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Moxxie was waiting for his wife Millie to come home. He noticed Millie wasn't home & it was getting late.

"Where is she? It's not like her to be out this late." Moxxie wondered before realizing "Oh crumbs, don't tell me she–."


Moxxie's phone got a text from Millie much to his relief. The text said to meet Millie at a location. When Moxxie got there, he noticed the house seemed familiar somehow. When he entered the house, everything was dark.

"Millie? Are you there?" Moxxie called


Moxxie was hit on the head which knocked him outcold. When Moxxie woke up from his consciousness.

"Ugh..." Moxxie groaned as he woke up & found himself chained to a chair. "What is this?"

"Moxxie." Millie said as she was in a cell & she was bruised all over with some cuts & a bleeding head

"Millie, are you okay? What's going on?" Moxxie said worriedly

"You're just in time to find out." A voice said

Moxxie looked & saw the Murder Family

"You? What's all this?" Moxxie said

"What's it look like? This is our revenge for killing us." Martha smiled

"Did you honestly think we were gonna let things go after you had the cops blow us up?" Ralphie said

"Wait, I didn't mean to get you & your kids killed, it was an accident." Moxxie said uneasily

"It was no accident, what you did was a mistake." Ralphie glared

"How do you have my wife, what did you do to her?" Moxxie demanded

"Oh, it was really easy, thanks to Blitzø, he gave her to us to use as bait to lure you over her." Ralphie smirked

"Blitzø did what!?" Moxxie said shockingly

"Don't be so surprised, you were the one who started this." Martha said

"What the hell are you talking about?" Moxxie said confusingly

"You sent Millie to go after Blitzø." Ralphie said as Moxxie looked at his wife

"Millie, please tell me that you didn't confront him." Moxxie said

"Moxxie, I'm sorry, I thought I could handle him." Millie apologized

"So, little fella, did you think it was a good idea to send your wife to go after Blitzø?" Martha asked

"No, I didn't send her to go after him, if anything I told her not to, I swear." Moxxie said

"Tell that to Blitzø." Ralphie said "Then again, I doubt he would believe you, after all you did leave him in the dust."

"But what about Blitzø? He tried to kill you too, back when you were alive." Moxxie said

"You're right, he did try to kill me & we were planning on getting revenge on him, but he saved my son during the extermination because he knew that I wouldn't be able to handle it if I lost one of my kids & he knew it was the right thing to do. That's why we decided to spare him." Martha said

"Plus, when we saw his powers we thought twice about getting revenge on him & we knew we were no match for him." Ralphie said

"Yeah, also we know what you did to Blitzø, Ralphie saw you two act like you hate each other. At first we were confused since we thought you were friends yet you tried to kill each other. But after hearing the whole story, it was no wonder he looked like shit." Martha said

"Look, I get what Millie & I said was over the top, but we told him not to follow us on our marriage anniversary date." Moxxie said

"& what would you think would have happened if Blitzø didn't follow you at that time?" Ralphie asked

"..." Moxxie & Millie paused in silence

"Well, we're waiting for an answer." Ralphie crossed his arms

"...We don't know." Moxxie said lowly

"You don't know? I tell you what, you two better take some time to think about that." Ralphie scowled

Martha & Ralphie walked out leaving their kids who were glaring at Moxxie & Millie

"You know, Blitzø really did save my life." Marshall said "If he hadn't, I wouldn't be here today & our family owes it to him."

"If Blitzø hadn't saved Marshall's life, Mama, Papa, & I would be deeply affected knowing that we had lost a part of our family." Ralfina said "Weren't you two at least a bit happy or proud that he did something good?"

"..." Moxxie & Millie said nothing

"I could've died in that Extermination, I could've been mutilated to death, but when he saved me, all you cared about was his powers." Marshall said

"But why would he not tell us about his powers?" Moxxie said

"Probably because he didn't trust you enough to reveal them to you." Marshall said much to Moxxie & Millie's shock

"Also like he said back when Moxxie confronted him, it ain't your business on what he decides to do with his powers. What he decides to do with them is his business." Ralfina said

"You two seriously have a lot to think about." Marshall shook his head in disappointment before he & his sister turned their backs "You best be prepared for what we're gonna do to you. Don't worry, we won't kill you, but you'll wish we did."

