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"Good Afternoon, I'm Katie Killjoy." Katie said

"& I'm Tom Trench." Tom said "Today, we've got very special news about the former founder of IMP Blitzø who is currently working in Loo Loo Land."

"That's right, Tom, We just found out that there's more to Blitzø than what he seems." Katie said as they showed footage of the incident "Recently, he almost sacrificed his life to rescue a sinner kid from the exterminators, then he used powers to slaughter every exterminator Azrael threw at him."

"But there's even more after the Extermination was called off." Tom said

"Until then, Blitzø, in a year's time we will fight & fulfill the promise we made years ago." Azrael said in the footage

"Wow, what a juicy unexpected turn of events, could Blitzø be somehow affiliated with the Angel of Death, Azrael." Katie said "Find out more on 666 News."

(At Ozzie's)

"Makes you think twice about who you fuck with, huh!?" Jesse said fearfully

"WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME HE HAS POWERS!" Fizzarolli exclaimed as his eyes were bulged out & his jaw was on the floor

(With Striker)

"Well, I'll be damned." Striker said impressively "It confuses me how you never used his powers against me, Then again if he had I would've been dead by now."

(In Rehab)

Barbie Wire was sitting on a seat looking out the window, she was thinking about her twin brother as she found out that his company got disbanded some days ago along with hearing about the Ozzie incident. She was very disappointed at what Fizzarolli did at the incident, she understood why he hated her brother but Fizzarolli had to take it that far. She had tried to call Blitzø to check on him, but he didn't pick up. Needless to say, she was worried & hoped that Blitzø was alright.

"Barbie, hey Barbie." One of the patients called out

"What is it?" Barbie responded

"You gotta see this, it's about your brother." The patient said

"What? You mean Blitzø?" Barbie stood up

"Yeah, come on." The patient said

"What's this about? Is Blitzø okay? Where is he?" Barbie asked

"From what the news said he's working at Loo Loo Land." The patient said

"What? But I thought Blitzø hated working there." Barbie thought confusingly

The patient led her to the TV in the hall & when she saw the news, she was surprised, but at the same time she was proud

"So, you finally decided to use your powers, huh Blitzø?" Barbie thought with a smile "I never knew you had it in you to save a sinner let alone a child."

(Hazbin Hotel)

"Charlie, Angel, you never told us Blitzø had powers." Vaggie said

"Yeah, he's had them for a long time, but he never got around to use them." Charlie said

"My family & I along with Charlie & Barbie Wire are the only ones who knew about his powers." Angel said

"What about Lucifer & Lilith, don't they know about Blitzø having powers?" Niffty asked

"No they don't." Charlie said

"Why the hell not?" Husk asked

"Well, he was gonna surprise them, but for some reason he changed his mind." Angel said

"I see, but what was Azrael talking about on the footage the news showed us?" Husk said

"I don't know, but whatever it is I believe it's gonna be very entertaining." Alastor smiled

(Lucifer's Castle)

Lucifer & Lilith stood in shock as the godson they disowned & thought was a failure has more value than anyone has ever imagined.

"Blitzø, you've had the powers the whole time & you didn't tell us?" Lucifer thought "What did Azrael mean when he said about a promise he made with Blitzø years ago? Wait, don't tell me that they've met before?"

"He risked his life to save that child, were we...were we wrong to disown him & think of him as a disgrace?" Lilith thought

(Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch)

"Yee-Fucking-Haw! Now that's the roughest toughest bastard we know!" Joe cheered

"I'm so proud of him." Lin smiled in tears

(With Loona)

Loona was hanging out with the Hellhounds who made fun of her as they had accepted her in their group for abandoning Blitzø until they saw the news

"What the fuck?" Loona said shockingly

"Loona, I thought you said he was a weak imp." Hellhound 1 said

"Yeah, you did say he was dickless, but look at him, it looks like he has more dick than we thought." Hellhound 2 said

"I did say that, I just didn't know what he was capable of." Loona said before thinking "Fuck Blitzo, even after I disowned you as my father you're still making me look bad."

