Chapter 19 - The Broken Prince

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"Keep hundred soldiers at both the side gates and five hundred soldiers at the main entrance... Do it as soon as possible... I don't want to hear any excuses..." Lakshman ordered to the army head with his sharp cunning voice.

"As your command , Prince Lakshman..." He ran to the entrance to obey his prince. Lakshman was in charge of the war and safety sector of Ayodhya among the four brothers. So all of them were well aware of his short temper and valour. None of the army heads had the courage to speak against him.

"You need some rest, prince Lakshman... You started to work since morning and now it is night... You didn't eat anything today... Please... I can manage the remaining arrangements..." Said Sumanth. Disappointment was clear in his voice. "Don't stress your self in this level..."

With a mischevious grin Lakshman avoided that question. "What about the accomedation of the guests Sumanthji ? I will check it after completing the financial section..."

"Why can't you understand my words, Prince ?" Sumanth sighed. He was the prime minister of the King and a fatherly figure for the princes. That gave him freedom to question Lakshman's decisions.

"I know, you are telling me this all for good only... But... To be honest, I can't even think about it... I am not familiar with financial issues and also I have no relations with other Kingdoms... It was belong to Shatrughan and Bharath bhaiya respectively... But, today they are not available for us... I miss them the most and I can't allow the same happen to Ram bhaiya and his coronation ceremony... It should be perfect... I am stubborn in that case..." Lakshman replied in a calm voice but his smile remained as the same.

Sumanth couldn't help but smile. "As you wish..."


"Mila... Didn't you sleep?" Asked Lakshman. He saw Urmila sitting on the bed waiting for him.

"Really Lakshman? " Urmila giggled. "Do you think that I can sleep without you?"

Lakshman gulped in guilt. It was really late, actually only two or three hours were left for next morning.

"I am sorry Mila... "

Urmila hugged him tightly and rested her head on his bare chest. She felt his heart, beating with an unusual pace.

"Either you are tired or excited... What should I guess?" She asked.

Lakshman laughed while unpinning her long hair, as always. "Both my dear wife..."

"Well... Then tell me... Why?"

With a naughty stare he started to play with her earrings slowly touching on her cheeks with his fingers.

Urmila felt waves of joy passing through her nerves. His mere touch was enough for her to blush. But she pushed him back with a soft chuckle.

"You always do the same..." Complained Lakshman narrowing his eyes while Urmila glared him with a dropped jaw.

"I know you had nothing since morning... So have this..." She said passing a plate for Lakshman.

"I am sorry Mila... But I don't need anything..." Replied Lakshman. He was really happy. It was one of the greatest night in his entire life.

"I can't explain how much excited I am now... I still remember the day when Guru introduced us to the court and declared Ram bhaiya as the crown prince... I think I was just three years old then... But since that moment I was waiting for that... Now, my dream is just few hours away... I am so lucky, aren't I Mila? My brother I going to be the King of Ayodhya... And I am sure that he will be the greatest emperor in entire Aaryavartha..."

With amused eyes Urmila listened to her husband. He was speaking like a little child. So she decided to ask him a question.

"Laksh... Let me know that what are you going to do for our bhaiya, I mean the future king?"

Lakshman stood up from the bed and walked towards the window. "Can you see the moon?" He asked.

"Yes..." She replied.

Lakshman smiled looking at the sky. That memories were painful for him, no doubt. But that gave him the goal of his life. That made him who he is now. It was the same place from where once he took those three promises.

"That wasn't a night Mila... There were burning sun instead of this beautiful full moon... But everything else was the same... "

Urmila nodded. She realised about what he is speaking.

"Maa told me only three things... Being a little child I couldn't understand that all completely at that time... But now, I can... She told me to believe in my self and also believe in my love..."

Lakshman gently kissed on Urmila's lips when he uttered the word love, making her already blushed cheeks more red.

"The third one was to be the protector... Protector of my Ram bhaiya... I will be there for him every time... I will lead the army of Ayodhya in every war under my bhaiya... I will be his sheield... Each and every adversities in Ram's life have to fight with Lakshman first... At the same time each and every happiness in Lakshman's life will be devoted to him... I don't need anything more than it, Mila... He is my soul... "

Lakshman's words were filled with pride. With a delightful sob Urmila embraced him again. She never thought that she could love him this much. With each passing moments of their togetherness he was making her fall for him so deeply... He was the most selfless human she ever met. Her Laksh... Her love...

"I love you... My fire..." She whispered.

They both stood there without breaking the hug, waiting for the sun raise... Totally unaware of the upcoming darkness...

.............Next morning..............

