Chapter 18 - Emotions

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"Glory to Maharaj Dasharath... I am here as a messenger from Kekaya..."

"From Kekaya?"

Dasharath looked Kaikeyi but she also was confused about that sudden message.

"Tell me... What is the message?"


"Maharaj Ashwapathi sent me to invite Prince Bharath, Prince Shatrughan and their wives to Kekaya..."

Dasharath smiled in relief.

"Yes sure... Bharath, Shatrughan, Mandavi and Sruthakeerthi... Get ready as soon as possible, you can leave today itself..."

"Sure Pithasree..."
Said Bharath but he felt a slight pain in his mind due to an unknown reason.


"Don't know why but I feel something weird is going to happen..."
Sighed Sumitra while Kausalya narrowed her eyes.

"I think Bharath and Shatrughan's absence made you sad, Sumitra..."

"May be didi... But..."

Before Sumitra could complete Lakshman entered in the chamber. Both his mothers smiled looking at his twinkling eyes and delightful grin.

"Laksh... You seems really happy..."

With out any answer Lakshman hugged them tightly.

"I have a happy news for you..."

"What is it?" Kausalya asked with out breaking the hug.

"Ram bhaiya is going to be the king of Ayodhya... Coronation ceremony is tomorrow..."

Sumitra asked. Shock was visible in her face.

"Maharaj never informed me anything..."

Kausalya agreed with Sumitra but she couldn't mask her happiness.

"Thank God..." She murmured closing her eyes.

"Kausalya maa... We should start the preparations right now... I already informed Kaikeyi maa. We should help her... Come with me..."

Lakshman dragged Kausalya to the hall leaving an astonished Sumitra alone in the room.

Sumitra couldn't digest the fact that Dasharath planned Ram's coronation in the absence of his brothers. She felt herself being restless.


Ram silently walked towards his room from the royal court. Still he couldn't believe what he heard.

'My Eldest Son... The glory of Suryavamsha... Raghunandhan Ram will be coronated as the king of Ayodhya in the next morning...'

His father's words echoed in Ram's mind...

"Ram..." Sita called her love slowly patting on his shoulder.

"Sita..." Ram murmured. "Pithasree decided my coronation..."

Sita smiled. "I know. Lakshman already told me..."

Ram nodded. He expected this. He saw his Laksh running towards the palace, being mad with joy.

"What happened?"

Asked Sita kissing on Ram's forehead.
"Are you upset?"

Ram embraced her.
"I don't know... But I never expected this... I can't imagine the fact that my coronation is going to be happen with out my brothers..."

Sita also was confused due to the sudden decision of her father-in-law. But they don't have much time to waste over that thought.

"We have to prepare Ram... Tomorrow is going to be the most memorable day of our life... We can't skip our duties..." She said.

"Yes..." Replied Ram regaining his usual charm.
"I have to fulfill my father's wish..."


"Manthara... Manthara where are you? "

Manthara ran towards Kaikeyi's room.

Kaikeyi was giving instructions to the maids about the decorations and preparation for Ram's coronation.

"Manthara... Didn't you hear the happy news?"

Manthara faked a smile. She was neither shocked nor excited.

'Actually King helped me by his sudden decision... He made my way to the victory an easier one...' She smirked.

"Aren't you happy? "
Asked Kaikeyi raising her eyebrows.

"Yes I am..." Said Manthara in a sarcastic tone.

Kaikeyi glared her with widened eyes.
"What do you mean?"


"Ram... Did you see Lakshman?"
Asked Sumitra while passing the traditional Royal silk, which he should wear during the coronation rituals.

"No maa... I think he is busy with the preparations and safety arrangements..." Ram sighed. "It is really hard for him to do it all alone..."

Both Sumitra and Ram looked each other.

"It is little early... Isn't it maa?"
Ram asked.

Sumitra ran her fingers through his hair. She didn't need anyone's help to read her son Ram's mind.

"It is... I agree... But we have no other choice..."



I know it was short and hurried... But I have to repeat this all through Lakshman again... So please go through the emotions of other characters... A long chapter is on the way...

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