(With Verosika)

Verosika's Gang was shocked at what Blitzø did before looking at her who was also shocked

"What?" Verosika said

"Did you know?" Ace asked

"No, I didn't know." Verosika said

(With Vortex)

"Hm, it turns out you were wrong about Blitzø being weak, huh Loona?" Vortex smirked

(Von Eldritch Mansion)

"My my, Lucifer, it appears your former godson has more worth than I thought." Frederick smirked. "I believe this is where a ruler's loss will be another ruler's gain."

(With Henrion)

"Heh, that's my godboy." Henroin smiled

(At the Goetia Mansion)

Octavia was in her room, for the past few days she was thinking about what happened to her father, when he took her to see Azathoth's Tears, she saw that her father had a serious look on his face & she stopped calling her Via or his Owlet & he's been like that for the past few days. She heard about IMP being shut down & asked her father about it, but all he said was that it was for the best. She was in her thoughts when she noticed the news about Blitzø, she was surprised that an Imp like him had powers, but that was until she heard Azrael's final words

"Until then, Blitzø, in a year's time we will fight & fulfill the promise we made years ago."

"What? What is he talking abou—." Octavia said before realizing what Azrael meant "Oh no."

Octavia rushed out of her room & found her father

"Dad." Octavia said

"Hm? What is it, Octavia?" Stolas said

"It's Blitzø, I saw him on TV, he's been challenged to a battle by Azrael." Octavia said

"Is that so?" Stolas raised an eyebrow

"Yes, he & Azrael are gonna be battling in a year's time." Octavia said

"Octavia, that's not our problem, it's his." Stolas said

"What? What do you mean that's not our problem?" Octavia said confusingly "I don't think you realize that Blitzø is in grave danger, don't you care about what happens to him."

"Apparently not." Stolas said

"But Dad, he's your friend, don't you have feelings for him?" Octavia asked

"No, I never did." Stolas said "Now run along, I'm busy."

"...What did you do?" Octavia muttered

"Beg your pardon?" Stolas said

"Dad, what did you do?" Octavia said sternly "Why are you acting this way & what exactly happened on the time before IMP shut down?"

"Fine, you wanna know, then I'll tell you." Stolas said

Stolas told Octavia how he called off the deal & betrayed Blitzø which shocked & horrified her

"How could you do that to him, what is wrong with you?" Octavia raised her voice

"The question is what's wrong with him? He was an imbecile for believing we were friends." Stolas said

"Because he trusted you! But you just used him & threw him away like he's some sort of pawn! You're beginning to be worse than mom!" Octavia yelled

"Oh am I?" Stolas said "Well, dear daughter, I believe it's about time I told you the truth."

"The truth? What the hell are you talking about?" Octavia said

"You ever wonder why your mother & I hate each other? It's because we were in an arranged marriage, I never wanted to marry your mother but I was stuck with her just because the Goetia Family wanted us to give birth to you." Stolas said coldly much to Octavia's shock

"So the reason I'm here is because it was arranged." Octavia said

"Of course it was, everything about this damn family was arranged." Stolas said

"...You know what, Dad...I think it's best for me to be away from you for a little while." Octavia said

"Very well." Stolas said as Octavia went to her room

After Octavia packed some things, she went to the door before glaring at her dad

"What you did to Blitzø was very wrong, he cared about you & he trusted you, you say that you wished you should've left him with those kooks, well I bet he wishes he should've let that assassin kill you." Octavia said before leaving the mansion

When she was out of the mansion's property

"I can't believe that bastard." Octavia mumbled

"Via." A voice said

Via turned & saw the tall female owl demon who overheard Blitzø & Horvitz conversation. This was Stolas' mother, Octavia the First(OC by TeatheKook)

"Grandma." Via said

"Hello my dear granddaughter, it's good to see you." Octavia said

A/N: I'm gonna call the TeatheKook's OC by her full name & Helluva Boss' Octavia by her nickname to avoid confusion

"Good to see you as well." Via said

"I take it you know what happened?" Octavia said

"I can't believe he just did that, Blitzø must've felt so betrayed." Via said

"I know darling, but your father's not the only one who betrayed Blitzø." Octavia said

"What do you mean?" Via asked

Octavia told her granddaughter how Blitzø's employees, daughter, & maternal godparents betrayed him.

