Power and Control

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Packs used to be treated as a smaller collection of colony-like denominations, serving their King as they paid taxes, created treaties, followed rules, and sent over their Alphas as their representatives to make new laws with with King. That was the way the werewolf world used to work, that is what I studied in school and what my parents taught me. Now, packs serve as great houses, the Alpha seen as the Lord of the house, and no King claiming authority over the houses. Some Alphas were appointed by the people of their pack...their house, while others still were passed down the title through flesh and blood. Eight of the nine houses remaining are those from the Old Kingdom, but one of the nine is from the New Kingdom. Eternal Shadows just appeared one day out of the blue, flying house colors of blue and silver, claiming territory, a title, and respect from others.

"She is still naïve. We cannot let her just run about."

"She is old enough...she can handle these things."

The voices of my parents pulls me away from the warmth of the fireplace and the comfort of the living room. Sitting up on the couch, I slide my feet onto the floor, peering through the doorway to the kitchen to see the shadows of my parents in an intense discussion. They keep reminding one another to keep their voice soft, worried I will hear their conversation. Placing my book down on the couch, I pull the blanket off my lap, edging forward as I wonder if this about my meeting with Alpha Edward from earlier. The Alpha almost threw me from his office the moment Luna Olivia suggested in mockery that I should be placed in the welcoming party to point out who could be an elf. Perhaps my parents are wishing to send me away for when Eternal Shadows visits, worried I may try to cause trouble between our packs when I spot the elves.

"She is a child, Quinn," my dad snaps, calling my mom by her name as his voice is harsh, "she is barely twenty-two and has never known the harsh reality of this world."

"She saw a girl slaughtered in from of her, Terrance, she knows how cruel this world can be."


"Terrance, leave it alone."

Their voices die out, leaving me to wonder why they would bring up the Steward's daughter again. Gwenevieve's body was laid to rest in her family's mausoleum two days ago, her father offering a generous reward for the capture of the men who committed the slaughter of his daughter and twelve pack members.

"We only place her in danger if we let her do that," dad adds to the conversation. A chair screeches across the wooden floor, footsteps quick as I watch my father leave the kitchen and head for the front door. We make eye contact as he leaves, the door slamming behind him as I notice my mother standing at the entrance of the living room.

"Everything okay?" I ask, already knowing the answer as I watch my mother walk towards me. As she takes a seat beside me and warms up by the fire, she looks out the window to the thin layer of snow covering the ground, father rushing off to his car.

Taking in a deep breath, my mother leans back in her seat and makes eye contact with me. "The world is cruel to girls, Evelyn. Your father and I have worked hard to protect you. With the New Kingdom holding shaky politics and treaties, attacks are common, betrayal is something to always be on alert about..." she pauses, looking back to the fire as the flames are reflected in her eyes.

I have witnessed rogue attacks before, watching my father rush out to the field to fight them off with other warriors as my mother held me close in the pack house. Our pack has worked hard to be one of the last standing. Some packs that have been unfortunate find their members slaughtered off in medieval ways, their children even butchered, their women raped and slaughtered after, and the men the first to die as the Alpha's body is hung at the entrance to the pack land as a treaty. I was barely old enough to walk when those massacres occurred, my parents having to live through hearing the news of fellow packs suffering such brutal fates. My mother has always told me that the world is cruel to young women, that it is unforgiving.

"I take it you and dad are not fans of Eternal Shadows visiting our pack," I point out, raising an eyebrow as my mom nods her head.

"Alpha Edward has requested pack families of title to be there for the welcoming dinner. Your father does not wish for you to do, which goes against Aloha Edward's invitation. I think you are old enough to go."

Dad is afraid I will speak up about what I saw when Gwenevieve was killed, that I saw elves. He is afraid I could cause our pack to lose a treaty with Eternal Shadows or cause tensions rise between our packs. But not attending a dinner the Alpha has invited me to will be rude. "Is it because of what I saw?" I ask, wanting to get assurance on the reason why I believe father to not want me there.

"He...he wants you to be safe."

"I am not a child," I retort, getting to my feet as my mother shakes her head.

"But you are still, Evelyn. You are barely twenty-two. I know you may not believe this, but you lack so much life experience-

"Is this because I did not want to become a pack warrior? Because I didn't want to spend my days training and being pestered by dad."

