The Expanse

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The world is silent tonight, nothing moving in the dead of night as my paws press firmly into the light layer of snow covering the earth. The cold tough of the snow, sends shivers down the spine of my wolf, the snowflakes falling onto her soft coat as she shakes the excess snow from her mane, her eyes scanning the tree line ahead. The slightest movement of the tiny creature and her paws dig through the earth, pushing off of the ground as she charges through the forest, the small creature looking up as it begins to run off in fear of its life. We play a game of chase, my wolf enjoying the game as her canines are extended outward, jaws ready to clamp down on the small body of the creature. Just as the small creature finds itself trapped between a wide river and my wolf, a distinct howl calls my attention, my snout pointing up in the air as I howl back, allowing the rabbit to get away for the night. 

Picking up my pace, I head back to the house, hearing the howl again as I try and run faster, my wolf scanning the view before me as I spot Alpha Edward standing beside my father in wolf form and my mother in human form. Shifting behind the tree I placed my clothes on, I change quickly and head over to the house, greeting Alpha Edward with a warm smile as the cold air nips at my skin. Pulling the wool jacket closer to my body, I spot from the corner of my eyes an unexpected guest who stays by the car as he waits for Alpha Edward. I thought River had left this morning, but it seems Eternal Shadows still had pack business to finish up. 

"Evelyn, this came for you this morning," Alpha Edward greets as my father goes into the house to shift. 

Taking the letter from the Alpha's hand, I spot the iconic crimson wax sealing unbroken. My name is written in cursive along the back on the envelope in a blood red ink, spiking my interest in why on earth this pack would ever want to send me a letter, much less how they know of me. 

As my father comes back outside, I open the letter before everyone, keeping the message hidden and for my eyes only as I look to the handwritten letter addressed to me. 

Dear Evelyn, 

It has come to the attention of Crimson Lock that you have details regarding the night that the Steward's daughter and many other Crimson Lock members were slaughtered. As an elected elder of Crimson Lock and a valued voice of this pack, I am writing you this letter as an invitation to come to Crimson Lock during the week of December 21st for however long you desire to describe the things you saw that retched night...

The letter continues, detailing the luxuries of my stay and how the elder hopes to have me speak to the Steward and tell him what I saw. Evidentially word reached Crimson Lock that I saw elves slaughter members of their pack and they want to hear it from me. But why? Why write a letter, why send me a car if I want to come, give me a room in a guest house, and so much more rather than just have me just email them back or give them a call? 

Looking up, the first set of eyes I meet are those of a golden hue, staring back intensely at me. Could River have known about this letter? No doubt about it. He drove here with Alpha Edward, so he knows Crimson Lock sent me a letter and if his pack helped kill the Steward's daughter, then he would not want me to go and help conspire against his pack. 

"What does it say?" Mom asks, concerned as she tried to take a peek at the letter. 

Pulling the letter back, I look at her, folding it up as I look to Alpha Edward. "I have been invited by Crimson Lock to visit tomorrow," I explain, watching my Alpha's expression as he seems completely shocked. 

No one replies, their expressions of shock and worry making me wonder what their responses will be like. Pulling open the letter a little, I take a peek at the invitation once more, making sure it was actually addressed to me. It says my name, the cursive handwriting spelling out my name clearly as I cannot wrap my head around the fact I would be invited to Crimson Lock. I am barely anyone of significance in my pack, just the Gamma's daughter, no title which can be passed down onto me or anything. 


My father is the first to reply, simply stating his answer as he leaves us, walking back into the house as he slams the door closed. 

"You have to understand that tensions are high right now, Evelyn," Alpha Edward comments, trying to discourage me from visiting. I know he is right, tensions are rising in the world, but they have always been rising since Lily Maxwell led Crimson Lock to the palace with an army or werewolves and witches behind her. The world has always been changing, no matter how much people like to accept that fact. The world is constantly expanding into something which challenges the old ways of the world. "No offense, but you are not known for knowing when to speak and when not to." 

"I do not back down," I jeer, correct the Alpha. 

Shaking his head, he disagrees with my statement. "You do not know when you should hold your tongue to be respectful. The Steward of Crimson Lock has never been known for his cheerful greetings, much less right now after his daughter has just been murdered." 

I have heard rumors of the Steward of Crimson Lock, how nasty he has been to visitors in the past, those rumors only growing in multitude over the past years. Whispers spread west about tensions rising within his pack, pack members calling for an Alpha rather than Steward, wanting to be led by someone they respect and can actually make true decisions for the pack. Crimson Lock has always been seen as a great pack, but current rumors are starting to create the appearance of a pack just on the brink of breaking apart from within, just like every great empire. 

