanding from the back fires another round the moment one elf falls onto their back with an arrow in their side. The elves try and regroup, but Brie instructs us to attack as the second wave of arrows does not breach the formed barrier of elves with their magic. Inie holds me back, the rest of the men in my platoon bracing themselves should the elves come for me.

I watch as our men charge for the group of ten elves, werewolves wielding swords as they are prepared to face the enemy. As a good amount of men run to the elves with attacks underway, I notice River standing still in the back, eyes peeled open as he perhaps recognizes those elves who ready their weapons.

Metal on metal, I can hear the scraping of the swords as they meet. I notice how the elves move, studying the fluidity of their motions. Their body moves as one machine, a fluid style as they cut their sword through the air. These swordsmen are not just fighting as an individual machine each – no – it appears as if they are all one machine together as they fight.

I notice bodies drop on both sides. Brie leads the wave of wolves breaking through the elves, her body twisting in various directions as she counters the attack of elves and defends herself. I notice Brie in a moment of her fighting, as her hair flips over her shoulder and she pivots on her heel, raising the blade of her own sword to meet that of an elf. She drops to her left knee, leading her sword down for a sweep as she swings the blade of her weapon and it catches into the shin of the elf who just attacked her. The elf's face twists with pain as he falls. The moment the elf falls to his knees, Brie has regained her ground and brings the blade of her sword across the jugular of the elf.

I snap my head away from the sight of blood pouring from the elf's neck, only hearing Brie as she instructs our men to push forward. As the warriors push past and run further into the hallway, Inie informs me we will be taking a different way around.

"We cannot follow them," Cedric instructs, pulling up beside Inie. "As Brie leads these men forward, it will call attention towards them."

"And allow us to run through the palace with less detection," Inie finishes, looking back to me. "We will play it safe while maintaining a distraction."

"Will that work?" I ask, not directing my question to Cedric nor Inie, but to River. He knows how these men work, how they scout out threats, and perhaps just how safe it is to leave Brie to lead men forward. "What if we become ambushed with more than we can handle?"

River glances to Brie, watching as she leads a group of thirty warriors further into the palace. Fighting can be heard from afar, cries of pain as I wonder what could be happening. I wonder where Keva and Asger could be. "There are small hallways we could pass through. There are ways to go undetected, but we could be easily cornered."

"Brie is leading our men to the mass of the fighting," Cedric comments. "We follow and we put Leala's life at risk."

I bite my tongue, wanting to bark at Cedric I wish to fight beside those facing elves rather than kept afar. Yet I know Cedric is thinking of the future for this kingdom we fight for. I also know River has a bias here to find Keva or Asger. "Then we will continue to secluded path," Inie interjects.

"Keva will instruct her men to watch for smaller platoons traveling through the palace," I add, "she is smart enough to expect smaller groups of this army to continue through small hallways."

"You are the leader of this army," Cedric mutters, almost unhappy to admit the fact as he knows saying so will allow me to make whatever decision, regardless of advice.

Pulling back my shoulders, I take in a deep breath. "We will continue through smaller portions of the palace. We have archers with us so we will find a way to fight from a high ground."

As a decision has been made, we all pull together and go opposite of where Brie led her men. Inie guides me forward, ten men before where I march with this group, a collection of archers, warriors, and other behind me as we head for a narrow staircase. River informs us where to go, commenting the staircase will take us up to a third level of the palace which overlooks the grand room where the throne is held. We continue forward, up the stairs as we try and remain silent.

River's arm brushes against my own as he comes to my side in the staircase, climbing three flights. I keep myself close to him, but my hand closer to the short sword at my side in fear of any sudden movements. Our group finds a small opening with a balcony that overlooks the throne room.

River pulls me down to my knees, our group wishing to remain unseen by those on the first floor. My back against a marble railing, I look over River to watch Cedric instruct the archers to ready their weapons. I try and look over the railing, trying to catch a glimpse of the throne below, wondering just how many men are below. Cedric informs the men to fire when Brie's men make their way into the throne room.

