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Name: Aziz 

Age: Unknown (originally 25 when he was first found)

Race: Human (now turned god)

Titles: The Omnikings older brother, The protector of the multiverse, The Omnikings equal, Etc

Height: 6'8

Gender: BOI!

Personality: (to those he cares about)  Kind, Caring, Calm , Loyal, Understanding,  Respectful, Mature. (to those he dislikes or hates) Cold, serious, brutal, unremorseful, merciless

Likes: his little brothers (the duo omni kings), The grand priest, the angels, the G.O.Ds, the Z fighters,



Far before the creation of the 12 known universes that were to be known by so many, There were older universes soon to be destroyed by the omni king decided to tour one of the universes as he was bored and wanted to do something new, So as he traveled with his guards on a planet (conveniently it was earth! shocker i know) he came across a small farm where he met Aziz who saw the omni king he kindly smiled and greeted the omni king and his guards kindly and offered them to come inside for some tea surprising the omni king by how Aziz wasnt groveling at his feet like everyone else, and when the guards tried to attack Aziz for "daring to talk to the omni king that way zeno did... well what zeno does best

*ahem* Back on track here

zeno liked aziz for the way he treated him like a person and after talking for a few hours Aziz asked zeno a question that he had in the back of his mind

Aziz: i assume since your here... i assume your gonna erase the universe? *he asked in a calm tone*

*the omni king was surprised by the calm tone of the Aziz*

Zeno: yes i am... but why are you not scared?

Aziz: *lightly chuckles* well for one i know i cant exactly stop you and 2... well death doesnt scare me zeno *he sips his tea again* ive seen the downfall my universe has gone through,... rampant villains that our God of destruction refuses to take care of... i lost my family when i was young... *he sighs but lightly smiled at the omni king* i dont mind it being erased. its all corrupted anyways

*the omni king was about to say something when Aziz did something that no one ever done dare too.... he gently put his hand on the omni kings head and gently rubbed it*

Aziz: heh... you remind me of my little brother

Zeno: *tilts his head* whys that?

Aziz: *chuckles* childish, energetic and always so curious about new things *he smiles as he rests back in his chair* 

*the omni king was left in surprise as he thought about the words Aziz said*

Aziz: well *he looks at the time* i know your time is precious zeno *he puts his cup down* you have a job to do dont you? *he asked with a raised eyebrow*

Zeno: oh right well... it was nice talking to someone new aziz

Aziz: *smiles* and it was nice getting to talk to the omni king himself

*and with that the omni king and his guards left though one being was watching the conversation from afar and lightly smiles before appearing at the door and knocking*

*Aziz opens the door to find the Grand Priest himself at the door*

Aziz: oh? what can i do for you Grand Priest *he asked curiously*

Grand priest: well  i saw your conversation with the Zeno and was impressed as i havent seen him have fun with a conversation in a long time *he chuckles* also ive never seen a mortal do what youve done 

Aziz: *chuckles* well i have no reason to fear anything as everything will be gone soon enough and like i said... he reminded me of my little brother

Grand priest: *chuckles again* i heard.... and i wanted to give you an offer

Aziz: *raises an eyebrow* and what that might be?

Grand priest: *smiles* why dont you come stay with Zeno and Be his quote on quote "Big brother"?

Aziz: *was taken by surprise* E-Eh? are you serious? *he said in a shocked tone*

Grand priest: *nods* i am highly serious young Aziz. the omni king does get quite lonely when im out on my duties and his guards arent exactly.... meant for fun

Aziz: i.... i see... *he was processing what the grand priest had said* b-but im not exactly... gonna be around forever i am still mortal after all 

Grand priest: oh that wont be a issue *he smiles* immortality is something the Omni king would be more then happy to give you it so you can be his older brother 

Aziz: O-ohhhh 

Grand priest: and training *he said with a small grin* cant have you being accidently erased now do we?

Aziz: o-o training? whos gonna-

Grand priest: *puts his hand on his chest* I and my children along with the Gods of destruction

Aziz: *was dumbfounded* 

Grand priest: what do you say young aziz? wanna be the big brother who can guide Zeno?

*aziz thinks for awhile and thinks back to his family and how his little brother wanted him to live on and help as many people as he could*

Aziz:..... Ill do it *he said with a serious tone* ill do what it takes

Grand priest: *lightly chuckles* alright then young one *opens a portal* let go and get started then

*from that point on Aziz Trained under The Grand priest, angels and all the gods of destruction old and new*

(Phew that was a longer backstory then i thought it would be Hehe now back to the more important shit)

Powers and abilites:

Mastery of all ki

Mastery of Haki:

thanks to his training under all the different gods of destruction and Grand priest (WHO I ASSUME CAN USE HAKAI ENERGY) hes become a master manipulator of destruction energy to the point where he can erase nearly anything or anyone.

Mastery of all fighting styles

Mastery of telekinetic powers

Mastery of Ki Techniques

Infinite stamina

Enhanced physical attributes

reality warping

time manipulation

timeline hopping  (without the use of a time machine or earings)

restoration and destruction manipulation


Full mastered ultra instinct:

"thanks to his training from the grand priest himself Aziz was able to master the ultra instinct technique that he had created basically to the point to where they were equals

True ultra ego:

Due to his training with The Gods Of Destruction he was the first being outside of a god of destruction to master this form even more the the G.O.Ds themselves

Ultra Form

He  learned how to combine both ultra instinct and Ultra ego into one Extremely dangerous form 

Omni mode Base:

Ahh Omni mode the form he got after zeno granted some of his power after being there and helping him. In this form his power Reaches on par with The grand priest which a clash between them threating all of the 12 universes and the void beyond it

Rage omni mode

The best way i can describe this mode is basically.... Take every angry characters rage condense it into one form and give that form to a being who can shatter multiverses by sheer will power alone..... villains you better pray to your god because aint no one but the grand priest and zeno can calm him down while in this state

True power omni mode

Now this form is basically his power goes from a 11 to 9000

in this mode his power surpasses that of even the grand priest and the only one whos ever seen this mode are The grand priest and zeno himself.

To this extent only the Omni king himself can match or surpass Aziz in power, Though when they went to a dimension only they could go to test their full might against eachother none were allowed to enter due to the risk of being destroyed. When they finished their spar and came back both covered in injuries they claimed it was a draw but no one is quite sure of it as no one was there to witness it.

(WOOOO NEW STORY YEAHHHHH hehe this took me way too long to make and i plan on making sure this story is interesting and entertaining, Who knows what crazy adventures Aziz will get into, well just have to find out NEXT TIME ON THE BROTHER OF THE OMNI KING!)

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