"Ever since that day, he's been nothing but a broken empty husk because of them." Octavia said sadly

"Oh my god." Via said in horror "Where is he?"

"He's currently living in the Greed Ring & he works at Loo Loo Land." Octavia said

"Can we go there tomorrow?" Via asked

"Of course & you can stay with me at my place." Octavia said

Meanwhile Blitzø had just arrived at his apartment

"Home sweet home." Blitzø said

After Blitzø took a shower, he put on some comfortable clothes & went to his room

"What a day." Blitzø said as he laid down on his bed before his phone rang "Hello?"

"Blitzø? It's me Barbie Wire." Barbie said

"Oh, hey sis." Blitzø said

"I just saw the news, that was a brave thing you did." Barbie said

"Thank you, Barbie, I only did it because it was the right thing to do." Blitzø said

"Yes, it was, why are you working in Loo Loo Land, I thought you hated it there." Barbie said

"Well, after my company shut down, Mammon called me over & decided to rehire me." Blitzø said "I accepted the job because he did make some points about it being better than me being jobless."

"Oh...I'm sorry about your company." Barbie said

"It's fine, I'm over that." Blitzø said

"You know I heard some sinners are pretty upset that it shut down since they wanted revenge." Barbie said

"Well, they're just gonna have to move on with their afterlife because I'm not killing anymore humans." Blitzø said

"How are your employees & daughter?" Barbie said

"They quit on me before the company was shut down." Blitzø said

"What do you mean?" Barbie asked

Blitzø told Barbie on how his employees, daughter, maternal godparents along with Stolas betrayed & abandoned him

"I can't believe it, those backstabbing pieces of shit!" Barbie said angrily "I can't believe they did this to you."

"Yeah, the good news is our paternal godparents along with Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Niss, Molly, Nona, & Grandpa Longlegs didn't turn their backs on me & I'm still on good terms with Millie's family." Blitzø said

"Oh that's good to hear, I knew Charlie wouldn't betray you, but what about Moxxie's family?" Barbie asked

"I don't know, I've never met them, but if they try something I won't hold back." Blitzø said "It's about time I stood up for myself."

"I can't believe that so-called daughter blamed you for something that wasn't your fault, I mean you took her in, you fed her, clothed her, & kept a roof over her fuckiing head." Barbie said "She's such a spoiled bitch."

"Yeah, I made a mistake in adopting her, I should've adopted a puppy." Blitzø said

"Anyway, what was Azrael talking about on the news, what did he mean by fulfilling the promise you made years ago?" Barbie asked "Have you guys met before?"

"We have, I met him when I was 7-years old & I didn't know who he was back then, we made a promise that once I was older, we would compete against each other in battle to prove my potential." Blitzø said

"You made a promise with the Angel of Death & you didn't even know it?" Barbie said

"Yes." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, I'm shocked, I can't believe you have to fight him of all people." Barbie said

"I know, I only have a year until the battle, I'm gonna have to start training if I'm gonna reach anywhere near Azrael's level." Blitzø said "Since my powers are now revealed, there's no use in hiding them anymore."

"I hope you know what you're doing." Barbie said

"I hope so too, thanks for calling me, sis." Blitzø said

"No problem, I love you, bro." Barbie said

"I love you too." Blitzø said as he hung up before calling one of his former clients

"Hello?" Mayberry said

"Ms. Mayberry, it's Blitzø." Blitzø said

"Oh hey Blitzø, how are you, I saw that you saved Martha's son." Ms. Mayberry said

"Look, I know you hate them, but I couldn't bear the thought of a parent losing her child." Blitzø said

"It's alright, it's true that I hate her for what she did to me, but I have nothing against her children." Mayberry said

"Oh okay, listen the reason I called you is because I want to tell you that there's this hotel called the Hazbin Hotel, it's a place where the Princess of Hell is getting sinner like you redeemed so they could get into Heaven." Blitzø said

"Really? Does it work?" Mayberry asked

"I don't know, but they're trying, you should give it a chance." Blitzø said

"Okay, thank you for telling me." Mayberry said

"No problem." Blitzø said as he hung up

The next day, Blitzø was on his way to work until

"BLITZO!" A voice yelled

Blitzø turned to see an angry former employee of his

"Well well well, if it isn't Moxxie." Blitzø said emotionlessly

"Cut the sarcasm, Millie & I saw you on TV." Moxxie said "You had these powers the whole time & you never bothered to use them?"