"No. I am just saying that you are still young. You need to trust that we know what is best for you here. It is not because you did not want to become a warrior, hell, I never wanted to become a warrior," mom states, trying to calm down the argument as I take in a deep breath, trying to relax as I remember the day I turned down the offer to train with the pack warriors. I was sixteen and father was ecstatic, but I knew it was not for me, as if I was destined for something else...something greater. Yet life did not take me much father, for I got my degree from University, hoping it would help me manage relations between our pack and others, but Alpha Edward told me someone else had filled that job he promised me when I went off to college.

"So am I going to the dinner?" I question, wanting to know the final answer.

"You're an adult. Your father does not want you to, but if you want, nothing can stop you from showing up."

"He is afraid I will threaten the certainty of a treaty," I mumble, "because he thinks if I see an elf I may assume they are the same one that killed Gwenevieve ."

Shaking her head, mother gets to her feet, pulling me out of the living room. "No, he is just worried for your safety. No one knows much about Eternal Shadows. If something goes wrong at the dinner, he would rather have you not there than having to fight for your life." I can understand that, for no one really knows much about Eternal Shadows. Sure, they have made treaties with other packs, but those packs are silent on how they met with the leaders of Eternal Shadows and what they were like. Crimson Lock could see this as a threat for us to make a treaty with another powerful pack, for it is no secret someone wants to claim the title of Alpha King for their lineage now that no king sits on the throne.

"I'll go."

I want to see their unique pack. I want to see what all the fuss is about, why so many rumors surround this mixed pack of werewolves and elves. How werewolves and elves formed a park together is a mystery to me, but I hope to figure that out. If I happen to spot the elf who killed Gwenevieve , then I will have achieved another task as well, but will need to figure out what to do next. To contact Crimson Lock since my own Alpha does not want to hear what I saw? Perhaps that is something I could look into since the Steward wants to find whoever killed his daughter and pack members. The new kingdom is already broken, struggling to build itself back up, and the thought of war coming our war is something that needs to be stopped before it can occur. 

"You must promise to keep silent about this issue then," mother pleads, her voice stretched thin as I know what she is asking. She is not just asking me to keep my mouth shut about this issue of the elves during dinner, but for the future too. 

"I-I know what I saw. I swear on the Moon Goddess I saw elves attack and kill members of Crimson Lock." 

"I believe you, Evelyn," she pauses, taking in a deep breath, "but that truth will not be accepted by many. Some will not want to hear it because they do not want to think of elves now as an enemy to worry about. This world is fragile, Eve, and I have no doubt you have noticed this as well." 

With that, mother leaves the room, telling me to get ready for the dinner tonight, warning me to stray from the pack house for the time being as Eternal Shadow visits. She does not want me even leaving the house. I've been used to hearing that, for mother to keep me at home with other packs are visiting, no matter what the event, only making an appearance during dinners. 

Grabbing my book, I lean back on the couch, going back to my novel as I wait for the hours to tick by, wondering why elves would care to make an appearance in this side of the globe again. After all, the last tribe of elves left when Queen Sybil was murdered. They migrated to Central Europe, no one really caring to know what happened to them or why they left. My teachers told me it was because Queen Sybil was friends with the elves and after her death, they saw no chance at a friendship with the werewolf kingdom here. Others say Sybil had promised them her child, as if taken from the lines of a fairytale novel, and when she passed away, they elves could not claim a child of hers so they moved on to the next werewolf kingdom in the East. 

The hours pass by slowly, my parents leaving me alone in the house as I drag my feet around in the house, browsing through old books as the topic of elves has spiked my interest. The internet has become a non-priority resource, most of their articles from what humans perceive of the supernatural realm from their TV shows, movies, and novels. My mom studied ancient creatures and myths for a few years before having me, expanding her knowledge overseas in the Eastern Werewolf Empire as she studied under the Werewolf King's Head Librarian. Yet with all of her travels, she barely brought anything back with her, most of the books old literature and history books. 

The photo albums are my last resort, looking through old pictures taken from my parent's youth. There are plenty of my parents together celebrating their marriage, birthdays, holidays, and adventures. Mom never liked to be photographed while pregnant with me, most of her pregnancy photos taken from shoulders up. It was always weird to me, but I could understand a little. Giving up, I place everything back on the bookshelves and return to my room, grabbing an outfit for the night as I curl my hair and cover a few acne scars on my cheeks. 

Taking in a deep breath, I grab my heeled booties, sliding them onto my feet as I rise a few inches from my original height. I still cannot shake the image of Gwenevieve falling to the floor as blood spilled out from her neck, sounds coming from her mouth barely as she could not scream out in pain or call for help. Her dress stained in blood as screams had filled the air and she lay in a pool of her own blood. It is not the way I want to go. Brushing a few loose hairs off my dark wash jeans, I throw on my dark navy - almost black - wool coat, heading down the stairs to the front door as I can hear my mom calling my name. 

