Reading The Letters: Chapter 4

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Marks P.O.V~

I watched as Emma and Kaylum walked away. "How's she so happy if she's dying?" Wade asked nobody in particular. "She was very sweet to give us these."

"Yeah..." was all I said as I turned to the next fan. "Hi what's your name?" I asked the woman as she walked up to the table.

"Hi my name is Chelsea! This is my mom," she said gesturing to the woman on the phone standing behind her. "I'm a huge fan of you!"

As I talked to Chelsea I heard her mom complaining about something on the phone, "Yeah the girl walked up with a bag of junk and took forever just to hand it to them. Then she tried to make it seem like her slowness was because it was her "dying wish" or whatever. As if we don't all know that she was just being selfish." 

I said goodbye as Chelsea and her mother walked away. I can't believe someone can be that heartless!

*Time Skip to the hotel*

I had taken Emma's notebook with me back to the hotel because I was curious to what was in it. I sat down with a cup of coffee and opened it up. It's all... Letters. She handed me a notebook filled with... letters. I flipped through the notebook looking at all the letters before flipping to the beginning and reading the very first one.

March 25, 2014

Dear Mr. Plier,

My name is Emma May. Today is my 12 birthday. I'm really happy because Mommy said I could get my ears pierced! We're about to leave soon to go get that done. I'm so excited to go because mommy and daddy never let me do stuff like this. It actually surprised me that they said yes.

We're about to leave here in like ten minutes but I figured I'd finish writing this letter to you. I love your videos. My friend Alexis is the one who got me into your videos actually! She's really nice and fun. Although she prefers Jacksepticeye. I mean I like his videos too but yours are my favorite to watch. Especially when I'm sad or scared or angry. I love the colors Pink, Black, and Blue. I've always liked Pink. Black I just recently started liking. I'm not entirely sure about Blue though.

Oh! I guess I lost track of time... Bye Mark!

Emma May 

P.S. I don't really ship Septiplier but it would be cool if it were real XD

I laughed at her excitement and turned to the next letter as I admired her beautiful handwriting.

April 1, 2014

April Fools!!!

I love this day. Except last year when my brother played a prank that made me think I was invisible... I cried because of that, but this year should be fun! I hope you're having a good April Fools Day too. It would be upsetting if I were having fun and you weren't. Because then I'd feel bad for it. So make sure you have the best day ever!

My dad said he was gonna get pizza for dinner tonight. I LOVE pizza. Like if I had to choose between saving the myself from alien enslavement and saving pizza and everyone else from dying, I'd definitely save pizza and everyone else... Mainly Pizza though. I don't mind being enslaved by aliens as long as pizza is safe... and everyone else of course...

So I got all excited for pizza and found out that my dad had April Fooled me. Now I'm in my room eating Mac and Cheese because I refuse to eat with my dad after that. You just don't fib about pizza around me. I'll find out.

Anyways I gotta go to bed now.

Buh Bye Markimoo!

Emma May!

This girl couldn't possibly be able to be dying. She's to precious for this world.

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