"You're point exactly?" Blitzø raised an eyebrow

"You could've used them against the Cherubs, against Striker, against the DHORKS, during our missions, but you didn't do shit!?" Moxxie said

"What I decide to do with my powers is none of your business, besides we ended up succeeding without them." Blitzø narrowed his eyes "If you're here to lecture me on what I could've done with my powers, then you're just wasting your time."

"Well, because of you Millie's family disowned us for what we did to you." Moxxie glared

"It's not my fault you didn't take responsibility for getting yourself kicked out of Ozzie's." Blitzø rolled his eyes "As a matter of fact, I was gonna apologize to you the morning after the incident at Ozzie's, but fuck that."

"Excuse me?" Moxxie seethed

"You heard me, limp dick, I'll admit I should've listened to you when you told me not to come, but y'know I would've loved to see you get all the humiliation if I had kept my mouth instead of commenting on your relationship." Blitzø said as he walked away

"Why you." Moxxie snarled as he pulled out a gun & pointed it at Blitzø


"Agh!" Moxxie exclaimed as the gun was shot out of his hand by Blitzø

"Trying to shoot me while my back is turned, huh? That's a cowardly move." Blitzø said as he summoned his scythe & hit the sidewalk with the end of the handle

Suddenly Moxxie was pinned to the ground by multiple shadow hands

"You've clearly forgotten what I'm capable of." Blitzø said with a cold menacing glare as he began to approach Moxxie

"W-wait, Blitzø, let's just talk about this." Moxxie said nervously

"There's nothing to talk about." Blitzø said as he raised his scythe

"Please, NO!" Moxxie shouted as he shut his eyes


For some reason, Moxxie didn't feel any pain, he opened his eyes & found the end of the blade next to his torso which left a crack on the sidewalk

"Consider that a warning, because if you try to pull something like that again, I won't miss next time." Blitzø threatened "You got that?"

Moxxie gulped in fear as he nodded his head rapidly

"Good." Blitzø said as the shadow hands released Moxxie "Now get out of my sight, Moxxie."

Moxxie quickly stood up & left

"Hm, no wonder his in-laws don't like him." Blitzø said as he left "Hope I'm not late for work."

Unbeknownst to him, Ralphie saw the whole thing

"What the hell was that all about?" Ralphie said confusingly "Why did they just try to kill each other like that? Did something between those two?"

Blitzø arrived at Loo Loo Land where Mammon was waiting for him at the entrance

"Oi Blitzø." Mammon called out with a smile

"Sorry if I'm late, Mammon, I had a little run-in with someone." Blitzø said

"It's alright, mate, you're right on time." Mammon assured "Who did you have a run-in with?"

"Moxxie." Blitzø said

"Moxxie? That limp dick shrimp who used to work for you & walked out on you?" Mammon said

"Yep." Blitzø said

"Now what did that little dweeb want from you, did he come to apologize because he found out you had powers?" Mammon said

"Nope, the opposite." Blitzø said as his forehead symbol glowed white & show his memory of the confrontation

"Wow, you really showed him mate, what a little pussy." Mammon laughed "Blitzø, why didn't ya tell me you have powers, do you realize what this means, with your powers, we're gonna make Loo Loo Land more profitable."

"Why would I use them for that?" Blitzø asked

"Oh, I don't know, maybe you could make Loo Loo Land more profitable as a way of revenge against Lucifer." Mammon tempted with a sly smile

"...Alright, I'm convinced." Blitzø said

"Perfect, now get to work, there's a fuck ton of customers who're just dying to buy stuffies of ya." Mammon said

Turns out Mammon was right, when Blitzø got to his stand, there was a huge crowd of people who wanted a plushie of him & they started calling him a hero because of what he did yesterday, he had to use his cloning powers to make copies of the Blitzø plushies along with signing autographs.