Lakshman again looked Ram for permission but his brother denied with a nod.

"Let me go Bhaiya... It is already late now... I will ask Pithasree about it... How he can be late for your coronation..." Lakshman whispered moving close to Ram.

"Have patience, my Laksh... There must be some reason behind father's behaviour... We have enough time... Let's wait..." Said Ram with his usual smile.

Even though Lakshman wasn't really ready to accept his brother's decision, he obeyed.

"Prince Ram... Maharaj ordered you to move to Queen Kaikeyi's chamber... Alone..." Said Manthara entering to the ceremony hall. She more stressed the word 'alone' staring at Lakshman.

"Bhaiya... I will come with you..." Lakshman said with a jerk. Manthara's glare gave him a chill. He was familiar with her toxicity.

"Lakshman..." Ram smiled. "Don't be restless... I am going to meet our parents not enemies..."

Lakshman's eyes followed his brother until he becomes disappear for them. Lakshman always used to feel a sort of suffocation whenever he became away from Ram but now it turned into the next level. He felt being breathless.

"I wish to check the safety arrangements once again..." He said looking at Sumitra, his mother. Actually he wished to be free from that tension filled atmosphere.

Sumitra gave him permission. She was the only one in the entire palace who guessed the hidden conflicts in the royal family since yesterday. Kaikeyi's absence and this new message from Dasharadh made her believe that her doubts were not just doubts...

She sighed. It was the silence before the stroam... She can do nothing but wait for the worst... Wait for that news, which can shatter their life, forever...

'Ram can overcome it... But Lakshman...'

A silent sob escaped from Sumitra's heart...


Lakshman was sitting in his room glaring at the collection of swords. He felt wiered that his mind was pressuring him to fix his focus on the weapons not on the beauty of the room. He ordered a soldier to inform him immediately if his brother is back from Queen Kaikeyi's chamber. The wait was killing him.

"Prince Lakshman..."

Lakshman turned back to see the same soldier standing at the door. He was shivering like a leaf.

Without a second thought Lakshman grabbed his sword from the table and ran towards the door. The soldier's pale face was enough for him to understand that something terrible had happened.

"What happened?" He asked.

That soldier gulped in fear. With each passing seconds, Lakshman's hold on the handle of the weapon was being more and more tight. That sight made him stammer.

"The coronation is cancelled..." The soldier somehow managed to say.

Lakshman exhaled in shock.

"What?" He screamed.

"Queen Kaikeyi asked her two boons... King decided to fulfil her wish... The first one was to cancel Prince Ram's coronation... Prince Bharath will be the next king..."

"What was her second wish?" Lakshman asked.

The soldier stepped back. He felt he was near to the burning fire, not to the prince.

"It was... It was to send Prince Ram on exile... For fourteen years..."

Urmila, who was coming to their room by running from the court stood numb staring at her husband.

Lakshman didn't yell. But from his clenched jaw and shivering lips she realised the intensity of his rage. It was beyond her all expectations.

"It won't happen if I am alive..." He murmured under his breath while stroaming out of the room.

"Saumitra... Please... Listen to me..." Urmila tried her best to stop him but failed.

"Don't try to stop me Urmila... " He roared.
"You can't..."


"Ram bhaiya..."

Urmila cried while entering the room.

Ram was sitting with Kausalya and pacifying her.

"Where is Lakshman? " Sita asked to her sister.

"I couldn't stop him..."

With out waiting for a second Ram rushed towards Kaikeyi's chamber. He was sure that he could find Lakshman there.

Only thing threatened his mind was...

'God... I hope I am not late... "



Ram hugged his brother and sighed in relief. He blocked his path.

"Leave me bhaiya..." Lakshman whispered back.

Ram cupped his brother's face and looked directly into his red eyes.
"What are you going to do?"

"I won't let her win..."

"Lakshman... What does it mean?"

Lakshman glared his brother. He couldn't accept the fact that Ram was still smiling.

"How could you smile, bhaiya?"

Ram didn't reply. He read Lakshman's mind. Lakshman was the most happy and excited one for Ram's coronation. But now his dream shattered.

"I won't let her win..." Lakshman repeated.

Ram placed his palm over his brother's shoulder. He has to tell his decision now. It may break Lakshman's heart but he can gain nothing by a lie.

"Saumitra... I accept Father's wish... Fulfilling his command is my prime duty, both as a son and as a Prince..."

Lakshman felt his own heartbeats as thunder.
"You mean..."

"Yes... I accept my exile..." Exclaimed Ram in a determined voice.

