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While Blitzø was at work, Moxxie was running home & when he arrived, he walked in heavily panted which his wife noticed

"Moxxie? Are you alright?" Millie said in concern

"I confronted him & it didn't go so well." Moxxie said

"Why? What happened?" Millie asked

"He had me pinned & nearly impaled me with his scythe." Moxxie said

"He did WHAT!?" Millie said angrily "That fucking asshole, don't worry, Moxx, I can handle him tomorrow."

"No, Millie, don't do that." Moxxie said

"Why not?" Millie said

"Honey, you don't understand, he literally tried to kill me." Moxxie said "The reason why I'm alive is because he only gave me a warning, when I confronted him he looked like there wasn't a single emotion in his soul. When he gave me that warning, he had this cold look like he was dead serious on wanting to end my life. I think we broke him worse than we thought."

"Moxxie, why would it matter if we broke him, I mean he had it coming." Millie said

"I'm not joking, please, do not & I repeat do NOT confront him, because if you do then there's no doubt he's gonna do the same thing to you or probably worse, okay?" Moxxie said

"...Fine." Millie sighed before thinking "Just you wait Blitzo, when I find you I'm gonna end your pathetic life."

The next day, Blitzø was at work in Loo Loo Land until he got a visitor

"Hey Blitzø, Blitzø." Angel called out

"Angel, what are you doing here?" Blitzø said

"I've got good news for you, buddy." Angel said "Also, I've brought a couple of peeps who want to see ya."

Blitzø looked past Angel

"Ma, Cherri." Blitzø said

"Hiya B." Cherri smiled

"Hello, Blitzø." Lucie(OC by Tea N' Chips) said as she hugged Blitzø

"Good to see you, big man." Cherri said as she gave him a fist bump "I saw you on the news, that was fucking epic."

"Thanks Cherri." Blitzø said

"How's working here, sweet love?" Lucie asked

"I'm getting used to it, so what's the good news you have for me, Angel?" Blitzø said

"Oh yeah, Barbie told me you're gonna be training for the battle between you & Azrael, so I set you up with a trainer at the gym." Angel said

"Who's the guy?" Blitzø asked

"His name's Monty, he's Molly's boyfriend & he's a great guy, he has agreed to help you with your physical strength." Angel said "Does that sound good?"

"Sounds fine." Blitzø said

"Hey B, I should definitely invite you to the next turf war, I'm definitely gonna need someone with your power & skill." Cherri said

"Okay, you call me & I'll be there." Blitzø said

"You know I will." Cherri smiled

"By the way, I made something for you." Blitzø said as he pulled out a Cherri Bomb plushie & gave it to her

"Aww, Blitzø, this is so sweet, thank you." Cherri said adoringly

"Anthony, Cherri, could you give us a moment to talk alone?" Lucie said

"Sure, Ma." Angel said as he left with Cherri

"Ma, listen, I—." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, it's okay, I'm not gonna disown you like Lucifer & Lilith did." Lucie said "Didn't Molly tell you what I said the other day."

"Well, yeah but...I thought she was saying that to make me feel better." Blitzø said

"Oh, my poor darling, you know I meant every word I told her to tell you, I really do love you & I'm so sorry about your company, I know you worked hard for that company & I'm proud of you for that, so is Henroin." Lucie said

"Thank you, Ma, did you ever imagine that you would end up being the paternal godmother to a demon like me?" Blitzø said

"No, I never imagined that back when I was alive, but I'm very blessed to have you as my godson." Lucie smiled

"Yeah..." Blitzø said "You know, sometimes I wish I made better choices in the past."

"It's alright, my love, no one is perfect & everybody makes mistakes, we can't undo them but we can own up to them." Lucie said "Tell me, what did Henrion say when he visited you here."

"He said keep moving forward & get what you're worth while taking the hits, that's how winning is done." Blitzø said

"That's exactly right, he also told you that once you start believing in yourself, you'll be able to have a life, a life that you had always wanted. Do not let anyone get to you, because you are worth more than people say you're not. You may have made bad choices, but bad choices do not define the person you are. It's not the choices you make, it's the person who you choose to be." Lucie explained "You're a wonderful person, Blitzø, you're brave, kind, thoughtful, but you need to trust your heart."

"...You're right, Ma, I'll try." Blitzø said

"I know you will, just keep trying & you will succeed." Lucie smiled "No matter what, me, Henrion, Barbie, Charlie, & the others will always be proud of you."