I can hear running from below, informing me that some portion of our army has entered into the throne room. "Fire!"

The archers pop to their feet, firing their arrows at the elves below as shouting erupts through the room. Elves cry out about archers on the third level while other wolves attack from the entrances. Taking in a deep breath, I try and calm myself down as I watch the warriors below scatter around the room, dueling with elves around the throne. Cedric has us fire again as we watch more wolves fall than elves. Soon enough, Brie has led men in through another side entrance, charging at the elves. Just as I believe the elves are distracted on all sides, a blast erupts to my left.

A ringing in my ear breaks my concentration, white light flashing before my eyes as a white flame dances upon the balcony. My arm is grabbed, pulling me away as I notice the marble railing shattered where the blast occurred, a few men screaming out in pain. The fire catches hold of their clothes, burning through as their screams intensify as I scrabble to get to my feet. Cedric pulls two archers from the blast, yelling at us to seek shelter.

A second blast occurs, the railing exploding as marble chunks fly through the air and shatter whatever they hit. A warmth begins to surround us as I watch the white flame catch hold of a rug, consuming the fabric as the fire spreads. Looking across, I notice the white flames creating a barrier, Cedric, and his men on one side as I remain with Inie, River, and about ten warriors. We have become a fraction of what strength we were before, Inie pulling me further from the fire as we take cover in a side room where two warriors collapse into the seats, trying to tend to their wounds. Looking below, I notice Brie as she leads a wave of men forward and towards the main doors of the palace, walking over the crimson pools tainting the marble floor.

The ringing in my ear begins to fade as I hear cries of agony from those burnt by the flame, Cedric trying to put out the fire as he becomes too late, for their bodies become burnt to a crisp. The white fire is a form of magic, consuming the victim quickly.

River takes hold of me, helping me to my feet once more as we flee from the room, in fear the flame could still catch hold of us. As our men enter a hallway, we watch as the flames burst into red and orange, beginning to burn what it can. Smoke begins to rise as we run from the room, in fear of the flames catching us. "The hell is that stuff?" Inie snaps, looking to River as we are all curious what kind of spell was cast.

"The 'flame of ice,' is sounds more poetic in elven tongue. It burns the flesh and causes the victim to feel as if ice is eating away at their bones. An elven spell which quickly becomes one of darkness."

Smoke runs through the hallway, heat expanding as we run down a flight of stairs. With myself at the back of the group, River leads our men further from the hallway and flames, down to a room filled with instruments. Slamming the door shut behind us, Inie rushes over to the windows of the room as we can look out to the town of Eternal Shadows. Brie fights upon the stairs of the palace, wielding her blade as her men rush down the stairs. A large army of our men from Crimson Lock fight before the palace walls, taking out those who come at them.

For one moment it fees as if there is a peace within the room we seek shelter in, only for a blast a magnitude higher than the one from before knocks against the door. I flinch, expecting the wooden door to shatter open.

River stands before the door, holding out his arms as it looks as if he is holding back an invisible boulder from crushing us. A shimmering outline is formed around the door, River grunting as the blast erupts again, sliding his feet back as he is concentrated on the door. "Go, get out of here," River yells. "Get out of this room. Inie, try and get Leala to a group of warriors, to be protected further."

"We are not leaving you behind," I snap, Inie trying to take me from the room as our men begin to filter out through the other door.

"You are," River snaps, clenching his teeth as I watch his arms shake. "Get her out of here. I will hold off the elves here."


"You promised!" River shouts, his voice breaking as I remember the promise he asked me of – to seek shelter when we are to be separated. Yet I do not wish to leave him in the path of danger.

I find myself pulled away, yelling at River to find us when he can. As Inie guides me from the room, I watch River's hands collapse and two elves run into the room. As we turn a corner, I watch what I can, noticing one of the elves to be of a familiar name and face. A slight smile tugs at River's lips as he pulls his slender sword out, casting a spell as Asger and whoever he is wish draw their own weapons.