"You look nice," she states, kissing my forehead as we walk together out of the house and into the car where dad sits ready to go. 

The ride is tense, my parents unwilling to speak with one another after this morning. The ten-minute drive feels like hours as I stare out the window, watching snowflakes fall to the ground. As we pull up to the Alpha's house, I let out a nervous breath and hop out of the car, looking to my father as he slams the car door shut. "Evelyn, please not a word about-"

"Elves. I know, mom mentioned it," I interrupt, rolling my eyes as I trail behind my parents, examining the unfamiliar cars parked at the front of the circular drive. The Land Rovers are parked tightly together, their windows tinted to the extreme, and a rather intimidatingly large man standing beside them, as if guarding them as he takes a long drag of his cigarette. We walk up to the front door, mom and dad putting on fake smiles as Luna Olivia greets us, welcoming us inside as she offers me a glare. She too wants me to keep my mouth shut tonight, for she needs our pack to make this treaty. 

The unfamiliar scents hit me like a ton of bricks as I enter into the living room, seeing a collection of my own pack members and strangers gathering together. The elves can be spotted right away, only two of them, towering over Beta Jackson by almost a foot. Their ears are slightly pointed, noses small, skin pale, and looking strange, their builds trim, clothes that of a lavender and silver color, and hair swept back to show off their eternal-like faces. I can tell many of my own pack members try not to stare at them, to not seem rude, but I cannot help but stare ahead at the shorter of the two elves, his lavender eyes meeting mine as he catches my stare. Immediately I look away, knowing better than to hold the gaze as I make my way to the table with a few wine glasses. Picking up a chardonnay, I turn around and try to spot the Alpha of the Eternal Shadows, wondering who this mysterious creature could be. 

"I take it you are not used to our kind," a voice calls my attention as I crank my neck up to meet the gaze of the elf I was just staring at. His accent is strange, for I cannot place it, but the way he talks is elegant, every word pronounces clear, and his 'r's' rolling slightly. 

Taken off guard, I slightly choke on my wine, finding it hard to contain my surprise as I shake my head. 

"You are one of the few here to stare, yet alone look at me." He waits for some sort of answer from me, silence running between us as I know this man was not part of the group that attack Crimson Lock. His face does not look familiar, nor would anyone who was part of that attack be dumb enough to show their face and take a risk. "Asger." 

"Evelyn," I greet, my voice a bit shaky as I watch him nod his head. 

"Very pretty name." My cheeks feel a slight warm rush to them as he compliments my name, something I've hardly been complimented for. "So, how are you related to Alpha Edward?" 

"His head warrior is my father," I explain, pointing out my father to Asger as he nods. "And what position do you hold in Eternal Shadows?" 

"I am the second in command, the Hand of the Alpha." 

"So you are the Beta?" I clarify, putting it into pack terms as Asger slightly shakes his head. 

"We do not have such common terms for positions. Hand of the Alpha is your version of the Beta. Head of the Alpha Guard is your father's position." His pack's terms reflect very much of a King's positions, only the word king is replaced with Alpha. 

We begin to continue our conversation as I learn new terms for positions within a pack. I soon find myself enjoying Asger's company, wondering about the other elf in the room here. Could he be the Alpha? Perhaps not, he does not seem like an Alpha. Besides, Alpha Edward is missing, meaning that he could be in a meeting with Eternal Shadow's Alpha at this moment. 

"Your pack is very impressive, very strong after the war," Asger comments as I raise an eyebrow. It is a weird thing to comment. "Many packs did not survive or they merged together to form new packs."

"Your pack is a mystery you know," I point out, "no one knows how you originated. Eternal Shadows just popped up one day and claimed territory and a title." 

Our conversation grows cold as I speak. "We had been in the making for years," Asger responds quickly, diluting the tension in the air. "We were just waiting on the right Alpha to come of age." 

What could he mean? Come of age? No pack waits for their Alpha to simply come of age before they come into existence. Did his pack already have their Alpha picked out before they became a pack? 

Just as I open my mouth to ask another question, the clearing of a throat at the room entrance calls the attention of everyone. Alpha Edward stands at the doorway between the common room and the dinning room. Standing beside him is Luna Olivia, her arm around his back as they stand together greeting everyone. 

