Chapter 1

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Location The Omni Kings Palace 

We see the omni king sitting on his throne watching the destroyer tournament between universe 6 and 7 through a orb

Zeno: hmmmm... he was in thought as he planned on warning the two gods of their complacency of doing their jobs but also had ideas forming in his mind

???: Something on your mind zeno? a voice said approaching him

Zeno would look up and smile

Zeno: Aziz-Chan!  he says happily  your back from your mission!

the camera turns and we see Aziz approach wearing his Usual outfit Consisting of A black shirt, grey pants and a large white long coat

Aziz: yeah i finished not too long ago *he smiles and pets zenos head but notices what was going on in the orb* oh lord what are those two doing now

Zeno: a tournament between their best warriors..... instead if doing there job and being bad gods...

Aziz:  sighs in annoyance that doesnt surprise me... i guess being both cats isnt exactly good material for being a G.O.D huh?

Zeno: giggles  yeah but they give me a good idea, A very good idea :D

Aziz: sweats drop a little the last time you had a idea it didnt end well... what is it?

Zeno: a tournament with all the universes together he said happily

Aziz: Ahhhhh... 

*he thought about it and considered it*

Aziz: well think on it more later crosses his arms shall we go remind the two what their jobs are supposed to be?

Zeno: Mhm he nods and the two zeno guards entered and stood by his side lets go big bro

Aziz: chuckles ill be right behind you little bro

in the tournament  arena itself

(3 person pov)

(to make it more simple ill play this video and put in my words when necessary

(imagine Aziz is next to zeno)

everyone was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the 4 though most didnt recognize them

Goku: who are those guys??

the camera pans to the kais who all but the supreme kai of universe seven

Supreme kai:  whispers to the elder  great ancestor should i know who that child like creature and that mortal are?

Elder kai: growls  Dont you know anything?! he whacks the supreme kai on the head

in the universe 7 stands

Vegeta: looks like some sort of alien child and his parent

Piccolo: who knows, think their lost?

Beerus: SILENCE MORTALS! he yells at them Grand zeno is no child! Thats the omni king! Supreme ruler of all 12 universes! And Lord Aziz is no parent! Hes the Older brother of the omni king! 

both vegeta and piccolo were shook by this news and were in disbelief

Whis: Do you really think its proper to remain up here my lord causing us to look down on the omni king and his brother?

Beerus: o-of course not lets go! he flies down with whis chuckling and flying after beerus

champa and beerus both flew downed and bowed while sweating profusely

Both: welcome grand zeno and lord Aziz! You grace us with your presence!

vados and whis landed behind their respective gods

Whis: we apologize for not staying in touch. 

Zeno: Mhm he said with his usual smile

the kais all land and kneel

Elder kai: Y-your visit humbles us sire!

Supreme kai: m-may we ask what brings you both here grand leaders?

Aziz:  You may he said in a cold tone as his stare pierces their very being

Zeno: you all had a big fight, and you didnt tell me, so i came to warn you.

Champa: YEs SIRE!

Aziz: stares down at the two G.O.Ds what have i told you both about slacking off on your duties?... *he asked in a cold and serious tone*

Beerus: P-please forgive us lord Aziz

(Cue whis and vados exposing the two for how they dont do their jobs XD)

Zeno: mhm.... these destroyers are Bad, We need new ones

Beerus and champa:  panik

Zeno: just kidding 

both: sigh in relief

Aziz: your mighty merciful sometimes he said shaking his head but lightly smiles

(now cut after zeno discussing his idea because i dont have the patience to write everything)

while zeno was talking Aziz was silently staring at all the warriors here and is amused by the tournament

Aziz: "heh quite the impressive warriors... well except him" *he thinks noting of  frost* "has no honor in a fair fight... well i guess i should of expected something like that from a Changeling"

(Aziz pov)

i then notice the saiyan from universe 7 that fought The assassin approach zeno with a... rather carefree smile and tone

"Oh? "

(start at 1:10 and read while goku and zeno talk)

i watch this saiyan causally talks to zeno with a slightly amused smile

"Hehe i think zeno has just made a new friend" *i chuckle lightly*

Goku: oh and you  he smiles  you look really strong!

mhm  i cross my arms  as zeno said you had some... interesting matches young goku... *i look him dead in the eyes* i see great potential in you and your friends 

this took beerus, champa and the kais by surprise and i turn to zeno

But i think we have done what we needed to do, lets head back zeno you have a tournament to plan 

Zeno: oh right!  the guards then went by his side like usual and they held his hands to teleport away

Hehe  i lightly chuckle  little bro never changes 

Whis: indeed he doesnt  he said with a chuckle  its nice to see you again Aziz i heard you were busy with a long mission

i nod  indeed but im back for awhile now  i lightly smile but then give beerus and champa a small glare  I highly advise you two dont make this mistake twice.... Or will i need to remind you both what happened last time?

 both Gods turned pale white and bowed again


Good  i fix my jacket now if you excuse me i better head back to zeno to help prepare 

i turn to teleport away

Goku: hey Aziz before you go can i ask you something?!

hm?  i look back at the saiyan and was amused seeing the reaction of the gods and kais to goku stopping me from leaving what is it goku?

i see him grin and give me a thumbs up

Goku: it would be a honor if i could spar with you one day

this made everyone except the angels shocked and surprised

Beerus: ARE YOU MAD?!

Champa: A mortal like you would never last a instant against Lord Aziz! Even considering it is a insult to his power! Your better off-

Ill accept it

this left even the angels surprised as they look at me 

Goku: wait you will?? Awesome! he grins excitedly 

 i look at goku and see a unwavering determination and confidence of a warrior i havent seen in a long while

Heh   i lightly smile and cross my arms maybe one day Son goku ill humor you to that challenge * i then grin  but be warned fighting me is not a privilege i give to anybody lightly, So you better be ready for when we eventually spar

Goku:  grins and pumps his fist  you Betcha i cant wait to see what you got Aziz!

i nod and summon a top hat and tip it to the group

Well ill be off now, i do hope to see you all when the tournament starts i teleport away

(3rd pov)

once aziz had left beerus grabbed goku and shook him around


Piccolo: i have to agree goku out of all the fights you could of picked with anyone you just had to pick him he said pinching the bridge of his nose

Goku: H-hey he seems like he would be a good person to spar with thats all

Whis: chuckles well it seems like your training will have to increase even more now

Goku: Right! i cant wait for when it starts he slams his fist into his palm i will make sure to give it my all

As the group dispersed We see Aziz watching from afar And hidden from detection

Aziz: i hope you will Son goku... you will be... A interesting person to fight indeed

He flicks his hand up as he turns into golden light and vanishes into the starry sky in a instant and the Screen fades to black


I hope you all enjoy it. i didnt wanna go super crazy on this first chapter as its been awhile since ive wrote any actual story chapters hehe 

But let me know if you all enjoyed the chapter and feel free to roast any mistake i made in the chapter (at least be respectful plz)

And i honestly have a question i wanna pose to you guys for how this story should go

Should i 

A: Have alot of chapters dedicated to Aziz doing missions for both the Gp and zeno along with story and small adventures with the Z- fighters


B: Focus on the missions with different time lines, Like ultra vegito timeline, Gt, xenoverse, etc?


C: See whatever bullshit i can create myself

Let me know what you all think and ill see you allllllllllllllllllllll nextime!)

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