"Geez, Mammon was not kidding when he said that." Blitzø said

"Looks like those fans put you to work." A voice said

Blitzø looked & saw a familiar face that he & Charlie knew

"Seviathan?" Blitzø said

"Hey B." Seviathan greeted

"Shit, I haven't seen you since, y'know, since before you & Charlie split." Blitzø said

"Yeah, sorry for keeping in touch." Seviathan said

"It's fine." Blitzø said

"Talk to me, B." Seviathan said

"About what?" Blitzø asked

"Charlie filled me in on what happened between you & your so-called family." Seviathan said

"I'm surprised you guys still talk to each other even though you're not together anymore." Blitzø said

"I know, Mom & Dad heard about IMP shutting down along with Lucifer & Lilith disowning you as their godson." Seviathan said

"How did they react?" Blitzø said

"They pitied you." Seviathan said

"But don't they think less of me?" Blitzø asked

"Not really, after you created IMP they became a bit jealous but not in a bad way." Seviathan said

"Why's that?" Blitzø said

"Well, your idea for the company was something they should've thought of a long time ago & you know how much they love havoc." Seviathan said

"Yeah, no doubt about it." Blitzø said "How's Helsa?"

"She's fine." Seviathan said

"You know she & Charlie should learn to get along with each other." Blitzø said

"I agree, if Charlie's gonna redeem sinners, she's gonna have to get along with her enemies & rivals." Seviathan said

"Excuse me?" A voice said

They looked & saw a male bird demon with white feathers, turquoise eyes, turquoise beak, & periwinkle hair wearing a bright blue fur coat, a long white dress & a turquoise crown.

"Are you Blitzø by any chance?" the demon asked

"Yeah, who are you?" Blitzø said

"Blitzø, that's the marquis of Hell, Andrealphus, he's also Stolas' brother-in-law." Seviathan said

"That I am, do you mind if I ask you some questions?" Andrealphus said

"What do you want?" Blitzø narrowed his eyes

"Now let's not be hostile, I just want to know if it's true that you slept with Stolas." Andrealphus said

"I don't know what you're talking about." Blitzø denied

"Oh come now, you & I both hate him for certain reasons, so what do you say we team up, doesn't that sound good my impish little friend?" Andrealphus said

"...Okay, fine." Blitzø sighed

Blitzø told Andrealphus about how he & Stolas met as kids & what their relationship was like along with the betrayal & what Stolas will do if Blitzø told anyone

"My word, I was not expecting this at all, this is very thrilling." Andrealphus said excitedly

"What are you gonna do now that you know the truth?" Blitzø asked

"Oh, don't worry, dear friend, I know exactly what to do with this information." Andrealphus smiled deviously

"You think I should fight back against him if he tries to kill me?" Blitzø asked

"Well that depends on you, I would love to see you put him in his place." Andrealphus said "Besides, everybody loves a rebel, isn't that right Seviathan?"

"Uhh...I guess so." Seviathan said

"Then there you have it." Andrealphus said as he walked away "Fare-thee-well my impish little friend, until the next time we meet."

"I have to go too, Blitzø, I'll see you later." Seviathan said as he gave Blitzø a fist bump & left

"Bye." Blitzø said

"Blitzø?" A voice said

Blitzø looked & saw Via & Octavia

"Oh, it's you." Blitzø said emotionlessly

"It's good to see that you're looking well." Via complimented

"As if I am, I would say the same to you but I would be lying." Blitzø said as he looked at Octavia "Who the hell is that?"

"Blitzø, I am Octavia the First, I'm Via's maternal grandmother & Stolas' mother." Octavia said

"So, you're his mom, huh?" Blitzø said "Well, at least I know where he gets his looks from."

"We came here to apologize for what Dad did to you." Via said

"You shouldn't, face it kid, you got what you wanted." Blitzø said "You have your whole family without me ruining it since I'm nothing but a weird red dickhead."

"What?" Via eyes widened in surprise "But how did you—?'

"I sent a clone & I overheard your conversation with Stolas, did you honestly think it was my intention to take your dad away?" Blitzø said

"Blitzø, I was just upset & confused, I didn't know you at that time." Octavia said

"Exactly, you don't know me at all." Blitzø glared coldly "If you're father & I did end up in a relationship, I would've loved to have you as my stepdaughter."

