2. Shooting down arrows of patience

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Chapter 2 Shooting down arrows of patience - Imagine Dragons

I would have never even wondered about sitting between a supposed mass murderer and a dark creature, willingly. It was only my manners that kept me from dragging my feet up and hugging my knees and crying.

The panic had gone slightly better but it was still there, as I bit my lip and kept my eyes on my lap as I felt everyone's eyes on me and heard a man, possibly Moody, take in the fireplace.

I heard a grunt and then swish and looked up. There were three new people. A stern looking woman in green robes, a scowling man in black and an old man in purple.

I took a deep breath as the old man, Dumbledore, looked at me over his glasses and gave then looked at the others. I stared right back, unblinkingly,"Try your legilimency on me and I'll stab you with a spoon, Mr. Dumbledore."

I heard some snorts and remembered that everyone was there in the Black kitchen, too. The Headmaster just smiled and sat down at the other end of the table with his professors flanking him.

"May we introduce ourselves?" Dumbledore asked. Snape raised an eyebrow and looked at me as if I were something useless,"She seems to know quite a lot, already."

McGonagall gave Snape a look and he reluctantly looked away. Remus, from my right, asked,"What is your name, ma'am?"

Someone snorted, possibly condemning Remus for being so polite. I smiled at him and said,"I'm sorry, dear, but I can't tell you my name. If I do, no doubt, someone," I pointedly looked at Hermione,"will go to a library and try to invade my privacy."

Ron turned red and glared at me as Hermione blushed,"As if you aren't invading ours." I gave him a fake smile and chuckled,"Oh, I'm just gonna ignore that one. Just like you ignored your best friend, all summer. How does that sound, Mr. R. Weasley?"

He turned redder and Harry hesitated before glaring at me. Moody growled,"Oh? How do you know that?"

I leaned forward in my chair and sighed,"Call me Wordsmith. If you haven't figured out already, I'm not from around here. And since your resident Death Eater spy didn't tell you, I'd say I'm not a Death Eater too." There were a lot of glares and scowls thrown at my way and I ignored them.

"Though, I am not about to showcase my arm to people who are still pointing their sticks at me." I pointedly looked at Moody, Tonks and Kingsley. Discreet wasn't really their forté.

I rolled my eyes as Dumbledore gestured them to put their wands away and Harry asked,"Then, why and how are you here?"

"Kiddo," I gave him a bored look,"Your godfather, your damn good friends and your honorary uncle heard me yelling at a friend for dropping me here, out of no bloody where." He nodded and I muttered under my breath as Dumbledore looked at Sirius and Remus with suspicion,"Honestly, dense wizards with no common sense."

"That, however," Mrs. Weasley glared at me,"doesn't explain why you're here."

I looked at Sirius,"I think it does, doesn't it, darling?" Sirius didn't give me an answer and just stared with a deadpan face and I shrugged.

Yeah, having a great day with my favourite character glaring holes in me. Yay.

I shrugged again and looked at Dumbledore. The old man smiled at me and said in gentle tone,"Why don't we talk further tomorrow? It's already late."

"You mean you don't want the so called kids to know what questions you'll ask me as you interrogate me tomorrow about how I already know you all?"

No one answered and Dumbledore ignored my question. Sirius raised an eyebrow,"I damn well hope she isn't staying here?"

Dumbledore just looked apologetic and stood up. I glared at him and Sirius,"If it comes down to it, darling, I'll stay in the leaking Cauldron and visit you all every day. I'm not about to overstay my cleary unwanted welcome."

I huffed and stood up and Remus called,"If you aren't a Death Eater, you're risking yourself."

"Harry's ten freaking years younger to me and he fought freaking Voldemort last year with a goddamn expelliarmus. I think I can manage, dear." I snarled at him and pulled out my phone, starting to call Trisha, when a quiet voice startled me.

"How do you know that?" Sirius asked, looking at Harry and me with wide eyes. I rolled my eyes,"Exactly the way I know that you weren't the secret keeper of the Potter's. You really think I'd sit and look pretty beside a mass murderer without shrieking like a banshee?"

No one answered and I scoffed,"Bloody idiots. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk, bye. See you never." I began to leave but suddenly froze and couldn't move a muscle.

"Please," Snape scoffed,"We do not wish to waste our time on you, either. But not everyone is a nocturnal brainless creature as you and you will stay here."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched, realising I could move again. I ignored Sirius's hand and whipped around to glare at Snape. I snarled,"Mr. Snape, I am going to say this only once and you better pay attention."

I took another step and looked in his eyes,"I know exactly what happened in Sybill's interview and I know what happened after. Insult me once more or fire another spell on me, it won't take me long to spill everything I know. Keep your useless wand waving the fuck away from me, okay, Sev?"

He stumbled back as if I'd hit him in the face and glared at me with the ferocity of a hundred Suns. "Lord Black does not have to house me just because you overgrown brats demand it and manipulate his desire to help and be useful to downright using him and his resources while giving him scathing remarks and not letting him talk to his own godson, for hell's sake. I will not be living in the Nobel and most Ancient House of Black and insulting Lord Black. I have better manners than that, I assure you."

Most of them looked indignant and ashamed while Dumbledore stood there contemplating my words. He finally said,"Sirius, my boy, will you allow her to stay here?"

Sirius must have nodded because I didn't here a verbal response. Dumbledore gave everyone a small smile,"Why don't we continue this tomorrow?"

I shrugged and nodded,"Whatever." I looked at Fred and George,"Can I talk to you both later? You'll love it, I promise." They both grinned and gave me minute nods as Mrs. Weasley protested vehemently.

After the guests left, it was just the Weasley family, Sirius, Remus, Hermione and Harry Potter.

Even when Mrs. Weasley was busy glaring at me, Remus smiled at me,"Would you want something to eat?"

"If it's not too much of an inconvenience, I'd like a coffee. Thank you, dear." I gave him my first genuine smile in 12 Grimmauld place as I decided was going to read the fifth book of Harry Potter the whole night, so I knew what to expect.

And show Fred and George some prank ideas from my phone.

Yep, one nocturnal creature.

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