After Ralfina & Marshall left the room

"Millie, why did you confront Blitzø, I told you not to do that!" Moxxie said

"Moxx, I thought I could handle him, but I was outmatched." Millie said

"What the fuck were you thinking!? You saw what he did to those Exterminators, he could have killed you! What's worse is that you tried to kill him!" Moxxie scolded

"Hey, you tried to do the same thing when you confronted him!" Millie argued

"That's because I wasn't thinking at that time!" Moxxie countered "Now we're here because you didn't listen to me!"

There was a moment of silence between the married imps

"I think you were right, Moxxie." Millie said

"About what?" Moxxie said

"About Blitzø, I think we did break him worse than we thought." Millie said "When he turned me in to the Murder Family, there wasn't a look of hesitate on his face, it looked like he didn't care what they do to me."

"Well, I wasn't exaggerating when I told you what happened when I confronted him." Moxxie said "I'm beginning to question if we made the right choice in leaving him out of our lives."

"...Hey Moxxie?" Millie said

"What?" Moxxie said

"What if what Ralphie said had a point, what would have happened if Blitzø didn't follow us on our anniversary date?" Millie said

"...I don't know, I'm trying to figure that out as well." Moxxie said

Meanwhile, Blitzø was at his apartment until he heard his doorbell ring, he opened the door & saw his sister

"Barb?" Blitzø said

"Sup bro, may I come in?" Barbie smiled

"Sure, you visiting?" Blitzø asked as Barbie entered

"Yep, just thought I would check on how things are doing." Barbie said "This is a nice place, Mammon really set you up somewhere good to live."

"Well, it's better than the rundown shithole I used to live in." Blitzø said "You want anything to eat or drink."

"Yeah, I'm hungry." Barbie said

While they were eating

"So, what's new with you?" Blitzø asked

"The good news is I just got out of rehab a couple of weeks ago, so now I'm clean." Barbie said

"That's good, anything else?" Blitzø said

"After I checked myself out, I managed to find an apartment & a couple of jobs." Barbie said "I'm a pharmacist at the St. An's Hospital as a cover up, but in real life, I'm a drug lord."

"Barbie Wire, you're not back on that H-8, are you?" Blitzø slightly glared

"Fuck no, it's just heroin." Barbie said

"Heroin. What's the point, that shit barely gets rid of a headache." Blitzø said

"It's honest work, okay? It's not that big of a deal." Barbie said

"Sis, you just got out of rehab." Blitzø said

"Relax, I'll be fine." Barbie said "Let's just change the subject, I saw on the news about that twink's bitch attacking you at Loo Loo Land. What'd you do to her after you kicked her ass?"

"I gave her to a former target of mine to help her & her family get revenge on Moxxie." Blitzø said

"What about Millie's Family?" Barbie asked

"They called & apologized again for what she did, I told them it was fine & that they don't have to keep apologizing for her fuck ups. I certainly can't fault them for Millie being temperamental." Blitzø said

"I see." Barbie said "Blitzø, I still can't believe you made a promise with the Angel of Death. Mom told you to never talk to strangers back when we were kids."

"I know." Blitzø said

"You know Lucifer is gonna blow a gasket when he finds out." Barbie said

"Like I care." Blitzø rolled his eyes

"What do you think's gonna happen when the battle between you & Azrael is over?" Barbie asked

"Hell if I know." Blitzø shrugged

"Hey, you know that I'm worried about you." Barbie said

"Yeah..." Blitzø said

"You okay?" Barbie asked

"I'm okay, it's just...I wish Mom was here." Blitzø said as he placed a hand on his skull necklace & held it

" too..." Barbie sighed sadly

"I wonder what it would be like if she were here after my company went to shit." Blitzø said

"She would still be proud of you & support you like she always had because that's what mothers do." Barbie said "She may not approve of the choices you made in the past, but she would still love you regardless."

"...Barb I...I'm sorry I ruined your life I...I didn't mean to–." Blitzø said

"Hey, it's okay." Barbie comforted as she one-armed hugged him & laid her head on his head "It'll be alright, okay?"