"Thank you, Ma." Blitzø said as Lucie hugged him & kissed his cheek

"Blitzø! I say Blitzø!" Wally said as he was running & approaching them

"Wally, what's the matter?" Blitzø said

"I was at the entrance...& I saw...I say I saw..." Wally panted heavily

"You saw who?" Blitzø said

"I saw...Millie." Wally said

"What?" Blitzø said

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Millie screamed as he charged & pounced towards Blitzø with her axe

"Blitzø, look out!" Lucie exclaimed

Blitzø held up his hand towards Millie causing her to stop in midair, then he released a pulse from his hand which sent her flying

"Looks like Moxxie didn't get the message & got his wife involved." Blitzø said as he walked towards where Millie flew at

"What are you gonna do?" Lucie asked

"I'm gonna teach this bitch a lesson, don't let anyone interfere, this is my fight." Blitzø said as he left "Wally, Let Mammon know what's happening."

"Roger that." Wally said as he left in a hurry

When Wally got to Mammon's office

"Boss, something's happening." Wally said

"What's going on, mate?" Mammon asked

"It's Millie, she's here in Loo Loo Land." Wally said

"Now, what the hell is she here for?" Mammon said

"She's trying to kill Blitzø, I think it's gonna end up in a fight." Wally said

"A fight, huh?" Mammon said in a thinking gesture before his eyes became dollar signs

Back with Blitzø, he found Millie in the center of Loo Loo Land, a large group of people gathered around to see the fight due to Mammon's announcement. They were all cheering for Blitzø to teach Millie not to fuck with their hero

"Mrs. Dust, what's going on?" Cherri asked as Angel saw Millie

"Hey, isn't that Millie?" Angel asked

"It is, she's trying to kill him." Lucie said

"Ah shit, come on, Cherri, let's help him deal with this crazy bitch." Angel said as he pulled out a gun & Cherri pulled out a bomb

"No, don't." Lucie stopped them

"What? But Ma—." Angel said confusingly

"This is Blitzø's fight, not yours, he'll be able to handle this on his own." Lucie said

"Step right up & see the fight between Blitzø & his former employee from IMP Millie." Mammon said through a megaphone "Place your bets, everyone, this battle will get your money's worth."

Blitzø & Millie were at a distance from each other as Millie had an angry glare while Blitzø had an emotionless look on his face

"You! How dare you try to kill my husband!" Millie said furiously

"For your information, Mildred, he tried to shoot me while I was walking away. Also, I didn't try to kill him, I only gave him a warning." Blitzø corrected

"& he would've done a favor if he did!" Millie said

"A favor? For what? All the bastard was doing was giving me some bullshit lecture on how I should use my powers which is none of his business, but I just gave him straight facts & walked away." Blitzø said "You're husband however should've done the same, but he decided to do something stupid & point his gun at me even though he knew what I was capable of & here I thought he was smart."

"He is smart, smarter than the idiot you are!" Millie shouted "As a matter of fact, he should've been the one who ran that shithole of a company instead of you!"

"Hm, I'll admit he did have the knowledge of someone who would run the company, but he didn't have the experience of one, so I doubt he would last one mission without losing a horn." Blitzø said

"I'll make you take those words & shove them up your ass!" Millie glared

"Go ahead & try." Blitzø said as he summoned his scythe

Millie charged at Blitzø with her axe & repeatedly clashed with Blitzø as he blocks her attacks before hitting her in the stomach with the end of the Scythe's hand which caused her to skid back

"Working for you was the biggest mistake of our lives!" Millie yelled

"As was hiring you." Blitzø rolled his eyes

"RRRAAAAAAGH!" Millie charged at Blitzø

Blitzø swiftly disappeared before reappearing & kneed her, he disappeared again & reappeared behind her as he slashed her back with his dagger

"AAAAAAAAGH!" Millie screamed in pain

"Your anger is causing you to lose, Mildred, your parents taught you better than that." Blitzø said

"I don't know why they're still fond of you even though you ruined our anniversary!" Millie growled

"At least I didn't attack the host of that restaurant." Blitzø said

Millie repeatedly swung her axe at which Blitzø dodged again & again, Millie jumped back a distance from Blitzø & threw her axe at him. Blitzø dodged & grabbed the axe, before charging at Millie, then he planted the axe on the ground, swung around the handle & kicked her in the face. Millie pulled out her twin guns & shoot repeatedly at Blitzø, but he twirled the axe & scyther which deflected the bullets while charging at her. He then backlfipped kicked the guns out of her hand, then jumped up & cut the guns in half

"Is this seriously the best you can do, you've gotten real sloppy, Mildred." Blitzø said "You're as weak as your husband."