I am guided back down to the lower level, pools of crimson almost seeming impossible to avoid as we run across the throne room littered with limp figures. With my fingers shaking, I have one hand taking hold of the short sword while the other is at my side. Looking back to where we left River, I can hear what sounds like glass shattering. A rush of adrenaline sets in as I know what happened to my parents the day my father left. The day my father charged into a palace without any aid and found his story come to a close. My mother entered that same palace seeking vengeance. The day they separated was when they were broken.

The adrenaline is maximized as I hear a cry of pain from River, echoing through the halls of the palace as I break from Inie and his group. I know the promise River asked of me. I know what he means to me.

My hand pulls the sword from it sheath, Inie taking a second to notice I have pivoted and am running back to River. "He can protect himself, Leala, let him be," Inie shouts, almost catching up with me as a collection of five elves enter the throne room.

The moment they recognize that I am the one closest to them, I watch those eyes widen with excitement. Inie lunges forward, his sword catching the attack of an elf before I can react. Reading myself, I recall what Terrance taught me as I plant my feet and keep my knees bent.

An elf comes at me, lunging forward like an animal as I take a step back, bringing my sword diagonally to cross my torso, catching the blade of the elf, and pushing it back. As our two groups clash, I find my lungs almost burning as I work hard to catch my breath. I keep the momentum rolling as I preform a pirouette, my blade brought down and crossing down as I try and catch my blade in the elf's knee. Only, the elf is faster than me as he backs away and pushing his sword, as if cutting the air, and I feel a pinch in my shoulder. I ignore the feeling in my shoulder, leaping closer to the elf as I tackle the elf to the floor.

I have my knees pressed on his hands, my sword pushing against his wrist as I feel the blade slice into his skin. The eyes of the elf widen as he becomes incapable of moving his hand. Bringing my blade back up, I begin to position it at his neck, only for my hair to be yanked back by someone else.

My body is flung back, my hands losing grip of my sword as my back collides with the hard floor. My head snaps back against the stone floor, a pressure felt at the base of my neck as I gasp for air, looking to see an elf with black hair walking towards me. I try and grab the handle of my blade, only for a pain to erupt through my shoulder as I remember I was nicked.

Rather than spent time trying to grab hold of a dagger far from reach, I get to my feet, pulling from my side a dagger as I ready myself. The pressure at the base of my neck makes it hard to concentrate, my body wobbling as I widen the stance of my feet and look to the black-haired elf approaching me. As he swings his blade, I dodge it by throwing my body towards the ground as I roll on my side and come back up to my feet. Now closer to the elf, I swing my dagger, piercing the air as the tip of it scrapes against the elf's side. Rather than use his sword, his hands are fast as he drops his sword and grabs hold of my arm. One moment he has my hand in his in a death grip and the next, he has me pinned to the ground. I hand onto my dagger, keeping the tip positioned towards the elf as I try and break his death grip and slide the blade into his chest.

The dagger is taken from my hand and I let out a gasp, a burning sensation running through my side as I find it unimaginably painful to twist my torso. "Fucking wolf," the elf hisses, twisting his arm as I let out a cry of pain. "So weak."

I know to not shift into my wolf while the blade of a dagger is lodged in my side, in fear of what damage the blade could cause while shifting. Rather than shift, I use the strength I have, landing a hard punch to the elf's jaw as he falls off to my side. Grabbing at the sword the elf had dropped before we landed on the floor, I let out a cry of pain as I twist my body and swing the sword over with my movements, landing the edge of the blade right into the elf's face as I look away the moment the blade slices through his nose and digs into his face.

The elf lets out a shattering scream of pain the moment I pull the blade from his face, only to slide the blade through his upper torso. Blood runs down his face, trickling to the floor as his clothes become stained. His fingers shake as they come to the blade, trying to grab it out as I hold it in, his fingers sliding down the blade as those dark grey eyes gaze up at me. As he lets out his last breath, I take the blade from his torso and wield it as I come to my feet, readying myself for another attack. Making my way from the body of the elf I just took down, I grab the short sword I was gifted, dropping the other as I stumble. The dagger positioned in my side calls for me to pull it out, yet I fear the damage I could do. I know I need it out, for every move becomes more painful.