Applause erupts around the room as I feel myself drowned out, falling into an abyss as tunnel vision begins, and my eyes unable to focus as those golden eyes meet mine. I almost stumble back, the wall catching me as I try and pull myself together, looking back to those eyes again as I remember the conversation we held which felt like a lifetime ago. I have barely thought of him since, those golden eyes hardly crossing my mind as the night I met him was the last night I thought I would see him. 

River stands beside Alpha Edward as the applause begins to die down, his hair pushed back, wearing a casual pair of tailored pants, button down, and wool coat. He seems happy, ecstatic and commanding a room with the wave of his hand as people greet him with smiles and handshakes. I can hear the whispers begin, commenting on how a deal was made, about how young the Alpha of Eternal Shadows looks. 

He was there that night, unwilling to tell me which pack he was from, pointing out Gwenevieve and raising the question of who she may go home with. He was there and it never would have crossed my mind that he would have been the Alpha of Eternal Shadows. 

People begin making their way into the dinning room, yet I stand in place, my eyes focused on the young Alpha as I watch him interact with others. Those golden eyes meet mine once more, reacting in a way which tells me he remembers me. He leaves Alpha Edward's side, walking through the crowd who congratulate him, his presence nearing mine as I take a long sip of my wine, wondering if he will speak first again. 

"I had no idea you were par-"

"You're young for an Alpha," I interrupt, my nervous bundled up and bouncing off the walls as my voice is shaky. 

Nodding, River looks to the drink in my hand and back to me. "It is nice to see you again, Evelyn," he speaks, my name rolling off his tongue as I straighten my posture. "It is a pleasure." 

Looking past his shoulder, I spot my father watching me with a concerned look on his face, his skin paled as I wonder what is wrong. He has never been nervous to see me talk to someone outside of the pack before...but tensions are high these days. 

"A pack with a third of the members being elves. How did that happen?" I ask, blurting out my question as I watch River's lips turn upwards in amusement. 

Looking over his shoulder, he sees my father and Alpha Edward waiting for him. "Tell you what," he  begins, a smirk tugging at his lips, "meet with me after dinner and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have." 

He backs away, heading for the dinning room as I meet the displeasing eyes of my parents. My mother was unhappy the night she saw me speaking with him, for she had pulled me away from him. There is no way she could have known that he was the Alpha of Eternal Shadows. Meeting up with my parents, we take our places at the side of the table near Alpha Edward, cheerful conversations filling the air as our packs are pleased at the new treaty to be signed by the end of the evening. 

Alpha River takes a seat by his Hand of the Alpha and Head of the Alpha Guard. With my seat taken beside my parents and Alpha Edward asking for the drinks to be served, I glance over to River, those golden eyes scanning the room as my heart beats fast in my chest. Drinks are brought out, poured into our glasses as Alpha Edward raises his glass, toasting to the new treaty between our packs. 

Taking a drink of the fine wine, I look across the faces at the table, seeing past their cheerful smiles as they toast with the Alpha as well. The conversation continues through the evening as I remind myself to remain civil and blend into the background, besides, the politics these people discuss do not interest me. They talk of which Alpha on the West Coast has just drafted a second treaty with some pack overseas and the politics involved while my head is running through the scenario of what could have happened if we had sensed the elves coming that night and fought back. Would members of Crimson Lock still be alive while members of other packs be dead? There was only one other casualty from another pack and that was because someone was holding the door closed to keep the elves out of a room which they pushed open with superhuman-like strength. 

Looking across the table to the two elves, I wonder how old they are. Elves age slowly, that is a truth among all forms of literature, but it varies how long. Could these elves be centuries old, decades old, or just as old as they look? Could Asger be as old as the moon or could he be thirty years old? 

The main dish for the night is brought out and I allow the time to fly by, wondering about what my conversation with River later tonight could bring out. He never told me he was Alpha, he never thought to point that out when we met. It is uncommon for someone to introduce themselves without their title to someone new in this society...yet alone an Alpha. Alphas are boastful of their positions, not wanting to shy away from their title like some shameful secret.

River sits at the opposite side of the table, the pack members of his which sit around him looking very different from those of my own pack. His members hold themselves different, they watch people different. While people from my pack seem relaxed and enjoying the night, this all seems to be an act for his pack members, putting on a show as their eyes do not reflect the emotions their faces are displaying. I listen carefully to their laughs, finding them forced as their eyes seem to scan the room more for tactful reasons than interest. They are not here to enjoy themselves. They are here strictly for business. But what form of business could that be?

I become tense, my shoulders stiffening up as I stare down at my plate, my fingers tight around my fork as soon enough, dessert is brought out and more wine is poured into my glass. Mother asks if I am okay and I simply nod. 