"You would?" Octavia said speechlessly

"Yes, I would've loved you, cherished you, & raised you as if you were my own daughter." Blitzø said "But sadly, that will never happen since I know the truth about your dad."

Suddenly Blitzø was embraced in a hug by Via

"You're right, I was wrong & I'm so sorry for thinking of you that way, if I could take it all back I would have given you a chance from the start." Octavia sobbed in tears "My birth was all arranged just because I had to be a goddamn Goetia & knowing that truth hurts so much, because when I'm of age I'll have to be what they want me to be."

Blitzø stood still as Octavia cried into his chest, then he wrapped his arms around her & hugged her back

"Via, listen, you don't have to be what they want you to be when you become an adult, you can be your own demon royalty & make your own choices, if they don't like it then they can go fuck themselves & you'll still have people who will support you like me, & your grandmother." Blitzø said

"You mean that?" Via said

"You have my word." Blitzø said

"Thank you, Blitzø." Via smiled

"Blitzø, I'm very sorry for what my son did, he wasn't supposed to be raised that way." Octavia said

"You expect me to believe that? You're probably just as manipulative as he is." Blitzø said coldly

"No, I'm not, don't you remember the first time we met?" Octavia said

"What the fuck are you talking about? This is the first time we met." Blitzø said confusingly

"No, I don't mean recently, I meant when you were just an Impling." Octavia said

"That was a long time ago, I'm not one who remembers shit." Blitzø said

"Well, can you at least try to remember?" Octavia said

"How?" Blitzø said

"Just close your eyes & think back." Octavia said

Blitzø did as Octavia instructed & began to remember


A young Blitzo was hanging out in the living room of the Morningstar Castle

"Blitzo." Lilith called out "There's someone who wants to meet you."

"Coming, Aunt Lily." Blitzo said as he came to the door & saw Lilith with a tall female owl demon that resembled Stolas

"Blitzo, this is Queen Octavia Goetia." Lilith said

"Hello Blitzo, it's nice to meet you." Octavia greeted with a smile

"Nice to meet you too, are you Stolas' mama?" Blitzo asked

"Of course, you certainly are a smart little one for your age." Octavia said

Later, Octavia was sitting in the living room with Blitzo on her lap

"So, you're the little imp who has made friends with my son." Octavia said

"Yeah, his Dad bought me for the day on his Birthday." Blitzo said

"Really? That Paimon." Octavia rolled her eyes "You know Stolas had never had a friend before, you're the first one."

"I know, he told me & I'm glad I'm the first one." Blitzo said "No offense to you or him, but your son is a bit of a nerd, but I like him anyway."

"I knew you would." Octavia smiled before frowning sadly "It's too bad, that was the only time you spent time with each other."

"Will I see him again?" Blitzo asked

"Probably, but will you promise me you will look after him when you do?" Octavia said

"Of course, I'll be the strongest guardian ever." Blitzo said in determination

"I know you will." Octavia chuckled as she tickled his tummy causing him to laugh

Flashback End

"...." Blitzø opened his eyes

"You remember now, don't you?" Octavia said

"So what, are you saying I should keep being your son's guardian?" Blitzø said "You're here to make sure that I keep the thing I promised when I was a kid?"

"I wouldn't want you too." Octavia said "Blitzø, you already did your part to fulfill the promise of looking after Stolas & I'm so grateful to you for that. My son made his choice & I wouldn't want you to keep that promise even though he betrayed you."

"..." Blitzø stood in silence

"You don't have to worry, I won't let Stolas do any harm towards you when he finds out you told the truth about you & him." Octavia said

"...Okay, but if he doesn't listen to you, don't expect me to stand there & let him kill me." Blitzø said

"I wouldn't want you to & I won't fault you for fighting back." Octavia said

"Just try not to kill him." Via said

"No promises." Blitzø said

Just then Octavia held his face & gave him a motherly kiss on his forehead

"Thank you Blitzø, for everything." Octavia said

"You're welcome...Octavia." Blitzø said

Later, Blitzø was walking home from work

"Blitzø?" A voice said

Blitzø turned & saw Ralphie approaching him

"What do you want?" Blitzø said

"It's alright, I ain't gonna hurt ya, my wife & I wanna invite you over for dinner tonight." Ralphie said

"Why?" Blitzø raised an eyebrow

"Please, it's a token of appreciation for saving our son." Ralphie said "We promise we won't try to kill you."

