1. Where do we go from here

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Chapter 1. Where do we go from here- Imagine Dragons

Waking up, the first thing I realised, hey, I actually fell asleep. I hadn't slept in more than 40 hours because I had exams and a case simultaneously because being an intern is a sin to yourself.

I sluggishly blinked my eyes open and yawned, wanting never to leave from under the soft blanket, which probably wasn't mine and my roommate, Trisha had given hers to me.

As soon as I got my senses back I jolted up. This wasn't my baby blue and beige room. This room was dark green with black and brown accents and antique furniture with absolutely ugly looking silver artefacts.

And I wasn't on my soft bed with my best friend's blanket. This was a black one, instead of the off white one Trisha had and I was on a brown worn-looking couch instead of my organized mess of a bed.

I closed my eyes and tried to hear something. Was I kidnapped? Nah, I don't worth that much effort. Was this a prank? Possibly, but as soon as I heard a highly British accented sentence,"Arthur, Arthur back me up!" Yeah, no ways Trisha could mimic a British accent. This wasn't a prank.

I cursed myself for not remembering it earlier and tried to search my jeans pockets as I stood up. Thanking every god I knew of, I found my phone intact and in my pocket on the vibrating mode as I'd set it. No one messed with it?

I called Trisha, the latest and favourited contact in the call log and tried to keep up with the argument I was overhearing as I waited her to pick the call.

"Oh you're awake, huh. I thought it'd take you longer." My best friend said, as if she was telling me how I finished a new assignment just before the deadline.

"Excuse me?" I growled lowly, as to not make the company I had aware of my presence,"You know how much I hate these kinds of pranks, Trish. What's going on?"

I looked down at my denim jacket and red t-shirt, they were slightly crumpled but nothing that'd make me wary, at least. If this was a prank, I'd probably be dressed like a clown, that was Trisha's signature move, to claim the prank and the idea.

I heard her scoff,"You and I both know this isn't a prank. I saw how exhausted and weirdly behaving you've been for months and decided to give you a break."

I glared at the wall in front of me as if it had personally offended me and hissed,"And you did that without informing me? Honey, I'm standing at someplace I don't know with more company than I know, who sound British, and I'm barefoot! You need help if this is your idea of a vacation."

She had the audacity to laugh and say,"I think, we both know we both are a little insane. Thats not the point. You're in Harry Potter World and in 12 Grimmauld place."

I waited for her to laugh and when she didn't groaned and cursed,"Damn you, honestly. Stop joking, Tri. I need to get back home, I've no time to waste! Where am I?"

"Actually," a smooth voice interrupted,"the better questions might be who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

I froze and slowly turned around to see a bunch of people pointing wood sticks at me. I inhaled sharply at the man leading them, long black hair, high cheekbones and sharp jawline with intense grey eyes.

"This is getting too far. You hear me, Trishu? I need straight answers and I need them now!" I growled at the phone, ignoring the man and the panic in my chest.

"Well, I told you. And you can ask them to show you magic to make sure it's no joke." She sighed, as if I was a kid asking why her name was Trisha. When I get my hands on her, I let the thought trail.

"Lady? It might be a good time to answer the questions before we have to take more steps." A man with short grey and sandy hair said, his face had a long scar from his cheekbone to his upper lip.

I took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice,"Can you show me the lumos charm? Please, I'll answer anything after that."

The ravenet looked suspicious but a couple of red headed tall and lanky boys with freckles and mischievous smirks stepped ahead.

"Sure, good lady." One of them said. "I don't see why not." The other one continued.

They shared a look before muttering lumos and their sticks' point glowed.

I took an involuntary step back and distantly heard Trisha mutter,"I told you."

"Oh gods, what am I doing here? Trish, what the hell? Why am I here? You couldn't have sent me to some place like Manali or something? Honey, you really need therapy and I swear, oh gods, why am I friends with brats? This isn't a joke, woman!"

I put my hand on my chest, taking deep breaths and forcing back the headache and the urge to puke. "Please, babe, why is your vacation looking like I'll get murdered in the next half hour after Dumbles has met me and they try to interrogate me? Or worse, manipulate?"

"Shush, sweetheart, it's okay, it'll be alright. You know what could give me ideas for it. Hey, breathe, okay? Breathe for me."  She tried to calm me down as the wizards closed in and I ignored them.

I growled,"I'm not having a panic attack, you can rest. And honestly! Tell me what you're planning before dropping me in a house that's not suppose to exist with people who can and might kill me in moments!"

"Uh," one of the twins said,"as much as we make trouble, we don't kill."

The other one nodded,"It's kind of immoral, you see. Agaist everything we support."

"I'm sorry, love, I really am. But you know I had to do it. And wait-" her sound disappeared for a moment,"Shit, Mrs. Raj is on my case. It's midnight, I gotta go, darling-"

"Don't you "darling" me, Missy! What am I supposed to do in here? Might as well deserve to die if I'm going to." I hissed at her, my headache threatening to make me cry.

She chuckled lowly,"Do what you always do with manipulative and illogical people. Drag them. Love you, sweetheart."

She hung up before I could respond. I sighed and turned to the gathered people,"Well, hello there, Order members and children."

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