"...Okay..." Blitzø said as he shed a tear

Knock Knock Knock

They heard a knock on the door, Blitzø came to the door & looked outside only to see no one, but he noticed a small present on the ground. He picked it up & opened the present to see some sort of ring

"What's this?" Blitzø said as Barbie looked at the stone of the ring & recognized it

"Hey, that's an Asmodean Crystal." Barbie said

"Asmodean Crystal?" Blitzø said

"It gives you access to the human world." Barbie said

"..." Blitzø stared at the ring "Barb, I don't think I'm allowed to use this."

"Why not, I mean you're not killing anyone in the human world anymore." Barbie said

"But what am I supposed to do while I'm there?" Blitzø said

"Anything you want, take a vacation, go sightseeing, do whatever you want as long as it's not killing people." Barbie said "the Crystal can also give you a human disguise so they don't recognize you."

"What about the DHORKS?" Blitzø said

"What? You planning on getting your revenge on them since they fucked your company over?" Barbie said

"No Barb, what happened to my company was my fault, not theirs even though they exposed it." Blitzø said "What I'm saying is sure the humans won't recognize me, but will the DHORKS?"

"Just lay low with your disguise, okay? The people will probably think the footage of you & the others is fake." Barbie said

"Good point, Martha did say people up there are stupid." Blitzø said "But who the hell would give me this? There's no note or anything."

"Who knows? It could be a gift from one of your fans." Barbie shrugged

"Hmm..." Blitzø wondered

The next day, Blitzø was at work when Mammon approached him

"Blitzø, come with me." Mammon said as he led Blitzø out of Loo Loo Land

"Is there something wrong, sir?" Blitzø asked

"Not really, it's just that we've been summoned to a meeting, it's regarding the incident at the Extermination." Mammon said

They went to the Morningstar Palace & got to the meeting room, Blitzø saw Lucifer, Lilith, Alastor, the Von Eldritch, The Ars Goetia, & the Sins. Blitzø & Mammon tooks their seats as the meeting began.

"Do you know why you're here, Blitzo?" Lucifer said with a slight glare

"Is that a rhetorical question, Morningstar?" Blitzø said emotionlessly

"Blitzø, please, show some respect." Lilith said

"I'm fresh out of respect for this false ruler." Blitzø said as some gasped at that

"What did you just say?" Lucifer seethed

"I didn't stutter." Blitzø said

"Let's get straight to the point." Satan said "Blitzø, as you know, we saw the incident of the Extermination that happened a few weeks ago."

"Mm-hm, go on." Blitzø said

"We want to know how you got these powers & when did you discover them, care to tell?" Zepar said

"Well, I discovered them when I was five, but to tell you the truth I've no idea how I got them, although it could be some sort of bloodline that was inherited from an ancestor or relative." Blitzø said

"Hm, does your sister have these sorts of powers as well?" Frederick asked

"No sir, I don't think so." Blitzø said

"The other thing is that when we heard what Azrael said on the news, we couldn't help but feel troubled." Belphegor said "Do forgive our concern, but were you somehow acquainted with him?"

"You could say that." Blitzø said

"So, is that a yes?" Belphegor asked

"Yes, I only met him once when I was a kid, I was 7-years old back then." Blitzø said

"Really? Care to tell?" Satan said

"Well, I didn't know who he was back then, when I met him he was disguised in a cloak & he told me his name was classified under the name of Az. I was in the forest training my powers when we first encountered, he had been watching me train my potential & he was impressed by my training & capabilities. We made a promise that we would face each other in battle once I got older. As our pinkies wrapped around each other, I noticed a sort of glow." Blitzø said

"A glow? No, it can't be." Lilith said as her eyes widened

"Death's Promise." Asmodeus said shockingly

"Blitzø, do you know what sort of promise Azrael made with you?" Anath said

"The kind of promise that kills me if I go back on it & nothing can break it until the promise is fulfilled? Yeah, I know." Blitzø said

"You look like you're not even worried about it." Beelzebub said

"That's because I don't even care at this point." Blitzø said

"Blitzo, you imbecile!" Lucifer said angrily as he stood up "How could you have been acquainted with Azrael & make a promise with him! Do you realize what would have happened if you–!"