Dropping down to the body of a fallen warrior from earlier, I apologize to the limp body, unable to look into her glassy eyes. Tearing off a strip of her shirt, I bunch it up and ready myself. Taking in a deep breath, I cry out, pulling the dagger form my side as I press the torn shirt piece to my side. Scarlet begins to stain the shirt and my own as I tear off a larger portion of the warrior's shirt, wrapping it around my side like a bandage as tears fall from my eyes.

Looking ahead, I see Inie chop down an elf and look around for me. As he spots me standing, holding my side as blood trickles over my fingers, I become aware of how injured I am. Yet I am alive and I have to continue this. I have to continue fighting before I find myself like one of these bodies scattered across the floor. Inie runs over to me, helping to bandage my wound properly as he pulls a small medical kit from his side. The fifteen men we entered this room with...we are a fraction of that as only six of us are left standing.

Yet in that time, no one has emerged from where we left River to faceoff against Asger and another elf. A fear sets within me, yet I know River is not dead, I feel it in my soul that he is still alive and breathing. Perhaps he could be in a much better shape that myself.

My body is hoisted up, Inie carrying me away from the throne room as the other warriors pull through with us, running for some form of shelter. "River."

"We need to take care of you," Inie insists, "you are the top priority here. Just keep your eyes open. Don't sleep."

"I won't," I promise, focusing on the last few moments I shared with River before this crazy morning happened. How we spent our last hours together, sitting with one another, expressing simple forms of intimacy. I remember how he held me in those moments and how they made me feel alive. I concentrate on those memories as Inie places me down on a bench and inspects my wounds. "I'm fine," I whisper, my mouth dry as I look up to the ceiling with celestial objects painted in metallic hues. "We need to find Keva."

Just as I say those words, the heat in the room begins to pick up and Inie becomes worried. "The fire is spreading," he mutters, cursing under his breath as he looks up to the warriors circling around me. "We need to get out of this palace before it falls apart into ruin."

My mother died in the flames of the palace, her corpse consumed by the flames as everything ended in fire – her story, the kingdom, and the strength of the werewolf community. Things have been rebuilt, for our strength was regained, yet I will not find myself in the same fate of my mother. "The garden," I whisper, trying to pull myself up. "Let us seek shelter in the garden, under the canopy by the roses."

"Is it safe?" Inie asks, worried to enter a garden where no protection can be found.

"Is there another way to the front? To meet back with Brie or the others? Alpha Finley should have entered the castle across from us," I gasp in pain, rolling my head to the side as I try and keep myself awake. "Perhaps we can find others."

"Regain strength before another ambush," Inie agrees, glancing back over to the men left standing. "We should be fast."

As Inie is about to pick me up, I push him away softly, placing my feet on the floor as I rise from the bench. My first steps are a stumble, finding my balance as I walk with Inie. Our men head through the hallway, heat spreading in the palace as I look over my feet. Just as I glance to the doorway we arrived through; I watch a column from the throne room crumble to the ground. Our pace quickens, heading for the exit of the hall. Entering into another opening, the green garden lies ahead of us with no elf in sight.

Just as we pull into the garden, the fresh air refreshing to catch a whiff of. Inie staying by my side, I look around the exit to the garden, seeing if anyone else has made it out. Just as our small group makes our way to the green of the garden, I am shaken to my core by a sound and sight which causes my hopes to fall.

The west end of the palace crumbles, the stones falling as the western tower cracks, the flames consuming the tower as a gasp escapes my mouth. With pieces of Eternal Shadows beginning to crumble, I take a step back, watching flames burst from the glass windows, the sun just having risen a quarter into the sky. As the shards of glass blasting from the windows, I watch them catch the sunlight, glittering as they fall to the earth.

My mind cannot leave the possibilities of what has become of River behind. My hand grasps the container of stardust through my jacket, my heart beating fast as I wonder if I will ever see those golden eyes again. 

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