"I can handle myself," I stand my ground. Something inside me tells me to go, to disregarding the stories of the Steward's rather rude manners, to look to the bigger picture here. Beside, I was invited by an Elder, which means the Elder will be finding me a place to stay, provide me with meals, and everything a host must do for a visiting pack. "I have met other Alphas before." 

Looking to my mother, I wait for her to say something, to agree with me, but she just shakes her head as she turns to our Alpha. Alpha Edward is rather enraged by my words, his eyes darkening as I disagree with his words. "An Elder of a powerful pack has reached out to me. What will it look like if I do not go? We hold ties with Crimson Lock, they will get suspicious if I do not agree to go." It's true, for Crimson Lock will see it as rude if I refuse this invitation. 

"What seems to be the topic of debate?" River calls over, walking to where we stand, those golden eyes fixed on me as I swallow the lump in my throat. 

"Pack matters," Alpha Edward replies, dismissing his question. River's eyes look to the wax sealing upon the letter, those only golden eyes turning dark at the sight of the Crimson Lock seal. "Alpha River and I have business to attend to. Quinn, I am sure you can knock some sense into your daughter," Alpha Edward states, voice stern as he walks away, motioning for River to follow him. As the two Alphas walk away, I flip over the letter, looking to the wax sealing of Crimson Lock, running my fingers over the wax. Looking up, I meet the darkened eyes of River as he looks over his shoulder, the snow falling all around us as the world seems to slow down. 

Something tells me I will be seeing him once more, yet I cannot tell if I am going to be pleased about that or not. The more I speak with him, the more I get curious about his past, who he is, and where he comes from. If he is Alpha of Eternal Shadows, then does he have Alpha blood? Eternal Shadows is new, so it is possible he may not be a traditional Alpha, for he could have been elected by his pack,  but he does not carry himself like an Alpha who was not raised to believe he would inherit some great title. Who is River? 

"You are not going." 

"I have to," I reply, turning back to my mother as her lips purse together. 

I head back into the house, knowing I need to pack since I will be responding to this Elder of Crimson Lock by the number he provided to send a car my way. Heading for the staircase, my mother calls out my name. "You are not going, that is an order." 

"I am not a teenager or child, I am twenty-two," I state, putting down my foot as my dad comes into the hallway. 

"She is right, Quinn, she is not a child," he backs me up at first, "but the world is cruel to young women." 

"You keep saying that," I snap, throwing my hands up in the air. "What the hell am I supposed to do with that information? Is that your only argument for me to not leave?" 

"War is on the way, Evelyn, you cannot just place yourself in the middle of it," dad states, standing beside my mother as they stand at the bottom of the stairs as I am halfway up. 

"I am not placing myself in the middle of a hypothetical war," I scoff. "I am barely anyone of importance to this world and you think I could possibly be able to begin a war between packs?!" I defend myself, knowing their arguments to be completely backed up by their emotional response.  

Heading up the stairs, I continue into my room, pulling out my phone as I begin to type in the number the Elder gave me. "Lily Maxwell was just a human who got involved with Crimson Lock and found herself in the middle of a war which destroyed the kingdom." 

"I am not anything like these people you talk of. Lily or Nixon Maxwell, Queen Sybil or King Zion, these people all were tied up in a war because they led their greed for bloodshed and revenge, their ambitions, their emotions, and so much other shit get in the way. You taught me there is more than one side to every story, so you cannot just go and compare me to someone who just so happened to wind up leading Crimson Lock into war." 

"Lily Maxwell was an innocent human girl who was ambitious and headed for great things before Crimson Lock came into her life. Crimson Lock and Nixon Maxwell tainted her." 

Looking over my shoulder, I watch my father, how his eyes darker, how he seems very emotional about the subject of Alpha Lily Maxwell...he has never been this emotional about mentioning her. "You talk as if you knew her." 

"I was her classmate, Evelyn," he comments, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "Hell, I once went on a date with her. I eventually ended up being a pack warrior for Crimson Lock and guarding her when her husband passed away." 

I'm shocked. I never knew he personally knew Lily Maxwell, a woman who the werewolf world still talks about as if some mystery. She was perhaps a mystery, for she was a human who became an Alpha and changed the course of history for the Western Werewolf Kingdom more than anyone had for the past five centuries. 

"Don't worry, I do not intend to end up the way she did." Gathering my luggage, I look over to my father. "I am your daughter and you raised me to know my facts, when it is okay to let emotions come into play, and when I should say no to people of power." 

