2: Welcome to Paradise

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I'm splitting the original chapter 2 into two chapters. Just flows better to me

Also thank you for your patience, I know my updating schedule fell apart and I died for a good couple of months but here I am 🤷‍♀️


Something was wrong. Horribly wrong.

Bri's eyes shot open, sweat rolling down his face. The back of his neck burned uncomfortably as he sat up. This only happened when something big hit the isles, like a hurricane...or a plane.

Groaning, he got up and quickly changed. It was still dark out, the trees barely visible outside the window. Too quiet for any storm so Bri guessed a crash.

"Is it midnight? One? It's too early for this crap..." Bri thought. His thoughts were cut short when he heard Joseph shouting outside.

"Bri! We gotta wreck just off of Isle A!" A plane wreck? How could Bri not of heard that? Dread set in fast.

"Is anyone hurt?" Bri called out. Joseph slowed just outside of Bri's window, hands on his knees, catching his breath.

"N-no, I don't know. But I saw Felicity and some others heading that way as I came to get you." Bri grabbed a first aid kit and a flashlight as he jumped out of his window.

"Let's go!" Bri and Joseph ran back the way Joseph came. The warm air filled Bri's senses as he looked up, seeing smoke above the trees, contrasting harshly against the dim navy sky.

"Is there a fire?"

"Not that I could tell." Bri just nodded as he ran as fast as his legs and lungs could carry him.

"Bri!" There was a large group already gathered just a few yards away from the crash site. Felicity motioned to the pair as they approached, shining a flashlight in front of her.

"This is the biggest d**n plane I've ever seen in my life." Bri shined his light around, rubbing the back of his neck gingerly, and it was indeed the biggest plane-looking contraption to ever curse the usually calm isles.

One of the engines was busted with plumes of smoke pouring out of it, brushing past the broken tree trunks and twisted tree branches. But what caught the attention of the shaken country the most was the strange symbol printed on the side.

"Looks military to me." Joseph murmured. Bri glanced uneasily at Joe. Militaries are big, scary, bring nothing but the start to chaos.

Well, Joseph was the soldier. Best to trust him.

"Alright everyone... you know the drill. Any bodies dead or alive you bring out, don't touch anything till we figure out who these people are and you two start getting buckets in case the plane catches fire. Move!" Everyone nodded and got straight to work. Bri approached the intimidating structure, heart racing. The plane was bulky, built to last, or at least survive a crash like this. Must carry something important.

The back had an opening, like a hatch. With the combined forces of several islanders, they were able to pry it open enough for people to slip in. Bri shined his flashlight around the belly of the beast. There were stacks upon stacks of boxes secured to the floor, seemingly undisturbed by the crash. Bri squinted at the labels but it was in some language or dialect he couldn't understand.

⚠️주의, 방사성 ⚠️

Probably wasn't anything dangerous.

Looking some more, Bri saw something shiny on the floor. As he picked it up, his flashlight shined directly on a face. Startled Bri yelped and ran into Joseph who was busy hauling someone else out of the plane.

"You alright?!" Joseph caught Bri with a free arm.

"Y-yeah...sorry." Bri put the shiny object in his pocket and approached the figure again. Clipping his flashlight clumsily to his belt, Bri hoisted the much taller and heavier stranger up, half carrying, half dragging them out.

Outside Bri got a better look at the person and realized they looked like him! Or close enough.

Odd colors danced across the stranger's face and hair, red, white, and blue. No nose or ears, this was the first country he ever met! Assuming this person was a country. They could tell him all about the outside world, what it was like, what they eat, what technology was, what all happens outside of the isles.

Bri shook his head. No time for that. If they died, that dream will be thrown out the window along with leaving the islands.

First, any blood? Nope. Then majors signs of trauma, broken bones, or spots? Nope. Just one really nasty bump on the back of their head. Ouch.

"Bri, darling, could you check these people?" Felicity called. Bri left the tricolored stranger and checked the rest of the crew. One broken arm, another possible ankle fracture, and all were out cold. All in all the rest had bumps and bruises, which was surprising considering the size of the crash.

"Alright, we're going to need tents and supplies carried here, it'll take too long to move everyone to isle B." Bri looked up and nodded at the islanders who moved to get everything set up, despite it being almost pitch blackout.

"Is...is this America?!" Bri turned to see Joe bent over the stranger he carried out.

"What? You mean the United States of America? C'mon Joe, we all know you want to beat the ever-loving crap out of him but now you're just delusional." Felicity laughed and went back to carrying blankets to the survivors.

"Nah, I'm serious here!" Bri kneeled next to Joe and looked at the country again.

"Joe, is this... that guy you were always talking about?"

"Oh yeah. He's a reeaaal piece of work." Joe scowled to himself and left, leaving Bri alone.

Bri could feel his heart race. A lot of his questions about the outside world could finally be answered. If he couldn't leave the isles to see it, then he could at least learn about it.

But, America couldn't leave either. Unless that plane could still fly. It looked intact, but could it leave? The hurricanes were vicious.

No. Those were questions and problems for another time. For now, focus on keeping everyone safe and healthy. Yeah, those things could wait.

For now.



Thank you for reading


(1055 words)

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