As the waiting staff begins to pick up the silverware from the table, I slide my steak knife from the table and under the cloth napkin on my lap, wanting to have something to at least defend myself if something goes wrong tonight. The table is cleaned up and I place the knife in the pocket of my jacket, getting to my feet as Alpha Edward calls dinner a success. Guests begin to exit for the evening, thanking the Alpha for his hospitality as they head out, and paying little attention to the visiting pack which watches them like predators. 

Looking over the shoulder of Alpha Edward, I meet the gaze of River, those golden eyes almost shimmering in the moonlight, his posture relaxed as I remind myself to roll back my tensed shoulders. I've never seen an eye shade like his, golden like amber, flecks of gold almost swirling around, as if magic had played a role in crafting them. 

He motions for me to follow him, taking a step towards a stray hallway as no one seems to notice the star guest begin to disappear. I begin to follow, not rushing my steps as I make sure to not make eye contact with anyone, sliding off into the same stray hallway as the mysterious Alpha. Standing in a doorway to the outside, River waits for me as I can feel the cold breeze brush across my skin, nipping at my flesh as goosebumps spread across my skin. He steps out into the night with my close behind him, the door closing softly as we exit together and are soon in the small cluster of trees behind Alpha Edward's house. 

"You seem tense," he comments, looking back to me as the snow falls softly all around us. "Not a fan of dinner parties?" 

"Many packs have been on edge lately since Crimson Lock members were attacked." 

River nods. "Very sad event." 

"You were there that night," I comment, beginning to talk about the one thing I promised my parents I would not. River raises an eyebrow, wondering what I am on about. "You never mentioned you were an Alpha." 

Shrugging, River walks deeper into the tree line, waiting for me to follow as curiosity gets the best of me. "Some titles are not that important." 

"Alpha is an important title, especially Alpha of a pack which is a third elf." 

"Everyone has their own idea of what is important," he comments, looking over his shoulder to me as he stops walking and pivots to face me. "Some people find being a doctor a more important title while others may say being a mom is more valuable." 

"And what do you think is the most valuable title?" I question, having a slight idea of what he may answer.  

A smile crosses his face, one which sends a shiver down my spine and a warning from my wolf to me. Taking a step forward, River tilts his head to the side, reaching his arm up as two fingers are placed under my chin, lifting my gaze higher. "Are you scared of me, Evelyn?" He asks, voice soft as those eyes stare deeply into mine. 

My mouth runs dry as his eyes scan my face. Shaking my head, River pulls his fingers away from my chin and runs his hand down my neck to my shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. "Then why did you come here prepared for something to go wrong?" Running his hand down my arm, he places his hand in my pocket, pulling out the steak knife I brought from dinner, the blade almost glowing in the moonlight, only for River to throw it was such a precision that it lands straight into the trunk of a tree ten yards away. "I have made a treaty of peace with your Alpha in exchange for territory and men and women warriors of my choosing." Warriors of choosing? Does he not already have a large enough pack army? "Your pack is weakening, Evelyn, for many are as rogues raid and pack members seek life in human cities. How many did your pack lose last year to go live the human life? Thirty? At that rate, your pack will be able to be run out by rogues in four years." 

"This feels more like a threat," I point out, taking a step away from River. "Your pack came out of no where, they claimed pack titles, territory, and rights. Not to mention elves being part of your pack means more people are more suspicious, not to mention elves being the ones who attacked Crimson Lock will only draw more attention." 

River seems entertained by the mention of elves attacking Crimson Lock. "What makes you think elves attacked Crimson Lock?" He laughs, grabbing my arm as I try and step away. 

"Let go of me."

"You just claimed my pack members killed Crimson Lock. That is a big claim." 

"I said, let go of me," I growl, my growl beginning to shake the ground around us as River lets go of me, his eyes widening a big with surprise at my threatening growl. "I saw elves attack that night. I saw an elf kill the Steward's daughter." 

"I did not give the order," River defends himself, looking back to Alpha Edward's house as I begin to hear people calling his name. "If you excuse me, I have business to attend to." 

Taking my hand in his, River pulls it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss upon my knuckles as he pulls back. "It was a pleasure to see you again, Evelyn. I have a feeling we will see one another again soon." 

As I stand alone in the tree line, River walks back to the house to sign the treaty, leaving me surrounded by the falling snow as the cold air nips at my skin. I know what he is doing, what title he seems is worth introducing himself as. He seeks the title which will give him the most power and control. He does not care for the mere title of Alpha - no - he wants to be the Alpha King.  

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