"...Okay fine." Blitzø said

"Right, thanks." Ralphie said gratefully as he pulled out a piece of paper "This is the address to where we live, see you there."

In the evening, Blitzø arrived at the place & it looked the same as the one they lived when they were alive

"Blitzø, so glad you could come." Martha said as he ushered him in

"Hey Martha..." Blitzø said

"Dinner's almost ready, so make yourself at home." Ralphie

"Hi Blitzø." The kids said

"Hey kids." Blitzø said

"Thanks for saving me back there, I thought I was a goner." Marshal said

"Yeah, I thought I was gonna lose my brother forever." Ralfina said

"Don't mention it." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, my husband saw you & that little fella who used to work for you going at each other's throats & tried to kill each other." Martha said "I was surprised when Ralphie told me that, was it true?"

"Yes, but he was the one who tried to shoot me first, I only gave him a warning." Blitzø said

"What was up with you two, I thought y'all were friends but the two of you acted like you hate each other." Ralphie said "Why's that?"

"It's a long story." Blitzø said

Blitzø told the the Murder Family what happened which shocked them

"Wow, to think that they would turn against you like that after everything you've been through." Martha said

"Welp, there goes my respect for Moxxie." Ralphie said disappointedly

"Martha, I have something for you." Blitzø said as he gave her a gift box

Martha opened the box & pulled out a jar with an eyeball in it

"Wait, this is my eye." Martha said

"I kept it as a memento of my job, but since my company had gone to shit I've no reason to keep it anymore." Blitzø said "I'm sorry."

"No Blitzø, we're the ones who are sorry, it was wrong of us to blame you for being sent to kill us when you were only doing your job." Martha said

"Yeah, & besides you weren't actually the cause of our deaths." Ralphie said

"Then who exactly killed you?" Blitzø asked

"Well, after Martha's death, Moxxie called the cops which caused them to blow our house up with us inside." Ralphie said

"Oh god, that fucking idiot." Blitzø pinched the bridge of his nose "I'm so sorry about that."

"Oh, it's fine, the bright side of this is that we get to be with Martha since we couldn't live without her." Ralphie said

"But we do appreciate your apology." Martha said

"Thank you." Blitzø said

After they had dinner, Blitzø & Martha were sitting on the roof of the ceiling while Ralphie & the kids were inside the house

"Blitzø, I really am grateful to you for saving my son." Martha said

"Like I said before I couldn't bear the thought of parents losing their own kids." Blitzø said

"Out of curiosity, who sent you to kill me?" Martha asked

"It was Ms. Mayberry." Blitzø said

"The teacher?" Martha said

"Yeah, she was pissed that she was sent here to hell & the fact that you survived while everyone called you a hero." Blitzø said "Why do you sleep with other men even though you're married?"

"I only do that in order to kill them when they're off guard, my husband doesn't have a problem with it. As a matter of fact, he did the same thing back when we were alive." Martha said

"Oh, I see, I don't understand why people called you a hero, I mean it's not like you saved anyone & you only survived after Mayberry nearly killed you." Blitzø said

"Well, you know, people in the living world are stupid nowadays." Martha said "So, you're gonna fight Azrael in a year?"

"Yeah, I'm actually gonna start training tomorrow since I'm far behind on using my powers." Blitzø said "I don't know what's gonna happen if I win, but I can still move on with my life either way."

"Aren't you worried that he'll kill you?" Martha asked

"A little, but I'm not gonna give up on my life." Blitzø said "No doubt my enemies are gonna be overjoyed if I die since I've made many mistakes in the past."

Martha chuckled

"I'm sorry, that sounds awful." Martha said

"Yeah, what are you gonna do, life's a bitch & you die, right?" Blitzø said

"Sometimes, but sometimes life's a bitch & you keep on living." Martha said

"Hm." Blitzø said

"...It's a nice night, isn't it?" Martha said

"Yeah...this is nice." Blitzø said

Both Blitzø & Martha wanted to say something else, but somehow they couldn't get the words out. They both just sit there staring at the night sky & wonder what will happen in the future.

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