Dad falls silent, watching as I begin to grab a few sweaters for the trip as I text the number back. "I know the Elder has invited me because word reached him that I saw an elf kill the Steward's daughter. I am just going there to state my case, to inform him of what I saw, and to not let anything else get in the way." 

You should expect a car to arrive before your house by 7:00 P.M.

The Elder has responded, informing me that the car will be ready to pick me up within two hours. Crimson Lock is a seven hour drive. He knew I would say yes, for the car has already been on the way. That fact throws me off, for how could he be certain of my response hours before I would receive his letter? Does the Elder really want me just to state my case for seeing an elf kill the Steward's daughter? It is still strange to me that they are inviting me to Crimson Lock and saying I can stay as long as I please, just for me to state something which could be done over email or even a facetime call. Opening the letter, I read the signature from the Elder, reading his signature as I make out his name. 

"Elder Oliver...does that name ring a bell?" I ask, looking up to my father as I wonder if he knew the man I speak of. 

"He was a classmate of mine." 

A classmate of my dad's and yet he is an Elder? Usually you become an Elder at the age of sixty, not when you are in your forties. "How is he an Elder? He is young." 

My father shrugs, looking out the window as I know he will respond. These questions are pulling back memories for him I can tell he did not wish to have ever brought up again. "He was a dear friend of Lily Maxwell, a friend almost until the very end. When she decided to seek revenge for Nixon's death caused by the King, we tried to stop her, but she fired me and ignored him." 

Nodding, I fold up the letter and continue my packing as my dad comes over and takes a seat on my bed. Taking in a deep breath, my father looks me in the eyes, taking hold of my hands as he seems tense. "Please be safe there. Oliver will take care of you, he was a good friend of mine. But Crimson Lock is a mess within itself, ever since their true Alpha perished and a Steward came in to take charge. Try and minimize the times you go out in public there and only speak up when you must. It is a dangerous world out there." 

"So I keep hearing." 

Soon enough my bags are packed and I sit in the entryway of the house, my luggage beneath me as a stool as I flip through old images on my phone, watching the minutes tick by. My parents remain distant, their whispers heard as they discuss my departure in the living room, the crackling of the fire drowning out their voices. While my father was more accepting of my choice to leave, my mother is still angry at the thought of it, only more outraged that he talked with me and gave me advice on how to act there, showing acceptance. They must recognize that at some point in my life, they will have almost no say in my choices. I only stay at home because of the werewolf society, because of packs, and because heading out into a human world to be without a pack would be a complete change to my entire world. They must realize at some point all birds leave the nest and create their own, that they must learn to fly before they can leave the nest. Perhaps I have not found my wings yet, in terms of profession, dreams, or even marriage, but I wish to leave the nest soon. 

It used to be that werewolves would find their mates and rush into a relationship, but now, the world has changed, many individuals having challenged that mindset for the newer generation which I happen to be part of. There are those in the older generation who stuck to tradition and married their werewolf mate in a rush, but there are those who married their mates who were humans or another supernatural species, there were also those who rejected the idea of mates and accept the way which humans go about dating, for they wanted to decide who they would end up with, not something called fate. My parents are mates, meeting and rushing into a relationship, but they have never once imposed that same belief upon me. They encouraged me to peruse college, to try and find a pack role I may enjoy even, or to go and live in the human realm for a short period of time to explore the world around us without a pack to tie me down. 

"She will find out when she goes!" I hear my mother snap, soon enough followed by her storming out of the living room as she looks my way. "I hate that you are doing this. But you are an adult and if thing goes wrong-"

"Quinn, stop this!"

"And do what Terrance?! Just let her go in there blindly?!" Mom storms off to her room, leaving me alone in the hallway as my dad stands in the doorway of the living room. Offering me a soft smile, he motions for me to get up, the sound of a car rolling into our driveway causing my eyes to look outside as a black sedan pulls in. Gathering my luggage, I tell my dad goodbye as I open the door and embrace the cold winds of winter. 

A man dressed in black opens the trunk for me, greeting me with a warm smile as he asks me how my day has done. I smile and tell a lie, knowing full well that my day has gone miserable since I opened that letter. As the trunk closes and I take a seat in the back, I look out the tinted window to my dad as he waves goodbye. The car starts up and I am headed for Crimson Lock, into the hospitality of someone my father trusts yet my mother does not find a good enough reason to believe I will be safe. 

Taking in a deep breath, I try and relax, knowing it will be a long drive and worrying will only make it feel longer. 

