First Day at Loo Loo Land

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First Day at Loo Loo Land




Blitzø woke up as his alarm clock went off before turning it off.

"First day on the job." Blitzø said blankly as he got out of bed "Gotta get ready."

After eating breakfast & taking a shower, Blitzø got dressed in a black shirt, black pants, a long hooded hornless trench coat, his fingerless gloves & boots. He arrived at Loo Loo Land where Mammon was waiting for him at the entrance.

"Blitzø, love your new threads mate, you look like a hard rock grim reaper." Mammon complimented

"Thanks..." Blitzø said as Mammon noticed what he was holding

"Oi, is that a first aid kit?" Mammon asked

"Yes sir." Blitzø nodded

"Well, I guess that's fair since we've never got around to build an infirmary." Mammon said "Anyway, I'll show you what you'll be doing."

Mammon led Blitzø to a stand beside the entrance of a tent, the stand had stuffed dolls of Fizzarolli & Friends characters.

"Alright, here's what you're gonna do, you're gonna sell these stuffies. Once you sell a stuffie you make a new one, think you can do that?" Mammon said

"Yes sir, luckily I know how to make stuffed dolls." Blitzø said

"Good." Mammon said

"...Sir, would it be okay if I make stuffies of others?" Blitzø asked

"Like who?" Mammon said

"Like you or me or if the customer requests it, I could make a stuffie of them." Blitzø said

"...I don't see why not." Mammon said "I haven't named the prices yet, so I'm leaving that up to you."

After Blitzø wrote the prices on the sign.

"$5 for a small stuffie, $10 for a medium stuffie, & $20 for a large stuffie?" Mammon said incredulously "Blitzø, what the fuck kind of prices are these?"

"But sir I—." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, this is the Greed Ring we live in, are you seriously trying to make a mockery out of me?" Mammon scowled

"I'm sorry, I just thought it would be a fair price..." Blitzø said looking down

"...Oi." Mammon groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose "Alright, you can keep the prices as they are, I did leave the price naming to you after all."

"Thank you, sir." Blitzø said

"Don't mention it, mate, now get to work." Mammon said

"Yes sir." Blitzø said

Blitzø had sold a few stuffies, so far no one recognized him as they bought them, either that or they're keeping their mouths shut if they did recognize him. He made a couple of Mammon stuffies & a stuffie of himself, but he put that on the side of the back of his stand. Just then he heard crying & yelling, he looked & saw an arguing succubus couple with a crying little succubus girl on the ground, he noticed the little girl's knee was injured. He grabbed his first-aid kit & approached them

"How the fuck do they not have a fucking infirmary here!" The mother said

"Babe, what do you want me to do? All that Apple nutjob said was to try & sue them if anyone gets hurt here." The father said

"Our child is in pain & they don't fucking care!? Are they joking!?" The mother said before noticing Blitzø "What the fuck do you want!?"

Blitzø said nothing as he knelt down to the little girl & started healing her wound, after he finished healing her by putting a bandage around her knee.

"Here." Blitzø said simply as he pulled out a lollipop & gave it to her

"Thank you." The little girl said as Blitzø walked away

"Wait." The mother said as Blitzø stopped "I'm sorry for snapping at you when you were just coming to help."

"...It's fine." Blitzø said

"Is there anything we can do to repay you?" The father asked

"...You can get a stuffed doll from my stand, they don't cost much." Blitzø said

They went to Blitzø's stand

"Pick whichever one you like, I don't care." Blitzø said as he sat down behind his stand

The little girl looked around until he noticed the stuffed doll of Blitzø

"May I have that one?" The little girl asked, pointing at the doll "The one that looks like you."

"You mean this?" Blitzø said as he picked up the doll

"Mm-Hm." The little girl nodded

"Are you sure, I mean there are other choices." Blitzø said

"No thank you, just that one, I wanted it to remind me of how nice you were to me when I go back home." The little girl said "So may I have it, please."

Blitzø was speechless & was slightly surprised on the inside that she wanted the doll to remind her of the good deed he did for her.

"Take it, no charge." Blitzø said as he gave her the doll

"Thank you, Mr. Nice Man." The little girl said as she flew up & kissed his cheek "Mwah!"

"Thanks for helping our daughter with her knee, we'll be going now." The father said

"You guys go on, I'll catch up." The mother said

"Okay hun." The father said as he left with his daughter

"Hey, are you the founder of IMP?" The mother asked

"...Yes." Blitzø said

"Sorry about your company, I know that must have been real hard for you to see your own company shut down." The mother apologized sympathetically

"It was, thank you for your sympathy." Blitzø said

"No problem, take care of yourself." The mother said as she left

Later, it was lunchtime, Blitzø was sitting on a bench alone eating his lunch. He heard someone approaching him, he looked & saw Horvitz standing next to him before looking down. Horvitz said nothing as he sat next to Blitzø on the bench

"Blitzø, I'm not mad at you because of what you did with your company, I'm just disappointed that you keep secrets from us even though Wally & I are your friends. You know better than to shut us out, Blitzø, we've known each other since we were kids." Horvitz said

"Horvitz, I really didn't want to shut you guys out, it's just...the truth really hurts." Blitzø said

"I know it does, but you realize that if you keep secrets it can sometimes put a big weight on you, but once you tell someone, that weight will get off of you no matter how the truth hurts." Horvitz said "I'm not trying to force the truth out of you, I'm just telling this because I care about you & I'm worried about you."