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Millie snarled in rage with fire in her eyes as her mouth foamed

"Bring it on." Blitzø said as he put away his scythe & the axe

Mille pulled out her knife which Blitzø kicked it away before giving her a left hook & right hook, then grabbing her horns & kneeing her face. Millie tried to give him an uppercut but Blitzø blocked it with his knee then kicking upwards to her chin before delivering an axe kick to her head to the ground. Millie struggled to get up, Blitzø grabbed her & held her up by the neck

"You got anything else to say?" Blitzø said with a cold glare

"You...bastard..." Millie said

"Goodnight, Mildred." Blitzø said before punching her face & knocking her unconscious as the crowd cheered

"Hahahahahaha, well done, Blitzø." Mammon praised as he clapped his hands

"Way to go, B, that was badass as fuck!" Cherri said enthusiastically as he high fived Blitzø

"Yeah, I got that all recorded & I'm sending it to Monty, he'll be glad I picked him to train you." Angel smiled excitedly "What do you think, Ma?"

"I think he did great." Lucie said

"Sorry you had to see that, Ma." Blitzø apologized

"It's alright, my love, she was gonna kill you so you had every right to defend yourself." Lucie said "I'm happy that you made it out alive, also you were right about her anger causing her to lose."

"Yep, so uh...what do we do with her?" Horvitz said as he pointed his thumb at an unconscious Millie.

"I know just what to do." Blitzø said as he picked up Millie "I'll be right back."

"What are you gonna do?" Wally asked

"Don't worry about it." Blitzø said

"Oi Blitzø, can ya clone the money people won?" Mammon asked as Blitzø snapped his finger & cloned the money the people won at the bet "Thanks, mate."

A few minute later, Blitzø was at the Murder Family residence with a bag over his shoulder

"Hey Blitzø, come on in." Ralphie said as he ushered him in the house

"Blitzø, we didn't know you were coming, what's going on darling?" Martha asked curiously

"Let me ask you a question, do you want your revenge against Moxxie?" Blitzø said

"We do, why do you ask?" Martha said

"Here." Blitzø said as he tossed the bag on the floor

The kids opened the bag revealing Millie who tied up & gagged

"" Millie groaned as she woke up

"Is this who I think it is?" Ralphie smirked

"Yep, that's his wife, do whatever you want with her, it will help you get your revenge." Blitzø said

"Oh, we definitely will." Martha smiled evilly along with her family

"Mm! Mm!" Millie panicked as she looked at Blitzø with pleading eyes

"Have fun with her." Blitzø said emotionlessly as he left

Meanwhile at the Goetia Mansion, Stolas & Stella was being visit by Paimon & Andrealphus.

"Oh Stolas, I've picked up a little something for you yesterday." Andrealphus said as he gave Stolas a gift box

Stolas opened the box & saw a plushie of Blitzø.

"Andrealphus, what in hell is this?" Stolas slightly glared

"Do you like it, I bought it at Loo Loo Land where I saw that little imp Ex-boyfriend of yours, we had a nice little chat" Andrealphus said

"What did he tell you?" Stolas clenched the plushie in his hand

"Oh nothing much, although he did confirm that you did have an affair with him." Andrealphus said "He also told me that you basically used him to get out of the marriage with my sister."

"You what!?" Stella said surprisingly "Is that why you slept with him!?"

"Calm down, Stella, I'm sure that blasted imp was just saying nonsense." Paimon said

"That insolent little fool." Stolas seethed as he burned the Blitzø plushie "Excuse me, but I have an imp to dispose of."

"You will do no such thing!" A voice said

Everyone looked & saw Octavia & Via.

"Mother?" Stolas said

"Don't you even think about harming Blitzø, Stolas." Octavia glared

"But mother, I told him not to tell anyone & he disobeyed my order, so I will have to put an end to his li—." Stolas said


Everyone was shocked & stunned as Octavia had slapped Stolas across the face

"Mother..." Stolas said shockingly

"You listen to me, Blitzø has already suffered enough from you, so I'm not going to let you murder him. I thought you were better than this, but you turned out to be just like your father & I'm extremely disappointed in you. Now you are going to let Blitzø live his life peacefully, Am I clear?" Octavia scowled

"Octavia, why are you defending that imp, he needs to be punished for disobeying an order. It was good riddance that our son cut ties with him." Paimon said

"& who was the one who created those ties, Paimon." Andrealphus said

"I beg your pardon?" Paimon said

"I believe you know exactly what I mean, that wasn't all the imp told me." Andrealphus said "You were the one who introduced Stolas to Blitzø when they were children."