Lakshman gulped closing his eyes. His brother is going to the forest. The righteous heir of Ragukula... The one who he loves the most... His world... His Ram bhaiya...

"No..." Lakshman yelled. "I won't allow you..."

"I don't need your permission Lakshman... I am your elder brother"

Lakshman sighed in fury. His anger energised his most wild imaginations...

"I will kill them..."

Ram startled. "Who?"

"I will kill King Dasharath and Queen Kaikeyi... I will protect your throne... It is yours... Not Bharath's..."

"Lakshman... Mind your language... You are speaking about our father, mother and brother..."

Lakshman laughed madly.
"Of caurse bhaiya... How could I address her as my mother? A mother could never sent her one son into danger for another one... And about the king... Doesn't he feel shame to change his decision for a lady? They don't deserve our respect..."

"Lakshman..." Uttered Ram cutting his brother in middle. "Don't speak more... You will regret..."

But Lakshman failed to control his self.
"Why should I keep quiet bhaiya? Why should I?... I couldn't sense their nasty plan before... Bharath left for Kekaya with Shatrughan because he was well aware of this game... I am sure, he will come back with their army and fight for the crown... But he forgot the point that Lakshman is still alive. My sword will pierce his heart at the moment when he step in our country... If Shatrughan try to defend then I will forget that we shared the same womb..."

Ram slapped tightly on Lakshman's cheek. "Not a word more, Lakshman..."

Kausalya and Sita gasped in shock. It was the first time Ram punished Lakshman. But Sumitra sighed in relief. This was the only way to control her son. Ram is the only one who can sooth Lakshman's wounds.

The river of sorrow which he kept in his heart break out at that moment. With a loud cry Lakshman fell at Ram's feet.

"I can't live without you bhaiya..."

Ram sat on the floor near to his brother. The finger marks on Lakshman's face made him cry.

"I never wished to separate from you, my Laksh... But we have to accept the fate..."

"But I can't bhaiya... It will be better to kill myself..."

"Be strong Lakshman... Our Ayodhya need you... Our mothers need you... Our people need you..."

"I don't care..." Said Lakshman in a strong voice.

Ram gasped. One of his terrible nightmare is going to be true. He sensed Lakshman's next sentence.
"No Lakshman... I won't..." He murmured in his mind.

"I will come with you bhaiya..."

"No... "

"Then you won't see me alive anymore..."

Ram was never afraid of anything in his life other than Lakshman's sudden reactions. He balanced his all emotions from today morning but couldn't control his tears in front of his brother.

"Please don't torture me, Laksh... I can't take you with me... Bharath needs your valour as a ruler... Shatrughan needs your help... Our family need you to protect them..."

Lakshman glared Ram with hurtful eyes.
"Don't you need me bhaiya?"

"I never meant that... But we all have responsibilities..."

Lakshman stopped his brother by raising his hand. "I believe that I have no responsibilities towards future king Kaikeyinandhan Bharath... I can't accept him as my brother anymore... And in case of our family, Urmila will be there for them in my absence..."

Urmila's vision became blurred by tears. She was ready for accept the exile with a happy mind but never expected this. He demands a separation of fourteen years. She could never survive that, she was sure.

Lakshman avoided an eye contact. He also suffered the same pain while speaking those words.

"I am asking you again, bhaiya... Will you take me with you? "

"No..." Ram replied with an huff in his voice. "Being seperated from you will kill me but I can't let my mothers and my sister Urmila suffer... I can accept my unpleasant fate but I won't leave my loved ones in darkness by taking you with me..."

"Well bhaiya..." Lakshman stood up wiping his tears. "You tried to save them by leaving your brother in gloom..."


Urmila silently walked towards Lakshman. He was standing there glaring at the river Sarayu.

Lakshman sensed her presence with out turning back. He couldn't mask his sobs.
He lost everyone in his life... His father, his Kaikeyi maa, his Bharath bhaiya, his Shatrughan every one... He hurted his Mila by his decision... But above that all his Ram bhaiya said that he doesn't need Lakshman...

Urmila slowly touched on his swollen eyelids... Hot tears were still flowing through his face.

Lakshman collapsed on her hold.

"Lakshman..." She cupped his face.

"Whom should I choose , Mila?" He asked in between his sobs.

Urmila signed in dismay.

He was neither her love nor Ram bhaiya's brother at that time... He was neither a warrior nor the protector at that time...

He was nothing but just a Broken Prince... Broken beyond repair...

This was the longest chapter yet and was the most challenging one for me while writing,because of the balance of emotions... Honestly I am not confident on it so pls do comment after reading it... Criticisms are always welcomed... Pls send me your true feedback in the comment section...

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