Everyone froze in shock as Lucifer's cheek was bleeding & a knife was stuck to a wall behind him. They looked at Blitzø who had a cold look.

"I just said I was 7 back when I met Azrael & that I didn't know who he was, are you deaf or is that pride of yours making you stupid?" Blitzø said

"Don't you take that tone a voice with me, Blitzo! Charlotte rebeled against us & cut us off because of you!" Lucifer said

"Good, that makes her & I both rebels, unlike you she's more understanding." Blitzø said

"Do you have any idea what she said to us when we told her what we did? She said that it would be better if we were more like God & Eve." Lilith said

"At least God & Eve would be decent parents to Charlie & support her idea of redeeming sinners. I'm actually glad that she didn't turn out to be like you two & that's what me, Vaggie, & most people love about her. I guess her kind personality came from her Dad's side of the family if you know what I mean, huh Morningstar?" Blitzø said

"How dare you–." Lucifer snarled

"I'd watched the next thing I say if I were you." Blitzø closed his eyes & reopened them as they were black with red pupils "So sit down before I show you your worst nightmare."

As Lucifer looked at Blitzø's eyes, he felt partially nervous, so he sat back down not wanting to provoke him.

"Ahem, Paimon." Octavia whispered

"Huh? Oh right, Blitzø, since you're gonna be fighting Azrael within a year, I want to offer you training with your powers by me." Paimon said

"Yeah? & why would I want to be trained by a privileged asshat." Blitzø said

"I beg your pardon?" Paimon said

"Besides, I wouldn't want to ruin your reputation, right Stolas?" Blitzø said as Stolas narrowed his eyes "Also, Goetia, have you noticed a lot of things had been missing in your castle 25 years ago?"

"Yes, what's that got to do with it?" Paimon said

"That was me, my dad told me to rob you & it's all thanks to the help of your sucker of a son." Blitzø said

"You helped him steal our things!?" Paimon glared at Stolas

"Father, it wasn't my fault, he tricked me." Stolas said nervously

"The reason why I'm telling you this is not because I regret stealing from you, I'm telling you this now because it's my way of saying 'Fuck you.'" Blitzø said as everyone except Mammon, the Von Eldritch, & Alastor gasped

"Why you little–." Paimon said as Blitzø stood up & walked away "Hey, don't turn your back on me, Blitzo!"

"Oh no, Paimon, perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me." Blitzø said

"SCREEEEE!" Paimon screeched angrily as he quickly got in front of Blitzø "Is that a challenge!?"

"Paimon don't–!" Octavia said

Just then Blitzø's hand glowed purple & slapped Paimon into a wall which shocked everyone

"Hm, pitiful." Blitzø said

"I swear to you, Blitzo, I will–." Paimon said before a blade was an inch to his face

"Don't threaten me, Paimon, it won't end well for you." Blitzø said as he was sticking out his scythe towards Paimon

"That's enough, Blitzø." Mammon said as he placed his hand on Blitzø's shoulder

"Yes sir." Blitzø said as he put his scythe away

"I think it's time for us to leave, we've gotta get back to work." Mammon said

"Yeah, & Bethesda, Frederick?" Blitzø said

"Yes dear?" Bethesda said

"Can you give Seviathan & Helsa a 'hello' for me, please." Blitzø said

"As you wish." Frederick said

"Thank you." Blitzø said

"Wait, Blitzø, one more question." Beelzebub said

"What?" Blitzø said

"Why did you hide your powers for so many years?" Beelzebub asked

"Because I'm just a man...not a weapon." Blitzø said as he & Mammon walked out

"He nearly took out Paimon with one hit, what the fuck kind of powers are those!?" Stella thought

"Well, that was very entertaining, I'm very glad I came to this meeting. He certainly told you off, didn't he?" Alastor laughed

"Oh shut up, Alastor!" Lucifer said in annoyance

"At least we got some information from him, but what was Azrael doing here in Hell & why does he wanna fight Blitzø?" Zepar said

"So, what do we do now, Lucifer?" Asmodeus said

"...I guess I'll have to summon Azrael to ask him myself." Lucifer sighed

"You sure you wanna do that?" Beelzebub said

"Yes, I've got to have answers." Lucifer said "This meeting is adjourned."

