Reader The Letters (pt. 2): Chapter 5

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April 8, 2014

Hi-Hi Markifart!

So today my dog had to go get his shots. I stayed home cuz I don't needles of this... (I tried to make a pun!) So instead I'm home by myself watching a Glee marathon. I personally hate drama but at the same time if I don't watch Glee then I feel I've lost the drama in my life...

I just got scared by my cat... His name is Snickers. He just jumped up and bit my elbow. I'm not sure how that's possible but... Oh well!

So how are you this fine day Mark? I hope you're happy! I just heard rain... I LOVE RAIN!!! I think it's peaceful! The other girls don't like rain... I'm not sure why though. They say that they hate the rain but like rainbows and I say, "You need rain to get rainbows..." They all just ignore me and walk away. Except Alexis! I don't remember if I told you about her though...

Oh! My mom just called. She said to get ready to go because she has to go shopping for jeans. 

Buh Bye Markimoo!


Emma May

P.S. I decided to use Buh Bye instead of just Love... I'm not sure why it just feels right.

I finished reading as I heard a knock at the door. "Merk! I wanna read those letters too!"

I sighed getting up and letting Jack, Bob, and Wade in. "This girl is to precious for this world," was all I said as I closed the door and sat back down.

Jack Bob and Wade sat down listening intently as I continued to read the letters.

April 27, 2014

Hiya Markie!

Sorry I haven't written in a while... I was busy with school and had some other things going on in my life too... Anyways... I'm watching you and Jack and Bob and Wade play prop hunt... It's hilarious! I luv it! Oh I have to go... Daddy wants to go to Menards!

Buh Bye!


Emma May

P.S. I hope you continue prop hunt!

Jack spoke up, "Are you sure it's the same Emma from earlier? She sounds so different on paper..." 

"Yeah like she knows what she's got in her future," Wade added. "She sounds so full of hope and happiness the Emma we saw earlier had pain and sadness in her eyes..."

I turned the page to the next letter, "Oh... This one is dated 2015."

February 14, 2015

Hey Mark!

So I finally found my notebook after loosing it last April... Turns out cleaning your room and under your bed actually helps with finding things... Anyways it's like almost midnight here in Ohio so... But anyway I'm not really tired right now. I'm excited though... Daddy said that in the morning when I wake up I'll get a special present and bubby will too!

I'm so happy that I am getting a surprise that I made my parents and brother all special cards to say thanks!

Anyways I'm started to get tired sooo...

Buh Bye!


Emma May

I immediately dove into the next letter:

February 15, 2015

Hi Mark...

So I woke up this morning and got dressed heading downstairs only to find my parents light on and some of their clothes missing... 

It's hard to explain what happened because I'm crying so much that I can't really see the paper..

The popo say Mommy and Daddy ran away. Mommy and Daddy would never do that to me and bubby...

Buh Bye!


Emma May

P.S. I have to hide my journal in my jacket whenever I leave the house because the popo keep checking me to see if I have anything to hint to their location or a weapon or something... Police Occifers are weird...

Jack looked at us, "Her father said they'd a surprise but left them instead? Who does that?"

"What's worse is she doesn't believe they left her..." Wade added.

Bob looked at me, "We have to know what happened next. Mark please continue."

I nodded reading her next letter.

March 24, 2015

Dear Markiplier,

It's been a while huh? Mommy and Daddy are still gone... Bubby went to live with Grampa... I'm still living in our home. I couldn't bring myself to leave it. After all it's my home. Why would I need to leave it?

I'm living alone now but... The quiet helps sometimes... I'm sorry Marki... I'm trying to be happy and hopeful. I wanna be worthy of meeting you... I just really need my mother right now. 

Sorry Marki... I didn't mean to... I just wanted the pain to stop... My neighbors just called they're on their way to check on me... I cut deep this time Marki... I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough...


Emma May

P.S. You, Jack, Bob, and Wade are my heroes...

I looked up slowly and then read the next one.

March 25, 2015

Hey Mark.

Today's my 14 birthday. Mommy and Daddy aren't here. Bubby is out with grampa and my neighbors are busy with something. I'm used to being alone now. But today I was hoping to have someone to spend time with... 

Everyone at school wished me happy birthday and the band sang to me. But it wasn't the same as the years before when my mom would sneak into my room in the morning and wake me up with streamers yelling, "Happy Birthday Minnie Mouse!!!" 

She always called me Minnie Mouse because of me being so small and my voice being so high pitched. But I luv it!

I miss them so much...

I miss people. But I guess I isolated myself from them somehow...

Except Kaylum and Alexis... They stayed even when everyone else left...

And let's not forget you, Jack, Bob, and Wade. I mean you guys are my heroes... You might be my main reason for not being dead by now.

Thank you all for that.

Buh Bye

Emma May

I smiled and continued reading.

September 27, 2015


I'm sorry... I'm better now. I was in the hospital for a while because I was hurting myself...

I also keep coughing up blood even though nothing is wrong with me... 

I have to go to bed soon... I stayed up till 3 am last night... It's already 12:16 am... Goodnight!



Emma May

P.S. My head feels like a sack of potatoes...

Jack grabbed the notebook and began to read.

October 31, 2015


It's Halloween!!! Gramma let me help with the decorations this year! I just got back from school. Alexis and I are getting ready for trick or treat at my house and then we're going trick or treating with Kaylum and his friends.

Kaylum is my neighbor. We were born on the same day, in different states, twelve hours apart. But it's cool. I'm older but he's taller. Like waaaay taller.

Oh! I have to go get ready now. I'm gonna be a Lion and Alexis is gonna be Batman! Bye Mark! Say hi to Bob, Wade, and Jack for me!


Emma May

P.S. They still can't find my parents...

He looked up, "Guys she said hi to us!"

We all burst into laughter, "What? She did!"

I laughed, "Yeah but the way you said it. You sounded how she did when she met us!"

"Ha! Alright let's get back to reading."

Wade took the letters and started reading.

November 30, 2015

Hey-Hey MarkiMark and the Funky Bunch!

My art teacher says that to this boy in my class a lot...

But anyways... Hiya! 

Oh! I have to go! 

Buh Bye

Emma May

P.S. They found the car...

"Wait guys, think about her letter from September 27th. She may sound happy or okay, but... Guys she's hurting herself." 

I thought about Bob's words.

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