"...Okay." Blitzø sighed "It started the morning after the incident at Ozzie's."


Blitzø was in his office sitting at his desk until Millie stormed inside.

"You!" Millie shouted

"Huh? Millie?" Blitzø said

"You ruined our marriage anniversary!" Millie said angrily as Moxxie came in with a glare

"What? What are you talking about?" Blitzø said confusingly

"After I sang my song, Asmodeus kicked us out because of you." Moxxie said "Not only that but you embarrassed us in front of the whole restaurant."

"I didn't mean to embarrass you, I was only trying to—." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, we specifically told you not to come, why do you always do the opposite of what we say?" Moxxie asked

"I'm sorry, it's just that the reason why I do that is—." Blitzø said

"No, the reason why you always do that is because you're a creep!" Millie said

"No, no, it's just that—." Blitzø said

"You know what, that's the last straw." Moxxie said

"What do you mean?" Blitzø asked

"We quit, Blitzo! We're done with this job, done with IMP, DONE WITH YOU!" Moxxie shouted

"Moxxie, Millie, please, don't do this, I thought you were my—." Blitzø said

"& I TOLD YOU ALREADY!? WE WEREN'T A FAMILY! WE WERE YOUR EMPLOYEES! NOTHING ELSE! ESPECIALLY NOT TO AN INSUFFERABLE MORONIC DISAPPOINTMENT LIKE YOU!" Moxxie shouted frustratingly before turning his back "It's no wonder why you're alone."

Blitzø widened his eyes in shock & mouth gaped when Moxxie said those things

Flashback End

"Then Loona told me she was moving out of the house...but she told me that she was quitting her job." Blitzø said


"Loona, I understand that you're moving out of the house, but there's no reason for you to quit your job." Blitzø said

"Why not, I was forced to be in this job." Loona said

"Hey, I never forced you to do anything." Blitzø said

"Whatever, the sooner I get away from you, the better." Loona scoffed

"What did I do?" Blitzø said confusingly

"Don't you get it, Blitzo!?" Loona shouted "When I went to that party, I was laughed at when they found out that you were my adoptive father & it's all your fault!"

"How is that my fault!?" Blitzø argued

"You ruined my fucking life! I could've been adopted by a different family, but no I got adopted by a weak imp of a father!" Loona said frustratingly "You know what, I bet the reason why you were so desperate to have a family is because your own family left you for being a dickless loser!"

Blitzø stared in shock & hurt

"Have fun being alone again." Loona said as she left

Flashback End

"Then I learned the harsh truth about Stolas." Blitzø said


"What do you mean the deal is off?" Blitzø said

"I'm taking my grimoire back, you're gonna have to find another way to get to the living world." Stolas said "Besides, you are of no use to me anymore."

"What?" Blitzø said surprisingly

"You heard me, you are no longer of use to me?" Stolas scowled "I was only using you, so that my marriage with Stella could end, but I see that didn't do any good considering you ruined my reputation back at Ozzie."

"But you said you enjoyed spending time with me despite everything that happened, I thought you cared about me." Blitzø said

"Cared about you? Ha, as if I would actually care about a pathetic worthless Imp like yourself." Stolas said "Now, let's pretend what we had never happened, is that clear."

"But Stolas—." Blitzø said


Blitzø flew into a wall as Stolas had backhanded him, Blitzø looked up at him in shock as he saw Stolas' menacing stare.

"You were a fool into thinking I was your friend when we were children, I should've saved only Moxxie, Millie, & Loona, leaving you to those kooks so you could die alone like you were always fated to." Stolas said "Now, listen to me, if you ever so much tell a single soul to anyone, I will personally put your life to an end, understand?"

"Y-yes..." Blitzø said fearfully

"Goodbye Blitzo." Stolas said as he left

Flashback End

"After that, I was summoned by Lucifer & Lilith, they disbanded my company because DHORKS had evidence of our existence & they disowned me as a part of their family." Blitzø said


"You are a disgrace to your family & ours." Lilith scowled

"Maybe it would be better if you were more like Fizzarolli." Lucifer said bitterly

Flashback End

"Those words of theirs along with Stolas' & my former employees' shattered me, they acted like they know everything about me when they don't know anything about me. I thought they were my family...but I was wrong" Blitzø said as tears fell from his face "Maybe I am fated to die alone."

Horvitz stared in shock to hear what happened, he was also angry at Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Stolas, Lucifer, & Lilith for abandoning Blitzø & saying those cruel things to him.

"Blitzø." Horvitz wrapped his arms around Blitzø "I'm very glad & proud that you've told me about it, but you shouldn't listen to them because you are not what they say you are, you are more than that. Wally & I are always gonna be here for you no matter what, you won't have to worry about being alone ever again."

Horvitz pulled Blitzø into a one-armed hug as Blitzø wrapped his own arm around Horvitz & returned it. Unbeknownst to them, a tall female owl demon that looked like the female version of Stolas had overheard what happened to Blitzø & was staring at him in sadness & sympathy before teleporting away.

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