"Paimon, what is he talking about?" Stella asked

"" Paimon said nervously

"I think you should know, sister, that Paimon bought Blitzø on Stolas' birthday to be his first friend." Andrealphus said

"He did WHAT!? Paimon, why the fuck would you buy an imp to be Stolas' friend!?" Stella said in outrage

"Stella, M-my dear, i-it's not what you think, I just d-didn't want to deal with him." Paimon stuttered

"Now, if you two don't want me to expose this to the public along with the rest of the Goetia Family, I suggest you leave the imp alone & let him live peacefully." Andrealphus smirked

"You arrogant bastard." Stolas glared

"This is blackmail!" Paimon said in outrage

"Call it what you will, but you should make your choice wisely, so what's it gonna be?" Andrealphus said

"...Fine." Paimon & Stolas said reluctantly

"While you're at it, Paimon, you're gonna help train Blitzø." Octavia said

"Me!? Train him!?" Paimon exclaimed "Why!?"

"Because the Angel of Death, Azrael, has challenged him to a battle in a year's time." Octavia said

"I don't understand, why would the Angel of Death challenge an Imp like him?" Stella said

"Because Blitzø is no ordinary imp, have you 3 been living under a rock?" Via said "Didn't you guys see the news."

Via pulled out her phone & showed the video of the incident in the Extermination.

"It can't be?" Paimon said shockingly before thinking "Dammit, if I knew the boy had these powers I should've bought him on a permanent basis!"

"What the fuck!? How did he get these powers!?" Stella exclaimed shockingly

"Still think you should kill him, Stolas?" Andrealphus smirked

"..." Stolas stood in silence

"Well, Paimon, are you gonna help him or not?" Octavia said

"Alright, fine, but if he refuses because of what Stolas did, then he's on his own." Paimon said

"Good." Octavia said as Stolas, Stella, & Paimon left

"Thanks, Uncle Andre." Via smiled. "I'm surprised you decided to help us prevent Dad from killing Blitzø."

"Well, to be honest, I do pity him a little bit after what he went through." Andrealphus said

Octavia sighed

"Are you okay, Grandma?" Via said

"I'm fine, it's just that I'm worried about next year." Octavia said

"Next year is just another day, I believe Blitzø will manage to pull through like he did before." Andrealphus said

"He's right, he did pull through without committing suicide after he was betrayed." Octavia said "All we have to do is support & believe in him."

"Agreed." Octavia smiled

Later Blitzø arrived at the gym where he saw a muscular snake demon waiting at the entrance

"Hello there, are you Blitzø by any chance?" The snake demon asked

"I am, wait a minute, are you Montgomery Python, the Pentagram Champion?" Blitzø said

"That's me, boyo, but you can call me Monty." Monty(OC by Axelgear) said "It's nice to meet you, Molly told me all about ya."

"Wow, I am a huge fan, I watched your fights all the time." Blitzø said

"Thank you, those were the good old days, Angel tells me you needed help in your physical strength." Monty said "I saw the video of your fight with your ex-employee & I gotta say, I am impressed."

"It's an honor to hear you say that, Monty, can you show me the techniques with your tail?" Blitzø said

"Sure, boyo, someday I will." Monty smiled. "Now, no time to lose, let's get training."

2 hours of training later

"Okay, we're done for now, that was good don't you think?" Monty said as he tossed a water bottle to Blitzø

"Yeah, it was." Blitzø agreed

"So tell me, boyo, what were you & the lass fighting about?" Monty said

"She was just pissed that I gave her husband a warning yesterday." Blitzø said "He tried to shoot me while my back was turned when I was done talking to him."

"Oh, now that's a cowardly move." Monty said

"That's exactly what I said, what's more cowardly is that he ignored my warning & had his wife involved to deal with me." Blitzø said

"Some people just can't take a warning seriously these days." Monty said disappointedly "You know, I'm surprised you're still alive after forgetting the promise you & Azrael made."

"Just because the promise slipped my mind doesn't mean I backed out on it, if I went back on the promise then I would be dead." Blitzø said

"Eh, that's true." Monty shrugged

"What's your relationship with my godfamily?" Blitzø asked

"Well, I'm on good terms with them except Henroin, that man hates my guts." Monty said

"Really?" Blitzø said

"Yeah, the reason why we're still together is because of Molly being a daddy's girl." Monty said

"That's good, I hope you don't do anything to hurt Molly for your sake." Blitzø said

"Oh no, boyo, I would never hurt the people I care about." Monty assured

"Hm, good." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, I'm sorry to hear about your company, was it everything to you?" Monty asked

"It was, I worked very hard for that company, but now all my hard work had gone down the fucking drain & now I'm back where I started by working at my old job in Loo Loo Land." Blitzø said

"Hey, if it makes you feel better, the sinners are protesting for IMP to reassemble. Maybe it would help in getting your company back." Monty said

"Thanks for telling me that, Monty." Blitzø said

"No problem, boyo." Monty smiled. "Let's hit the showers."

After showering, Blitzø & Monty left the gym

"It was nice meeting you, Blitzø, I'll see you later." Monty said as he shook Blitzø's hand

"Take care." Blitzø said as he & Monty separated

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