Soon enough the hills turn into mountains, snow covering the ground inches high, and evergreen trees flooding the landscape as the moonlight cascades across the road. "We will be there in a few minutes," the driver informs, looking back to me as I lift my head up from the window, a yawn escaping my mouth. 

I do not understand why the car and letter were sent so late in the day, for most guests are expected to arrive in the morning or the afternoon, never in the dead of night. Looking out the window, I watch the trees fly by, shapes moving behind the trees as I spot werewolves in their wolf form following the car in the distance. Pack warriors watch the car from the distance, tracking us as I turn away from the window. My pack only patrolled the territory after the war took place, almost ten years ago when tensions were still very high and battles breaking out.  

We pull up to a sign welcoming us to the town, Tudor houses lining the street as Christmas lights are reflected on the black pavement road. My face lights up with excitement as I look out to the decorations around the charming and small town, the Tudor houses eventually turning into a small neighborhood of French country style homes clumped around three streets. The car pulls into the driveway of a grey stone house with a modern twist, ivory running up the sides as snow is shoveled out of the driveway. In the doorway of the house stands a tall man dressed down in a pair of jeans and a sweater, greying hair combed back as he walks up to the car. 

"Evelyn?" He asks, opening the door for me as I nod my head. "Welcome to Crimson Lock, I hope the drive was not too long." Helping me out of the car, the driver grabs my luggage as Elder Oliver invites me inside. 

"Very beautiful pack," I comment, referring to what I saw on the drive here, the warm house welcoming me as we enter into the living room, a grand piano placed beside the fireplace as Oliver instructs me to take a seat. 

"I am sorry your ride got here so late," the Elder apologizes. "Do you play?" Oliver asks as he spots me looking to the grand piano. 

"Oh- no. I always wanted to." Looking back to the Elder, I find myself rather uncomfortable in this strange house, having to remind myself that my dad told me he trusts this man. 

"Usually I try to have guests arrive earlier, but I figured your arrival would be best late...for Steward Cade does not know of your invitation. I hope he will be more welcoming and open to hear what you have to say after the fact that you have already made the journey." 

I smirk. "Better to ask for forgiveness than ask for approval," I comment, understanding what Elder Oliver has done. "About what you want me to tell the Steward...about what I saw-"

"Do not worry about that now, Evelyn," Oliver interrupts, shaking his head, "you just had a long ride over and it is late. We can go over this all in the morning." 

"When will I meet with the Steward?" I ask, Oliver helping me to my feet as he leads me down a hallway and to a door. 

Oliver opens the door to the guest room, a queen-sized bed covered in thick sheets before me as I instantly want to jump into the bed. Oliver places my luggage by the bed and turns to me. "Bathroom is connected through the left door there and you have a closet through the bathroom. Feel free to hang things up." 

"Thank you, Elder Oliver...but if I am just here to tell the Steward what I saw, then I should not be here long, should I? I should be able to leave after tomorrow?" I check, raising an eyebrow as Elder Oliver stands in the doorway. 

"Steward Cade is a busy man...he may not be available tomorrow." 

"But I should not expect my stay to be long, Elder Oliver, correct?" 

"Please, call me Oliver," he corrects, leaning against the doorway as I once again ask myself how someone as young as him could be an Elder. "As for your may find answers to many questions while you are staying in Crimson Lock. You are welcome under this roof as long as you wish to stay."  

Leaving me along in the room, the door shuts behind Oliver as I am left alone to unpack. With my clothes for tomorrow taken out, I head into the bathroom for a hot shower, my clothes falling to the floor as steam rising into the air. The hot water sprays onto my back as I lean against the wall, eyes closing as I try and concentrate on what will happen tomorrow. What did my mom mean when she told my father that I would find things out? Why does Oliver assume I will go hunting for some type of answers while here? Is there something about Crimson Lock that I do not know yet? Is there something which ties me to Crimson Lock? I am here to tell the Steward what I saw, but after speaking with Oliver, it does not seem like he has me here to talk to his Steward, but to accomplish some other hidden agenda. 

Those golden eyes flash through my mind, blood rushing to my cheeks as I snap out of it. Turning off the water, I hop out of the shower and dry off quickly, rushing through my night routine as I head to bed. I can still remember how those golden eyes turned black at the sight of Crimson Lock's sealing wax, only causing more questions to form in my head as I slide under the covers, closing my eyes tight. Taking in a deep breath, I roll around to my side, trying to clear my head with all of its questions, not sure if I am ready for the day ahead of me or not. 

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