Blitzø & Mammon were walking out of the castle

"Well, I think that worked out quite nicely." Mammon said

"Sorry about that, Mammon." Blitzø apologized

"Oh no, it's fine, I was having the time of my life honestly, I'm impressed you had the balls to stand up to Lucifer & Paimon like that." Mammon said

"Blitzø." Octavia approached him with Anath by her side

"You told Paimon to offer me training from him, didn't you?" Blitzø looked at her

"I...yes, I did." Octavia sighed

"Now why the fuck would you tell him to do that, you know I don't trust that asshole." Blitzø glared coldly

"Blitzø, don't be hard on her, we just want to help." Anath said as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Help? Since when did you Goetia bastards want to help an imp like me?" Blitzø said as he lightly pushed Anath's hand away "The reason why you want to help me now is because of my powers. That's the problem with you Demon Royalties, you don't help those who are in need of help or in danger, you just walk away thinking your hot shit & everything just because you are demons who have a high rank which I don't give a fuck to this point. All you care about are your titles, your wealth, your reputations, & your popularity. That's the reason why I don't trust you."

"But Blitzø, not all of us are like that, we really do want to help you." Octavia said

"I'm not gonna take any chances, Octavia, I refuse to be stabbed in the back by your kind again." Blitzø said

"No one's gonna stab you in the back again, will you just listen to me." Octavia said

"I've heard enough." Blitzø said "Tell Via I said 'Hi', & next time you want to tell someone I hate to offer to train me, don't."

"Blitzø wait." Octavia called out as Blitzø left & Mammon stopped her

"Easy love, he's just upset, we'll see you later." Mammon said as he left

"This is worse than what you described, Octavia." Anath said

"Yes, it is." Octavia said before she sighed "Gosh, I'm so stupid, what was I thinking telling Paimon to offer Blitzø training?"

"Don't be hard on yourself, you were only trying to help him." Anath assured

"What are we gonna do now? Because of my son's betrayal, Blitzø doesn't trust anyone from the Goetia family except me & Via & maybe Andrealphus. The other high-ranked demons are possibly gonna be too busy to train Blitzø, & I know Blitzø won't accept any training from Lucifer & Lilith since they disowned him as his godson. If not them, then whom?" Octavia said

Anath thought hard until she got an idea

"Octavia, I believe I know just the person who Blitzø will be willing to be trained by." Anath said

Back with Lucifer & Lilith, they were in the backyard setting up the summoning.

"Azrael." Lucifer said as the summoning circle glowed in a purple light causing Azrael to appear.

"Hello Brother, you called?" Azrael smirked

"Yes, I did, I know about the promise you & Blitzø made." Lucifer glared slightly

"Oh? Then you know how Blitzø & I met when he was just a child." Azrael said

"Indeed, just what the hell were you doing here in Hell that day?" Lucifer demanded

"Was it wrong for me to come down here & meet my godnephew?" Azrael said

"It is, you were never allowed to meet my family." Lucifer said

"Still sore about your Fall, Lucifer?" Azrael taunted which pisses off Lucifer

"Azrael, please, just tell us what you want with Blitzø." Lilith said

"Alright, if you insist, when I saw Blitzø training his powers, I saw great potential in him which led us to make that promise. Over the years I watched over him train until he stopped & I was utterly willing to see him use it in battle. Sadly he never did use his potential against his enemies & I was very impatient, that's when I decided to confront him on the Extermination. He hasn't lost his touch over the years I must admit." Azrael said

"What's the point of this battle between you & Blitzø that's due next year." Lucifer asked

"You see, after our battle whether Blitzø wins or loses, I will be taking him under my my apprentice." Azrael smiled darkly much to Lucifer & Lilith's shock & horror

Cliffhanger! There you have it, another chapter done. Sorry for the long wait, a lot has happened to me but I'm feeling a lot better. I hope it was worth the wait. Stay tuned for another chapter. Morpho Out!

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